Commutative algebras of Toeplitz operators on the Bergman space - PDF Free Download (2025)

Operator Theory: Advances and Applications Vol. 185

Editor: I. Gohberg Editorial Office: School of Mathematical Sciences Tel Aviv University Ramat Aviv, Israel

Editorial Board: D. Alpay (Beer Sheva, Israel) J. Arazy (Haifa, Israel) A. Atzmon (Tel Aviv, Israel) J.A. Ball (Blacksburg, VA, USA) H. Bart (Rotterdam, The Netherlands) A. Ben-Artzi (Tel Aviv, Israel) H. Bercovici (Bloomington, IN, USA) A. Böttcher (Chemnitz, Germany) K. Clancey (Athens, GA, USA) R. Curto (Iowa, IA, USA) K. R. Davidson (Waterloo, ON, Canada) M. Demuth (Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Germany) A. Dijksma (Groningen, The Netherlands) R. G. Douglas (College Station, TX, USA) R. Duduchava (Tbilisi, Georgia) A. Ferreira dos Santos (Lisboa, Portugal) A.E. Frazho (West Lafayette, IN, USA) P.A. Fuhrmann (Beer Sheva, Israel) B. Gramsch (Mainz, Germany) H.G. Kaper (Argonne, IL, USA) S.T. Kuroda (Tokyo, Japan) L.E. Lerer (Haifa, Israel) B. Mityagin (Columbus, OH, USA)

V. Olshevski (Storrs, CT, USA) M. Putinar (Santa Barbara, CA, USA) A.C.M. Ran (Amsterdam, The Netherlands) L. Rodman (Williamsburg, VA, USA) J. Rovnyak (Charlottesville, VA, USA) B.-W. Schulze (Potsdam, Germany) F. Speck (Lisboa, Portugal) I.M. Spitkovsky (Williamsburg, VA, USA) S. Treil (Providence, RI, USA) C. Tretter (Bern, Switzerland) H. Upmeier (Marburg, Germany) N. Vasilevski (Mexico, D.F., Mexico) S. Verduyn Lunel (Leiden, The Netherlands) D. Voiculescu (Berkeley, CA, USA) D. Xia (Nashville, TN, USA) D. Yafaev (Rennes, France)

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Commutative Algebras of Toeplitz Operators on the Bergman Space Nikolai L. Vasilevski

Birkhäuser Basel · Boston · Berlin

Author: Nikolai L. Vasilevski Departamento de Matemáticas CINVESTAV del I.P.N. Apartado Postal 14-740 07360 Mexico, D.F. Mexico e-mail: [emailprotected]

2000 Mathematical Subject Classification: 30C40, 46E22, 47A25, 47B10, 47B35, 47C15, 47L15, 81S10 Library of Congress Control Number: 2008930643 Bibliographic information published by Die Deutsche Bibliothek. Die Deutsche Bibliothek lists this publication in the Deutsche Nationalbibliografie; detailed bibliographic data is available in the Internet at

ISBN 978-3-7643-8725-9 Birkhäuser Verlag AG, Basel - Boston - Berlin This work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, re-use of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in other ways, and storage in data banks. For any kind of use permission of the copyright owner must be obtained.

© 2008 Birkhäuser Verlag AG Basel · Boston · Berlin P.O. Box 133, CH-4010 Basel, Switzerland Part of Springer Science+Business Media Printed on acid-free paper produced from chlorine-free pulp. TCF∞ Printed in Germany ISBN 978-3-7643-8725-9 987654321

e-ISBN 978-3-7643-8726-6

Contents Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Highlights of the chapters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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1 Preliminaries 1.1 General local principle for C ∗ -algebras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2 C ∗ -Algebras generated by orthogonal projections . . . . . . . . . .

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2 Prologue 2.1 On the term “symbol” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2 Bergman space and Bergman projection . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3 Representation of the Bergman kernel function . . . . . . . 2.4 Some integral operators and representation of the Bergman projection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5 “Continuous” theory and local properties of the Bergman projection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.6 Model discontinuous case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.7 Symbol algebra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.8 Toeplitz operators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.9 Some further results on compactness . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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4 Bergman Type Spaces on the Unit Disk 4.1 Bergman space and Bergman projection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2 Poly-Bergman type spaces, decomposition of L2 (D) . . . . . . . . .

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3 Bergman and Poly-Bergman Spaces 3.1 Bergman space and Bergman projection . . . . . . 3.2 Connections between Bergman and Hardy spaces . 3.3 Poly-Bergman spaces, decomposition of L2 (Π) . . . 3.4 Projections onto the poly-Bergman spaces . . . . . 3.5 Poly-Bergman spaces and two-dimensional singular operators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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vi 5 Toeplitz Operators with Commutative Symbol Algebras 5.1 Semi-commutator versus commutator . . . . . . . . 5.2 Infinite dimensional representations . . . . . . . . . 5.3 Spectra and compactness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.4 Finite dimensional representations . . . . . . . . . 5.5 General case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


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6 Toeplitz Operators on the Unit Disk with Radial Symbols 121 6.1 Toeplitz operators with radial symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122 6.2 Algebras of Toeplitz operators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132 7 Toeplitz Operators on the Upper Half Plane with Homogeneous Symbols 7.1 Representation of the Bergman space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.2 Toeplitz operators with homogeneous symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.3 Bergman projection and homogeneous functions . . . . . . . . . . . 7.4 Algebra generated by the Bergman projection and discontinuous coefficients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.5 Some particular cases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.6 Toeplitz operator algebra. A first look . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.7 Toeplitz operator algebra. Some more analysis . . . . . . . . . . . .

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8 Anatomy of the Algebra Generated by Toeplitz Operators with Piece-wise Continuous Symbols 8.1 Symbol class and operators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.2 Algebra T (P C(D, T )) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.3 Operators of the algebra T (P C(D, T )) . . . . . . . . . . . 8.4 Toeplitz operators of the algebra T (P C(D, T )) . . . . . . 8.5 More Toeplitz operators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.6 Semi-commutators involving unbounded symbols . . . . . 8.7 Toeplitz or not Toeplitz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.8 Technical statements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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9 Commuting Toeplitz Operators and Hyperbolic Geometry 9.1 Bergman metric . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.2 Basic properties of M¨o¨bius transformations . . . . . . 9.3 Fixed points and commuting M¨ o¨bius transformations . 9.4 Elements of hyperbolic geometry . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.5 Action of M¨ o¨bius transformations . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.6 Classification theorem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.7 Proof of the classification theorem . . . . . . . . . . .

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Contents 10 Weighted Bergman Spaces 10.1 Unit disk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.2 Upper half-plane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.3 Representations of the weighted Bergman space 10.4 Model classes of Toeplitz operators . . . . . . . 10.5 Boundedness, spectra, and invariant subspaces


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11 Commutative Algebras of Toeplitz Operators 11.1 On symbol classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.2 Commutativity on a single Bergman space . . . . . . . 11.3 Commutativity on each weighted Bergman space . . . 11.4 First term: common gradient and level lines . . . . . . 11.5 Second term: gradient lines are geodesics . . . . . . . . 11.6 Curves with constant geodesic curvature . . . . . . . . 11.7 Third term: level lines are cycles . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.8 Commutative Toeplitz operator algebras and pencils of

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12 Dynamics of Properties of Toeplitz Operators with Radial Symbols 12.1 Boundedness and compactness properties . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.2 Schatten classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.3 Spectra of Toeplitz operators, continuous symbols . . . . . . . . 12.4 Spectra of Toeplitz operators, piece-wise continuous symbols . 12.5 Spectra of Toeplitz operators, unbounded symbols . . . . . . . 13 Dynamics of Properties of Toeplitz operators on the Upper Half Plane: Parabolic case 13.1 Boundedness of Toeplitz operators with symbols depending on y = Im z . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.2 Continuous symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.3 Piece-wise continuous symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.4 Oscillating symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.5 Unbounded symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Dynamics of Properties of Toeplitz operators on the Upper Half Plane: Hyperbolic case 14.1 Boundedness of Toeplitz operators with symbols depending on θ = arg z . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.2 Continuous symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.3 Piece-wise continuous symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.4 Unbounded symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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Appendices A Coherent states and Berezin transform A.1 General approach to coherent states . A.2 Numerical range and spectra . . . . . A.3 Coherent states in the Bergman space A.4 Berezin transform . . . . . . . . . . . .

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B Berezin Quantization on the Unit Disk B.1 Definition of the quantization . . . . . . . . . . . . B.2 Quantization on the unit disk . . . . . . . . . . . . B.3 Two first terms of asymptotic of the Wick symbol B.4 Three first terms of asymptotic in a commutator .

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Bibliographical Remarks




List of Figures




Preface The book is devoted to the spectral theory of commutative C ∗ -algebras of Toeplitz operators on Bergman spaces, and its applications. For each such commutative algebra we construct a unitary operator which reduces each Toeplitz operator from this algebra to a certain multiplication operator, thus also providing its spectral type representation. This gives us a powerful research tool allowing direct access to the majority of the important properties of the Toeplitz operators studied herein. The presence and exploitation of these spectral type representations forms the basis for an essential part of the results presented in this book. We give a criterion of when the algebras are commutative on each commonly considered weighted Bergman space. For Toeplitz operators generating such commutative algebras we describe their boundedness, compactness, and spectral properties. Furthermore, the above commutative algebras serve as model or local cases for a number of problems treated in the book, thus making their solutions possible. We note that in the Bergman space case considered in the book the underlying manifold (the unit disk equipped with the hyperbolic metric) possesses a richer geometric structure in comparison with the Hardy space case (the unit circle). This fact has an important reflection in the presented theory. We mention as well that from the general operator point of view the Toeplitz operators, both on Hardy space and on Bergman space, are compressions of multiplication operators onto certain subspaces, and thus they represent two interesting different models of operators having similar structure. At the same time the presented results show clearly essential differences between the theories for these two species of operators. The book is addressed to a wide audience of mathematicians, from graduate students to researchers, whose primary interests lie in complex analysis and operator theory. The prerequisites for reading this book include a basic knowledge in one-dimensional complex analysis, functional analysis, and operator theory. An acquaintance with some facts of the theory of Banach and C ∗ -algebras will be useful as well. Among various excellent sources which may serve for the preliminary reading we mention, for example, the books by I. Gohberg, S. Goldberg, and M. Kaashoek [81], and R. Douglas [58]. The author is greatly indebted to his colleagues Serguei Grudsky, his coauthor in many papers, and Michael Porter who read the manuscript and made many important suggestions essentially improving the book. The author would like to address special words of gratitude to Olga Grudskaia who tragically died in a car accident in February 2004. She generously assisted in the preparation of this book, beautifully elaborating all the figures of the last three chapters. The author is sincerely grateful to Israel Gohberg, the editor of the “Operator Theory: Advances and Applications” book series, for his invitation to publish the book in this series and whose friendly remarks and advice greatly assisted in the final stage of its preparation.



The author thankfully acknowledges CONACYT (Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologia), Mexico, which has supported him in various projects.

Introduction The notion of a Toeplitz operator goes back to the work of Otto Toeplitz at the beginning of the 20th century. The Toeplitz operator is normally defined in terms of the so-called Toeplitz matrix ⎛ ⎞ a0 a−1 a−2 . . . ⎜ a1 a0 a−1 . . . ⎟ ⎟, A=⎜ ⎝ a2 a1 a0 . . . ⎠ ... ... ... ... where an ∈ C, n ∈ Z. The result by O. Toeplitz of 1911 says that the matrix A defines a bounded operator on l2 = l2 (Z+ ), where Z+ = {0} ∪ N, if and only if the numbers {an } are the Fourier coefficients of a function a ∈ L∞ (S 1 ), where S 1 is the unit circle. The (discrete) inverse Fourier transform is a unitary operator 2 which maps l2 (Z) onto L2 (S 1 ) and l2 (Z+ ) onto the so-called Hardy space H+ (S 1 ). 1 The last one consists of all L2 (S )-functions admitting an analytic continuation on the unit disk and whose discrete Fourier transform vanishes for all negative indices. That is, the operator defined by the matrix A is unitary equivalent to the 2 operator Ta which acts on the Hardy space H+ (S 1 ) by the rule 2 2 Ta : f (t) ∈ H+ (S 1 ) −→ (P P+ af )(t) ∈ H+ (S 1 ), 2 where P+ is the so-called Szeg¨o¨ orthogonal projection of L2 (S 1 ) onto H+ (S 1 ), and the Fourier coefficients of the function a are given by the sequence {an }. The operator Ta is also called the Toeplitz operator, and the function a ∈ L∞ (S 1 ) is called the defining symbol1 of Ta . As the Szeg¨ o¨ projection P+ is given in terms of the one-dimensional singular integral operator with the Cauchy kernel, the theories of the Toeplitz and singular integral operators are very related, especially in questions connected with the algebras generated by such operators. The first fundamental results on this direction for continuous symbols go back to the paper by I. Gohberg of 1952, and to papers by L. Coburn, R. Douglas, I. Gohberg and N. Krupnik of late 1960s – early 1970s for more general classes of defining symbols. Another concept of a subspace of analytic functions of the L2 -space and of the corresponding orthogonal projection was introduced by S. Bergman in 1950. For a bounded simply connected domain D in C, the Bergman space A2 (D) consists of all L2 (D)-functions which are analytic in D. We denote by BD the orthogonal (Bergman) projection of L2 (D) onto the Bergman space A2 (D). Then the Toeplitz operator Ta with defining symbol a ∈ L∞ (D) is given on the Bergman space in quite the same way,

Ta : ϕ(z) ∈ A2 (D) −→ (BD aϕ)(z) ∈ A2 (D). We note that in the Bergman space case the underlying manifold possesses a richer geometric structure in comparison with the Hardy space case. The unit disk 1 The

term “symbol” and its usage in the book is discussed in Section 2.1



equipped with the hyperbolic metric is both symplectic and K¨¨ahler. Therefore the Toeplitz operators on the Bergman space on the unit disk, and more generally on the bounded symmetric domains in Cn , appear naturally, for example, under the Berezin quantization procedure. At the same time, contrary to the Hardy space case, such Toeplitz operators do not admit the above matrix form with respect to the standard monomial basis even for the case of the unit disk. We note as well that from the general point of view the Toeplitz operator is nothing but the compression of a bounded operator (in our case a multiplication operator) onto a certain subspace of a Hilbert space, representing thus an important model case in operator theory. Although the basic properties and some results in the theories of Toeplitz operators acting on the Hardy space and on the Bergman space look similar, these two species of operators turn out to be quite different, and many deep results in both theories reflect and make clear their differences. A quite unexpected and recently discovered phenomenon in the theory of Toeplitz operators on the Bergman space is the existence of a rich family of commutative C ∗ -algebras generated by Toeplitz operators with non-trivial defining symbols. The main goal of the book is a systematic exploration of this phenomenon. A reader familiar with the theory of Toeplitz operators on the Hardy space may ask a legitimate question: How can it be possible? What is this book about? Indeed, the only possible commutative C ∗ -algebra of Toeplitz operators on the Hardy space over the unit circle is the algebra generated by Toeplitz operators with constant defining symbols. In this case the Toeplitz operators are just scalar multiples of the identity. Another possible option is the C ∗ -algebra with identity (Toeplitz operator with defining symbol 1) generated by a single self-adjoint element (a Toeplitz operator with real-valued defining symbol). But this is just a general operator theory statement which does not use any specific feature of Toeplitz operators. Furthermore, it is unknown whether such an algebra contains any other Toeplitz operator apart from its initial generator, nor how to single out such operators from the algebra in case of their presence. In 1995 B. Korenblum and K. Zhu proved that the Toeplitz operators with radial defining symbols acting on the Bergman space over the unit disk can be diagonalized with respect to the standard monomial basis in this Bergman space. The C ∗ -algebra generated by such Toeplitz operators is therefore obviously commutative. Four years later the author of this book showed that the C ∗ -algebra generated by Toeplitz operators acting on the Bergman space over the upper half-plane and with defining symbols depending only on Im z is commutative as well. Further it was understood that there exists a rich family of commutative C ∗ -algebras of Toeplitz operators. Moreover it turned out that the smoothness properties of the symbols do not play any role in the commutativity: the symbols can be merely measurable. Surprisingly everything is governed by the geometry of the underlying manifold, the unit disk equipped with the hyperbolic metric. The precise description is as follows. Each pencil of hyperbolic geodesics determines



the set of symbols which are constant on the corresponding cycles, the orthogonal trajectories to geodesics forming a pencil. The C ∗ -algebra generated by Toeplitz operators with such defining symbols is commutative. An important feature of such algebras is that they remain commutative for Toeplitz operators acting on each of the commonly considered weighted Bergman spaces. Moreover, assuming some natural conditions on “richness” of symbol classes, we have the following complete characterization. A C ∗ -algebra generated by Toeplitz operators is commutative on each weighted Bergman space if and only if the corresponding defining symbols are constant on cycles of some pencil of hyperbolic geodesics. Apart from its inherent beauty this result reveals an extremely deep influence of the geometry of the underlying manifold on the properties of Toeplitz operators over this manifold. In each case of the above commutative algebra we construct a unitary operator which reduces the corresponding Toeplitz operators to certain multiplication operators, thus also providing their spectral type representations. This gives us a powerful tool in the subject, in particular, yielding direct access to the majority of the important properties (such as boundedness, compactness, spectral properties, invariant subspaces) of the Toeplitz operators under study. Furthermore, the presence and exploitation of these spectral type representations forms the core for many results presented in the book. Some of these results are a systematic study of Toeplitz operators with unbounded defining symbols; a clarification of the difference between compactness of commutators and semicommutators of Toeplitz operators; the theory of Toeplitz and related operators with defining symbols having more than two limit values at boundary points; and a kind of semi-classical analysis of spectral properties of Toeplitz operators. A detailed description of the main results of the book is given in the next section “Highlights of the chapters”.

Highlights of the chapters Chapter 1. Preliminaries The chapter contains some algebraic material which will be used substantially in the book. Two themes are treated in the chapter: the local principle for C ∗ -algebras and the structure of the C ∗ -algebras generated by orthogonal projections. Let A be a C ∗ -algebra with identity e, and let Z be its central commutative ∗ C -subalgebra, containing e. Denote by T the compact space of maximal ideals of the algebra Z. For each point t ∈ T denote by Jt the maximal ideal of the algebra Z, which corresponds to the point t, and denote by J(t) = A · Jt the closed two-sided ideal in the algebra A, generated by Jt . Finally, introduce the system of ideals JT = {J(t) : t ∈ T }. The local algebra A(t), which corresponds to a point t ∈ T , is defined as A(t) = A/J(t). We construct a canonical C ∗ -bundle defined by the C ∗ -algebra A and the system of its closed two-sided ideals JT . Its base coincides with T and the fiber over each t ∈ T coincides with the corresponding algebra A(t). A very practical tool to describe various operator C ∗ -algebras considered in this book is the so-called Douglas-Varela local principle. It reads as follows. Let A be a C ∗ -algebra with identity, let Z be a central commutative C ∗ -subalgebra with the same identity, and let T be the compact set of maximal ideals of the algebra Z. Then the algebra A is ∗ -isomorphic and isometric to the algebra of all (global) continuous sections of the C ∗ -bundle, defined by the algebra A and the system of ideals JT = {J(t) : t ∈ T }. The local descriptions of many operator C ∗ -algebras considered in the book lead to algebras generated by a finite number of orthogonal projections. It is well known that the C ∗ -algebras generated by a finite number of orthogonal projections are wild in general. The lucky exception here is the C ∗ -algebra generated by two (arbitrary) orthogonal projections. This algebra is tame and has the following (after an inessential simplification) description. Let H be an infinite dimensional Hilbert space and let P and Q be two orthogonal projections on H. Denote by Δ the spectrum of (P − Q)2 . It is known that Δ ∈ [0, 1]. Then the C ∗ -algebra with identity generated by P and Q is isomorphic and isometric to the algebra of all 2 × 2 matrix-functions continuous on Δ and diagonal at the points of Δ ∩ {0, 1}. This isomorphism is generated by the mapping 1 0 , P −→ 0 0

t(1 − t)

1 − t Q −→ , t ∈ Δ = sp (P − Q)2 . t(1 − t) t Two and more orthogonal projections naturally appear in the study of various algebras generated by the Bergman projection and piece-wise continuous functions having two or more different limit values at a point. Although such projections, say P , Q1 , . . ., Qn , obey an extra condition Q1 + . . . + Qn = I, they still generate


Highlights of the chapters

a wild C ∗ -algebra in general. In all cases considered in the book and directly connected with commutative algebras of Toeplitz operators, these projections have another specific property: the operators P Q1 P , . . ., P Qn P mutually commute. This property makes the algebra tame, and it has a nice and simple description as the algebra of all n × n matrix-functions continuous on the joint spectrum Δ of the operators P Q1 P , . . ., P Qn P and having certain degeneration on the boundary of Δ. Chapter 2. Prologue This is an introductory chapter in which we introduce the main objects treated in the book, as well as present some preliminary material. Let D be a simply connected domain in the complex plane C, being the unit disk D or the upper halfplane Π in the majority of cases. We introduce the space L2 (D) with respect to the standard Lebesgue plane measure dv(z) = dxdy, where z = x + iy, together with its subspace, the Bergman space A2 (D), which consists of all functions analytic in D. The orthogonal Bergman projection BD of L2 (D) onto the Bergman space A2 (D) has the form KD (z, ζ)f (ζ)dv(ζ), (BD f )(z) = D

where the function KD (z, ζ) is called the Bergman kernel function of the domain D. We mention the following formulas for KD (z, ζ), KD (z, ζ) =

∞ k=1

ϕ(z)ϕ(ζ) = −

2 ∂ 2 g(z, ζ) , π ∂z∂ζ

where {ϕ(z)}k∈N is an orthonormal basis in A2 (D) and g(z, ζ) is the Green function of the domain D, and the following integral representation of the Bergman projection ∗ B D = I − SD S D + L, (0.1) ∗ have the form where the two-dimensional singular integral operators SD and SD ϕ(ζ) ϕ(ζ) 1 1 ∗ dv(ζ), (SD ϕ)(z) = − dv(ζ), (0.2) (SD ϕ)(z) = − 2 π D (ζ − z) π D (ζ − z)2

and L is a compact operator. The main object of the book, the Toeplitz operator Ta with defining symbol a ∈ L∞ (D), acts on the Bergman space A2 (D) via Ta : ϕ ∈ A2 (D) −→ BD (aϕ) ∈ A2 (D). We describe a number of operator algebras and their Fredholm symbol algebras. Among them there are the C ∗ -algebra generated by the Bergman projection BD and the multiplication operators aI acting on L2 (D), and the C ∗ -algebra generated by Toeplitz operators Ta acting on the Bergman space A2 (D). We study them for continuous and piece-wise continuous functions a.

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Chapter 3. Bergman and Poly-Bergman Spaces In this chapter we elaborate the Bergman space version of the following classical result. The Fourier transform F gives an isometric isomorphism of L2 (R) under which 2 F : H± −→ L2 (R± ), 2 are the Hardy spaces on the upper and lower half-planes respectively, where H± R± are the positive and negative half-axis, and furthermore 2 2 L2 (R) = H+ ⊕ H− .

We construct the unitary operator U acting on L2 (Π) = L2 (R) ⊗ L2 (R+ ), such that U : A2 (Π) −→ L2 (R+ ) ⊗ L0 , where L0 is the one-dimensional subspace of L2 (R+ ) generated by 0 (y) = e−y/2 . This shows us how much room the Bergman space occupies inside L2 (R), and how big its orthogonal complement is. The following classes of functions turn out to be useful under the description of this orthogonal complement. We define the spaces A2n (Π) and A 2n (Π), n ∈ N, of n-analytic and n-anti-analytic functions as the subspaces of L2 (Π) which consist of all functions which satisfy the equations n n n n 1 1 ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ϕ= n ϕ = 0, ϕ= n ϕ = 0. +i −i ∂z 2 ∂x ∂y ∂z 2 ∂x ∂y We introduce as well the spaces A2(n) (Π) and A 2(n) (Π) of true-n-analytic and truen-anti-analytic functions, A2(n) (Π) = A2n (Π) A2n−1 (Π),

A 2(n) (Π) = A 2n (Π) A 2n−1 (Π).

Then we have U : A2(n) (Π) −→ L2 (R+ ) ⊗ Ln−1 ,

U : A 2(n) (Π) −→ L2 (R− ) ⊗ Ln−1 ,

where Ln−1 is the one-dimensional subspace of L2 (R+ ) generated by the function n−1 (y). We note that the system of functions n (y) = e−y/2 Ln (y), where Ln (y) is the Laguerre polynomial of degree n, n = 0, 1, 2, . . ., forms the standard orthonormal basis in L2 (R+ ). This immediately yields the following direct sum decomposition: L2 (Π) =

∞ k=1

A2(k) (Π) ⊕

A 2(k) (Π).


We show that the action of the operators (0.2) is extremely transparent with respect to this direct sum decomposition, and that each of these operators admits a simple functional model: it is unitary equivalent to a direct sum of two unilateral


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shifts, backward and forward, both taken with infinite multiplicity. This permits us to obtain simple integral representations of projections onto the poly-Bergman spaces generalizing the representation (0.1). In the chapter we also construct an operator R : L2 (Π) −→ L2 (R+ ) whose restriction onto the Bergman space A2 (Π) is an isometric isomorphism between A2 (Π) and L2 (R+ ), and R R∗ = I R∗ R = BΠ

: L2 (R+ ) −→ L2 (R+ ), : L2 (Π) −→ A2 (Π).

Chapter 4. Bergman Type Spaces on the Unit Disk This chapter is devoted to a unit disk version of the results for the upper half-plane of Chapter 3. The major difference compared with the previous case is that now n n−1 n n−1 ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ker z , A 2(n) = ker z ker z . A2(n) = ker z ∂z ∂z ∂z ∂z We again construct an operator R acting in this case from L2 (Π) onto l2+ whose restriction onto the Bergman space A2 (D) is an isometric isomorphism between the spaces A2 (D) and l2+ , and R R∗ = I

: l2+ −→ l2+ ,

: L2 (D) −→ A2 (D);

R R = BD

here l2+ is the subspace of two-sided l2 , consisting of sequences supported on Z+ = N ∪ {0}. Chapter 5. Toeplitz Operators with Commutative Symbol Algebras Using the operator R of Chapter 3 we prove that each Toeplitz operator Ta with bounded measurable defining symbol a(y), depending only on y = Im z and acting on A2 (Π), is unitary equivalent to the multiplication operator γa I acting on L2 (R+ ). The function γa = γa (x) is given by η a( ) e−η dη, x ∈ R+ . γa (x) = 2x R+ This implies, in particular, that the C ∗ -algebra generated by such operators is commutative. Based on this fact, we study the difference between compactness of the commutator [T Ta , Tb ] = Ta Tb − Tb Ta and semi-commutator [T Ta , Tb ) = Ta Tb − Tab of two Toeplitz operators. Given a C ∗ -subalgebra A(D) of L∞ (D), consider the following statements (which can be false or true depending on A(D)): 1) For each a ∈ A(D) the commutator [BD , aI] = BD aI − aBD is compact.

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2) For each pair a, b ∈ A(D) the semi-commutator [T Ta , Tb ) is compact. Ta , Tb ] is compact. 3) For each pair a, b ∈ A(D) the commutator [T The first two statements turn out to be equivalent, that is, they can be true only simultaneously, and each of them implies the third statement. At the same time, as examples show, the third statement does not imply the first two statements. It is interesting and very important to understand the gap between the third and the first two properties, which actually turns out to be quite substantial. Another related concept of the same problem is as follows. Given a C ∗ -subalgebra A(D) of L∞ (D), introduce two operator C ∗ -algebras: the algebra T (A(D)) which is generated by all Toeplitz operators Ta : ϕ ∈ A2 (D) −→ BD aϕ ∈ A2 (D) with symbols a ∈ A(D), and the algebra R(A(D), BD ), generated by all operators of the form A = aI + bBD , where a, b ∈ A(D), acting on L2 (D). One of the main features of those algebras A(D) having the first two properties is that both the operator algebras T (A(D)) and R(A(D), BD ) admit a commutative symbolic calculus, i.e., both Fredholm symbol algebras Sym T (A(D)) = T (A(D))/K and Sym R(A(D), BD ) = R(A(D), BD )/K are commutative, where K is the ideal of compact operators. At the same time, under (only) condition 3) the Fredholm symbol algebra Sym R(A(D), BD ) of the algebra R(A(D), BD ) is non-commutative, while the Fredholm symbol algebra Sym T (A(D)) still remains commutative. Another way to understand the difference between properties 2) and 3) is by comparison of the representations of these algebras. In other words it is important to understand how complicated the Fredholm symbol algebra of the algebra R(A(D), BD ) can be while the Toeplitz operator algebra T (A(D)) still admits a commutative symbolic calculus. To answer this question we show that for each finite set of integers Λ =

n0 , n1 , . . . , nm , where 1 = n0 < n1 < . . . < nm ≤ ∞, and nk ∈ N ∪ {∞}, there are algebras AΛ (with the only property 3)), such that the Fredholm symbol algebras Sym T (AΛ ) of the algebras T (AΛ ) are commutative, while the Fredholm symbol algebras Sym R(AΛ , BD ) of the algebras R(AΛ , BD ) have irreducible representations exactly of predefined dimensions n0 , n1 , . . ., nm . Unitary equivalence of Toeplitz operators Ta , with defining symbols depending on y = Im z, with multiplication operators γa I gives us, in particular, direct access to their spectral properties. We prove among others the following rather unexpected result. Given a measurable set M ⊂ R+ , the spectrum of the Toeplitz operator TχM is the segment [α, β], where α = inf x∈R+ γχM (x) ≥ 0, β = supx∈R+ γχM (x) ≤ 1.


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Moreover, for every α0 , β0 with 0 ≤ α0 < β0 ≤ 1, there is a set M0 such that sp TχM0 = [α0 , β0 ]. This result is drastically different from its Hardy space analog, in which sp Tχ = [0, 1] for each characteristic function χ. Chapter 6. Toeplitz Operators on the Unit Disk with Radial Symbols Using the operator R of Chapter 4 we prove that each Toeplitz operator Ta with measurable radial defining symbol a(r) acting on A2 (D) is unitary equivalent to the multiplication operator γa I acting on l2+ . The sequence γa = {γa (n)}n∈Z+ is given by 1 √ γa (n) = (n + 1) a( r) rn dr, n ∈ Z+ . 0

This implies, in particular, that the C ∗ -algebra generated by such operators is commutative, and provides us with a simple description of boundedness, compactness, and spectral properties of the corresponding Toeplitz operators. We note that the Toeplitz operators with radial defining symbols a(r), continuous at the boundary point 1, are quite trivial, nothing but the compact perturbations of scalar operators, Ta(r) = a(1)I +K. At the same time Toeplitz operators with (generally unbounded) radial defining symbols have very interesting and rich structure. We show that the behaviour near the boundary of a certain average of symbols, rather than the behaviour of the symbols themselves, is responsable for the boundedness and compactness properties of the corresponding Toeplitz operators. Moreover in order to generate a bounded or compact Toeplitz operator, its unbounded defining symbol must necessarily have sufficiently sophisticated oscillating behaviour near the unit circle. Surprisingly, there exist compact Toeplitz operators whose defining symbols are unbounded near each point of the unit circle ∂D. We show that the essential spectra of Toeplitz operators with radial defining symbols are always connected, and even may be massive (i.e., have positive plane measure). For bounded operators Ta and Tb , whose defining symbols are unbounded, the operator Ta· b may not be bounded at all. That is, contrary to commonly considered cases, the set of defining symbols for which corresponding Toeplitz operators are bounded neither forms an algebra (under the point-wise multiplication) nor admits any natural norm. The unique natural structure on the set of such symbols is just a linear space. Chapter 7. Toeplitz Operators with Homogeneous Symbols In this chapter we study the third model case of Toeplitz operators generating a commutative C ∗ -algebra. We show that the Toeplitz operator Ta , with a bounded measurable defining symbol a = a(θ) which depends only on the polar angle θ, acting on the Bergman space on the upper half-plane Π is unitary equivalent to

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the multiplication operator γa I acting on L2 (R). The function γa = γa (λ) is given by π 2λ γa (λ) = a(θ) e−2λθ dθ, λ ∈ R. (0.3) 1 − e−2πλ 0 That is, the C ∗ -algebra generated by Toeplitz operators with defining symbols homogeneous of zero order (≡ symbols depending only on θ) is commutative. We show as well that, for many different classes of homogeneous of order zero defining symbols, the C ∗ -algebras generated by the corresponding Toeplitz operators are the same, and even this common C ∗ -algebra with identity can be generated by just one Toeplitz operator. The last fact will play a key role later on in the description of Toeplitz operators which belong to the algebra generated by Toeplitz operators with piece-wise continuous defining symbols. As an illustration we present here the results of just one of the examples of Section 7.7. For each α ∈ [0, π] we introduce the characteristic function χα (θ) of the angle πα on the upper half-plane measured from the positive semi-axes {(x, 0) ∈ Π : x ≥ 0}. We note that χ1/2 (θ) = χ+ is nothing but the characteristic function of the right quarter-plane. Consider as well the family of continuous functions fα of the form (1 − x)2α − x2α fα (x) = x2(1−α) , x ∈ [0, 1]. (1 − x) − x Then fα (T Tχ+ ) = Tχα , and thus each Toeplitz operator Tχα belongs to the C ∗ -algebra with identity generated by Tχ+ . We note that homogeneous functions of order zero are very convenient for the local description of functions having a finite number of limit values at a boundary point of discontinuity. The easy access to the properties of Toeplitz operators with such defining symbols via formula (0.3) permit us to achieve an essential extension of the results of Chapter 2. We describe the Fredholm symbol algebra of the C ∗ algebra generated by the Bergman projection and the multiplication operators by piece-wise continuous functions having a finite number of limit values at some fixed boundary points of discontinuity. This Fredholm symbol algebra turns out to have finite dimensional irreducible representations only, the dimensions of which depend on the number of limit values achieved by piece-wise continuous functions at the boundary points of discontinuity. We describe as well the Fredholm symbol algebra of the C ∗ -algebra generated by Toeplitz operators whose defining symbols admit a finite number of limit values at some fixed boundary points of discontinuity. This algebra appears to be commutative, and thus we have here another example of algebras clarifying the difference between compactness properties of commutators and semi-commutators of Toeplitz operators, as considered in Chapter 5. The following surprising property is worth mentioning. As it turns out, in spite of the very different sets of initial generators, the C ∗ -algebras of Toeplitz


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operators considered in Chapter 2 and in this chapter are the same. But there was no way to see this fact before. This leads in turn to the following interesting corollary. Considering Toeplitz operators with piece-wise continuous defining symbols, we have that both the curves supporting symbol discontinuities and the number of such curves meeting at a boundary point of discontinuity do not play actually any essential role for the Toeplitz operator algebra studied. We can start from very different sets of defining symbols and obtain exactly the same operator algebra as a result. Chapter 8. Anatomy of the Algebra Generated by Toeplitz Operators with Piecewise Continuous Symbols By construction, the C ∗ -algebra generated by Toeplitz operators with piece-wise continuous defining symbols consists of – its initial generators, the Toeplitz operators Ta with piece-wise continuous defining symbols, – all elements of the form

p qk

Taj,k ,


k=1 j=1

– uniform limits of sequences of the above elements. Although the description of the Fredholm symbol algebra of this algebra was already given in Chapter 2, many deep questions on its structure were left unanswered. For example, it is important to understand an explicit form of an arbitrary element of this Toeplitz operator algebra, how to recover an operator by its image in the Fredholm symbol algebra, the diversity of Toeplitz operators belonging to this algebra, etc. As it turns out this algebra is indeed very rich in Toeplitz operators. It contains Toeplitz operators with bounded and even unbounded defining symbol which are drastically different from the symbols of the initial generators. To see this we consider, for example, the defining symbol which, after a M¨ o¨bius transformation and as a function on the upper half-plane, has in polar coordinates the form a0 (reiθ ) = (sin θ)−β sin(sin θ)−α , where 0 < β < 1 and α > 0. This symbol does not have a limit value at any point of the boundary and moreover is unbounded at every boundary point. At the same time we show that the Toeplitz operator with this defining symbol does belong to the algebra generated by Toeplitz operators whose piece-wise continuous defining symbols have discontinuities at just two opposite boundary points. We show that each operator A of the C ∗ -algebra generated by Toeplitz operators with piece-wise continuous defining symbols admits the following transparent

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canonical representation, A = TsA +


Tvk fA,k (T Tχk )T Tvk + K,


where the functions sA and fA,k are defined by the image of A in the Calkin algebra (see for details Section 8.3), and that A is a compact perturbation of a Toeplitz operator with bounded defining symbol if and only if all the operators fA,k (T Tχk ) are Toeplitz. This permits us to uncover as well many Toeplitz operators with unbounded defining symbols which belong to this algebra. As it turns out, all these Toeplitz operators, whose bounded and unbounded defining symbols are quite different from the initial piece-wise continuous functions, belong to the closure of the elements of the form (0.4), while none of the operators (0.4) is (a compact perturbation of) a Toeplitz operator. Chapter 9. Commuting Toeplitz Operators and Hyperbolic Geometry Three different commutative C ∗ -algebras generated by Toeplitz operators were studied in Chapters 5, 6, and 7. The special features of defining symbols, which make these algebras commutative, were symbols depending only on the imaginary part of a variable for Toeplitz operators on the upper half-plane, radial symbols for Toeplitz operators on the unit disk, and symbols depending only on the angular part of a variable for Toeplitz operators on the upper half-plane, respectively. A natural question appears: whether there exist other classes of defining symbols which generate commutative Toeplitz operator C ∗ -algebras, and how to classify them. The invariance of the Bergman kernel under biholomorphic automorphisms of a domain suggests immediately other classes of defining symbols, which are obtained by means of biholomorphic automorphisms from those already studied. Surprisingly, the key to understanding the nature of such classes of symbols and of classifying them lies in the hyperbolic geometry of the unit disk endowed with the Poincar´´e metric, the hyperbolic plane. Recall that any two geodesics in the hyperbolic plane can be either parallel, or intersecting, or disjoint. In each case the pair of geodesics defines the so-called pencil of hyperbolic geodesics, which consists of all geodesics having the same behaviour with respect to the initial ones defining a pencil. The bold lines on Figure 1 are called cycles and are the orthogonal trajectories to geodesics forming a pencil. Now the sets of defining symbols which generate commutative C ∗ -algebras of Toeplitz operators can be classified as follows. Each pencil of hyperbolic geodesics defines the set of symbols consisting of functions which are constant on corresponding cycles. The C ∗ -algebra generated by Toeplitz operators with such defining symbols is commutative.


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Figure 1: Three types of pencils of geodesics. We note that this commutativity feature does not depend at all on smoothness properties of symbols; everything is defined here by the geometric configuration of the level sets, the defining symbols themselves can be merely measurable. Yet another approach to the above classification result is based on the movements of the hyperbolic plane, the M¨ ¨obius transformations. There is one-to-one correspondence between the pencils of hyperbolic geodesics and the maximal Abelian subgroups of the Mobius ¨ transformations (≡ one-parametric groups generated by non-identical Mobius ¨ transformation). For each such group the cycles of the corresponding pencils are exactly the lines which remain invariant under the action of the group. That is, each maximal Abelian subgroup of the M¨ o¨bius transformations generates a commutative Toeplitz operator algebra. The algebra is generated by Toeplitz operators whose (measurable) defining symbols are invariant under the action of this group. Chapter 10. Weighted Bergman Spaces This chapter is rather technical. We extend here some results of the previous chapters to the case of weighted Bergman spaces. The family of the weighted Bergman spaces appears naturally both in operator theory and in quantization. The definition of the weighted Bergman space follows the same lines as in Chapter 2, the only difference being that we substitute the standard Lebesgue measure dv(z) = dxdy for another one depending on a weight parameter. In operator theory this parameter is normally λ ∈ (−1, +∞), and the corresponding measure for the case of the unit disk has the form dμλ (z) =

λ+1 (1 − |z|2 )λ dv(z), π

while in quantization one uses h ∈ (0, 1) and dv(z) 1 − 1 (1 − |z|2 )1/h . dμh (z) = h π(1 − |z|2 )2



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For λ + 2 = h1 we have the same spaces, and that for λ = 0 or h = 12 we return to the classical weightless case (with the normalized measure). As in Chapters 5, 6, and 7 we consider the Toeplitz operators with defining symbols depending only on the imaginary part of a variable on the upper halfplane, radial defining symbols on the unit disk, and defining symbols depending only on the angular part of a variable on the upper half-plane. We show that such Toeplitz operators in each case continue to generate commutative C ∗ -algebras on each weighted Bergman space, and that the corresponding Topelitz operators in all cases are unitary equivalent to the multiplication operators γa,λ I. For the Toeplitz operators on the unit disk with radial symbols, γa,λ = {γa,λ (n)} is the sequence with the following entries, 1 √ 1 γa,λ (n) = a( r)rn (1 − r)λ dr, n ∈ Z+ , (0.7) B(n + 1, λ + 1) 0 while for Toeplitz operators on the upper half-plane with symbols depending on y = Im z we have ∞ xλ+1 γa,λ (x) = a(t/2)tλ e−xt dt, x ∈ R+ , (0.8) Γ(λ + 1) 0 and with symbols depending on the polar angle θ, −1 π π γa,λ (ξ) = e−2ξθ sinλ θ dθ a(θ) e−2ξθ sinλ θ dθ, 0

ξ ∈ R.


We give as well the formulas for the Wick symbols of the above Toeplitz operators and the formulas for the star-product of the Wick symbols. Formulas (0.7), (0.8), and (0.9) gives us an easy access to the boundedness, compactness, spectral properties, and to the description of the invariant subspaces of the above Toeplitz operators. Chapter 11. Commutative Algebras of Toeplitz Operators The commutative C ∗ -algebras of Toeplitz operators on the classical (weightless) Bergman space were classified in Chapter 9 by pencils of geodesics on the unit disk, considered as the hyperbolic plane. In Chapter 10 we extended this result to the case of weighted Bergman space. The main question, whether the above cases are the only possible sets of defining symbols which might generate the commutative C ∗ -algebras of Toeplitz operators on each weighted Bergman space, has been left open. In the chapter we give an affirmative answer to this question. At the same time there is a trivial case having in fact no connection with specific properties of Toeplitz operators. Each C ∗ -algebra with identity (Toeplitz operators with the defining symbol e(z) ≡ 1) generated by a self-adjoint element (Toeplitz operator with a real-valued defining symbol a = a(z)) is obviously commutative. We exclude this obvious case from our considerations.


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We note that the commutativity of the Toeplitz operator algebras on each weighted Bergman space is of great importance and permits us to make use of the Berezin quantization procedure. As it turns out, to obtain the necessary information about potential symbols, we need to calculate the tree term asymptotic expansion of the commutator of the Wick symbols of Toeplitz operators. The result is as follows: ih

ah bh − bh {a, b} ah = 2π i h2 i {a, b} + (Δ{a, b} + {a, Δb} + {Δa, b}) + 2 8π 2 π i {Δa, Δb} + {a, Δ2 b} + {Δ2 a, b} + h3 192π 3 + Δ2 {a, b} + Δ{a, Δb} + Δ{Δa, b} 7i i + (Δ{a, b} + {a, Δb} + {Δa, b}) + {a, b} + o(h3 ), 48π 2 2π where the Poisson bracket and the Laplace-Beltrami operator have the form ∂a ∂b ∂a ∂b 2 − {a, b} = 2πi(1 − zz) ∂z ∂z ∂z ∂z and

∂2 . ∂z∂z The first, second, and third terms of the asymptotic expansion together provide us with the exact geometric information: in order to generate a commutative C ∗ -algebra of Toeplitz operators on each weighted Bergman space, their defining symbols must be constant on the orthogonal trajectories to the geodesics of a certain pencil. At the same time we show that there exist non-typical, in a sense, C ∗ -algebras of Toeplitz operators which are commutative only on a single Bergman space. Δ = 4π(1 − zz)2

Chapters 12, 13, and 14. Dynamics of Properties of Toeplitz Operators Given a smooth defining symbol a = a(z), the family of Toeplitz operators Ta = (h) {T Ta }, where h ∈ (0, 1), was considered in the previous chapter under the Berezin (h) quantization procedure. For a fixed h the Toeplitz operator Ta acts on the 2 weighted Bergman space Ah (D), where the parameter h characterizes the weight (0.6) on A2h (D). In these chapters we will use another parameterization (0.5) of the weighted Bergman spaces i.e., we will consider the spaces A2λ (D), where the weight parameter λ ∈ [0, +∞) is connected with h ∈ (0, 1) by the rule λ + 2 = h1 . In these three chapters we study the behavior of different properties (bound(λ) edness, compactness, spectral properties, etc.) of Ta in dependence on λ, and

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compare their limit behavior under λ → ∞ (h → 0) with corresponding properties of the initial symbol a. The word “dynamics” is used to emphasize our main question: what happens to the properties of Toeplitz operators acting on weighted Bergman spaces when the weight parameter varies. It seems to be quite impossible to get a reasonably complete answer to the above problem for general (smooth) defining symbols. At the same time the classes of commutative C ∗ -algebras of Toeplitz operators described suggest the classes of symbols for which a satisfactory complete answer can be given. Indeed, the key feature of defining symbols constant on cycles, which allows us to get much more complete information than studying general symbols, is that in each such case the corresponding Toeplitz operators admit a spectral type representation i.e., they are unitary equivalent to certain multiplication operators. Depending on the case considered, formula (0.7) or (0.8) or (0.9) gives us direct access to the properties we are interested in. Given a symbol a constant on cycles, we denote by B(a) the set of all λ ∈ (λ) [0, +∞) for which the Toeplitz operator Ta is bounded on A2λ (D). We carry out a detailed study of boundedness of Toeplitz operators with unbounded symbols, and show, in particular, that the set B(a), for given a, necessarily has one of the forms [0, +∞), [0, λ0 ], [0, λ0 ). For Toeplitz operators with radial symbols (where compact operators may appear) we show that the set K(a) (consisting of all λ ∈ [0, +∞) for which the Toeplitz (λ) operator Ta is compact on A2λ (D)) can have the same three forms. We give as well a number of conditions of the Schatten class membership for Toeplitz operators with radial symbols. Then, as a kind of semiclassical analysis, we study the limit behaviour of the (λ) spectra sp Ta when λ → +∞. We denote by M∞ (a) the (partial) limit set of the (λ) family {sp Ta }λ∈[0,+∞) and study its properties for different classes of symbols (constant on cycles). We show that for continuous symbols lim sp Ta(λ) = M∞ (a) = Range a,


while for the piece-wise continuous a, the limit set M∞ (a) is the union of Range a and the straight line segments connecting the one-sided limit values of the symbol at the points of its discontinuities. We give as well a number of examples which illustrate the results. In particular for the continuous radial symbol (hypocycloid) a(r) = we have Figure 2 below.

3 (r + i 1 − r2 )8 + (r − i 1 − r2 )4 , 4


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Figure 2: The hypocycloid and sp Ta

for λ = 0, λ = 5, λ = 12, and λ = 200.

The situation for oscillating symbols is more complicated but more interesting. Consider, for example, two oscillating symbols a1 (y) = (1 + 2y)i = ei ln(1+2y)


a2 (y) = ei2y ,

where y = Im z ∈ [0, ∞). Both symbols are continuous at the point y = 0 and have oscillation type discontinuity at infinity. Both of them are of the form ak (y) = eiϕk (y) ,

k = 1, 2,

where the functions ϕk (y) are continuous and increasing on [0, +∞] with ϕk (0) = 0 and ϕk (+∞) = +∞. The only difference between them is the speed of growth at infinity. This difference leads to a drastic difference between the spectral behaviour of the corresponding Toeplitz operators. (λ) (λ) All spectra sp Ta1 and sp Ta2 , for λ ∈ [0, +∞), are spirals (Figure 3), but M∞ (a1 ) = ∂D,


M∞ (a2 ) = D.

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−1 −1










−1 −1



















−1 −1










−1 −1



















−1 −1











−1 −1





























Figure 3: The spectra sp Ta1 and sp Ta2 for λ = 0, λ = 10, and λ = 1000.

Chapter 3

Bergman and Poly-Bergman Spaces 2 We start by recalling an old and well-known result. Let H+ (R)(⊂ L2 (R)) be the Hardy space on the upper half-plane Π in C, which by definition consists of all functions ϕ on R admitting analytic continuation in Π and satisfying the condition sup |ϕ(u + iv)|2 du < ∞. v>0


2 o¨ projection of L2 (R) onto H+ (R). Then: the Let PR+ be the (orthogonal) Szeg¨ Fourier transform F gives an isometric isomorphism of the space L2 (R), under which 2 1. the Hardy space H+ (R) is mapped onto L2 (R+ ), 2 F : H+ (R) −→ L2 (R+ ), 2 2. the Szeg¨ ¨ o projection PR+ : L2 (R) −→ H+ (R) is unitary equivalent to the projection F PR+ F −1 = χ+ I. 2 (R) is the Hardy space on the lower half-plane and PR− is Furthermore, if H− 2 the (orthogonal Szeg¨ o¨) projection of L2 (R) onto H− (R), then 2 2 L2 (R) = H+ (R) ⊕ H− (R),

and the same Fourier transform gives 1.

2 (R)) = L2 (R− ), F (H−


F PR− F −1 = χ− I.


Chapter 3. Bergman and Poly-Bergman Spaces

Here we use the obvious notation: R+ (R− ) is the positive (negative) half-line, and χ+ (χ− ) is the characteristic function of R+ (R− ). Consider now the space L2 (D) and its Bergman subspace A2 (D). The aim of this and the next chapter is to present a “Bergman space version” of the above Hardy space result. That is, we will answer the following natural questions: – how much room does the Bergman space A2 (D) occupy inside L2 (D)? – does there exist a complete decomposition of L2 (D) into analytic and analytic like spaces? – does there exist a unitary operator on L2 (D), which simultaneously reduces all the pieces of decomposition to some simple transparent form? – are there any connections between these pieces and the Hardy spaces? In this chapter we present the results for the case when D is the upper half-plane Π, and in the next chapter – for the case of the unit disk D.

3.1 Bergman space and Bergman projection Let Π be the upper half-plane in C. Consider the space L2 (Π) with the usual Lebesgue plane measure dv(w) = dudv, w = u + iv, and its Bergman subspace A2 (Π). The Bergman projection BΠ of L2 (Π) onto A2 (Π) has the form (BΠ ϕ)(w) = KΠ (w, ω)ϕ(ω) dv(ω), Π

where the Bergman kernel function KΠ (w, ω) of the upper half-plane is given (see Example 2.2.6) by 1 1 KΠ (w, ω) = − · . π (w − ω)2 We note that the Bergman space A2 (Π) can be described alternatively as the (closed) subspace of L2 (Π), which consists of all functions satisfying the equation ∂ ∂ ∂ ϕ= +i ϕ = 0. 2 ∂w ∂u ∂v Introduce the unitary operator U1 = F ⊗ I : L2 (Π) = L2 (R) ⊗ L2 (R+ ) −→ L2 (R) ⊗ L2 (R+ ), where the Fourier transform F : L2 (R) → L2 (R) is given by 1 (F f )(u) = √ e−iuξ f (ξ) dξ. 2π R


3.1. Bergman space and Bergman projection


Then the image of the Bergman space A21 = U1 (A2 (Π)) can be described as the (closed) subspace of L2 (Π), which consists of all functions satisfying the equation (F ⊗ I)2

∂ ∂ (F −1 ⊗ I) ϕ = i(u + ) ϕ = 0. ∂w ∂v


The equation (3.1.2) is easy to solve, and its general solution has the form ϕ(u, v) = ψ(u) · e−uv . The condition ϕ ∈ L2 (Π) suggests (and we will check this right now) that the space A21 consists of all functions of the form √ ϕ0 (u, v) = χ+ (u) 2u f (u) · e−uv , (3.1.3) where f (u) ∈ L2 (R), and χ+ (u) is the characteristic function of the positive halfline. Here, in addition ϕ0 (u, v)A21 = f (u)L2(R+ ) . The orthogonal projection B1 : L2 (Π) → A21 obviously has the form B1 = (F ⊗ I)BΠ (F −1 ⊗ I). Calculate (F −1 ⊗ I)B1 ϕ

= BΠ (F −1 ⊗ I)ϕ = (F −1 ⊗ I)ϕ, KΠ (w, ω) = ϕ, (F ⊗ I)KΠ (w, ω) = ϕ, (F ⊗ I)KΠ (ω, w).

By [19] the Fourier transform (with respect to ξ = Re ω) of the function KΠ (ω, w) = − is equal to

1 1 1 1 · = · 2 π (ω − w) π (iw + η − iξ)2


2 χ+ (ξ) ξ · e−(η+iw)ξ . π

Thus (F −1 ⊗ I)B1 ϕ = ϕ, (F ⊗ I)KΠ (ω, w) ) 2 ϕ(ξ, η) χ+ (ξ) ξ · e−(η−iw)ξ dξ dη = π Π ) 2 = ϕ(ξ, η) χ+ (ξ) ξ · e−(η+v)ξ · eiuξ dξ dη π Π " ! 1 −(η+v)ξ = √ 2ξ χ+ (ξ) ϕ(ξ, η) · e dη eiuξ dξ 2π R R+ ! " ϕ(u, η) · e−ηu dη . = (F −1 ⊗ I) 2u χ+ (u) · e−uv R+


Chapter 3. Bergman and Poly-Bergman Spaces

Or (B1 ϕ)(u, v) = 2u χ+ (u) · e



ϕ(u, η) · e−ηu dη.

Thus for each function ϕ ∈ L2 (Π) its image (B1 ϕ)(u, v) has the form (3.1.3) with √ f (u) = 2u ϕ(u, η) · e−ηu dη, R+

and furthermore, for each function ϕ0 of the form (3.1.3) we have (B1 ϕ0 )(u, v) = ϕ0 (u, v). Indeed,


ϕ0 (u, η) · e−ηu dη √ e−2ηu dη 2u χ+ (u) · e−uv 2u f (u) R+ √ 2u e−2ηu dη χ+ (u) 2u f (u) · e−uv


√ χ+ (u) 2u f (u) · e−uv = ϕ0 (u, v).

(B1 ϕ0 )(u, v) = =

2u χ+ (u) · e




Thus A21 coincides with the space of all functions of the form (3.1.3). Introduce the unitary operator U2 : L2 (Π) = L2 (R) ⊗ L2 (R+ ) −→ L2 (R) ⊗ L2 (R+ ) by the rule 1 y U2 : ϕ(u, v) −→

). ϕ(x, 2|x| 2|x|


Then the inverse operator U2−1 = U2∗ : L2 (R) ⊗ L2 (R+ ) −→ L2 (R) ⊗ L2 (R+ ) is given by

U2−1 : ϕ(x, y) −→ 2|u| ϕ(u, 2|u| · v). Denote A22 = U2 (A21 ). The operator B2 = U2 B1 U2−1 is obviously the orthogonal projection of L2 (Π) onto A22 . Calculate √ −uv (B2 ϕ)(x, y) = U2 (2u χ+ (u) e e−uη 2u ϕ(u, 2uη) dη) R+ √ ϕ(u, ν) e−ν/2 dν) = U2 ( 2u χ+ (u) e−uv R+ ϕ(x, ν) e−ν/2 dν. = χ+ (x) e−y/2 R+

3.1. Bergman space and Bergman projection


Introduce 0 (y) = e−y/2 . We have that 0 (y) ∈ L2 (R+ ) and 0 (y) = 1. Denote by L0 the one-dimensional subspace of L2 (R+ ) generated by 0 (y), then the onedimensional projection P0 of L2 (R+ ) onto L0 has the form −y/2 (P P0 ψ)(y) = ψ, 0 · 0 = e ψ(ν) e−ν/2 dν. (3.1.5) R+

Thus B2 = χ+ (x)I ⊗ P0 . This leads to the following theorem. Theorem 3.1.1. The unitary operator U = U2 U1 gives an isometric isomorphism of the space L2 (Π) = L2 (R) ⊗ L2 (R+ ) under which 1. the Bergman space A2 (Π) is mapped onto L2 (R+ ) ⊗ L0 , U : A2 (Π) −→ L2 (R+ ) ⊗ L0 , where L0 is the one-dimensional subspace of L2 (R+ ), generated by 0 (y) = e−y/2 , 2. the Bergman projection BΠ is unitary equivalent to U BΠ U −1 = χ+ I ⊗ P0 , where P0 is the one-dimensional projection (3.1.5) of L2 (R+ ) onto L0 . Remark 3.1.2. The above result describes the structure of the Bergman space inside L2 (Π), and is a “Bergman space version” of the following, mentioned in the introduction to this chapter, “Hardy space version” result: the Fourier transform F gives an isometric isomorphism of the space L2 (R), under which 2 1. the Hardy space H+ (R) is mapped onto L2 (R+ ), 2 F : H+ (R) −→ L2 (R+ ), 2 (R) is unitary equivalent to 2. the Szeg¨ o ¨ projection PR+ : L2 (R) −→ H+

F PR+ F −1 = χ+ I. Introduce the isometric imbedding R0 : L2 (R+ ) −→ L2 (R) ⊗ L2 (R+ ) by the rule (R0 f )(x, y) = χ+ (x) f (x) 0 (y);


Chapter 3. Bergman and Poly-Bergman Spaces

here the function f (x) is extended to an element of L2 (R) by setting f (x) ≡ 0, for x < 0. The image of R0 obviously coincides with the space A22 . The adjoint operator R0∗ : L2 (Π) → L2 (R+ ) is given by (R0∗ ϕ)(x)

= χ+ (x)


ϕ(x, η) 0 (η) dη,

and R0∗ R0 = I R0 R0∗ = B2

: L2 (R+ ) −→ L2 (R+ ), : L2 (Π) −→ A22 = L2 (R+ ) ⊗ L0 .

Now the operator R = R0∗ U maps the space L2 (Π) onto L2 (R+ ), and the restriction R|A2 (Π) : A2 (Π) −→ L2 (R+ ) is an isometric isomorphism. The adjoint operator R∗ = U ∗ R0 : L2 (R+ ) −→ A2 (Π) ⊂ L2 (Π) is an isometric isomorphism of L2 (R+ ) onto the subspace A2 (Π) of the space L2 (Π). Remark 3.1.3. We have R R∗ = I

: L2 (R+ ) −→ L2 (R+ ),

: L2 (Π) −→ A2 (Π).

R R = BΠ

Theorem 3.1.4. The isometric isomorphism R∗ = U ∗ R0 : L2 (R+ ) −→ A2 (Π) is given by 1 (R∗ f )(z) = √ π

ξ f (ξ) eiz·ξ dξ.



Proof. Calculate (R∗ f )(z) = = = =

(U1∗ U2∗ R0 f )(z)

(F −1 ⊗ I)(χ+ (ξ) f (ξ) 2ξ e−xy )

1 √ χ+ (ξ) f (ξ) 2ξ e−xy eixξ dξ 2π R

1 √ ξ f (ξ) ei(x+iy)·ξ dξ. π R+

3.2. Connections between Bergman and Hardy spaces


Corollary 3.1.5. The inverse isomorphism R : A2 (Π) −→ L2 (R+ ) is given by (Rϕ)(x) =

√ 1 x√ π

ϕ(w) e−i w·x dμ(w).



3.2 Connections between Bergman and Hardy spaces By Theorem 3.1.1 and the statement inside Remark 3.1.2 we have immediately Theorem 3.2.1. The unitary operator W = (F −1 ⊗ I)U U2 (F ⊗ I) gives an isometric isomorphism of the space L2 (Π) = L2 (R) ⊗ L2 (R+ ) under which 2 1. the Bergman A2 (Π) and the Hardy H+ (R) spaces are connected by the formula 2 W (A2 (Π)) = H+ (R) ⊗ L0 ,

2. the Bergman BΠ and the Szeg¨ PR+ projections are connected by the formula W BΠ W −1 = PR+ ⊗ P0 , where P0 is the one-dimensional projection (3.1.5) of L2 (R+ ) onto the one-dimensional space L0 generated by 0 (y) = e−y/2 ∈ L2 (R+ ). For a domain D (which will be Π in this chapter) besides the Bergman space A2 (D) introduce the space A 2 (D) being the (closed) subspace of L2 (D) consisting of all functions anti-analytic in D. It is well known (see, for example, [64]) that if KD (z, ζ) is the Bergman kernel-function of the domain D, then the orthogonal

D of L2 (D) onto A 2 (D) is given by projection B

D ϕ)(z) = KD (ζ, z) ϕ(ζ) dμ(ζ). (B D

Theorem 3.2.2. The unitary operator U = U2 U1 gives an isometric isomorphism of the space L2 (Π) = L2 (R) ⊗ L2 (R+ ) under which 1. the space A 2 (Π) is mapped onto L2 (R− ) ⊗ L0 , U : A 2 (Π) −→ L2 (R− ) ⊗ L0 , where L0 is the one-dimensional subspace of L2 (R+ ) generated by 0 (y) = e−y/2 ,


Chapter 3. Bergman and Poly-Bergman Spaces

Π is unitary equivalent to 2. the projection B

Π U −1 = χ− I ⊗ P0 , UB where χ− is the characteristic function of the negative half-line, and P0 is the one-dimensional projection 3.1.5 of L2 (R+ ) onto L0 . Proof. Follows all the steps of the proof of Theorem 3.1.1. We note only that all L2 (Π)-solutions of the equation (u −

∂ )ϕ = 0 ∂v

are of the form ϕ(u, v) = χ− (u)

2|u| f (u) eu v ,

where f (u) ∈ L2 (R), and that the Fourier image (with respect to ξ = Re ω) of the function 1 1 KΠ (ω, w) = − π (ω − w)2 is (see, for example, [19]) equal to the function ) 2 ξ χ− (ξ) e(η−iw)·ξ . − π

1 = U1 B

Π U −1 onto the space A 2 = U1 (A 2 (Π)) has the form The projection B 1 1

1 ϕ)(u.v) = 2|u| χ− (u) euv (B ϕ(u, η) euη dη. R+

2 (R) as the subspace of L2 (R) which conIntroduce now the Hardy space H− sists of the functions ϕ having analytic extension to the lower half-plane and satisfying the condition sup |ϕ(u + iv)|2 < ∞. v 1, and by A2(1) = A21 , for n = 1, then, of course, A2n =

n k=1

A2(k) .

3.3. Poly-Bergman spaces, decomposition of L2 (Π)


Corollary 3.3.2. The unitary operator U : L2 (R)⊗L2 (R+ ) → L2 (R)⊗L2 (R+ ) maps the space A2(n) (Π) of true-n-analytic functions onto the space L2 (R+ ) ⊗ Ln−1 . Analogously in the anti-analytic situations we have the following assertion. Theorem 3.3.3. The unitary operator U : L2 (R) ⊗ L2 (R+ ) → L2 (R) ⊗ L2 (R+ ) maps the space A 2n (Π) of n-anti-analytic functions onto the space L2 (R− ) ⊗ L⊕ n−1 . Proof. Follow all the steps of the proof of Theorem 3.3.1. The space U (A 2n (Π)) coincides with the set of all functions from L2 (Π) = L2 (R)⊗ L2 (R+ ), which satisfy the equation n n ∂ ∂ ∂ −i U U −1 ϕ = in U2 u − U2−1 ϕ ∂u ∂v ∂v n ∂ ϕ = 0. = in |x|n sign(x) − 2 ∂y Now the intersection of the general solution of this equation with the space L2 (R)⊗ L2 (R+ ) coincides with the set of all functions n−1

χ− (x) ψk (x) y k e−y/2 ,


where ψk (x) ∈ L2 (R), for all k = 0, n − 1, or rearranging polynomials on y, it coincides with the set of all functions n−1

χ− (x) fk (x) Lk (y)e−y/2 =



χ− (x) fk (x) k (y),


where fk (x) ∈ L2 (R), for all k = 0, n − 1.

Symmetrically, introduce the space A 2(n) of true-n-anti-analytic functions by A 2(n) = A 2n A 2n−1 , for n > 1, and by A 2(1) = A 21 , for n = 1, analogously, A 2n =


A 2(k) .


Corollary 3.3.4. The unitary operator U : L2 (R)⊗L2 (R+ ) → L2 (R)⊗L2 (R+ ) maps the space A 2(n) (Π) of true-n-anti-analytic functions onto the space L2 (R− ) ⊗ Ln−1 . The above results lead up to the following theorem.


Chapter 3. Bergman and Poly-Bergman Spaces

Theorem 3.3.5. We have the following isometric isomorphisms and decompositions of spaces: 1. Isomorphic images of poly-analytic spaces W

2 (R) ⊗ Ln−1 , : A2(n) (Π) −→ H+


2 (R) ⊗ : A2n (Π) −→ H+


Lk ,




2 A2(k) (Π) −→ H+ (R) ⊗ L2 (R+ ).


2. Isomorphic images of poly-anti-analytic spaces W

2 (R) ⊗ Ln−1 , : A 2(n) (Π) −→ H−


2 (R) ⊗ : A 2n (Π) −→ H−


Lk ,




2 (R) ⊗ L2 (R+ ). A 2(k) (Π) −→ H−


3. Decomposition of the space L2 (Π) L2 (Π)

= =

∞ (A2(k) (Π) ⊕ A 2(k) (Π)) k=1 ∞ k=1

A2(k) (Π) ⊕


A 2(k) (Π).


Here Ln is the one-dimensional subspace of L2 (R+ ), generated by the function n (y) = e−y/2 Ln (y), where the Laguerre polynomial Ln (y) of degree n is given by (3.3.1).

3.4 Projections onto the poly-Bergman spaces The reverse procedure allows us to give exact formulas for the orthogonal projections onto each summand in the decomposition (3.3.3). Of course it is sufficient to describe the projections onto the spaces of true-n-analytic and true-n-antianalytic functions only. We start with the projection onto the space A2(n) (Π) of true-n-analytic functions.

3.4. Projections onto the poly-Bergman spaces



Theorem 3.4.1. The orthogonal projection BΠ of L2 (Π) onto the space A2(n) (Π) of true-n-analytic functions is given by (n) (n) (BΠ ϕ)(w) = KΠ (w, ω) ϕ(ω) dμ(ω), Π

where (n)

KΠ (w, ω) = KΠ (w, ω) ·

n−1 n−1

κn−1 j,k

j=0 k=0

w−w w−ω


ω−ω w−ω

k ,



1 1 · π (w − ω)2 is the Bergman kernel function of the domain Π, 2 (j + k + 1)! n! n−1 j+k κj,k = (−1) . j! k! (n − j)! (n − k)! KΠ (w, ω) = −



Proof. The orthogonal projection U BΠ U −1 = B2 is obviously given by (n) B2 = χ+ (x) ⊗ Pn−1 , where


: L2 (Π) → L2 (R+ ) ⊗ Ln−1

(P Pn−1 ψ)(y) = ψ, n−1 n−1 = n−1 (y)


ψ(ν) n−1 (ν) dν


is the orthogonal projection of L2 (R+ ) onto the one-dimensional space Ln−1 , generated by the function n−1 (y) given by (3.3.2). Or, (n) ϕ(x, ν) n−1 (ν) dν. (B2 ϕ)(x, y) = χ+ (x)n−1 (y) R+



Let w = u + iv, ω = ξ + iη. Calculate the projection B1 = U2−1 B2 U2 ,

1 ν (n)

) n−1 (ν) dν (B1 ϕ)(u, v) = 2|u| χ+ (u) n−1 (2|u|v) ϕ(u, 2|u| 2|u| R+ ϕ(u, η) e−uη Ln−1 (2uη) dη. = χ+ (u) 2u e−uv Ln−1 (2uv) R+

Calculate now (F


(n) I)B1 ϕ



1 √ 2π

! R


χ+ (ξ)2ξe−vξ Ln−1 (2ξv)Ln−1 (2ξη)

· ϕ(ξ, η)e−ηξ dη eiuξ dξ ) 2 ϕ(ξ, η)χ+ (ξ)ξLn−1 (2ξv)Ln−1 (2ξη)e−(η−iw)ξ dξdη. π Π


Chapter 3. Bergman and Poly-Bergman Spaces (n)

From B2


= U2 (F ⊗ I)BΠ (F −1 ⊗ I)U U2−1 it follows that (n)




= U2−1 B2 U2 = (F ⊗ I)BΠ (F −1 ⊗ I),

and that (n)

(F −1 ⊗ I)B1 ϕ


= BΠ (F −1 ⊗ I)ϕ (n)

= (F −1 ⊗ I)ϕ, KΠ (w, ω) (n)

= ϕ, (F ⊗ I)KΠ (w, ω). Thus

) (F ⊗

(n) I)KΠ (w, ω)


2 χ+ (ξ) ξ Ln−1 (2ξv) Ln−1 (2ξη) e−(η+i w)ξ . π

By (3.3.1) Ln−1 (y) =

n−1 k=0

n−1 n! (−y)k = λn−1 yk , k k! (n − k)! k! k=0

where λn−1 = k

(−1)k n! . k! (n − k)! k!


And thus (F ⊗

(n) I)KΠ (w, ω)


n−1 n−1

) λn−1 j

λn−1 k





v η (

j=0 k=0

By [19] the function

2 χ+ (ξ) ξ j+k+1 e−(η+i w)ξ ). π


2 χ+ (ξ) ξ m e−(η+i w)ξ π is the Fourier transform of the function 1 m! . π (i w + η − iξ)m+1 Thus (n)

KΠ (w, ω) =

n−1 n−1 (j + k + 1)! 1 n−1 n−1 j+k j k λj λk 2 v η , π j=0 (i w + η − iξ)j+k+2 k=0

or (n)

KΠ (w, ω) = −

n−1 n−1 1 (iv)j (iη)k 1 λn−1 λn−1 (j + k + 1)! 2j+k . j k 2 π (w − ω) j=0 (w − ω)j+k k=0

3.4. Projections onto the poly-Bergman spaces


Introducing κn−1 j,k

= λn−1 λn−1 (j + k + 1)! j k 2 (j + k + 1)! n! j+k , = (−1) j! k! (n − j)! (n − k)!

we have finally (n)

KΠ (w, ω)


j k n−1 n−1 1 2iv 2iη 1 n−1 κ j,k π (w − ω)2 j=0 w−ω w−ω k=0


n−1 n−1

1 1 · π (w − ω)2 j=0

κn−1 j,k


w−w w−ω

(n) B Π

We describe now the orthogonal projection 2

A(n) (Π) of true-n-anti-analytic functions.


ω−ω w−ω

k .

of L2 (Π) onto the space

(n) of L2 (Π) onto the space A 2 (Π) Theorem 3.4.2. The orthogonal projection B Π (n) of true-n-anti-analytic functions is given by

(n) ϕ)(w) =

(n) (w, ω) ϕ(ω) dμ(ω), (B K Π Π Π

where j k n−1 n−1 w−w ω−ω 1 n−1

(n) (w, ω) = − 1 · κ K j,k Π π (w − ω)2 j=0 w−ω w−ω k=0

and κn−1 j,k are given by (3.4.2). Proof. Follow all the steps of the proof of Theorem 3.4.1; we will mention only the key formulas. We have the following connections between the projections,

(n) B Π (n)

B 1

(n) (F ⊗ I), = (F −1 ⊗ I)B 1 1 (n) = U2 B U2 . 2

(n) are given by

(n) and B The projections B 2 1

ϕ)(x, y) = χ− (x) n−1 (y) (B 2 (n)

where n−1 is defined in (3.3.2), and by

(n) ϕ)(u, v) (B 1


2|u|χ− (u)n−1 (2|u|v)


ϕ(x, ν) n−1 (ν) dν,


= −2uχ− (u)euv Ln−1 (−2uv)

1 ν

)n−1 (ν)dν ϕ(u, 2|u| 2|u|


ϕ(u, η)euη Ln−1 (−2uη)dη,


Chapter 3. Bergman and Poly-Bergman Spaces

where Ln−1 (y) is the Laguerre polynomial (3.3.1). Calculate ! 1 (n) −1

(F ⊗ I)B1 ϕ = √ (−2ξ)χ− (ξ)evξ Ln−1 (−2vξ)Ln−1 (−2ηξ) 2π R R+ · ϕ(ξ, η)eηξ dη eiuξ dξ ) 2 = ϕ(ξ, η)(−ξ)χ− (ξ)Ln−1 (−2vξ)Ln−1 (−2ηξ) π Π · e(η+i w)ξ dξdη. Because of

(n) ϕ (F −1 ⊗ I)B 1

(n) (F −1 ⊗ I)ϕ = B Π

(w, ω) = (F −1 ⊗ I)ϕ, K Π (n)

(w, ω) = ϕ, (F ⊗ I)K Π (n)

we have ) (F ⊗

(n) (w, ω) I)K Π

= =

2 χ− (ξ) (−ξ) Ln−1 (−2vξ)Ln−1 (−2ηξ) e(η−i w)ξ π n−1 n−1 λn−1 λn−1 2j+k v j η k j k j=0 k=0



2 χ− (ξ) (−ξ)j+k+1 e(η−i w)ξ , π

where λn−1 was introduced in (3.4.4). k By [19] the function )

2 χ− (ξ) (−ξ)m e(η−i w)ξ π

is the Fourier transform of the function 1 m! . π (iξ + η − i w)m+1 Thus n−1 n−1 (j + k + 1)!

(n) (w, ω) = 1 λn−1 λn−1 2j+k v j η k , K j Π k π j=0 (iξ + η − i w)j+k+2 k=0

3.4. Projections onto the poly-Bergman spaces



(n) (w, ω) = K Π

n−1 n−1 (−iv)j (−iη)k 1 1 λn−1 λn−1 (j + k + 1)! 2j+k j k 2 π (w − ω) j=0 (w − ω)j+k k=0



− −

1 1 π (w − ω)2

n−1 n−1

κn−1 j,k

j=0 k=0

−2iv w−ω


−2iη w−ω


j k n−1 n−1 w−w ω−ω 1 1 n−1 · κ , j,k π (w − ω)2 j=0 w−ω w−ω k=0

where κn−1 j,k is given by (3.4.2).

To uniformize the statements of Theorem 3.4.1 and Theorem 3.4.2 we introduce the function j k n−1 n−1 1 1 w1 − w2 ω1 − ω2 (n) n−1 · κj,k , KΠ (w1 , w2 ; ω1 , ω2 ) = − π (w1 − ω2 )2 j=0 w1 − ω2 w1 − ω2 k=0


κn−1 j,k

is given by (3.4.2). (n)


Then the kernel KΠ of the projection BΠ admits the representation (n)


KΠ (w, ω) = KΠ (w, w; ω, ω), analogously

(n) (w, ω) = K (n) (w, w; ω, ω). K Π Π (n)

Note that the function KΠ (w, w; ω, ω) is Hermitian symmetric in a sense that (n)


KΠ (w, w; ω, ω) = KΠ (w, w; ω, ω), (1)

and for n = 1 coincides with the Bergman kernel function: KΠ (w, w; ω, ω) = KΠ (w, ω). Now we have (n)

Theorem 3.4.3. The orthogonal projections BΠ of L2 (Π) onto the space A2(n) (Π)

(n) of L2 (Π) onto the space A 2 (Π) of true-nof true-n-analytic functions, and B Π (n) anti-analytic functions are given by the following formulas: (n) (n) (BΠ ϕ)(w) = KΠ (w, w; ω, ω) ϕ(ω) dμ(ω), Π


(n) ϕ)(w) (B Π


= Π = Π

KΠ (w, w; ω, ω) ϕ(ω) dμ(ω) (n)

KΠ (w, w; ω, ω) ϕ(ω) dμ(ω).


Chapter 3. Bergman and Poly-Bergman Spaces

Corollary 3.4.4. The unitary operator W : L2 (R) ⊗ L2 (R+ ) −→ L2 (R) ⊗ L2 (R+ ) (n) gives the following connections between the true-poly-Bergman projections BΠ ,

(n) and the Szeg¨ B ¨ o projections PΠ+ , PΠ− : Π (n)

W BΠ W −1

(n) W −1 WB Π


PΠ+ ⊗ Pn−1 ,


PΠ− ⊗ Pn−1 ,

where Pn−1 in the orthogonal projection (3.4.3) of L2 (R+ ) onto the one-dimensional space Ln−1 , generated by the function n−1 (y), defined in (3.3.2). Proof. Follows directly from Corollaries 3.3.2 and 3.3.4.

3.5 Poly-Bergman spaces and two-dimensional singular integral operators We start with the two-dimensional singular integral operators (2.4.1) and (2.4.2) for the upper half-plane case, which are defined as follows, ϕ(ζ) 1 (SΠ ϕ)(z) = − dv(ζ), π Π (ζ − z)2 ϕ(ζ) 1 ∗ (SΠ ϕ)(z) = − dv(ζ), π Π (ζ − z)2 and which are obviously bounded on L2 (Π) = L2 (R) ⊗ L2 (R+ ). By (2.4.3) these operators admit the following representations: SΠ

= (I ⊗ χ+ I)S SR2 (I ⊗ χ+ I) ξ − iη (F ⊗ F )(I ⊗ χ+ I) = (I ⊗ χ+ I)(F −1 ⊗ F −1 ) ξ + iη


and ∗ SΠ

= =

(I ⊗ χ+ I)S SR∗ 2 (I ⊗ χ+ I) ξ + iη (F ⊗ F )(I ⊗ χ+ I), (I ⊗ χ+ I)(F −1 ⊗ F −1 ) ξ − iη

where ξ, η ∈ R, and the one-dimensional Fourier transform F and its inverse F −1 are given by 1 (F ϕ)(ξ) = √ e−ixξ f (x) dx, 2π R 1 (F −1 ϕ)(x) = √ eixξ f (ξ) dξ. 2π R

3.5. Poly-Bergman spaces and two-dimensional singular integral operators


We introduce as well the integral operators y t − y2 e 2 f (t) dt, (S+ f )(y) = −f (y) + e 0 ∞ y t (S− f )(y) = −f (y) + e 2 e− 2 f (t) dt, y

which, as we will see soon, are bounded on L2 (R+ ) and are mutually adjoint. As in Section 3.1 we will use the unitary operator U = U2 U1 : L2 (R) ⊗ L2 (R+ ) −→ L2 (R) ⊗ L2 (R+ ), where the operators U1 and U2 are given by (3.1.1) and (3.1.4) respectively. Theorem 3.5.1. The unitary operator U = U2 U1 gives an isometric isomorphism of the space L2 (Π) = [L2 (R+ ) ⊗ L2 (R+ )] ⊕ [L2 (R− ) ⊗ L2 (R+ )] under which the ∗ two-dimensional singular integral operators SΠ and SΠ are unitary equivalent to the operators U SΠ U −1


(I ⊗ S+ ) ⊕ (I ⊗ S− ),

∗ U −1 U SΠ


(I ⊗ S− ) ⊕ (I ⊗ S+ ).

Proof. By the representation (3.5.1) we have S1

= U1 SΠ U1−1 = (F ⊗ I)SΠ (F −1 ⊗ I) ξ − iη (I ⊗ F )(I ⊗ χ+ I). = (I ⊗ χ+ I)(I ⊗ F −1 ) ξ + iη

The operator U2 is unitary on both L2 (R+ ) and L2 (R), and furthermore it commutes with χR+ I. Direct calculation shows that U2 (I ⊗ F −1 )

1 signx − iη ξ − iη (I ⊗ F )U U2−1 = (I ⊗ F −1 ) 12 (I ⊗ F ). ξ + iη 2 signx + iη

Thus S2


U SΠ U −1 = U2 S1 U2−1


(χ+ I ⊗ χ+ I)(I ⊗ F −1 ) 21

1 2

− iη (I ⊗ F )(χ+ I ⊗ χ+ I) + iη 1

+(χ− I ⊗ χ+ I)(I ⊗ F −1 ) 12 2

+ iη (I ⊗ F )(χ− I ⊗ χ+ I) − iη

and S2∗

∗ −1 = U SΠ U 1

= (χ+ I ⊗ χ+ I)(I ⊗ F −1 ) 12 2

+ iη (I ⊗ F )(χ+ I ⊗ χ+ I) − iη 1

+(χ− I ⊗ χ+ I)(I ⊗ F −1 ) 21 2

− iη (I ⊗ F )(χ− I ⊗ χ+ I). + iη


Chapter 3. Bergman and Poly-Bergman Spaces

The defining symbols of two involved convolution operators 1 − iη F S + = F −1 21 2 + iη

1 + iη S − = F −1 21 F, 2 − iη


which are obviously bounded on L2 (R), admit the representations 1 2 1 2

− iη = −1 − + iη

iη + + η2

1 4

1 4

1 2



1 2 1 2


+ iη = −1 + − iη

1 4

iη + + η2

1 4

1 2

+ η2


respectively. Using the formulas 17.23.14 and 17.23.15 of [86] we have F

1 4



1 2



π − |y| e 2 , 2


1 4

iη + η2



|y| π signy e− 2 , 2

and thus (S + f )(y)

) π − |t−y| 1 e 2 (1 − sign(t − y))f (t)dt = −f (y) + √ 2π R 2 |t−y| = −f (t) + e− 2 χ− (t − y)f (t)dt R

and (S − f )(y) = =

) π − |t−y| 1 e 2 (1 + sign(t − y))f (t)dt −f (y) + √ 2π R 2 |t−y| −f (t) + e− 2 χ+ (t − y)f (t)dt. R

Then the operators S+ = χ+ S + χ+ I|L2 (R+ ) and S− = χ+ S − χ+ I|L2 (R+ ) , acting on L2 (R+ ), are as follows: |t−y| (S+ f )(y) = −f (t) + e− 2 χ− (t − y)f (t)dt R+

= −f (y) + e

− y2



e 2 f (t)dt 0

and (S− f )(y)

= −f (t) +


R+ y

|t−y| 2

= −f (y) + e 2


χ+ (t − y)f (t)dt

e− 2 f (t)dt. t

3.5. Poly-Bergman spaces and two-dimensional singular integral operators


Thus finally U SΠ U −1

= (χ+ I ⊗ χ+ I)(I ⊗ S + )(χ+ I ⊗ χ+ I) +(χ− I ⊗ χ+ I)(I ⊗ S − )(χ− I ⊗ χ+ I) = χ+ I ⊗ S+ + χ− I ⊗ S− = (I ⊗ S+ ) ⊕ (I ⊗ S− )

and ∗ −1 U U SΠ


(χ+ I ⊗ χ+ I)(I ⊗ S − )(χ+ I ⊗ χ+ I) +(χ− I ⊗ χ+ I)(I ⊗ S + )(χ− I ⊗ χ+ I)


χ+ I ⊗ S− + χ− I ⊗ S+


(I ⊗ S− ) ⊕ (I ⊗ S+ ),

where the last lines in both representations are written according to the splitting L2 (Π) = [L2 (R+ ) ⊗ L2 (R+ )] ⊕ [L2 (R− ) ⊗ L2 (R+ )] .

Recall that the system of functions n (y) = e−y/2 Ln (y),

n = 0, 1, 2, . . . ,

where the Laguerre polynomials Ln (y) are given by (3.3.1), forms an orthonormal base in the space L2 (R+ ). Theorem 3.5.2. For each admissible n, the following equalities hold, (S+ n )(y) = −n+1 (y),

(S− n )(y) = −n−1 (y),


(S− 0 )(y) = 0.

Proof. By [86], formula 8.971.1, we have Ln (y) − Ln+1 (y) = Ln (y).


Taking into account that Ln (0) = 1, for all n, the integral form of the above formula is y Ln (y) − Ln+1 (y) = Ln (t)dt. 0

Calculate now (S+ n )(y)



= −e− 2 Ln (y) + e− 2 y


Ln (t)dt

= e− 2 (−Ln (y) + Ln (y) − Ln+1 (y)) = −n+1 (y).


Chapter 3. Bergman and Poly-Bergman Spaces

Integrating by parts twice and using (3.5.2), we have

e−t Ln (t)dt

e−y Ln (y) +



e−y Ln (y) −




e−t Ln−1 (t)dt

y ∞

y −y

e−t Ln−1 (t)dt − e−t Ln−1 (t)dt

Ln−1 (y) +

e−t Ln−1 (t)dt


e−y Ln (y) − e−y Ln−1 (y).

= Thus (S− n )(y)

= −e

− y2

Ln (y) + e

y 2

e−t Ln (t)dt


y y = −e− 2 Ln (y) + e 2 e−y Ln (y) − e−y Ln−1 (y) = −n−1 (y). Finally, y


(S− 0 )(y) = −e− 2 + e 2

e−t dt = 0.


Remark 3.5.3. As the previous theorem shows, the operator −S+ is an isometric operator on L2 (R+ ) and is nothing but the unilateral forward shift with respect to the base {n (y)}∞ n=0 . Its adjoint operator −S− is the unilateral backward shift with respect to the same base, and its kernel coincides with the one-dimensional y space L0 generated by 0 (y) = e− 2 . As in Section 3.3, we denote by Ln , n = 0, 1, 2, . . ., the one-dimensional subspace of L2 (R+ ) generated by the function n (y). Let L⊕ n





be the direct sum of the first (n+1) spaces. We denote by Pn and Pn⊕ the orthogonal projections of L2 (R+ ) onto Ln and L⊕ n , respectively. Corollary 3.5.4. For all admissible indices, we have P0 Pn Pn⊕

= I − S− S + , n n = S− P0 S+ , n+1 n+1 = I − S− S+ ,

(−S+ )k |Ln


Ln −→ Ln+k ,

(−S− )k |Ln


Ln −→ Ln−k .

3.5. Poly-Bergman spaces and two-dimensional singular integral operators


The next result was obtained in [115] (see Theorem 2.4 and Corollary 2.6 ∗ therein) and shows that the action of both operators SΠ and SΠ is extremely transparent according to the decomposition L2 (Π) =

∞ k=1

A2(k) (Π) ⊕

A 2(k) (Π).


In our approach it is just a straightforward corollary of Theorems 3.3.5, 3.5.1, and Corollary 3.5.4. Theorem 3.5.5. For all admissible indices, we have (SΠ )k |A2


: A2(n) (Π) −→ A2(n+k) (Π),

(SΠ )k |A 2


: A 2(n) (Π) −→ A 2(n−k) (Π),

∗ k (SΠ ) |A 2


: A 2(n) (Π) −→ A 2(n+k) (Π),

∗ k (SΠ ) |A2


: A2(n) (Π) −→ A2(n−k) (Π),





ker(SΠ )n = A 2n (Π), ∗ n ker(SΠ ) = A2n (Π),

(Im (SΠ )n )⊥ = A2n (Π), (Im (S ∗ )n )⊥ = A 2 (Π). Π


Corollary 3.5.6. Each true-n-analytic function ψ admits the representation ψ = (SΠ )n−1 ϕ, where ϕ ∈ A2 (Π). Each true-n-anti-analytic function g admits the representation ∗ n−1 g = (SΠ ) f,

where f ∈ A 2 (Π). (n)

(n) the orthogonal projections of L2 (Π) We continue to denote by BΠ and B Π onto the spaces A2(n) and A 2(n) consisting of true-n-analytic and true-n-anti-analy Π,n be the orthogonal projections of tic functions respectively. Let BΠ,n and B 2 2 L2 (Π) onto the spaces An and A n , consisting of n-analytic and n-anti-analytic functions respectively. We summarize now some important properties of the above projections in terms of singular operators.


Chapter 3. Bergman and Poly-Bergman Spaces

Theorem 3.5.7. For all admissible indices, we have ∗ = I − SΠ S Π ,


∗ = I − SΠ SΠ , ∗ n = I − (SΠ )n (SΠ ) ,


Π,n B

∗ n = I − (SΠ ) (SΠ )n ,

∗ n−1 ) BΠ,(n) = (SΠ )n−1 BΠ (SΠ

Π,(n) = (S ∗ )n−1 B

Π (SΠ )n−1 B Π

∗ n−1 ∗ n = (SΠ )n−1 (SΠ ) − (SΠ )n (SΠ ) , ∗ n−1 ∗ n = (SΠ ) (SΠ )n−1 − (SΠ ) (SΠ )n , ∗ = SΠ BΠ,(n) SΠ , ∗ = SΠ BΠ,(n) SΠ .


Π,(n+1) B

Proof. Follows directly from Theorems 3.3.5, 3.5.1, and Corollary 3.5.4.

As direct corollaries of the above results we mention as well the following statements. Theorem 3.5.8. For all n ∈ N, we have ∗ n (SΠ )n (SΠ ) (SΠ )n


(SΠ )n ,

∗ n ∗ n ) (SΠ )n (SΠ ) (SΠ


∗ n (SΠ ) .

Introduce the one-dimensional singular integral operator ϕ(ξ) 1 dξ, (S SR ϕ)(x) = πi R ξ − x acting on L2 (R). It is well known that the operators 1 (I ± SR ) 2 are the Szeg¨ o¨ projections of L2 (R) onto the Hardy spaces on the upper and lower half-planes, respectively. P± =

Theorem 3.5.9. We have ∗ n ∗ n s− lim (SΠ ) (SΠ )


P+ ⊗ I,

∗ n ) s− lim (SΠ )n (SΠ


P− ⊗ I,


SR ⊗ I,




n→∞ ∗ n ∗ n ∗ n ) ] s− lim [(SΠ ) (SΠ ) , (SΠ )n (SΠ n→∞ ∗ n ∗ n ) (SΠ ) s− lim ((SΠ n→∞


+ (SΠ )

∗ n (SΠ ) )

Corollary 3.5.10. We have s− lim BΠ,n

= P+ ⊗ I,

Π,n s− lim B

= P− ⊗ I.

n→∞ n→∞

Chapter 1

Preliminaries The chapter contains some algebraic material which will be used substantially in the book and which can not be easily found in the standard C ∗ -algebraic sources. Those immediately interested in the main content of the book may skip this chapter at the first reading.

1.1 General local principle for C ∗-algebras 1.1.1 C ∗ -bundles We start with some necessary definitions. The triple ξ = (p, E, T ), where E and T are topological spaces, and p : E −→ T is a surjective map, is called a bundle. The set T is called the base of the bundle, the set ξ(t) = p−1 (t) is called the fiber over the point t ∈ T . Let V be an open set in T . A function σ : V −→ E is called a local section of the bundle ξ if p(σ(t)) = t for all t ∈ V (or σ(t) ∈ ξ(t) for all t ∈ V ). If V = T the section is called global, or just a section. Denote by Γ(ξ) the set of all continuous sections of the bundle ξ. If not specifically mentioned, in what follows all sections are supposed to be continuous. Let E ∨ E = {(x, y) ∈ E × E : p(x) = p(y)}. The bundle ξ = (p, E, T ) is called a C ∗ -bundle if each fiber ξ(t) has a structure of a C ∗ -algebra, and 1. the functions

(x, y) → x + y : E ∨ E −→ E, (x, y) → x · y : E ∨ E −→ E, (α, x) → αx : C × E −→ E, x → x∗ : E −→ E

are continuous;


Chapter 1. Preliminaries 2. the subsets UV (σ, ε) = {x ∈ E : p(x) ∈ V and x − σ(p(x)) < ε}, where V is an open subset in T , σ is a continuous section of ξ over V , ε > 0, form a basis of open sets in the space E.

For V = T the set U (σ, ε) = UT (σ, ε) = {x ∈ E : x − σ(p(x)) < ε}, is called a tubular neighborhood of the section σ of radius ε. Let s be a continuous section of the bundle ξ, then the set V = s−1 (U (σ, ε)) = {t ∈ T : s(t) − σ(t) < ε} = {t ∈ T : (s − σ)(t) < ε} is open in T . Thus for each a ∈ Γ(ξ) the set V (a, ε) = {t ∈ T : a(t) < ε} is open in T . If each C ∗ -algebra ξ(t) has an identity e(t) and the section e : t −→ e(t) is continuous, then the C ∗ -bundle ξ is a bundle with identity.

1.1.2 C ∗ -algebra defined by a bundle Given a C ∗ -bundle ξ = (p, E, T ), there is the canonically defined C ∗ -algebra associated with ξ. Namely, the set of all bounded continuous sections σ of ξ = (p, E, T ) with componentwise operations and the norm σ = sup σ(t) t∈T

is obviously a C ∗ -algebra. We will call this algebra the C ∗ -algebra defined by a C ∗ -bundle ξ = (p, E, T ), and will denote it by Γb (ξ). Lemma 1.1.1. For each section σ ∈ Γ(ξ) the function · : t −→ σ(t) is upper semi-continuous. Proof. For each point t0 ∈ T and each positive ε it is sufficient to find a neighborhood V of the point t0 such that for each t ∈ V σ(t) < σ(t0 ) + ε. Take V = V (σ, σ(t0 ) + ε) = {t ∈ T : σ(t) < σ(t0 ) + ε}.

1.1. General local principle for C ∗ -algebras


We note that the sections are not necessarily norm continuous. Denote by C b (T ) the C ∗ -algebra of all bounded continuous functions on T . Lemma 1.1.2. The algebra Γb (ξ) is a C b (T )-module. Proof. We will prove only that aσ ∈ Γb (ξ), for each σ ∈ Γb (ξ) and each a ∈ C b (T ). Here (aσ)(t) = a(t)σ(t), for all t ∈ T . Given σ and a, we check the continuity of the section aσ at a point t0 ∈ T . Let M = σ = supt σ(t). We show that for each UV (s, ε) (an open set from the base of topology on E), such that (aσ)(t0 ) ∈ UV (s, ε), there is an open set V0 (⊂ T ), which contains the point t0 , such that (aσ)(t) ∈ UV (s, ε) for each t ∈ V0 . From (aσ)(t0 ) ∈ UV (s, ε) it follows that t0 ∈ V and ε0 = a(t0 )σ(t0 ) − s(t0 ) < ε. Let δ = ε − ε0 . Introduce V1 = {t ∈ T : |a(t) − a(t0 )|
0 there is an element a ∈ A such that σ − a = sup σ(t) − a(t) < ε. t∈T

Fix σ and ε. For each t0 we select an element at0 ∈ A such that σ(t0 )− at0 (t0 ) < ε. Then the set Vt0 = V (σ − at0 , ε) = {t ∈ T : σ(t) − at0 (t) < ε} is open in T and contains the point t0 . For the point t0 and the closed set Yt0 = T \ Vt0 denote by ft0 a continuous on T function ft0 : T −→ [0, 1], such that ft0 |Yt0 ≡ 0.

ft0 (t0 ) = 1, The set

Vt0 = {t ∈ T : ft0 (t) > 0} Vt }t∈T covers T ; let {V Vtk }nk=1 be a finite is open and contains t0 . The system {V subcover. Introduce the functions ft ψk = n k j=1



k = 1, n.

All functions ψk : T → [0, 1] are continuous, and

n k=1

ψk ≡ 1. Furthermore,

ψk (t)σ(t) − ψk (t)atk (t) = ψk (t)σ(t) − atk (t) < ψk (t)ε, n for each t ∈ T . Finally, the element a = k=1 ψk atk belongs to A, and σ − a = sup t∈T

≤ sup t∈T

= sup t∈T

< sup t∈T


ψk (t)(σ(t) − atk (t))

k=1 n

ψk (t)(σ(t) − atk (t))

k=1 n k=1 n k=1

ψk (t)σ(t) − atk (t) ψk (t) · ε = ε.

1.1. General local principle for C ∗ -algebras


1.1.3 C ∗ -bundle defined by a C ∗ -algebra and a system of its ideals Let A be a C ∗ -algebra and let JT = {J(t) : t ∈ T } be a system of its closed two-sided ideals, parameterized by points of a set T . We describe now a canonical procedure for constructing the C ∗ -bundle defined by the above data. For each t ∈ T introduce the quotient algebra A(t) = A/J(t). We will denote by a(t) the image of an element a ∈ A in the quotient algebra A(t). Let E= A(t) t∈T

be the disjoint union of the C ∗ -algebras A(t). We define the action of the (additive) group A on the set E: each element a ∈ A generates the mapping ga : E −→ E by the rule ga : x(t) −→ (x + a)(t). It is easy to see that the orbit of each point x = x(t) (∈ A(t)) under the action of the group A coincides with the whole algebra A(t), and the collection of orbits is parameterized by points of T . The partition of E into disjoint orbits generates the projection p : x(t) ∈ E −→ t ∈ T, with p−1 (t) = A(t). We endow the sets E and T with appropriate topologies in order for the triple ξ = (p, E, T ) to be a C ∗ -bundle. Each element a ∈ A generates the section a ˜ : T → E by the rule a ˜ : t −→ a(t). Denote by A the set of all the above sections a ˜. For each ε > 0 and each

a ˜ ∈ A introduce the set U (˜ a, ε) = {x ∈ E : x − a ˜(p(x)) < ε}, and endow the set E with the topology whose prebase consists of all sets U (˜ a, ε). Remark 1.1.5. The topology of each fiber ξ(t) = A(t), generated by the quotient norm x(t) = inf z∈J(t) x + z, coincides with the topology of the fiber ξ(t), generated by the restriction onto ξ(t) of the topology on E. Endow the base T of the bundle ξ = (p, E, T ) with the orbit space topology (or the quotient topology): the strongest topology under which the projection p : E → T is continuous. Lemma 1.1.6.

1. The mapping p : E → T is open.

2. The topology on T coincides with the weakest topology under which all the

are continuous. mappings a ˜∈A


Chapter 1. Preliminaries 3. A prebase of the topology on T is given by the system of sets V (˜ a, ε) = {t ∈ T : ˜ a(t) < ε}.

Proof. For each a ∈ A the mapping ga : x(t) −→ (x + a)(t) is one-to-one, and ga−1 = g−a . Furthermore g −1 (U (˜b, ε)) = g−a (U (˜b, ε)) a

= {x ∈ E : x + a(p(x)) − ˜b(p(x)) < ε} = U ((b − a), ε). Thus each mapping ga is a homeomorphism of the space E. We show now that the mapping p : E → T is open. Let U be an open set in E. We need to check that V = p(U ) is open in T . By the property V = p(p−1 (V )) and the definition of the quotient topology it is sufficient to prove that the set p−1 (V ) is open. We have p−1 (V ) = ga (U ). a∈A −1

Thus the set p (V ) is open, and the first statement is proved. Now, since the mapping p : E → T is open, the prebase of the topology on T can be described as the image of the prebase in E under the mapping p. Consider the prebase in E consisting of all sets of the form U = U (˜ a, ε1 ) ∩ U (˜b, ε2 ) = {x ∈ E : x − a ˜(p(x)) < ε1 and x − ˜b(p(x)) < ε2 }, where a and b are elements of A, and ε1 and ε2 are positive. Then the prebase of the topology on T consists of the sets V = p(U ) = {t ∈ T : ˜ a(t) − ˜b(t) < ε1 + ε2 } = {t ∈ T : (a − b)(t) < ε} = V (a − b, ε); here ε = ε1 + ε2 . The prebase of the weakest topology on T such that all the sections a ˜ ∈ A

are continuous can be described as follows: for all the sections a ˜ ∈ A and each open set U from a prebase in E the set a ˜−1 (U ) must be open. Let U = U (˜b, ε), then a ˜−1 (U ) = p(U ∩ a ˜(T )) = {t ∈ T : ˜ a(t) − ˜b(t) < ε} = {t ∈ T : (a − b)(t) < ε} = V (a − b, ε).

1.1. General local principle for C ∗ -algebras


Thus we have proved the second statement of the lemma. To prove the third statement it is sufficient to use a− b ∈ A in place of a ∈ A in the above description of the prebase of the topology on T . The introduced topology on T is called the ∗ -bundle topology. Lemma 1.1.7. The constructed triple ξ = (p, E, T ) is a C ∗ -bundle. Proof. We will check only the second property in the definition of a C ∗ -bundle. Moreover it is sufficient to prove that each point of the set UV (s, ε) = {x ∈ E : p(x) ∈ V and x − s(p(x)) < ε} is interior. Here V is open in T , ε > 0, s is a continuous section over V . Given x0 ∈ UV (s, ε), we prove that x0 is interior. Introduce t0 = p(x0 ), s0 = s(t0 ), σ0 = 12 (s0 + x0 ), δ = x0 − s0 < ε, and ε0 = 12 (δ + 12 (ε − δ)) < 12 · ε. Denote by σ an arbitrary element of the algebra A such that σ(t0 ) = σ0 (∈ A(t0 )), and let U = U (˜ σ , ε0 ). It is easy to see that x0 ∈ U and s0 ∈ U . The section s is continuous, thus the set V0 = s−1 (U ) = p(U ∩ s(V )) is open, and V0 ⊂ V . The projection p : E → T is continuous, thus the set p−1 (V V0 ) is open in E, and thus the set U0 = U (˜ σ , ε0 ) ∩ p−1 (V V0 ) is open as well. It is easy to see that x0 ∈ U0 ⊂ UV (s, ε), and thus the point x0 is interior.

Given a C -algebra A and a system of its closed two-sided ideals JT = {J(t) : t ∈ T }, the C ∗ -bundle ξ = (p, E, T ) described above is called the canonical C ∗ bundle defined by the C ∗ -algebra A and the system of ideals JT .

1.1.4 Main theorem The next theorem can be treated as a non-commutative generalization of the Gelfand representation of a commutative Banach algebra. Theorem 1.1.8. Let A be a C ∗ -algebra, JT = {J(t) : t ∈ T } be a system of its closed two-sided ideals, ξ = (p, E, T ) be the canonical C ∗ -bundle defined by A and JT , Γb (ξ) be the C ∗ -algebra defined by the bundle ξ = (p, E, T ). Then the mapping π ˜ : a ∈ A −→ a ˜ ∈ Γb (ξ)


Chapter 1. Preliminaries

is a morphism of the C ∗ -algebras A and Γb (ξ), such that 1. ker π ˜ = t∈T J(t),

2. Im π ˜ = A. In particular, the mapping π ˜ : A → A is an isometric ∗ -isomorphism if and only if J(t) = {0}. t∈T

Proof. Indeed, π ˜ (a) = 0 if and only if a(t) = 0 for each t ∈ T , or a ∈ J(t) for each t ∈ T , or a ∈ t∈T J(t). To finish the proof we apply the result on the canonical decomposition of a C ∗ -algebra morphism (see, for example, [56], Corollary 1.8.3).

1.1.5 General Local Principle The construction of the C ∗ -bundle defined by a C ∗ -algebra and a system JT of its ideals, together with Theorem 1.1.8, gives in fact a general conception of the local principles in the theory of C ∗ -algebras: an isomorphic description of a C ∗ algebra A (or A/ t∈T J(t) ) collecting the information about “simpler objects”, the so-called local algebras. The case when t∈T J(t) = {0}, is most important. We obtain here an isomorphic description of the initial algebra A. Studying the representations of an operator algebra A which contains the ideal K of all compact operators, or studying the Fredholm theory for operators from A, the case t∈T J(t) = K is important as well. It yields an isomorphic description of the Calkin (or Fredholm symbol) algebra Sym A = A/K of the algebra A. Remark 1.1.9. It is well known that the identical representation of an operator C ∗ -algebra A which contains the ideal K of all compact operators is irreducible. At the same time the Calkin algebra Sym A = A/K carries essential information on the structure of the algebra A since all other irreducible representations of A are described in therms of the irreducible representations of Sym A. The algebra Sym A is often also called the Fredholm symbol algebra of the algebra A, as an operator A ∈ A is Fredholm if and only if its image in Sym A is invertible. In what follows we will restrict ourselves to the above two most important for us cases. Having a C ∗ -algebraA and a system JT of its closed two-sided ideals (with or without the property t∈T J(t) = {0}) we say that we will localize by points of the set T . Elements a1 and a2 of the algebra A are called locally equivalent at t the point t ∈ T (a1 ∼ a2 ) if and only if a1 − a2 ∈ J(t). The natural projections πt : A → A(t) identify the elements of the algebra A locally equivalent at the point t, and the algebra A(t) is called the local algebra at the point t ∈ T . Having

1.1. General local principle for C ∗ -algebras


a ∈ A, the element πt (a) = a(t) sometimes will be called the local representative of a in the local algebra A(t). We mention that – thealgebra we are interested in (either A, if t∈T J(t) = {0}, or Sym A, if t∈T J(t) = K) is described via its local algebras using the canonical construction: as an algebra of continuous sections of the canonically defined C ∗ -bundle over T ; – the norm of elements in the described algebra (A or Sym A) is equal to supremum of the norms of all its local representatives supt∈T a(t). Given a C ∗ -algebra A, each concrete choice of the system of ideals JT defines then a concrete version of the local principle. There are several known “canonical” cases, when one can state a priori that t∈T J(t) = {0}. One of these cases, the so-called Douglas-Varela local principle, will be treated in detail in the next section; for another one see the example below. The following observation describes an advantage of the approach proposed. There are situations when one can not use a “canonical” principle. For example, the Douglas-Varela principle is not applicable for an algebra with trivial (scalar) center. But this does not exclude, in general, the possibility of a localization. In such a case, using the special features of the C ∗ -algebra under consideration, one can try to find a system JT of its ideals permitting one to carry out the localization procedure. Example 1.1.10. One of the canonical cases with the desired property is when JT = Prim A, the set of all primitive ideals J(t) = Pt of the algebra A. As well known, independently of the algebra A we have Pt = {0}. Prim A

In this case all the local algebras are irreducible, and we have, in some sense, the most “detailed” localization. The algebra A is described as an algebra of continuous sections over the space T = Prim A, endowed with the ∗ -bundle topology. This case presents the following peculiarities: – the ∗ -bundle topology on T , in general, does not coincide with the Jacobson topology on T = Prim A (the last one is weaker); – the algebra A (which is isomorphic and isometric to A) is, in general, a proper subalgebra of Γb (ξ); – if the space T = Prim A is endowed with the Jacobson topology, then the mappings a ˜ : t −→ a(t) from A are not necessarily continuous, and thus may not be optimal in a variety of cases.


Chapter 1. Preliminaries

1.1.6 Douglas-Varela local principle This section is devoted to a very important and frequently used particular case of the general situation described by Theorem 1.1.8. We combine here the Douglas approach to a local principle [58, 59] with the Varela results [197]. The major advantages obtained are as follows. First, we put a topology on the Douglas direct sum of local algebras and on the parameter space, which permits us to describe the algebra in terms of continuous sections; and second, the Stone-Weierstrass theorem guarantees that in this specific case the algebra under study is always isomorphic to the algebra of all continuous sections of the corresponding C ∗ bundle. The local principle obtained after such a unification can be naturally called the Douglas-Varela local principle. Let A be a C ∗ -algebra with identity e, and let Z be its central commutative ∗ C -subalgebra, containing e. Denote by T the compact set of maximal ideals of the algebra Z; then, of course, Z ∼ = C(T ). For each point t ∈ T denote by Jt the maximal ideal of the algebra Z which corresponds to the point t, and denote by J(t) = A · Jt the closed two-sided ideal generated by Jt in the algebra A. Finally, we introduce the system of ideals JT = {J(t) : t ∈ T }. Lemma 1.1.11. We have

J(t) = {0}.


Proof. Let P ∈ Prim A be a primitive ideal of the algebra A. Show first, that there exists a point t ∈ T such that P ∩ Z = Jt . Indeed, let π be the irreducible representation of the C ∗ -algebra A with ker π = P ; then C · I ⊂ π(Z) ⊂ π(A) = C · I. Thus

C∼ = π(Z) = (Z + P )/P ∼ = Z/(Z ∩ P ),

and therefore Z ∩ P is a maximal ideal of the algebra Z, thus equal to Jt for some point t ∈ T . It is easy to see that the conditions P ∩ Z = Jt and P ⊃ J(t) are equivalent for each primitive ideal P . Furthermore, by [56], 2.9.7,

J(t) =


P ⊃J(t)

Thus {0} ⊂

J(t) ⊂




P = {0},

Prim A

J(t) = {0}.

1.1. General local principle for C ∗ -algebras


Introduce now the C ∗ -bundle ξ = (p, E, T ), defined by the algebra A and the system of ideals JT = {J Jt : t ∈ T } under consideration. The space T has two natural topologies: – ∗ -bundle topology of the bundle ξ, – the topology of the compact space of maximal ideals of the algebra Z, or, which is the same, the hull kernel topology of the C ∗ -algebra Z. Let us compare these topologies. Given t ∈ T , let u0 and u1 be two neighborhoods of the point t in the hull kernel topology on T , such that t ∈ u1 ⊂ u1 ⊂ u0 . By the Tietze theorem there are functions f : T → [0, 1], such that f |u1 ≡ 1,

f |T \u0 ≡ 0.

Denote by Ft the set of all such functions f for all possible pairs (u0 , u1 ) with the above properties. Lemma 1.1.12. For each element a ∈ A and each point t ∈ T , identifying Z with C(T ), we have a(t) = ˜ a(t) = inf f · a. f ∈F Ft

Proof. Fix ε > 0, and let x ∈ J(t) satisfy the property a + x < a(t) + ε. Select now elements yk ∈ Jt and bk ∈ A, k = 1, n with x − (y1 b1 + . . . + yn bn ) < ε, and a function f ∈ Ft with f (y1 b1 + . . . + yn bn ) < ε. Then a(t) + ε > a + x ≥ f a + f x ≥ f a + f (y1 b1 + . . . + yn bn ) − f (y1 b1 + . . . + yn bn ) − f x ≥ f a − f (y1 b1 + . . . + yn bn ) − (y1 b1 + . . . + yn bn ) − x ≥ f a − 2ε. Thus f a ≤ a(t) + 3ε, which implies inf f a ≤ a(t).

f ∈F Ft

Conversely, we have f a = a + (f − 1)a, where (f − 1)a ∈ J(t), thus a(t) ≤ inf f a. f ∈F Ft


Chapter 1. Preliminaries

Corollary 1.1.13. Elements a1 and a2 of the algebra A are locally equivalent at the t point t ∈ T : a1 ∼ a2 if and only if inf f (a1 − a2 ) = 0.

f ∈F Ft

Remark 1.1.14. In other approaches to the local principles, the statement of Corollary 1.1.13 is usually used as the definition of locally equivalent elements. This is exactly the case, for example, for the Gohberg-Krupnik local principle [85], which is formulated in terms of a system of so-called localizing classes. Lemma 1.1.15. The ∗ -bundle topology and the hull kernel topology coincide on the space T . Proof. We show first that the set a, ε) = {t ∈ T : a(t) < ε} V = V (˜ is open in the hull kernel topology. To do this we show that each point t0 ∈ V is interior. By Lemma 1.1.12 there exist a function f ∈ Ft0 and neighborhoods u1 ⊂ u0 (u1 ⊂ u0 ), such that f |u1 ≡ 1 and f a < ε. Then for each point t ∈ Int u1 we have a(t) ≤ f a < ε, thus t0 ∈ Int u1 ⊂ V , and the point t0 is interior. Thus the ∗ -bundle topology is not stronger then the hull kernel topology. Now, the ∗ - bundle topology is the weakest one such that the sections a ˜ : t → a(t) are continuous for all a ∈ A, and hull kernel topology is the weakest one such that the sections of the form ˜b : t → b(t)e(t) are continuous for all b ∈ C(T ). Thus the hull kernel topology is no stronger then the ∗ -bundle topology. Theorem 1.1.16 (Douglas-Varela local principle). Let A be a C ∗ -algebra with identity, Z be its central commutative C ∗ -subalgebra with the same identity, T be the compact set of maximal ideals of the algebra Z. Further, let Jt be the maximal ideal of Z corresponding to a point t ∈ T , and J(t) = Jt · A be the two-sided closed ideal generated by Jt in the algebra A. Then the algebra A is ∗ -isomorphic and isometric to the algebra of all (global) continuous sections of the C ∗ -bundle, defined by the algebra A and the system of ideals JT = {J(t) : t ∈ T }; moreover the ∗ -bundle topology on T coincides with the hull kernel topology of the compact T . Proof. By Lemma 1.1.11 we have

J(t) = {0},


thus by Theorem 1.1.8 the algebra A is ∗ -isomorphic and isometric to the C ∗ and, in particular, A is closed. algebra A,

1.1. General local principle for C ∗ -algebras


Now for each b(t) ∈ C(T ) and the identity ˜ = e(t) of the algebra A there exists an element b ∈ Z such that ˜b = b˜ e, thus for each a ˜ ∈ A we have

∈ A.

b˜ a = b˜ ea ˜ = ˜b˜ a = ba Thus the algebra A is a C(T )-module. To finish the proof we apply Theorem 1.1.4. The next theorem describes all irreducible representations of the algebra A in terms of irreducible representations of its local algebras. Theorem 1.1.17. Let A be a C ∗ -algebra with identity, Z be its central commutative subalgebra with the same identity, T = sp Z be the compact set of maximal ideals of the algebra Z. Introduce the C ∗ -bundle ξ = (p, E, T ) defined by the algebra A and the system of ideals JT (we have A ∼ = Γ(ξ)). For each point t ∈ T and each irreducible representation π ∈ A(t) introduce the (irreducible) representation ρπ : a −→ a(t) −→ π(a(t)) of the C ∗ -algebra A. with the spectrum A of the Then the mapping π −→ ρπ identifies t∈T A(t) algebra A. Proof. Let t1 and t2 be two different points of the set T , and let π1 and π2 be irreducible representations of the corresponding algebras A(t1 ) and A(t2 ). We show that the representations ρπ1 and ρπ2 of the C ∗ -algebra A cannot be equivalent. This will prove that the mapping π −→ ρπ is injective. Select an element a ∈ A with π1 (a(t1 )) = 0, and a function b(t) ∈ C(T ) with b(t1 ) = 1 and b(t2 ) = 0. Then ba ∈ A, and for representations ρπ1 and ρπ2 we have ρπ1 (ba) = π1 (b(t1 )a(t1 )) = 0, ρπ2 (ba) = π2 (b(t2 )a(t2 )) = 0. Thus the representations ρπ1 and ρπ2 are not equivalent, and the mapping π −→ ρπ is injective. We show now that this mapping is surjective, i.e., that for each representation ρ ∈ A there exist a point t ∈ T and a representation π of the algebra A(t), such that ρ = ρπ . It is easy to see that it is sufficient to find a point t ∈ T with J(t) ⊂ ker ρ. As follows from the proof of Lemma 1.1.11, for each primitive ideal (and thus for P = ker ρ) there exists a point t ∈ T with P ∩ Z = Jt . Thus for this t we have J(t) ⊂ P = ker ρ.


Chapter 1. Preliminaries

1.2 C ∗-Algebras generated by orthogonal projections 1.2.1 C ∗ -algebra generated by two self-adjoint idempotents The aim of this section is to describe the C ∗ -algebra R = C ∗ (p, q) with identity e generated by two elements p and q having only the relations p = p ∗ = p2 ,

q = q∗ = q2 .


To describe this algebra we will use the Douglas-Varela local principle. Introduce s = p − q, n = e − p − q, then

1 1 (e + s + n), q = (e − s − n), 2 2 and, of course, C ∗ (p, q) = C ∗ (s, n). The elements s and n satisfy the conditions p=

s2 + n2 = e,

sn + ns = 0,

s = s∗ ,

n = n∗ ,


which are equivalent to (1.2.1). From (1.2.2) it follows that the set of all elements of the form a = P (s) + Q(s)n, where P (·) and Q(·) are (complex) polynomials, is dense in the algebra R. Lemma 1.2.1. The spectra of the elements s and n are contained in the segment [−1, 1]. Proof. Indeed, the elements s and n are self-adjoint and

(λe − s)(λe + s) = (n − 1 − λ2 e)(n + 1 − λ2 e).

It is easy to see that the algebra Z = C ∗ (s2 ) is a central commutative subalgebra of the algebra R, and its compact space of maximal ideals coincides with T = sp s2 (⊂ [0, 1]). We will apply the Douglas-Varela local principle, localizing by points t ∈ T , and will denote by R(t) the local algebra corresponding to the point t. Let ∇ = sp s2 ∩ (0, 1) and Δ = ∇. Lemma 1.2.2. Given t ∈ ∇, the algebra R(t) is isomorphic to Mat2 (C), and under the mapping μt : R −→ R(t) ∼ = Mat2 (C) the image of the element a = P (s) + Q(s)n is given by √ P√ (τ ) Q(τ ) 1 − τ 2 , Q(−τ ) 1 − τ 2 P (−τ ) √ where τ = t.

1.2. C ∗ -Algebras generated by orthogonal projections


Proof. Denote by s(t), n(t) and e(t) the images of elements s, n and e in the local algebra R(t). Then we have s(t)2 = te(t),

n(t)2 = (1 − t)e(t),

s(t)n(t) + n(t)s(t) = 0.

Introduce the elements s0 = where τ =

1 1 s(t) and n0 = √ n(t), τ 1 − τ2

√ t. Then s20 = e(t),

n20 = e(t),

s0 n0 + n0 s0 = 0,

and R(t) ∼ = C ∗ (s0 , n0 ). Now the algebra R(t) is naturally isomorphic to the algebra 1 e(t) n0 1 e(t) e(t) R(t) 0

√ . R(t) = √ 0 s0 R(t)s0 2 n0 −n0 2 e(t) −n0

Under the isomorphism R(t) −→ R(t) the elements of the form a = P (s) + Q(s)n are mapped to √ √ P√ (τ ) Q(τ ) 1 − τ 2 P√ (−τ ) Q(−τ ) 1 − τ 2 p+ + p− , Q(−τ ) 1 − τ 2 P (−τ ) Q(τ ) 1 − τ 2 P (τ ) where p± = 12 (e(t) ± s0 ). From the properties p2± = p±

and p+ p− = p− p+ = 0

is isomorphic to the algebra of all pairs of complex it follows that the algebra R(t) matrices of the form a11 a12 a22 a21 , . a21 a22 a12 a11 But

a22 a12

a21 a11


0 −i

a11 −i 0 a21

a12 a22

0 i

i , 0

and thus R(t) = Mat2 (C). To finish the proof one only needs to follow all the above isomorphisms. Corollary 1.2.3. The sets sp s ∩ (−1, 1) and sp n ∩ (−1, 1) are symmetric with respect to zero, and moreover sp s ∩ (−1, 1) = {±τ : τ 2 ∈ ∇},

sp n ∩ (−1, 1) = {± 1 − τ 2 : τ 2 ∈ ∇}.


Chapter 1. Preliminaries

Lemma 1.2.4. If 1 ∈ Δ = ∇, then R(1) ∼ = C2 , and under the mapping μ1 : R −→ R(1) ∼ = C2 we have μ1 : a = P (s) + Q(s)n −→ (P (1), P (−1)). If 0 ∈ Δ = ∇, then R(0) ∼ = C2 , and under the mapping μ0 : R −→ R(0) ∼ = C2 we have μ0 : a = P (s) + Q(s)n −→ (P (0) + Q(0), P (0) − Q(0)). Proof. The proofs of both statements of the lemma are similar, we will prove only the first one. In the algebra R(1) we have s(1)2 = e(1) and n(1)2 = 0. By Corollary 1.2.3 s(1) = ±1, and from n(1) = n(1)∗ it follows that n(1) = 0. Thus, it is easy to see that the element a = P (s) + Q(s)n has the following image in R(1), P (1)p+ + P (−1)P P− , where P± = 12 (e(1) + s(1)). To finish the proof, apply the properties p2± = p± and p+ p− = p− p+ = 0. Remark 1.2.5. If the value 1 is an isolated point of sp s2 , i.e., 1 ∈ T \ Δ, then besides the situation of Lemma 1.2.4, which occurs when {−1, 1} ⊂ sp s, we may have the following possibilities: R(1) ∼ =C R(1) ∼ =C

and and

μ1 (a) = P (1), μ1 (a) = P (−1),

for the cases when −1 ∈ sp s, or 1 ∈ sp s, respectively. Analogously, if the value 0 is an isolated point of sp s2 , i.e., 0 ∈ T \ Δ, then besides the situation of Lemma 1.2.4, which occurs when {−1, 1} ⊂ sp n, we may have the following possibilities: R(0) ∼ =C R(0) ∼ =C

and and

μ0 (a) = P (0) + Q(0), μ0 (a) = P (0) − Q(0),

for the cases when −1 ∈ sp n, or 1 ∈ sp n, respectively. To formulate the final result introduce the following notation. Denote by Y the subset of {0, 1} × {0, 1} such that (0, 0) ∈ Y,


0 ∈ T \ Δ and − 1 ∈ sp n,

(1, 0) ∈ Y, (0, 1) ∈ Y,

if if

0 ∈ T \ Δ and 1 ∈ sp n, 1 ∈ T \ Δ and 1 ∈ sp s,

(1, 1) ∈ Y,


1 ∈ T \ Δ and − 1 ∈ sp s.

1.2. C ∗ -Algebras generated by orthogonal projections


We denote by S the set of all pairs σ = (σ1 , σ2 ), where σ1 ∈ C(Y ) and σ2 ∈ C(Δ, Mat2 (C)), such that σ2 is diagonal at the points {0, 1} ∩ Δ (if any). The set S is a C ∗ -algebra with respect to componentwise operations and the norm σ = max{max |σ1 (·)|, max σ2 (·)}. Δ


Theorem 1.2.6. The algebra R = C ∗ (p, g) is ∗ -isomorphic and isometric to the algebra S. The isomorphism ν : R −→ S is generated by the following mapping of the generators of the algebra R: ⎧ ⎪1 ⎨ !− i, " (i, j) ∈ Y, ν(p) = 1 0 ⎪ , t ∈ Δ, ⎩ 0 0 ⎧ ⎪ ⎨1!− |i − j|,

" (i, j) ∈ Y, ν(q) = 1−t t(1 − t) ⎪ , t ∈ Δ. ⎩

t(1 − t) t Proof. For each t ∈ ∇ introduce the isomorphism μt


t νt : R(t) −→ Mat2 (C) −→ Mat2 (C),

where μt is the isomorphism of Lemma 1.2.2, and mt is the following automorphism of the algebra Mat2 (C): mt : h −→ m(τ )hm(τ ), where

√ √ √ 1 −√1 − τ √1 + τ , τ = t. m(τ ) = m(τ )−1 = m(τ )∗ = √ 2 − 1−τ − 1+τ √ Now change τ for t. Then under the homomorphism ν

t R −→ R(t) −→ Mat2 (C)

we have p q

1 0 , t ∈ ∇, 0 0

1−t t(1 − t)

−→ , t ∈ ∇. t(1 − t) t


To finish the proof apply Theorem 1.1.16, extending the above mapping to Δ = ∇ and to Y , if Y = ∅.


Chapter 1. Preliminaries

Remark 1.2.7. The most common situation in applications is when either T = Δ, or if j ∈ {0, 1} is an isolated of the spectrum sp (p − q)2 . Then both points (0, j) and (1, j) belong to the set Y . In this case Theorem 1.2.6 is equivalent to the following one. Theorem 1.2.8. The algebra R = C ∗ (p, q) is isomorphic and isometric to the algebra of all 2 × 2 matrix-functions continuous on T = sp (p − q)2 (⊂ [0, 1]), and diagonal at the points of {0, 1} ∩T . This isomorphism is generated by the following mapping of the generators of the algebra R: 1 0 , p −→ 0 0

1−t t(1 − t)

q −→ , t(1 − t) t where t ∈ T .

1.2.2 Two orthogonal projections Let a Hilbert space H be given in two different ways as a direct sum of subspaces H = L ⊕ L⊥ = M ⊕ M ⊥ . Denote by P the orthogonal projection on H with image L, and by Q the orthogonal projection on H with image M . The subspaces H0,0 = L ∩ M, H1,0 = L⊥ ∩ M ⊥ ,

H0,1 = L ∩ M ⊥ , H0,1 = L⊥ ∩ M,

are invariant with respect to the projections, and the restrictions of the projections onto Hi,j , i, j = 0, 1, have the obvious structure. Thus it is natural to exclude these subspaces from the analysis. Due to P. Halmos [98], the projections P and Q are in generic position if all the spaces Hi,j , i, j = 0, 1, are trivial, or, equivalently, they satisfy the conditions Im P ∩ Im Q = {0},

ker P ∩ Im Q = {0},

Im P ∩ ker Q = {0},

ker P ∩ ker Q = {0}.

Introduce H0 = H0,0 ⊕ H0,1 ⊕ H1,0 ⊕ H1,1 and H1 = H H0 . Then the restrictions P1 = P |H1 and Q1 = Q|H1 are orthogonal projections on H1 with images L1 = L ∩ H1 and M1 = M ∩ H1 respectively, and which are in generic position.

1.2. C ∗ -Algebras generated by orthogonal projections


⊥ Lemma 1.2.9. All the subspaces L1 , L⊥ 1 = H1 L1 , M1 and M1 = H1 M1 have the same dimensions.

Proof. Let F1 = P1 |M1 : M1 → L1 be the restriction of the projection P1 onto the space M1 . From M1 ∩ L⊥ 1 = {0} it follows that ker F1 = {0}. We prove now that Im F1 is dense in L1 . Indeed, let x ∈ L1 ∩ (Im F1 )⊥ , then for all y ∈ M1 we have 0 = (x, F1 y) = (x, P1 y) = (P P1 x, y) = (x, y), thus x ∈ L1 ∩ M1⊥ = {0}. Thus the operator F1 maps M1 one-to-one onto a linear manifold dense in L1 , and by ([99], problem 56) dim M1 = dim L1 . To finish the proof we apply the above arguments to other combinations of subspaces and projections. In addition to the operator F1 = P1 |M1 : M1 → L1 , introduce the operator ∗ F2 = (I − P1 )|M1 : M1 → L⊥ 1 , and their adjoints F1 = Q1 |L1 : L1 → M1 and ⊥ F2∗ = Q1 |L⊥ : L → M . We use the polar decomposition Fj = Uj · Dj , with a 1 1 1 unitary operator Uj and a positive operator Dj : M1 → M1 , j = 1, 2. Introduce the unitary operator U = diag(U1 , U2 ) : M12 −→ H1 = L1 ⊕ L⊥ 1. Thus the projections P1 = U ∗ P1 U and Q1 = U ∗ Q1 U , acting on the space M12 admit the matrix form 1 0 , P1 = 0 0 2 D1 D2 D1 Q1 = . D2 D1 D22 Note that D12 + D22 = I. In fact, D12 + D22 = D1 U1∗ · U1 D1 + D2 U2∗ · U2 D2 = F1∗ F1 + F2∗ F2 = Q1 (P P12 + (I − P1 )2 )Q1 |M1 = Q1 |M1 = I. Introduce finally C = D22 , then D12 = I − C. The following theorem summarizes the results of this section. Theorem 1.2.10. Each pair of orthogonal projections P and Q on a Hilbert space H admit the following canonical representation: The Hilbert space H splits into direct sum H = H0 ⊕ H1 , where both summands are invariant with respect to projections. The restrictions P0 = P |H0 and Q0 = Q|H0 are the “commutative part” of the projections and have the form P0 = I ⊕ I ⊕ 0 ⊕ 0,


Q0 = I ⊕ 0 ⊕ 0 ⊕ I,



Chapter 1. Preliminaries

corresponding to the splitting H0 = H0,0 ⊕ H0,1 ⊕ H1,0 ⊕ H1,1 , where H0,0 = Im P ∩ Im Q, H1,0 = ker P ∩ ker Q,

H0,1 = Im P ∩ ker Q, H1,1 = ker P ∩ Im Q.

The restrictions P1 = P |H1 and Q1 = Q|H1 are the “generic position part” of the projections and have the form ∗ 1 0 U, (1.2.5) P1 = U 0 0

I −C C(I − C) Q1 = U ∗

U, (1.2.6) C(I − C) C where C = Q1 (I − P1 )Q1 |Im Q1 , U = diag(U1 , U2 ), where U1 : Im Q1 → Im P1 is the unitary multiple of the polar decomposition of the operator P1 |Im Q1 , U2 : Im Q1 → (Im P1 )⊥ is the unitary multiple of the polar decomposition of the operator (I − P1 )|Im Q1 . Remark 1.2.11. If some spaces Hi,j are trivial, i.e., Hi,j = {0}, for the given projections, then the corresponding summand in the representation (1.2.3), (1.2.4) should be omitted. Remark 1.2.12. The operator C is positive, and 0 ≤ C ≤ I. Using the spectral theorem in (1.2.5), (1.2.6) we immediately obtain the representations of Theorem 1.2.8 for generic position orthogonal projections P1 and Q1 , 1 0 , (1.2.7) P1 −→ 0 0

t(1 − t)

1 − t Q1 −→ , (1.2.8) t(1 − t) t where t ∈ sp C = sp (P P1 − Q1 )2 . The description of the algebra R = C ∗ (P, Q) with identity I, generated by the orthogonal projections P and Q, is given by Theorem 1.2.6. We describe now the inverse isomorphism ν −1 : S −→ R. Let

⎧ ⎪σ ⎨ !1 (i, j), σ= σ21,1 (t) ⎪ ⎩ 2,1 σ2 (t)

σ21,2 (t) σ22,2 (t)


(i, j) ∈ Y , t∈Δ

be an element of the algebra S. For each pair (i, j) with Hi,j = {0}, we have either (i, j) ∈ Y , or j ∈ Δ. Introduce # if (i, j) ∈ Y σ1 (i, j), σ0 (i, j) = . i+1,i+1 σ2 (j), if j ∈ Δ

1.2. C ∗ -Algebras generated by orthogonal projections


Then the operator ν −1 (σ) of the algebra R = C ∗ (P, Q) has the form ⎛ ⎞ 1,1 σ2 (C) σ21,2 (C) U, ν −1 (σ) = ⎝ σ0 (i, j)IIHi,j ⎠ U∗ σ22,1 (C) σ22,2 (C) (i,j)

corresponding to the splitting H = H0 ⊕ H1 . The operator C, as before, is given by C = Q1 (I − P1 )Q1 |Im Q1 .

1.2.3 More than two projections The situation becomes unpredictable in the general case of a C ∗ -algebra generated by a finite set of orthogonal projections (and even in the case of just three projections!). First of all, this algebra can be irreducible. Theorem 1.2.13 (Ch. Davis [55], 1955). Let H be a separable Hilbert space. There exist three orthogonal projections P1 , P2 and P3 on it such that the von Neumann algebra W ∗ (P P1 , P2 , P3 ) generated by them coincides with the algebra L(H) of all bounded linear operators acting on the space H. Theorem 1.2.14 (V. Sunder [194], 1988). Let H be a separable Hilbert space. Then for each n there exist n orthogonal projections P1 , . . ., Pn on it such that (i) W ∗ (P P1 , . . . , Pn ) = L(H), P1 , . . . , Pn }. (ii) W ∗ (S) ⊂ L(H), whenever S ⊂ {P Consider now a special case, important for applications, when all the projections but one mutually commute, or (which is equivalent but with a bit more simple setting) when all but one of these projections are mutually orthogonal. Start with three (independent) projections. Let a Hilbert space H be given in two different ways as a direct sum of subspaces H = L ⊕ L⊥ = M1 ⊕ M2 ⊕ M3 , P is the orthogonal projection on H with image L, and Qk are the orthogonal projection on H with images Mk , k = 1, 3. Even in this specific case the algebra generated by the projections can be not only irreducible, but can be even a simple algebra. Example 1.2.15 (The Choi algebra). (M.-D. Choi [40], 1979) In a Hilbert space H = H0 ⊕ H1 with H1 = Hα ⊕ Hβ and dim H0 = dim H1 = dim Hα = dim Hβ consider two unitary operators U and V such that ⎧ ⎨ H0 → Hα H0 → H1 Hα → Hβ , U: , V : H1 → H0 ⎩ Hβ → H0 and U 2 = I, V 3 = I.


Chapter 1. Preliminaries Introduce the orthogonal projections P = 1/2(I + U )

and Qk = 1/3(I + e2πi(k−1)/3 V + e4πi(k−1)/3 V 2 ),

k = 1, 3.

We have Qj · Qk = δj,k Qj , Q1 + Q2 + Q3 = I, and the C ∗ -algebra C ∗ (U, V ) generated by U and V coincides with the C ∗ -algebra with identity C ∗ (P, Q1 , Q2 ) generated by the projections P , Q1 and Q2 . Theorem 1.2.16. The algebra C ∗ (U, V ) (and thus C ∗ (P, Q1 , Q2 )) is a simple and algebraically unique C ∗ -algebra. Our aim is to shed light on the general situation in the above-mentioned specific case. In the next few subsections we will study the following problem: Consider a Hilbert space H and a finite set of orthogonal projections P , Q1 , . . ., Qn on it, with the conditions Qj · Qk = δj,k Qk ,

j, k = 1, n,

Q1 + . . . + Qn = I,

Im P ∩ ker Qk = {0}, Im Qk ∩ ker P = {0}, k = 1, n. Describe the C ∗ -algebra R = C ∗ (P, Q1 , . . . , Qn ) generated by these projections. It turns out that the structure of the algebra R is determined by the mutual properties of some n positive injective contractions Ck with nk=1 Ck = I, and thus by the structure of the C ∗ -algebra generated by them. The principal difference between the case of two projections and the general case of a finite set of projections is now completely understandable: for n = 2 we have only one contraction and the spectral theorem leads directly to the representation (1.2.7), (1.2.8); for n ≥ 2 we have to study the C ∗ -algebra generated by a finite set of arbitrary non-commuting positive injective contractions. The study of the algebra R = C ∗ (P, Q1 , . . . , Qn ) is closely connected with the description of the C ∗ free product C2 ∗Cn , and, after the change of the generators P , Q1 , . . ., Qn for u = 2P − 1, v = nk=1 e2π(k−1)/n Qk , with the description of the (full) C ∗ -algebra of the free product Z2 ∗ Zn of two cyclic groups of order 2 and n respectively. Note that the Choi algebra [40] is isomorphic to the reduced C ∗ -algebra of this group for n = 3 (see [179] for the reduced algebra for arbitrary finite n). For the case n = 3 one can think of the algebra R as the C ∗ -algebra with identity generated by two self-adjoint elements P and Q = Q1 − Q2 with the conditions P 2 = P, Q3 = Q.

1.2. C ∗ -Algebras generated by orthogonal projections


1.2.4 Canonical form of all-but-one orthogonal projections Let a Hilbert space H be given in two different ways as a direct sum of subspaces H = L ⊕ L⊥ = M1 ⊕ . . . ⊕ Mn . Denote by P the orthogonal projection on H with image L, and by Qk the orthogonal projection on H with image Mk , k = 1, n. We have obviously Qj · Qk = δjk Qk , j, k = 1, n,


I = Q1 + . . . + Qn .


We will call the system P , Q1 , . . ., Qn of projections (self-adjoint idempotents in a C ∗ -algebra) all-but-one if they satisfy the above conditions (1.2.9), (1.2.10). The subspace n n (L ∩ Mk ) (L⊥ ∩ Mk ) (1.2.11) k=1


is invariant with respect to all projections, and both the restrictions of the projections onto (1.2.11) and the (commutative) C ∗ -algebra generated by these restrictions have the obvious structure. Thus we assume that the subspace (1.2.11) is trivial, and that dim L = dim L⊥ = dim M1 = . . . = dim Mn = ∞. Corresponding to the decomposition H=


Mk .


the projections P and Qk , k = 1, n have the matrix form P = (Qj P Qk )nj,k=1 , Qk = diag (0, . . . , 0,

(1.2.12) , 0, . . . , 0), k = 1, n.



For each k = 1, n introduce an isometry Uk : L → Mk , and the operator Dk = P Qk Uk : L → L. Then Dk∗ = Uk∗ Qk P |L : L → L. For the unitary operator U = diag (U1 , . . . , Un ) : Ln −→ H =


Mk ,


the projections U ∗ P U and U ∗ Qk U , k = 1, n, acting on the space Ln have the matrix form U ∗ P U = (Dj∗ · Dk )nj,k=1 , U ∗ Qk U = diag (0, . . . , 0,



, 0, . . . , 0), k = 1, n,


Chapter 1. Preliminaries

Lemma 1.2.17. The operators Dk , k = 1, n, are injective and n

Dk Dk∗ = I.


Proof. The first statement follows from L⊥ ∩ Mk = {0}, k = 1, n. Further, " ! n n n ∗ ∗ Dk Dk = P Qk Uk · Uk Qk P |L = P Qk P |L = P |L = I. k=1



Theorem 1.2.18. For an appropriate choice of the isometry Uk , the operator Dk can be (i) normal, (ii) self-adjoint, (iii) positive, if and only if Im P ∩ ker Qk = {0}. Proof. Let Im P ∩ ker Qk = {0}, it is sufficient to prove that Dk cannot be normal. We have ker Dk∗ = Im P ∩ ker Qk = {0} and thus ker Dk∗ = ker Dk = {0}, so the operator Dk can not be normal. Conversely, let Im P ∩ ker Qk = {0}. We will prove that the operator Dk can be positive. It is easy to see that the operator Fk = Qk |L : L → Mk is injective

k with a and with the dense range. Thus it has the polar decomposition Fk = Vk D

unitary operator Vk : L → Mk and a positive operator Dk : L → L. Put Uk = Vk ,

k. then Dk = P Qk Vk = Fk∗ Vk = D The theorem motivates the following definition. We say that all-but-one projections P , Q1 , . . ., Qn are in generic position if they satisfy the conditions Im P ∩ ker Qk = {0},


Im Qk ∩ ker P = {0}, k = 1, n.


If n = 2, i.e., we have only two (independent) projections P and Q = Q1 , the notion of generic position is equivalent to one of Halmos [98] and means exactly that the space (1.2.11) is trivial. Note that this is the only case when the triviality of the space (1.2.11) permits us to have all the Dk positive, for n > 2 our notion of generic position is stronger and implies in particular the triviality of the space (1.2.11). Assuming that all-but-one projections P , Q1 , . . ., Qn are in generic position, select all the isometries Uk in such a form that all Dk are positive and introduce Ck = Dk2 , k = 1, n. Then all Ck are positive and injective, n k=1

Ck = I,

1.2. C ∗ -Algebras generated by orthogonal projections


and for the projections U ∗ P U , U ∗ Qk U , k = 1, n, acting on the space Ln we have 1/2

Cj U ∗ P U = (C


· Ck )nj,k=1 ,

U ∗ Qk U = diag (0, . . . , 0,


, 0, . . . , 0), k = 1, n.


The following theorem summarizes the above results. Theorem 1.2.19. Each set of generic position orthogonal projections P , Q1 , . . ., Qn on a Hilbert space H with the properties Qj · Qk = δjk · Qk , j, k = 1, n, I = Q1 + . . . + Qn


admits the following canonical representation: There exists a Hilbert space L (= Im P ), a unitary operator U from the Hilbert space Ln = L × . . . × L onto H, and n positive injective operators C1 , . . ., Cn on L with C1 + . . . + Cn = I, such that the operators U ∗ P U and U ∗ Qk U , k = 1, n, acting on Ln are, in matrix form, given as 1/2

Cj U ∗ P U = (C ∗


· Ck )nj,k=1 ,

U Qk U = diag (0, . . . , 0,


(1.2.16) , 0, . . . , 0), k = 1, n.


Conversely, each set of n positive injective operators C1 , . . ., Cn acting on a Hilbert space L, with C1 + . . . + Cn = I and each unitary operator U from Ln onto a Hilbert space H define, by formulas (1.2.16), a set of generic position orthogonal projections P , Q1 , . . ., Qn on a Hilbert space H with the properties (1.2.15). Theorem 1.2.20. Let {P , Q1 , . . . , Qn } and {P , Q1 , . . . , Qn } be two systems of allbut-one generic position orthogonal projections on the Hilbert spaces H and H respectively, and let {C1 , . . . , Cn } and {C1 , . . . , Cn } be the corresponding systems of positive contractions. Then the systems of projections are unitary equivalent, i.e., there exists a unitary operator W : H → H such that P = W ∗ P W , Qk = W ∗ Qk W , k = 1, n, if and only if the systems of contractions are unitary equivalent, i.e., there exists a unitary operator V : Im P → Im P such that Ck = V ∗ Ck V , k = 1, n. Proof. The “if” part is obvious. Now assume that the system of projections are given in their canonical forms (1.2.16). Then the conditions Qk = W ∗ Qk W , k = 1, n, imply that W = diag (W W1 , W2 , . . . , Wn ), where Wk : Im P → Im P , k = 1, n, are unitary operators. The condition P = W ∗ P W implies that (C Cj )1/2 (Ck )1/2 = Wj∗ (C Cj )1/2 (Ck )1/2 Wk ,

j, k = 1, n,

and, in particular, that Ck = Wk∗ Ck Wk and (Ck )1/2 = Wk∗ (Ck )1/2 Wk , k = 1, n. Thus (C Cj )1/2 (Ck )1/2 = Wj∗ (C Cj )1/2 Wj Wj∗ (Ck )1/2 Wk = (C Cj )1/2 Wj∗ (Ck )1/2 Wk ,


Chapter 1. Preliminaries

and the injectivity of Cj gives (Ck )1/2 = Wj∗ (Ck )1/2 Wk . In the same manner (Ck )1/2 = ((Ck )1/2 )∗ = Wk∗ (Ck )1/2 Wj = Wk∗ (Ck )1/2 Wk Wk∗ Wj = (Ck )1/2 Wk∗ Wj gives Wk∗ Wj = I, or W1 = . . . = Wn (= V ).

1.2.5 C ∗ -algebra generated by all-but-one projections The C ∗ -algebra R = C ∗ (P, Q1 , . . . , Qn ) generated by the generic position orthogonal projections P and Qk , k = 1, n, having the property (1.2.15) is naturally isomorphic to the algebra U ∗ R U . We will identify these algebras and thus will assume that the C ∗ -algebra R is generated by the projections 1/2

P = (C Cj


· Ck )nj,k=1 ,

Qk = diag (0, . . . , 0,


, 0, . . . , 0), k = 1, n,


where Ck , k = 1, n are positive injective contractions with the property


Ck = I.


The difficulties begin when n ≥ 3. In the case of two orthogonal projections we have in fact only one independent contraction, C = C2 , then C1 = I − C, and thus using the spectral theorem we come to the known representation of two projections in the generic position,

1−x x(1 − x)

P = , x(1 − x) x 1 0 , Q = Q1 = 0 0 where x ∈ sp P (I − Q)|Im P = sp (P − Q)2 ⊂ [0, 1]. In the case n ≥ 3 the description of the C ∗ -algebra R depends essentially on the mutual properties of the contractions Ck , and thus on the structure of the C ∗ -algebra RC = C ∗ (C1 , . . . , Cn ) generated by them. Lemma 1.2.21. The set (algebra) of all elements of the form 1/2

Cj A = diag (α1 , . . . , αn )I + (C


Aj,k Ck )nj,k=1 ,


where αk ∈ C, Aj,k ∈ RC , is dense in the algebra R. Proof. It is sufficient to prove that all elements of the form (1.2.17) where Aj,k are non-commutative polynomials of the variables C1 , . . ., Cn−1 belong to R. Denote

1.2. C ∗ -Algebras generated by orthogonal projections


for a moment by [A]j,k the element of R with the only non-zero entry j, k equal to A. Now the proof follows directly from the equalities 1/2


[ Cj Ck 1/2

[ Cj



Cm Ck


[ Cj A1 A2 Ck 1/2

(C Cj

]j,k = Qj P Qk , 1/2

]j,k = [ Cj ]j,k =


Aj,k Ck )nj,k=1 =



1/2 1/2 Cm ]j,m [ Cm Ck 1/2

[ Cj

m=1 n

]m,k , 1/2

1/2 1/2 A1 Cm ]j,m [ Cm A2 Ck



[ Cj Aj,k Ck

]m,k ,

]j,k .


Corollary 1.2.22. If all the operators Ck are invertible, then the algebra R is isomorphic to RC ⊗ Matn (C). Corollary 1.2.23. Let A be a finitely generated C ∗ -algebra with identity, and let n0 be a minimal number of self-adjoint elements generating A. Then for each n > n0 there exists a continuous family of non-UNITARIL Y equivalent systems of allbut-one self-adjoint idempotents (generic position orthogonal projections) p, q1 , . . ., qn , such that for each of these systems we have A ⊗ Matn (C) ∼ = C ∗ (p, q1 , . . . , qn ). Proof. Denote by s1 , . . ., sn0 the self-adjoint elements generating A, and fix any n > n0 . Now we need a family of systems of positive invertible elements c1 , . . ., cn of the algebra A, such that n

ck = e

and C ∗ (c1 , . . . , cn ) = A.


Of course, there are many possibilities to construct such a family. For example one may take, for α ∈ [0, 1], 1 1+α sk ), k = 1, n0 , (e + 4n0 sk n0 1 ck = ck (α) = (e − cj ), k = n0 + 1, n. n − n0 j=1

ck = ck (α) =

Finally, the family of the following systems of self-adjoint idempotents (projections) satisfies all the necessary properties, 1/2


p = p(α) = (cj (α) · ck (α))nj,k=1 , qk = qk (α) = diag (0, . . . , 0, where α ∈ [0, 1].



, 0, . . . , 0), k = 1, n,


Chapter 1. Preliminaries

Example 1.2.24 (Cuntz algebras are generated by all-but-one self-adjoint idempotents). Recall that the Cuntz algebra [51] On is a simple (and algebraically unique) C ∗ -algebra generated by n isometries S1 , . . ., Sn whose ranges are orthogonal complements: S1 S1∗ + . . . + Sn Sn∗ = I. ∼ On (see [40] for n = 2), and thus On = ∼ On ⊗ Matnk (C), We have On ⊗ Matn (C) = k ∈ N. Example 1.2.25 (Family of all-but-one generic position orthogonal projections, generating non-isomorphic simple C ∗ -algebras). Apply Corollary 1.2.23 to the irrational rotation algebra [168] Aα , α is an irrational number. This algebra is simple and is generated by two unitary operators (U ϕ)(t) = tϕ(t) and (V ϕ)(t) = ϕ(ei2πα t), acting on L2 (T). By [168], for irrational α, β ∈ [0, 1/2] the algebras Aα ⊗ Matn (C) and Aβ ⊗ Matm (C) are isomorphic if and only if α = β and m = n. Example 1.2.26 (Non type I algebras generated by all-but-one generic position orthogonal projections). Apply Corollary 1.2.23 to the Toeplitz operator algebras [52] C ∗ (Ωδ1 ,δ2 ), with irrational ln(δ2 )/ ln(δ1 ). These algebras are non type I and are generated by multiplication operators z1 I, z2 I, acting on the Bergman space A2 (Ωδ1 ,δ2 , μ), where Ωδ1 ,δ2 = {(z1 , z2 ) ∈ C2 : |z1 | < δ1 and |z2 | < 1, or |z1 | < 1 and |z2 | < δ2 }. Theorem 1.2.27. Each irreducible representation ρ : R → L(Y ) of the algebra R has the following structure: There exist an irreducible representation π : RC → L(X) of the algebra RC and a set of n orthogonal projections P (j) : X → Yj , j = 1, n, with the property 1/2

Cj P (j) π(C



Ck ) = π(C Cj

such that Y =



Ck )P (k) , j, k = 1, n,


Im P (j) ⊂ X n


and ρ : (Aj,k )nj,k=1 ∈ R −→ (π(Aj,k ))nj,k=1 |Y .


Proof. The algebra R is a C -subalgebra of RC ⊗ Matn (C), each irreducible representation of which is of the form π # = π ⊗ id : RC ⊗ Matn (C) → L(X n ) where π : RC → L(X) is an irreducible representation of RC and id is the identical representation of Matn (C).

1.2. C ∗ -Algebras generated by orthogonal projections


Thus [56] for each irreducible representation ρ : R → L(Y ) of the algebra R there exist an irreducible representation π : RC → L(X) and a subspace Y of the Hilbert space X n such that −→ π # ((Aj,k )nj,k=1 ) = (π(Aj,k )n )j,k=1 |Y ∈ L(Y ).

ρ : (Aj,k )nj,k=1 ∈ R

The orthogonal projection PY : X n → Y should commute with all elements of π # (R). Commutation with π # (Qj ), j = 1, n leads to PY =


P (j) ,


where P (j) is the orthogonal projections of X onto its subspace Yj , j = 1, n. Thus Y =


Im P (j) =



Yj .


Finally, the commuting of PY with all the elements of the form π # (Qj P Qk ), j, k = 1, n leads to 1/2

P (j) π(C Cj



Ck ) = π(C Cj


Ck )P (k) .

Remark 1.2.28. The condition (1.2.18) is necessary and sufficient for the mapping (1.2.19) to be a representation.

1.2.6 Pairwise commuting contractions Ck In this section we consider the special case when all contractions Ck , k = 1, n, are pairwise commuting, and thus the C ∗ -algebra RC generated by them is commutative. This is the simplest and more direct generalization of the two-projection situation. This case is itself interesting and its understanding is important for the general case when the commutator ideal of the algebra RC is proper. Denote by Δ = Δ(C1 , . . . , Cn ) ⊂ Rn the joint spectrum of the operators C1 , . . . , Cn . Then the C ∗ -algebra RC is naturally isomorphic to C(Δ), and the coordinate function tk , k = 1, n, (t = (t1 , . . . , tn ) ∈ Δ ⊂ Rn ) is the image of Ck under this isomorphism. Denote by S(Δ) the C ∗ -algebra generated by the following n × n matrixvalued functions continuous on Δ:

√ p(t) = ( tj tk )nj,k=1 , (1.2.20) qk (t) = diag (0, . . . , 0, where t = (t1 , . . . , tn ) ∈ Δ.


, 0, . . . , 0),




Chapter 1. Preliminaries To describe the algebra S(Δ) we introduce first a sort of “maximal” algebra.

Let Δn−1 = {t = (t1 , . . . , tn ) ∈ Rn : tk ≥ 0, k = 1, n,


tk = 1}


be the standard (n − 1) - dimensional simplex. Thus S(Δn−1 ) is the C ∗ -algebra generated by the elements (1.2.20), (1.2.21) with t = (t1 , . . . , tn ) ∈ Δn−1 . Denote by Smax the C ∗ -algebra of all n × n matrix-valued functions continuous on Δn−1 and having the following properties: (i) they are diagonal at all vertices (1, 0, . . . , 0), (0, 1, . . . , 0), . . ., (0, . . . , 0, 1) of Δn−1 ; (ii) fix a k-tuple [k] = (i1 , . . . , ik ) of indices 1 ≤ i1 < i2 < . . . < ik ≤ n, and let [n]\[k] be the complementary (n − k)-tuple of indices; then for each k-tuple, 1 ≤ k ≤ n − 1, σij (t) = σji (t) ≡ 0

for i ∈ [k], j = i

and σii (t) = σi = const on (n − k − 1)-face ti1 = ti2 = . . . = tik = 0 of Δn−1 . Standard arguments lead directly to the following lemma. Lemma 1.2.29. All irreducible representations of the algebra Smax are up to unitary equivalence as follows: (i) the family of n-dimensional representations parameterized by the points t ∈ Int Δn−1 and defined by the rule πt : σ ∈ S(Δn−1 ) −→ σ(t) ∈ Matn (C); [k]

(ii) Cnk families {πt } of (n − k)-dimensional representations, k = 1, n − 1, parameterized by the interior parts of the (n − k − 1)-face ti1 = ti2 = . . . = tik = 0, ij ∈ [k] of Δn−1 ; then representations (for the corresponding points t) are defined by the rule [k]

πt : σ ∈ S(Δn−1 ) → (σi,j (t))i,j∈[n]\[k] ∈ Matn−k (C); (iii) 2n one-dimensional representations defined as follows: : σ ∈ S(Δn−1 ) −→ σjj (0, . . . , 0, π(j)

1 , 0, . . . , 0) ∈ C


π(j) : σ ∈ S(Δn−1 ) −→ σjj (τ1 , . . . , τj −1 , 0, τj +1 , . . . , τn ) ∈ C,

where t = (τ1 , . . . , τj −1 , 0, τj +1 , . . . , τn ) ∈ ∂Δn−1 . Theorem 1.2.30. The algebra S(Δn−1 ) coincides with the C ∗ -algebra Smax .

1.2. C ∗ -Algebras generated by orthogonal projections


Proof. The algebra S(Δn−1 ) is obviously a C ∗ -subalgebra of Smax . We will prove that S(Δn−1 ) is a massive [56] subalgebra of Smax , and then by the StoneWeierstrass theorem for GCR-algebras [56] we will have S(Δn−1 ) = Smax . To prove that, we need to check two properties: (i) for each irreducible representation π of Smax the representation π|S(Δn−1 ) is irreducible; (ii) for each two non-equivalent irreducible representations π1 and π2 of Smax their restrictions π1 |S(Δn−1 ) and π2 |S(Δn−1 ) are non-equivalent as well. We check these two statements for n-dimensional representations only. Fix a point t0 ∈ Δn−1 and consider the corresponding representation πt0 . To prove the first statement it is sufficient to find for each matrix m = (mkj )nk,j=1 ∈ Matn (C) an element a ∈ S(Δn−1 ) such that πt0 (a) = m. It is easy to see that we can take a to be of the form n 1 a = mkj (qk p(t0 )qqj )kj . (p(t0 ))kj k,j=1 To prove the second statement it is sufficient to find for every two fixed distinct points t = (t1 , . . . , tn ) and t = (t1 , . . . , tn ) of Int Δn−1 an element a ∈ S(Δn−1 ) such that πt (a) = 0, πt (a) = 0. The corresponding element, for example, is a = q1 (p − t1 e)q1 + . . . + qn (p − tn e)qn .

Corollary 1.2.31. The algebra S(Δ), where Δ = Δ(C, . . . , Cn ), is the restriction of S(Δn−1 ) onto the set Δ, i.e., S(Δ) = {σ|Δ : σ ∈ S(Δn−1 )}. Remark 1.2.32. The set Δ = Δ(C1 , . . . , Cn ) can be an arbitrary compact subset of the simplex Δn−1 . Some examples of such a set are given in Section 7.5. In the sequel we will need the following variant of the above situation. Consider the all-but-one projections P , Q1 , . . ., Qn , which satisfy the only property (1.2.5) (the property (1.2.6) does not hold). Thus for some indices k we have Im Qk ∩ ker P = {0}. Denote by m (0 < m ≤ n) the number of these indices, and reorder the projections Qk in such a form that Im Qk ∩ ker P = {0},

k = 1, m,

Im Qk ∩ ker P = {0},

k = m + 1, n.


Chapter 1. Preliminaries

We still assume that the operators Ck = P Qk P : Im P → Im P , k = 1, n, are pairwise commuting, and still denote by Δ = Δ(C1 , . . . , Cn ) their joint spectrum. Theorem 1.2.33. Under the above conditions the C ∗ -algebra C ∗ (P, Q1 , . . . , Qn ), generated by the orthogonal projections P , Q1 , . . ., Qn is isomorphic and isometric to a subalgebra of the algebra S(Δ) ⊕ Cm . The isomorphic imbedding ν : C ∗ (P, Q1 , . . . , Qn ) −→ S(Δ) ⊕ Cm is generated by the mapping of the projections ν:P ν : Qk

−→ (p(t), (0, 0, . . . , 0)), −→ (qk (t), (0, . . . , 0, 1

, 0, . . . , 0)),

ν : Qk

−→ (qk (t), (0, 0, . . . , 0)),

k = m + 1, n,

k = 1, m,


where p(t) and qk (t) are defined in (1.2.20) and (1.2.21), t = (t1 , . . . , tn ) ∈ Δ. Proof. Split the space H into the direct sum H=


(Im Qk ∩ ker P ) ⊕ H ,



and introduce the projections P = P |H ,

Qk = Qk |H ,

k = 1, n.

Corresponding to the splitting (1.2.22) the initial projections have the form P = (0 ⊕ 0 ⊕ . . . ⊕ 0) ⊕ P , Qk = (0 ⊕ . . . 0 ⊕



⊕ 0 ⊕ . . . ⊕ 0) ⊕ Qk ,

Qk = (0 ⊕ 0 ⊕ . . . ⊕ 0) ⊕ Qk ,

k = 1, m,

k = m + 1, n.

The all-but-one projections P , Q1 , . . ., Qn are in generic position, and the C ∗ algebra generated by them is described in Corollary 1.2.31. Finally, note that Im P = Im P , and P Qk P = P Qk P on this space.

Chapter 2

Prologue 2.1 On the term “symbol” As it unfortunately happens in mathematics, some terms carry different meanings depending on the context in which they are used. The term “symbol” is not exceptional in this sense. It will be used systematically in the book and will be supplied with different adjectives clarifying its different meanings: Fredholm symbol, defining symbol, Wick symbol, anti-Wick symbol, etc. That is why we would like to comment first on its meanings and usage. To the best of the author’s knowledge, the term “symbol” was introduced by S. Mikhlin in the 1930s in the theory of multidimensional singular integral operators (SIO). Being a continuous function, it already carried two different semantic meanings: a function which is responsible for the Fredholm properties of a SIO, and a function which defines the SIO in terms of the Fourier transform. The situation was repeated in the 1950s–1960s in the study of Toeplitz operators defined by continuous functions and acting on the Hardy space. This function, called “symbol”, on the one hand defines the operator itself and, on the other hand, carries all the information about its Fredholm properties. In that period an intensive study of the different operator algebras and the Fredholm properties of their elements started. The terms “symbol algebra” and “symbol of an operator” were used mainly for the quotient algebra of the operator algebra under study, modulo the ideal of the compact operators (the Calkin algebra) and for the image of an operator on the Calkin algebra, respectively. Consequently the meaning of the term “symbol” shifted to the objects responsible for the Fredholm properties. The results obtained showed that for more general classes of functions defining the operators (“symbols” in their second meaning) the objects which correspond to different meanings of the term “symbol” become quite different. We mention here, for example, the pioneering works of I. Gohberg and N. Krupnik on the algebra generated by one-dimensional singular integral operators with piece-wise


Chapter 2. Prologue

continuous coefficients and on the algebra generated by Toeplitz operators on the Hardy space with piece-wise continuous defining functions of the late 1960s. We mention as well that, as we will see later in the book (and this is also an old result of the 1970s), even for Toeplitz operators with continuous defining functions and acting on the Bergman space, the symbol (as a defining function) is a continuous function on a closed domain, while the symbol (as an object responsible for the Fredholm properties) is the restriction of the defining function to the boundary of the domain. At the same time in the theory of Toeplitz operators both on the Hardy and on the Bergman space the term “symbol” in its meaning of a function which defines the operator survived in the literature, and its usage in this sense became quite traditional in the last two decades. Trying to preserve an existing reality and tradition, in this book we will follow the next rule. The quotient algebra of the operator algebra under study modulo the ideal of the compact operators will be called the Fredholm symbol algebra. The image of an operator on the Fredholm symbol algebra will be called the Fredholm symbol of an operator. A function which defines the Toeplitz operator will be called the defining symbol of a Toeplitz operator. The terms Wick symbol and anti-Wick symbol were introduced by F. Berezin in the 1970s, and in this book we give their exact definitions. Sometimes we will omit the corresponding adjectives when the usage of the term “symbol” is clear from the context.

2.2 Bergman space and Bergman projection Let D be a bounded simply connected domain in the complex plane C with a smooth boundary γ. Consider the space L2 (D) with respect to the standard Lebesgue plane measure dv(z) = dxdy, z = x + iy, and its subspace A2 (D) consisting of analytic functions in D, which is called the Bergman space over the domain D. An important property of the Bergman space is contained in the following statement. Statement 2.2.1. Given a compact set K ⊂ D, there is a constant CK , depending on K, such that sup |f (z)| ≤ CK f A2 (D) , (2.2.1) z∈K

for all f ∈ A2 (D). Proof. Denote by Dz,r the open disk centered at z and having radius r. For any fixed f ∈ A2 (D) and any Dz,r ⊂ D we consider the Taylor series f (ζ) = f (z) +

∞ n=1

an (ζ − z)n ,

ζ ∈ Dz,r .

2.2. Bergman space and Bergman projection


This series converges uniformly on each closed disk D0 = Dz,r0 , where r0 < r. Thus ∞ f (ζ)dv(ζ) = f (z) dv(ζ) + an (ζ − z)n dv(ζ) = πr02 f (z). D0





$ $ $ 1 $$ |f (z)| = 2 $ f (ζ)χD0 (ζ)dv(ζ)$$ πr0 D 1/2 1/2 1 2 ≤ 2 |f (ζ)| dv(ζ) dv(ζ) πr0 D D0 1 = √ f A2 (D) , πr0

where χD0 is the characteristic function of D0 . To finish the proof we cover the compact set K by a finite number of such disks. Corollary 2.2.2. The Bergman space A2 (D) is a closed subspace of L2 (D). Proof. Let {ffn } be a fundamental sequence of analytic functions from A2 (D) converging on L2 (D) to a certain function f ∈ L2 (D). For any compact K ⊂ D by (2.2.1) we have |ffn (z) − fm (z)| ≤ CK ffn − fm A2 (D) . Thus the sequence {ffn } converges uniformly on every compact subset of D to the function f . Hence f is analytic in D and belongs to A2 (D). From the statement it follows as well that for any fixed point z ∈ D the evaluation functional ϕz : f −→ f (z) is linear and bounded. Thus by the Riesz representation theorem there exists a unique element kz ∈ A2 (D) such that ϕz =

·, kz ; that is f (z) =

f (ζ) kz (ζ) dv(ζ).



The function KD (z, ζ) = kz (ζ) is called the Bergman kernel function of the domain D, and it has the following reproducing property: f (z) = KD (z, ζ) f (ζ) dv(ζ), (2.2.3) D

for all f (z) ∈ A2 (D). We note that from the above definition it follows that the function KD (z, ζ) is analytic in z and anti-analytic in ζ (analytic in ζ).


Chapter 2. Prologue

Lemma 2.2.3. The Bergman kernel function is hermitian symmetric KD (z, ζ) = KD (ζ, z). Let {ϕk }k∈N be any orthonormal basis in A2 (D). Then KD (z, ζ) =

ϕk (z)ϕk (ζ).



Proof. The function kζ (z) = KD (ζ, z) belongs to A2 (D), thus by (2.2.3) we have KD (ζ, z) = KD (z, τ ) KD (ζ, τ ) dv(τ )


KD (ζ, τ ) KD (z, τ ) dv(τ )

= D

= KD (z, ζ) = KD (z, ζ). Let now {ϕk } be an orthonormal basis in A2 (D). Then the analytic function kζ (z) = KD (ζ, z) = KD (z, ζ) admits the expansion KD (z, ζ) =

ck (ζ) ϕk (z),


where the coefficients ck (ζ) are given by ck (ζ) = kζ (z), ϕk (z) =

KD (z, ζ) ϕk (z) dv(z) D

KD (ζ, z) ϕk (z) dv(z) = ϕk (ζ).

= D

That is, KD (z, ζ) =

ϕk (z)ϕk (ζ).


Example 2.2.4 (Kernel function for the unit % disk). It is well known (and easy to check) that the system of functions ϕk (z) = πk z k−1 , k ∈ N, forms an orthonormal basis in A2 (D), where D is the unit disk. Therefore KD (z, ζ) =

∞ 1 k . (zζ)k−1 = π π(1 − zζ)2 k=1

The explicit formula for the Bergman kernel function is known for a very few domains. Apart from the formula (2.2.4) the next lemma gives additional information about the Bergman kernel function.

2.2. Bergman space and Bergman projection


Lemma 2.2.5. Let the function ω = α(z) be a biholomorphic mapping of the domain D onto a domain G. Then KD (z, ζ) = KG (w, ω) · α (z) · α (ζ).


Proof. Assume that the system {ffk (w)}k∈N is an orthonormal basis in the space A2 (G). Then the equality fj (w) fk (w) dv(w) = fj (α(z)) fk (α(z)) α (z) α (z) dv(z) δj,k = G


shows that the system ϕk (z) = fk (α(z)) α (z), k ∈ N, is an orthonormal basis in A2 (D). Thus KD (z, ζ) = =

∞ k=1 ∞

ϕk (z) ϕk (ζ) =

fk (α(z))α (z) fk (α(ζ))α (ζ)


fk (α(z)) fk (α(ζ)) · α (z) · α (ζ) = KG (w, ω) · α (z) · α (ζ).


Example 2.2.6 (Kernel function for the upper half-plane). The Mobius ¨ transformation w−i (2.2.6) z= 1 − iw maps the upper half-plane Π onto the unit disk D. Thus the Bergman kernel function for the upper half-plane has the form KΠ (w, ω) = KD (z, ζ) · α (w) · α (ω) 2 2 1 · = & '2 · 2 (1 + iω)2 (1 − iw) w−i ω+i π 1 − 1−iw 1+iω =−

1 . π (w − ω)2

The Bergman space A2 (D) is a closed subspace of the Hilbert space L2 (D). Thus there exists the orthogonal projection BD from L2 (D) onto A2 (D). This projection is called the Bergman projection, and, as the following theorem shows, coincides with the integral operator with a Bergman kernel. Theorem 2.2.7. The Bergman projection BD has the integral representation (BD f )(z) = KD (z, ζ)f (ζ)dv(ζ). (2.2.7) D


Chapter 2. Prologue

Proof. For any f ∈ L2 (D) the function (BD f )(z) belongs to A2 (D); thus, using (2.2.2), we have (BD f )(z) = BD f, kz = f, BD kz = f, kz f (ζ)kz (ζ)dv(ζ) = KD (z, ζ)f (ζ)dv(ζ). = D


Let again the function ω = α(z) be a biholomorphic mapping of the domain D onto a domain G, and let z = β(ω) be the inverse mapping. Introduce the unitary operator W : L2 (G) → L2 (D) by the rule (W ϕ)(z) = α (z)ϕ[α(z)]; its inverse (and adjoint) operator W −1 = W ∗ : L2 (D) → L2 (G) is given by (W −1 ϕ)(ω) = β (ω)ϕ[β(ω)]. Lemma 2.2.8. We have BD = W BG W −1 . Proof. Using the equality β (α(ζ)) α (ζ) = 1 and the property (2.2.5) of the Bergman kernel function, we have −1 (W BG W ϕ)(z) = α (z) KG (α(z), ω) β (ω)ϕ(β(ω)) dv(ω) G = KG (α(z), α(ζ)) α (z) β (α(ζ)) ϕ(ζ) α (ζ)) α (ζ)) dv(ζ) D = KG (α(z), α(ζ)) α (z) α (ζ)) ϕ(ζ) dv(ζ) D = KD (z, ζ) ϕ(ζ) dv(ζ) = (BD ϕ)(z). D

2.3 Representations of the Bergman kernel function We start with recalling the definition (see, for example, [100]) of the classical (harmonic) Green function. Let D a bounded connected domain with a smooth boundary. Denote by h(z, ζ) the (unique) harmonic function of z in D, for each ζ ∈ D, and having on ∂D the boundary values h(z, ζ) = ln |z − ζ|,

z ∈ ∂D,

for each ζ ∈ D. Then the Green function g(z, ζ) of the domain D is defined in D × D \ diag, where diag = {(z, z) : z ∈ D}, by g(z, ζ) = ln and has the following properties:

1 + h(z, ζ), |z − ζ|


2.3. Representation of the Bergman kernel function


(i) g(z, ζ) is harmonic in D × D \ diag, (ii) g(z, ζ) is continues in D × D \ diag, (iii) g(z, ζ) = 0 for (z, ζ) ∈ ∂D × D, (iv) g(z, ζ) = g(ζ, z) for (z, ζ) ∈ D × D \ diag. Example 2.3.1. The Green function for the unit disk D is given by (see, for example, [64, 100]) $ $ $ 1 − zζ $ 1 $. g(z, ζ) = ln + ln |1 − zζ| = ln $$ |z − ζ| z−ζ $ We mention as well the following two formulas: the two-dimensional Stokes (Cauchy-Green) formula (see, for example, [64, 219]) 1 ∂f dv(ζ) = f (ζ)dζ, (2.3.2) 2i ∂D D ∂ζ and the Pompeiu formula (see, for example, [64, 219]) f (ζ) ∂f 1 1 1 dζ − dv(ζ), f (z) = 2πi ∂D ζ − z π D ∂ζ ζ − z


where, say, f ∈ C 1 (D) ∩ C(D) for both formulas. Theorem 2.3.2. Let g(z, ζ) be the Green function of a domain D, then KD (z, ζ) = −

2 ∂ 2 g(z, ζ) · . π ∂z ∂ζ


Proof. Before starting the proof itself we make several remarks. Denote by kD (z, ζ) the right-hand side of (2.3.4), i.e., kD (z, ζ) = − From

2 ∂ 2 g(z, ζ) · . π ∂z ∂ζ

∂2 ∂ 2 h(z, ζ) 1 + ln ∂z ∂ζ |z − ζ| ∂z ∂ζ 2 2 ∂ h(z, ζ) =− · π ∂z ∂ζ

kD (z, ζ) = −

2 π

∂ ∂ 1 it follows that the function kD (z, ζ) is well defined in D×D. Next, from ∂z ∂z = 4 Δ it follows that the function kD (z, ζ) is analytic in z and anti-analytic in ζ. Finally, from the symmetry of the Green function it follows that kD (z, ζ) is hermitian symmetric, kD (ζ, z) = kD (z, ζ).


Chapter 2. Prologue

Denote by Dz,ε the domain D with the disk {ζ ∈ D : |ζ − z| ≤ ε} excluded. Then for any ϕ analytic in D and continuous on D, by (2.3.2) applied to f (ζ) = ∂g(z,ζ) ϕ(ζ), we have ∂z ∂g(z, ζ) ∂g(z, ζ) 1 1 ϕ(ζ)dζ + ϕ(ζ)dζ. kD (z, ζ)ϕ(ζ)dv(ζ) = − πi ∂z πi ∂z Dz,ε ∂D |ζ −z|=ε The first integral on the right-hand side is equal to zero by properties (iii) and (iv) of the Green function. Calculating the second integral we have ∂h 1 1 +2 ϕ(ζ)dζ = ϕ(z) + O(ε). kD (z, ζ)ϕ(ζ)dv(ζ) = 2πi |ζ −z|=ε ζ − z ∂z Dz,ε Passing to the limit when ε → 0 we have kD (z, ζ)ϕ(ζ)dv(ζ) = ϕ(z), D

for all ϕ analytic in D and continuous on D. That is, like the Bergman kernel function the function kD (z, ζ) has the reproducing property, and thus by the uniqueness of the reproducing property kernel coincides with the KD (z, ζ). We note that in spite of (2.3.4) the explicit formula for the Bergman kernel function is known only for a few domains. Our next aim is to get an integral representation of the Bergman kernel function for an arbitrary bounded domain with a smooth boundary. Following [26] and [45], Appendix by M. Schiffer, we introduce the function LD (z, ζ) = −

2 ∂ 2 g(z, ζ) , π ∂z∂ζ

being a combination of derivatives of the Green function different from KD (z, ζ), see (2.3.4). From (2.3.1) it follows that LD (z, ζ) =

1 − lD (z, ζ), π(z − ζ)2

where the function lD (z, ζ) = lD (ζ, z) =


2 ∂ 2 h(z, ζ) π ∂z∂ζ

is analytic on both z and ζ in D. We note that for the case of the unit disk D, by Example 2.3.1 we have LD (z, ζ) =

1 , π(z − ζ)2

lD (z, ζ) ≡ 0.


2.3. Representation of the Bergman kernel function


Lemma 2.3.3. For each function ϕ ∈ A2 (D), we have ϕ(ζ)LD (z, ζ) dv(ζ) = 0 D

for all z ∈ D. Proof. As in the proof of Theorem 2.3.2, denote by Dz,ε the domain D with the disk {ζ ∈ D : |ζ − z| ≤ ε} excluded. Then by the Cauchy-Green formula (2.3.2), we have 2 ∂ 2 g(z, ζ) dv(ζ) ϕ(ζ)LD (z, ζ) dv(ζ) = − ϕ(ζ) π Dz,ε ∂z∂ζ Dz,ε 1 ∂g ∂g 1 dζ + dζ. ϕ(ζ) ϕ(ζ) =− πi ∂D ∂z πi |ζ −z|=ε ∂z By properties (iv) and (iii) of the Green function g(z, ζ) the first integral in the last line is equal to zero, while 1 1 ∂h ∂g 1 dζ dζ = +2 ϕ(ζ) ϕ(ζ) πi |ζ −z|=ε ∂z 2πi |ζ −z|=ε ∂z ζ −z 1 ∂h ζ −z = dζ = O(ε). ϕ(ζ) + 2 2πi |ζ −z|=ε ε2 ∂z The result follows under the limit when ε → 0.

By the above lemma and representation (2.3.5), we have ϕ(ζ) 1 dv(ζ) = ϕ(ζ)lD (z, ζ)dv(ζ), π D (z − ζ)2 D for all ϕ ∈ A2 (D). In particular, for ϕ(ζ) = lD (ζ, η), we have lD (ζ, η) 1 dv(ζ) = lD (ζ, η)lD (z, ζ)dv(ζ). π D (z − ζ)2 D


Theorem 2.3.4. The Bergman kernel function admits the integral representation dt 1 + l1 (z, ζ), KD (z, ζ) = 2 (2.3.8) 2π i ∂D (t − z)2 (t − ζ) where the function l1 (z, ζ) is analytic on z and ζ in D × D, and is continuous on D × D. Proof. By properties (iv) and (iii) of the Green function we have that ∂g(z, ζ) =0 ∂z


Chapter 2. Prologue

for all ζ ∈ ∂D and all z ∈ D. Differentiation of this equality by the length parameter s gives ∂ 2 g(z, ζ) ∂ 2 g(z, ζ) ζ (s) + ζ (s) ≡ 0, ∂z∂ζ ∂z∂ζ which is equivalent to LD (z, ζ)ζ (s) + KD (z, ζ)ζ (s) ≡ 0, or to

LD (z, ζ)ζ (s) = −KD (ζ, z)ζ (s).

By the Cauchy integral formula we have 1 LD (z, ζ) KD (ζ, z)ζ (s) 1 dζ = − ds 2πi ∂D ζ − η 2πi ∂D ζ −η 1 KD (ζ, z) dζ = KD (η, z) = KD (z, η), = 2πi ∂D ζ − η and thus, using (2.3.5) and changing letters for variables, LD (z, t) 1 KD (z, ζ) = dt 2πi ∂D t − ζ dt lD (z, t) 1 1 − dt. = 2 2 2π i ∂D (t − z) (t − ζ) 2πi ∂D t − ζ Now, using the Cauchy-Green formula (2.3.2) and applying the above type arguments to Dz,ε , we get 1 lD (t, z) lD (t, z) 1 dt + O(ε). dv(t) = − π Dη,ε (t − ζ)2 2πi ∂D t − ζ Finally, passing to the limit when ε → 0 and using (2.3.7), we have dt 1 + l1 (z, ζ), KD (z, ζ) = 2 2π i ∂D (t − z)2 (t − ζ)

where l1 (z, ζ) =

lD (t, z)lD (t, ζ)dv(t).


2.4 Some integral operators and representation of the Bergman projection Let D be a bounded connected domain with a smooth boundary. We introduce the following integral operators bounded on L2 (D) ϕ(ζ) 1 dv(ζ) (T TD ϕ)(z) = − π D ζ −z

2.4. Representation of the Bergman projection


ϕ(ζ) 1 dv(ζ), (2.4.1) (SD ϕ)(z) = − π D (ζ − z)2 where the last integral is understood in the principal value sense. Their adjoint operators are given respectively by ϕ(ζ) 1 ∗ (T TD dv(ζ) ϕ)(z) = − π D ζ −z and

and ∗ (SD ϕ)(z) = −

1 π


ϕ(ζ) dv(ζ). (ζ − z)2


∗ Note that the operators SD and SD are the restrictions to the domain D of the following classical two-dimensional singular integral operators over C = R2 : ϕ(ζ) ϕ(ζ) 1 1 ∗ (S SR2 ϕ)(z) = − dv(ζ) and (S S ϕ)(z) = − dv(ζ), 2 R 2 π R2 (ζ − z) π R2 (ζ − z)2

which have the following representations in terms of the Fourier transform ξ SR2 = F −1 F ξ


−1 ξ SR∗ 2 = SR−1 F. 2 = F ξ


Here ξ = ξ1 + iξ2 = (ξ1 , ξ2 ), and the Fourier transform F is given by 1 (F ϕ)(ξ) = e−iξ·x ϕ(x) dx. 2π R2 Some important connections between the above operators appear in the next theorem, the proof of which can be found, for example, in [219]. Theorem 2.4.1. For each f ∈ L1 (D) we have ∂ TD f = f, ∂z ∂ TD f = SD f, ∂z

∂ ∗ T f = f, ∂z D ∂ ∗ ∗ T f = SD f. ∂z D

The next fundamental result has been established by A. Dzhuraev (see, for example, [64]) for operators acting on Lp (D), p > 1, but in what follows we will use it for the space L2 (D) only. Theorem 2.4.2. The following equality holds, ∗ BD = I − S D S D + L,


∗ where the operators SD and SD are given by (2.4.1) and (2.4.2), respectively, and L is a compact operator. In the case of the unit disk D the last (compact) summand in (2.4.4) is equal to zero.


Chapter 2. Prologue

Proof. We prove first the equality (2.4.4) on a dense set of functions f ∈ C 1 (D) ∩ C(D) and then extend it by continuity to all of L2 (D). Using the integral representation (2.3.8) we have (BD ϕ)(z) = KD (z, ζ)ϕ(ζ)dv(ζ) D ϕ(ζ) 1 1 dt = − dv(ζ) + l1 (z, ζ)ϕ(ζ)dv(ζ) 2πi ∂D π D ζ −t (t − z)2 D 1 dt ∗ = (T TD ϕ)(t) + l1 (z, ζ)ϕ(ζ)dv(ζ) 2πi ∂D (t − z)2 D ∂ 1 dt = + (T T ∗ ϕ)(t) l1 (z, ζ)ϕ(ζ)dv(ζ). ∂z 2πi ∂D D t−z D Making use of the Pompeiu formula (2.3.3) we get 1 ∂ ∗ ∂ 1 ∗ (T TD (T TD ϕ)(t)dv(t) ϕ)(z) + (BD ϕ)(z) = ∂z π D t − z ∂t + l1 (z, ζ)ϕ(ζ)dv(ζ) D 1 1 ∗ = ϕ(z) + (S ϕ)(t)dv(t) + l1 (z, ζ)ϕ(ζ)dv(ζ) π D (t − z)2 D D ∗ + L)ϕ, = (I − SD SD where the operator

l1 (z, ζ)ϕ(ζ)dv(ζ)

(Lϕ)(z) = D

is obviously compact. For the case of the unit disk D, by (2.3.6), we have l1 (z, ζ) ≡ 0, and thus L = 0. Note that Theorem 3.5.7, in particular, states that for the case of the upper half-plane Π the last compact summand of (2.4.4) is equal to zero as well. Remark 2.4.3. Formula (2.4.4) shows that the Bergman projection BD belongs to the algebra generated by two-dimensional singular integral (zero-order pseudodifferential) operators on the domain D. This enables us to use corresponding results and tools studying the properties of the Bergman projection. Lemma 2.4.4. For each function a(z) ∈ C(D) the commutator [BD , a(z)I] = BD a(z)I − a(z)BD is compact. Proof. Follows immediately from the representation (2.4.4) and the results of Mikhlin for two-dimensional singular integral operators (see, for example, [146]).

2.5. “Continuous” theory and local properties


Theorem 2.4.5. 1. Let a(z) ∈ L∞ (D) and be continuous at all points of γ = ∂D with a|γ ≡ 0, then the operators a(z)BD and BD a(z)I are compact. 2. Let a(z) ∈ L∞ (D) and be continuous at all points of γ = ∂D, then the commutator [BD , a(z)I] = BD a(z)I − a(z)BD is compact. Proof. Because of BD a(z)I = (a(z)BD )∗ it is sufficient to prove the first statement for the operator a(z)BD only. Given a(z) and ε > 0, introduce # 0, if inf t∈γ |z − t| < ε . aε (z) = a(z), otherwise The integral operator aε (z)BD has a bounded kernel, and thus is compact on L2 (D). Finally, the operator a(z)BD is compact as a uniform limit (under ε → 0) of the compact operators aε (z)BD . To prove the second statement for given a(z) introduce a continuous function b(z) on D such that a|γ = b|γ . Then the operator [BD , a(z)I] = [BD , b(z)I] − (a − b)BD + BD (a − b) is compact as a sum of compact operators.

2.5 “Continuous” theory and local properties of the Bergman projection Let A be a C ∗ -algebra of functions on D with the properties 1. C(D) ⊂ A ⊂ L∞ (D), 2. each function from A is continuous at all points of γ = ∂D. We will study the C ∗ -algebra R = R(A, BD ) generated by all operators of the form A = a(z)I + b(z)BD , where a, b ∈ A. Lemma 2.5.1. The C ∗ -algebra R = R(A, BD ) is irreducible. Proof. To prove the lemma we show that the algebra R does not have any nontrivial invariant subspace. Each invariant subspace of its subalgebra {aI : a ∈ A} ∼ =A obviously has the form XM = {ψM (z) = χM (z)f (z) : f ∈ L2 (D)},


Chapter 2. Prologue

where χM is the characteristic function of a measurable set M having positive measure. Now, the space XM is invariant for the whole algebra R if and only if χM BD = BD χM I. At the same time the function χM (z) = χM · 1 = (χM BD )1 = (BD χM I)1 = (BD χM )(z) is analytic in D and

χM (z) =

1, z∈M . 0, z ∈ D \ M

Thus, modulo a zero measure set, either M = ∅, or M = D. That is, each invariant subspace of the algebra R is trivial, being either {0}, or L2 (D). Corollary 2.5.2. The C ∗ -algebra R = R(A, BD ) contains the ideal K of all compact operators on L2 (D). Proof. The algebra R = R(A, BD ) is irreducible and, by Theorem 2.4.5, contains non-trivial compact operators (commutators). Thus (see, for example, [148] Theorem 2.4.9) it contains the whole ideal K of compact operators on L2 (D). A good approach to the final result gives the next assertion followed by Lemma 2.5.3. The operators BD and I − BD are orthogonal and complementary projections, and have compact commutators with multiplication operators aI, a ∈ A, by Theorem 2.4.5. Thus, given two operators An = an (z)I + bn (z)BD + Kn = an (I − BD ) + (an + bn )BD + Kn , where an , bn ∈ A, Kn are compact operators, n = 1, 2, we have A1 + A2 A1 · A2

= (a1 + a2 )(I − BD ) + [(a1 + b1 ) + (a2 + b2 )]BD + K , = a1 · a2 (I − BD ) + (a1 + b1 ) · (a2 + b2 )BD + K ,

where K and K are compact operators. Lemma 2.5.3. Let a, b ∈ A. If the function a is invertible in A and the function (a + b)|γ is invertible in C(γ), then the operator A = a(z)I + b(z)BD + K, where K is a compact operator, is Fredholm on the space L2 (D). Proof. Let a−1 be the inverse to a, and (a + b)(−1) be a function from A such that (a + b)(−1) |γ is the inverse to (a + b)|γ in C(γ). Then for the operator R = a−1 (I − BD ) + (a + b)(−1) BD

2.5. “Continuous” theory and local properties


we have =

(I − BD ) + (a + b)(a + b)(−1) BD + K

= RA =

I + ((a + b)(a + b)(−1) − 1)BD + K , (I − BD ) + (a + b)(a + b)(−1) BD + K



I + ((a + b)(a + b)(−1) − 1)BD + K ,

where K and K are compact. By Theorem 2.4.5 the operator ((a + b)(a + b)(−1) − 1)BD is compact, and thus R is the two-sided regularizer for A. = R/K be the Fredholm symbol algebra of the algebra Let Sym R = R R = R(A, BD ). The letter K will always denote the ideal of all compact operators on the space under consideration. Denote by π the natural projections = R/K. π : R −→ R we use the Douglas-Varela local principle (see To describe the algebra Sym R = R Subsection 1.1.6). It is easy to see that the algebra π(A) ∼ = A is a central commutative C ∗ Denote by D the compact set of maximal ideals of subalgebra of the algebra R. the Gelfand image of a ∈ A. It is obvious the algebra A, and denote by a ∈ C(D) and π(A) ∼ thus we will localize by the points of D. For that γ ⊂ D = C(D); each point t0 ∈ D, introduce the corresponding maximal ideal Jt0 of the algebra generated by Jt0 . π(A) ∼ = A and the closed two-sided ideal J(t0 ) of the algebra R Then R(t0 ) = R/J(t0 ) is the local algebra which corresponds to the point t0 ∈ D. We denote by π(t0 ) the natural projection −→ R(t 0 ). π(t0 ) : R Let further

0 ), πt0 = π(t0 ) ◦ π : R → R(t

D , πt0 (BD ) = π(t0 )(B D ) = B D (t0 ). and π(BD ) = B 0 ), which correspond to There are two different types of local algebras R(t \ γ and t0 ∈ γ ⊂ D, respectively. the cases t0 ∈ D t0 \ γ. It is easy to see that π(a1 I) ∼ We start with the first case. Let t0 ∈ D π(a2 I) if and only if a1 (t0 ) = a2 (t0 ), and thus πt0 (aI) = a(t0 ). Denote by et0 (z) a function from A such that et0 |γ ≡ 0 and e t0 (t0 ) = 1. Then the operator et0 (z)BD is compact, and we have t0 D = 1 · B D ∼ B π(et0 I)π(BD ) = π(et0 (z)BD ) = 0.

Thus we arrive at the following lemma.


Chapter 2. Prologue

\ γ. Then the local algebra R(t 0 ) is isomorphic to C. Lemma 2.5.4. Let t0 ∈ D Identifying them we have πt0 : A = a(z)I + b(z)BD −→ a(t0 ) ∈ C. First of all there are not too many possibilities for local Let now t0 ∈ γ ⊂ D. algebras R(t0 ) in this case. The operator BD , being an orthogonal projection, D (t0 ) is equal either to zero, to the identity, or to a has only three possibilities: B 0 ). Knowing that πt0 (aI) = self-adjoint idempotent in R(t a(t0 ) ∈ C, the algebra R(t0 ) is isomorphic either to C (in the two first cases), or to C2 (in the third case). the local algebras R(t 0 ) are isomorphic among Lemma 2.5.5. For each t0 ∈ γ ⊂ D themselves. Proof. Keeping in mind the local algebras we may assume that A = C(D). Let α(z) be a conformal mapping from D onto unit disk D with 1 = α(t0 ). Then the operator (W ϕ)(z) = α (z)ϕ[α(z)] generates by Lemma 2.2.8 the isomorphism A → W ∗ AW of the algebras R(C(D); BD ) and R(C(D); BD ), which in turn induces the ∗ (C(D); BD )(1). 0 ) onto the specific one R isomorphism of each local algebra R(t 0 ) is isomorphic to C2 . IdenLemma 2.5.6. Let t0 ∈ γ. Then the local algebra R(t tifying them we have πt0 : A = a(z)I + b(z)BD −→ (a(t0 ), a(t0 ) + b(t0 )) ∈ C2 .


D is a selfProof. Both operators BD and I−BD are non-compact, thus π(BD ) = B The form of local algebras R(t 0 ) shows that the algebra adjoint idempotent in R. R is commutative. Its maximal ideal space M can be identified with the union of one-dimensional representations of all local algebras, and must be compact. and some (closed) By previous considerations it must be the disjoint union of D subset of γ. By Lemma 2.5.5 this subset must be either ∅, or the whole γ. But the D is a characteristic function of some non-empty (closed Gelfand transform of B Thus M = D γ. Hence for each and open) subset of M, which is constant on D. 2 ∼ t0 ∈ γ, BD (t0 ) is an idempotent, and R(t0 ) = C . To check (2.5.1) one needs to use the fact that a(t0 ) = a(t0 ) for the points t0 ∈ γ. 0 ) together with standard arguThe descriptions of the local algebras R(t ments lead directly to the following theorem. Theorem 2.5.7. The algebra R = R(A, BD ) coincides with the set of all the operators of the form A = a(z)I + b(z)BD + K, where a, b ∈ A, K is a compact operator.

2.5. “Continuous” theory and local properties


The Fredholm symbol algebra Sym R of the algebra R is isomorphic to the algebra A ⊕ C(γ). Identifying them, the symbol homomorphism sym : R −→ Sym R = A ⊕ C(γ) is given by sym : A = a(z)I + b(z)BD + K −→ (a(z), a(t) + b(t)), where z ∈ D, t ∈ γ. The operator A = a(z)I + b(z)BD + K is Fredholm if and only if its symbol is invertible, i.e., the function a is invertible in A and the function (a + b)|γ is invertible in C(γ). Passing to the index calculation we start with the following Dzhuraev result (see, for example, [62]). Let a, b ∈ C(D), and a(z) = 0 on D, a(t) + b(t) = 0 on γ. Then the index of the Fredholm operator A = a(z)I + b(z)BD + K, is calculated by the formula Ind A = −

1 {arg(a(t) + b(t))}γ . 2π

A simple trick shows that this formula contains a hidden summand. Indeed, A = a(z)I + b(z)BD + K = a(z)(I +

b(z) BD + K1 ) = a(z)A1 , a(z)

then obviously Ind A = =

a(t) + b(t) 1 {arg }γ 2π a(t) 1 1 {arg a(t)}γ . − {arg(a(t) + b(t))}γ + 2π 2π

Ind A1 = −

Any continuous function on D is homotopic to a constant, thus for the case of continuous coefficients the last summand is always equal to zero. At the same time for more general coefficients it has to be present. Theorem 2.5.8. Let the operator A = a(z)I + b(z)BD + K, be Fredholm, where a, b ∈ A, K is a compact operator. Then Ind A =

1 1 {arg a(t)}γ − {arg(a(t) + b(t))}γ . 2π 2π


Chapter 2. Prologue

Proof. We start with A = a(z)I + b(z)BD + K = a(z)(I +

b(z) BD + K1 ) = a(z)A1 , a(z)

and consider the operator A2 = I + c(z)BD , where c(z) is a continuous on D function whose restriction on γ coincides with ab |γ . Then obviously Ind A = Ind A1 = Ind A2 . For the last operator we apply the Dzhuraev formula.

2.6 Model discontinuous case Let D be the unit disk. Then 1 (BD ϕ)(z) = (Bϕ)(z) = π


ϕ(ζ) dζ . (1 − ζz)2

Let be a simple piece-wise smooth curve in D connecting two points of the unit circle Γ = ∂ D. Denote by D+ and D− the parts of the unit disk D which are separated by , and denote by P the orthogonal projection of L2 (D) onto L2 (D+ ). Introduce the algebra C(D± ) of all piece-wise constant functions of the form # a1 , if z ∈ D+ a(z) = . a2 , if z ∈ D− We study the algebra R0 = R(C(D± ), B), generated by all operators of the form A = a(z)I + b(z)B, where a, b ∈ C(D± ). The algebra R0 is obviously generated by two orthogonal projections B and P . To describe it we prove first that sp (P − B)2 = [0, 1], and then apply the two-projection theorem (Theorem 1.2.8). To do this introduce the operator B1 = P B|L2 (D+ ) , acting on L2 (D+ ), and the algebra R1 = R(C(D+ ), B1 , K) generated by all operators of the form A = a(z)I + b(z)B1 + K, where a(z), b(z) ∈ C(D+ ), and K is a compact operator. It is easy to see that the algebra π(C(D+ )) ∼ = C(D+ ) is a central commutative subalgebra of the algebra R1 = Sym R1 . We use the Douglas-Varela local principle, localizing by the points of D+ . 1 (t0 ), depending on There are three different types of the local algebras R t0 ∈ D+ . 1 (t0 ) ∼ Let t0 ∈ D+ \ Γ. Then as in Lemma 2.5.4, we have R = C, and πt0 : A = a(z)I + b(z)B1 + K −→ a(t0 ) ∈ C.

2.6. Model discontinuous case


1 (t0 ) ∼ Let t0 ∈ (Γ ∩ D+ ) \ ∂(Γ ∩ D+ ). Then as in Lemma 2.5.6, we have R = C2 , and

πt0 : A = a(z)I + b(z)B1 + K −→ (a(t0 ), a(t0 ) + b(t0 )) ∈ C2 .

Let finally t0 ∈ ∂(Γ ∩ D+ ). Each coefficient is locally equivalent to its value 1 (t0 ) is generated by one self-adjoint at the point t0 , and thus the C ∗ -algebra R ∼ 1 (t0 ) = C(sp B 1 (t0 )), and 1 (t0 ). Hence R element B πt0 : A = a(z)I + b(z)B1 + K −→ a(t0 ) + b(t0 )x3 , 1 (t0 ). where x3 ∈ sp B Denote by Δ the set of points (x1 , x2 , x3 ) ∈ R3 satisfying one of the following conditions: 1. x1 + ix2 ∈ D+ , x3 = 0, 2. x1 + ix2 ∈ Γ ∩ D+ , x3 = 1, 1 (x1 + ix2 ). 3. x1 + ix2 ∈ ∂(Γ ∩ D+ ), x3 ∈ sp B 1 (t0 ), and using Collecting now all the descriptions of the local algebras R ∗ the fact that commutative C -algebra Sym R1 is isomorphic and isometric to the algebra of all continuous functions on its maximal ideals space, we arrive at the following theorem. Theorem 2.6.1. The Fredholm symbol algebra Sym R1 of the algebra R1 is isomorphic and isometric to the algebra C(Δ). The homomorphism sym : R1 −→ Sym R1 = C(Δ) is generated by the following mapping of generators of the algebra R1 : if A = a(z)I + b(z)B1 + K, where a, b ∈ C(D+ ) and K is a compact operator, then sym A = a(x1 + ix2 ) + b(x1 + ix2 ) · x3 , where (x1 , x2 , x3 ) ∈ Δ. Corollary 2.6.2. For the points t0 ∈ ∂(Γ ∩ D+ ) we have 1 (t0 ) = ess-sp B1 = [0, 1]. sp B 1 (t0 ) is a proper subset of Proof. If for any t0 ∈ ∂(Γ ∩ D+ ) the spectrum sp B [0, 1] then the compact of maximal ideals Δ of the algebra Sym R1 splits into contractible components. Thus for the homotopy group of invertible elements in Sym R1 we have [Sym −1 R1 ] ∼ = 0, which implies that all Fredholm operators of R1 must have the same index. However, we give an example of two Fredholm operators in R1 with different indices. For A1 = I we have obviously Ind A1 = 0. To construct the second operator consider a function c(z) ∈ C(D+ ) such that


Chapter 2. Prologue

c(z) = 1 for all z ∈ ∂D+ \ Γ and c(z) = 0 for all z ∈ Γ ∩ ∂ D+ . For such a function c(z) the integer 1 {arg c(z)}Γ∩∂ D+ κ(c) = 2π is well defined. In addition select a function c(z) such that κ(c) = 1. Now the Fredholm operator A2 = I + [c(z) − 1]B1 , acting on the space L2 (D+ ) has the same index as the Fredholm operator A2 = I + b (z)B, where # c(z) − 1, if z ∈ D+ , b (z) = 0, if z ∈ D− acting on the space L2 (D). The coefficients of the operator A2 are continuous, κ(c) = 1, thus by Theorem 2.5.8 we have Ind A2 = −1. Hence Ind A2 = Ind A2 = 1 (t0 ) = [0, 1]. Finally, Ind A1 , and sp B ess-sp B1 =

1 (t0 ) = [0, 1]. sp B

Corollary 2.6.3. We have 2 = [0, 1]. sp (P − B)2 = ess-sp (P − B)2 = sp (P − B) Proof. By Theorem 1.2.8 and Corollary 2.6.2, P = ess-sp B1 = [0, 1]. 2 = sp P B sp (P − B) Further, the algebra R0 = R(C, P, B) does not contain any non-zero compact operator, and thus sp (P − B)2 = ess-sp (P − B)2 = [0, 1].

Denote by L the closed contour in Δ, which consists of two arcs Γ ∩ D+ , lying on the planes x3 = 0 and x3 = 1, and of segments x3 ∈ [0, 1], connecting their endpoints. We orient L according to the positive direction of Γ ∩ D+ , lying on the plane x3 = 0. Corollary 2.6.4. An operator A ∈ R1 = R(C(D+ ); B1 ; K) is Fredholm if and only if sym A (x) = 0, x = (x1 , x2 , x3 ) ∈ Δ. The index of the Fredholm operator A ∈ R1 is given by Ind A =

1 {arg sym A}L . 2π

Return now to the algebra R = R(C(D± ), B) = R(C, P, B).

2.7. Symbol algebra


Theorem 2.6.5. The algebra Sym R of the algebra R0 is isomorphic and isometric to the algebra S of all 2 × 2 matrix-functions continuous on [0, 1] and diagonal at the points 0 and 1. The isomorphism ν0 : R −→ S is generated by the following mapping of the generators of the algebra R:

(c1 − c2 ) x(1 − x) a1 x + a

2 (1 − x) , x ∈ [0, 1], A = a(z)I + b(z)B −→ c1 (1 − x) + c2 x (a1 − a2 ) x(1 − x) where a(z), b(z) ∈ C(D± ), and c(z) = a(z) + b(z). Proof. The first statement follows directly from Corollary 2.6.3 and Theorem 1.2.8. Define now the isomorphism ν0 as ν


1 ν0 : R −→ S −→ S,

where ν is the isomorphism of Theorem 1.2.8, and ν1 is given by √ √ √ √ x − 1−x x 1−x √ √ √ √ σ(x) , σ(x) −→ 1−x x x − 1−x where x ∈ [0, 1]. Direct calculation proves the second statement of the theorem. Corollary 2.6.6. An operator A from the algebra R0 = R(C(D± ), B) is invertible if and only if the element ν0 (A) is invertible in S, i.e., (det ν0 (A))(x) = 0,

x ∈ [0, 1].

2.7 Symbol algebra Let D be a bounded simply connected domain in C with smooth boundary γ. Denote by a piece-wise smooth curve in D satisfying the following properties: there is a finite number of points (nodes), which divide into simple oriented smooth curves j , j = 1, k. We assume that the endpoints of are among the nodes. Denote by U the set of all nodes of the curve . We will refer to nodes using symbols urq , where r is the number of lines meeting at the node, and q is the index of the node. We assume as well that the boundary γ of the domain D intersects with only at (some) nodes of the type u1q . Let the intersection γ ∩ consist of m points. Denote by P C(D, ) the algebra of all functions a(z), continuous in D \ , and having one-sided limit values at all points of j : a+ (z) and a− (z). Thus at the nodes of the type urq (except u1q ∈ γ ∩ ) functions from P C(D, ) have r limit values. We will denote them by a(1) (urq ), . . ., a(r) (urq ). Our aim is to study the algebra R = R(P C(D, ), BD ) generated by all operators of the form A = a(z)I + b(z)BD ,


Chapter 2. Prologue

Figure 2.1: An example of a domain D with a curve .

where a(z), b(z) ∈ P C(D, ) and BD is the Bergman projection of the domain D, acting on the space L2 (D). The algebra R contains the ideal K of all compact operators (its subalgebra R(C(D), BD ) already does), and is irreducible. Remark 2.7.1. Let ω = α(z) be a biholomorphic mapping of the domain D onto a domain G, and let = α(). Then by Lemma 2.2.8 the operator algebras R(P C(D, ), BD ) and R(P C(G, ), BG ) are unitary equivalent, and their Fredholm symbol algebras are isomorphic and isometric. To describe the Fredholm symbol algebra Sym R of R = R(P C(D, ), BD ) we use the Douglas-Varela local principle (Subsection 1.1.6). By Lemma 2.4.4 the = Sym R; C ∗ -algebra π(C(D)) ∼ = C(D) is a central commutative subalgebra of R thus we will localize by the points of D. There are five cases for local algebras 0 ) depending on the point t0 ∈ D: R(t ∼ C, and for the 0) = a) Let t0 ∈ D \ (γ ∪ ). Then as in Lemma 2.5.4, R(t operator A = a(z)I + b(z)BD we have πt0 (A) = a(t0 ). 0) ∼ b) Let t0 ∈ γ \ . Then as in Lemma 2.5.6, R(t = C2 , and for the operator A = a(z)I + b(z)BD we have πt0 (A) = (a(t0 ), a(t0 ) + b(t0 )). t0 D (t0 ) = 0, but a1 (z) ∼ c) Let t0 ∈ \ U . Then as in Lemma 2.5.4, B a2 (z) if + + − − and only if a1 (t0 ) = a2 (t0 ) and a1 (t0 ) = a2 (t0 ). Thus in this case R(t0 ) ∼ = C2 , + − and for the operator A = a(z)I + b(z)BD we have πt0 (A) = (a (t0 ), a (t0 )). D (t0 ) = 0, but a d) Let t0 ∈ U \ γ and t0 = urq for some q. Then again B 0) ∼ function a(z) ∈ P C(D, ) now has r limit values at the point t0 . Thus R(t = Cr , (1) (r) and for the operator A = a(z)I + b(z)BD we have πt0 (A) = (a (t0 ), . . . , a (t0 )). e) Let finally t0 ∈ γ ∩ . Combining the arguments of Lemmas 2.5.5 and 2.5.6 with the results of Corollary 2.6.3 and Theorem 2.6.5 we arrive at the following result.

2.7. Symbol algebra


0 ) is isomorphic and Lemma 2.7.2. Let t0 ∈ γ ∩ . Then the local algebra R(t isometric to the algebra of all 2 × 2 matrix-functions continuous on [0, 1] and diagonal at the points 0 and 1. Identifying them, we have that if A = a(z)I + b(z)BD ∈ R = R(P C(D, ), BD ), then

− x) (c(t0 + 0) − c(t0 − 0)) x(1 − x) a(t0 + 0)x + a(t0 − 0)(1

, πt0 (A) = c(t0 + 0)(1 − x) + c(t0 − 0)x (a(t0 + 0) − a(t0 − 0)) x(1 − x)

where x ∈ [0, 1], and c(z) = a(z) + b(z). 0 ) show that the Fredholm symThe descriptions of the local algebras R(t ∗ bol algebra Sym R = R is a C -algebra which has one- and two-dimensional irreducible representations only. To formulate the final result we introduce some notation. the compactification of the set D, cut along the line . Under Denote by D similarly this each point from (\U )∪(∩γ) will correspond to a pair of points in D; r each node of the form uq (∈ ∩ γ) will correspond to r points of D. The pair of points, which correspond to a point tp ∈ ∩ γ, p = 1, m, we will denote by tp − 0 coincides obviously and tp + 0, following the positive orientation on γ. The set D with the compact set of maximal ideals of the algebra P C(D, ). Analogously, denote by γ the compactification of the curve γ, cut by points tp ∈ ∩ γ. The pair of points which correspond to a point tp ∈ ∩ γ, p = 1, m, we will denote by tp − 0 and tp + 0, following the positive orientation on γ.

γ Figure 2.2: The sets D, , and X = ∪m p=1 Δp .


Chapter 2. Prologue

∪γ Let Y = D , and let X = ∪m p=1 Δp be a disjoint union of segments Δp = [0, 1]. Denote by μ the mapping which identifies the points of ∂X with the pair of points of Y by the following rule: t + 0 ∈ γ μ(0p ) = (tp − 0, tp + 0), where 0p ∈ Δp , tp − 0 ∈ D, , p t − 0 ∈ γ . μ(1p ) = (tp + 0, tp − 0), where 1p ∈ Δp , tp + 0 ∈ D, p 0 ) it follows that the set M = From the descriptions of the local algebras R(t ∗ = Sym R. X ∪μ Y is the spectrum of the C -algebra R

Figure 2.3: The set M = X ∪μ Y . Denote by S the algebra of all pairs σ = (σ1 , σ2 ), where σ1 ∈ C(Y ), σ2 ∈ C(X, Mat2 (C)), satisfying the following condition: y2 ∈ γ if μ(x0 ) = (y1 , y2 ), x0 ∈ ∂X, y1 ∈ D, then σ1 (y1 ) 0 ; (2.7.1) lim σ2 (x) = x→x0 0 σ1 (y2 ) x∈X

the norm in the algebra S is determined as follows: σ = max{sup |σ1 (y)|, sup σ2 (x)}, Y


where σ2 (x)2 is the largest eigenvalue of the matrix σ2 (x)σ2∗ (x). We note that each above pair σ = (σ1 , σ2 ) defines a continuous object on ∪γ M = X ∪μ Y , which is a continuous function on Y = D , a continuous 2 × 2 matrix-function on X = ∪m Δ , and a diagonal 2 × 2 matrix at the points of p=1 p ∂X, whose scalar diagonal values are glued with certain values of the function on ∪γ Y =D according to (2.7.1).

2.8. Toeplitz operators


0 ) together with the Douglas-Varela The descriptions of the local algebras R(t local principle lead to the next theorem. Theorem 2.7.3. The Fredholm symbol algebra Sym R of the C ∗ -algebra R = R(P C(D, ), BD ) is isomorphic and isometric to the algebra S. Identifying them, the homomorphism sym : R → S is generated by the following mapping of generators of the algebra R: sym : A = a(z)I + b(z)BD + K −→ ⎧ ⎪ ⎪ a(t), t ∈ D, ⎨ c(t), t∈γ , a(t ⎪ + 0)(1 − x) + a(t p ⎪

p − 0)x ⎩ (a(tp + 0) − a(tp − 0)) x(1 − x)

(c(tp + 0) − c(tp − 0)) x(1 − x) , c(tp + 0)(1 − x) + c(tp − 0)x

x ∈ [0, 1], tp ∈ γ ∩ , where c(z) = a(z) + b(z). Corollary 2.7.4. An operator A from R = R(P C(D, ), BD ) is Fredholm if and only if its symbol is invertible, i.e., sym A = 0 on Y, det sym A = 0 on X.

2.8 Toeplitz operators Let D be a bounded simply connected domain in C with smooth boundary γ = ∂D. We return to the Bergman space A2 (D), the closed subspace of L2 (D) consisting of analytic functions, and to the orthogonal Bergman projection BD (2.2.7) of L2 (D) onto A2 (D). Given a function a = a(z) ∈ L∞ (D), introduce the Toeplitz operator Ta with defining symbol a = a(z) acting on the Bergman space A2 (D) as follows, Ta = BD a(z)|A2 (D) : A2 (D) −→ A2 (D), or, in the integral form, (T Ta ϕ)(z) =

KD (z, ζ)a(ζ)ϕ(ζ)dν(ζ). D

In the case of the unit disk D we have obviously a(ζ)ϕ(ζ) 1 dν(ζ). (T Ta ϕ)(z) = π D (1 − zζ)2 The next theorem summarizes the obvious properties of Toeplitz operators.


Chapter 2. Prologue

Theorem 2.8.1. Let α, β ∈ C and a, b ∈ L∞ (D), then (i) the operator Ta is bounded on A2 (D) and ||T Ta || ≤ ||a||∞ , (ii) Tαa+βb = αT Ta + βT Tb , (iii) Ta∗ = Ta . The next theorem shows that there is a one-to-one correspondence between the Toeplitz operators and their defining symbols. Theorem 2.8.2. For any a ∈ L∞ (D), Ta = 0 if and only if a ≡ 0 almost everywhere. Proof. If a ≡ 0 a.e., than obviously Ta = 0. Assume now that Ta = 0. Then for each ϕ ∈ A2 (D) we have Ta ϕ = 0, or aϕ ∈ (A2 (D))⊥ . Thus, in particular, for each n, m = 0, 1, 2, . . ., we have n m 0 = az , z = a(z)z n z m dv(z) D = a(z)z m z n dv(z) = a, z m z n L2 (D) . D

The linear span of all monomials z m z n is dense in L2 (D); thus the function a(z) must be 0 almost everywhere. By Theorem 2.4.5 we have as well Theorem 2.8.3. 1. Let a(z) ∈ L∞ (D) and be continuous at all points of γ = ∂D with a|γ ≡ 0. Then the Toeplitz operators Ta is compact. 2. Let a(z), b(z) ∈ L∞ (D) and be continuous at all points of γ = ∂D. Then the so-called semi-commutator [T Ta , Tb ) = Ta Tb − Tab is compact. 3. Let a(z), b(z) ∈ L∞ (D) and be continuous at all points of γ = ∂D. Then the commutator [T Ta , Tb ] = Ta Tb − Tb Ta is compact. Note that if two L∞ -functions a(z) and b(z) are continuous at all points of the boundary γ = ∂D and coincide on γ, a|γ ≡ b|γ , then by the first statement of the previous theorem the corresponding Toeplitz operators differ on a compact summand, Ta = Tb + K, where K is compact. That is, passing to the study of the C ∗ -algebra generated by Toeplitz operators with defining symbols continuous on the boundary ∂D, it is irrelevant to start either with symbols from any algebra A, defined at the beginning of Section 2.5, or just with the algebra C(D) of continuous symbols; the resulting algebras will be the same. Thus it is sufficient to introduce the C ∗ -algebra T = T (C(D)) generated by all Toeplitz operators with defining symbols a(z) ∈ C(D). The next lemma has been essentially established by Coburn [42].

2.8. Toeplitz operators


Lemma 2.8.4. The C ∗ -algebra T = T (C(D)) is irreducible and contains the whole ideal K of compact operators acting on A2 (D). Proof. To prove that the algebra T = T (C(D)) is irreducible we show that each orthogonal projection P commuting with all Toeplitz operators Ta , where a ∈ C(D), has to be either 0, or I. Having such a projection, introduce the function g = P 1, which is obviously in A2 (D). Now for each function ϕ ∈ C(D) ∩ A2 (D) we have P ϕ = P Tϕ 1 = Tϕ P 1 = Tϕ g = g · ϕ. That is, on the dense set C(D) ∩ A2 (D) of A2 (D) the projection P acts as the multiplication operator by the analytic function g(z). It is well known (see, for example, [102] p. 25, for the case of the unit ball), that for an analytic function g one has g A2 (D) ⊂ A2 (D) if and only if g is bounded. The projection P , being a bounded linear operator, can be obviously extended from C(D) ∩ A2 (D) onto the whole Bergman space A2 (D). Thus the function g(z) has to be bounded, and P f = g · f , for all f ∈ A2 (D). Now the bounded analytic function g satisfies the property g = P 1 = P 2 1 = P (P 1) = P g = g 2 . Thus either g(z) ≡ 0, or g(z) ≡ 1, or equivalently, either P = 0, or P = I. That is, the C ∗ -algebra T = T (C(D)) is irreducible. Being irreducible the algebra T = T (C(D)) contains non-trivial compact operators. Thus (see, for example, [148] Theorem 2.4.9) it contains the whole ideal K of compact operators on A2 (D). We note that the Toeplitz operator Ta , with a ∈ C(D) and acting on the Bergman space A2 (D), coincides with the restriction onto the invariant subspace A2 (D) of the operator BD aBD ∈ R(C(D), BD ), acting on L2 (D). Thus as a corollary of Theorems 2.5.7 and 2.5.8 we have Theorem 2.8.5. The algebra T coincides with the set of all operators of the form T = Ta + K, where a(z) ∈ C(D) and K is a compact operator. The Fredholm symbol algebra Sym T = T /K of the algebra T is isomorphic to the algebra C(γ), where γ = ∂D, as previously. Identifying them, the symbol homomorphism sym : T −→ Sym T = C(γ) is given by sym : T = Ta + K −→ a(t), where t ∈ γ.


Chapter 2. Prologue

The operator T = Ta + K is Fredholm if and only if its symbol is invertible, i.e., a(t) = 0 on γ, and 1 Ind T = − {arg a(t)}γ . 2π We continue to consider a simply connected domain D with smooth boundary γ = ∂D. As in Section 2.7 we introduce a piece-wise smooth curve and the algebra P C(D, ) of piece-wise continuous defining symbols. We note first a number of qualitative differences between the properties of Toeplitz operators with continuous and piece-wise defining continuous symbols. Contrary to Lemma 2.4.4 and the second assertion of Theorem 2.8.3 we have now Theorem 2.8.6. 1. Let a(z) ∈ P C(D, ). Then commutator [BD , aI] = BD aI − aBD is not compact in general. 2. Let a(z), b(z) ∈ P C(D, ). Then the semi-commutator [T Ta , Tb ) = Ta Tb − Tab is not compact in general. The proof of the above two statements just consists of calculating the Fredholm symbols of the operators involved using the recipe of Theorem 2.7.3 and the fact that the compactness of an operator is equivalent to vanishing of its Fredholm symbol. At the same time we still have Theorem 2.8.7. Let a(z), b(z) ∈ P C(D, ). Then the commutator [T Ta , Tb ] = Ta Tb − Tb Ta is compact. Consider now the C ∗ -algebra TP C = T (P C(D, )) generated by all Toeplitz operators Ta with defining symbols a(z) ∈ P C(D, ). As in Section 2.7 we assume that ∩ γ = {t1 , t2 , . . . , tm }, and let γ be the set γ, cut by points tp ∈ ∩ γ. The pair of points which correspond to a point tp ∈ ∩ γ, p = 1, m, we denote by tp − 0 and tp + 0, following the positive orientation of γ. Let X = m p=1 Δp be the disjoint union of segments Δp = [0, 1]. Denote by Γ the union γ ∪ X with the point identification tp − 0 ≡ 0 p , tp + 0 ≡ 1p , where tp ± 0 ∈ γ , 0p and 1p are the boundary points of Δp , p = 1, 2, . . . , m. Then as a corollary of Theorem 2.7.3, Corollary 2.7.4, and the last part of Theorem 2.8.5 we have Theorem 2.8.8. The C ∗ -algebra TP C is irreducible and contains the ideal K of compact operators. The Fredholm symbol algebra Sym TP C = TP C /K is isomorphic to the algebra C(Γ). Identifying them, the symbol homomorphism sym : TP C → Sym TP C = C(Γ) is generated by the following mapping of generators of TP C , a(t), t∈γ , sym : Ta −→ a(tp − 0)(1 − x) + a(tp + 0)x, x ∈ [0, 1]

2.9. Some further results on compactness


where tp ∈ ∩ γ, p = 1, 2, . . . , m. The operator T ∈ TP C is Fredholm if and only if its symbol is invertible, i.e., sym T = 0 on Γ, and 1 Ind T = − {sym T }Γ . 2π The result of the above theorem repeats the corresponding result of [82] for the Hardy space Toeplitz operators. This is a direct consequence of the two facts: the same local description at each point of γ where the defining symbol is continuous, and sp (P − B)2 = [0, 1] = sp (χγ0 I − P+ )2 , where B is the Bergman projection, P is defined in Section 2.6 (see Corollary 2.6.3), P+ is the Szeg¨¨o projection, and χγ0 is the characteristic function of a connected subarc γ0 of γ. We note that for piece-wise continuous defining symbols the product of two Toeplitz operators is not anymore a compact perturbation of a Toeplitz operator, in general. The algebra TP C does not coincide with the set of all operators of the form Ta + K, as in the case of continuous defining symbols. It has a much more complicated structure, coinciding with the uniform closure of the set of all elements of the form qk p Taj,k , (2.8.1) k=1 j=1

where aj,k ∈ P C(D, ), p, qk ∈ N. It is very interesting and important to understand the nature of the operators forming this algebra and, in particular, to know whether this Toeplitz operator algebra contains any Toeplitz operator other then its initial generators. We note that this question has remained unanswered since the earliest work on the subject. Chapter 8 is devoted to a systematic study of this question. We give a simple and transparent representation of each operator from the above C ∗ -algebra. We show as well that none of the elements of the form (2.8.1) is (a compact perturbation of) a Toeplitz operator, but in spite of that the uniform closure of the set of all elements of the form (2.8.1) contains many Toeplitz operators, whose (unbounded in general) defining symbols belong to a much wider class of discontinuous functions, as compared with defining symbols of the initial generators.

2.9 Some further results on compactness We list here more results on compactness properties of the Toeplitz operators. Recall that the first statement of Theorem 2.8.3 gives a simple and evident sufficient condition for compactness: if a function a(z) is in L∞ (D) and is continuous at all points of γ = ∂D with a|γ ≡ 0, then the Toeplitz operator Ta is compact.


Chapter 2. Prologue

At first glance this condition seems to be “very near” to be necessary as well. At the same time we have an example (see Lemma 5.3.5) of a defining symbol a such that (i) a is continuous in each point of the boundary, except a single point t0 ∈ ∂D, (ii) the function a is continuous along the boundary, and a|∂D ≡ 0, (iii) for each t ∈ ∂D \ {t0 }, lim a(z) = 0,

D z→t

(iv) all non-tangential limits of a at the point t0 are equal to zero, but nevertheless the Toeplitz operator Ta is non-compact. On the other hand there are defining symbols (see Example 6.1.7) which are oscillating bounded or even unbounded near each point of the boundary (no limit at each boundary point) for which nevertheless the corresponding Toeplitz operators are compact. The above examples suggest that the behaviour near the boundary of a certain average of the defining symbol, rather then of the defining symbol itself, is responsible for compactness of the corresponding Toeplitz operator. The final result for bounded defining symbols was given by S. Axler and D. Zheng [12] in terms of the so-called Berezin transform, or the Wick symbol. In fact they gave a much more general result, the criterion of compactness of operators of the form (2.8.1). The general definition and properties of the Wick symbol and the Berezin transform in terms of coherent states are given in Appendix A, Section A.1. In order to formulate the S. Axler and D. Zheng result we give here a definition for operators acting on the Bergman space A2 (D). Let A be a bounded linear operator acting on A2 (D). Then its Wick symbol

is the function A(z) defined in D as follows (see for details Appendix A):

Akz , kz

, A(z) =

kz , kz where kz (ζ) = KD (z, ζ) = KD (ζ, z). If A = Ta is the Toeplitz operator with defining symbol a(z), then its Wick symbol, or the Berezin transform of the function a, is calculated by the formula (a (z) = BD akz , kz = akz , BD kz = akz , kz

a(z) = T

kz , kz

kz , kz

kz , kz 1 a(ζ) |KD (z, ζ)|2 dv(ζ). = KD (z, z) D For the case of the unit disk D we have (a (z) =

a(z) = T

(1 − zz)2 π


a(ζ) dv(ζ) . (1 − ζz)2 (1 − zζ)2


2.9. Some further results on compactness


The following result has been proved in [12]. Theorem 2.9.1. Let A=

qk p

Taj,k ,

k=1 j=1

where aj,k ∈ L∞ (D), p, qk ∈ N. Then the operator A is compact if and only if

= 0. lim A(z)


In particular, the Toeplitz operator Ta is compact if and only if 1 a(ζ) |KD (z, ζ)|2 dv(ζ) = 0. lim z→∂D KD (z, z) D

Chapter 5

Toeplitz Operators with Commutative Symbol Algebras Theorems 2.4.5, 2.8.3, 2.8.6, and 2.8.7 show a certain difference between the compactness properties of commutators and semi-commutators. In order to understand this difference we start with the following setting. Let A(D) be a C ∗ -subalgebra of L∞ (D). Consider the following statements (which may be false or true depending on A(D)): 1) For each a ∈ A(D) the commutator [BD , aI] = BD aI − aBD is compact. 2) For each pair a, b ∈ A(D) the semi-commutator [T Ta , Tb ) = Ta Tb − Tab is compact. 3) For each pair a, b ∈ A(D) the commutator [T Ta , Tb ] = Ta Tb − Tb Ta is compact. In the next section we show that the first two statements are equivalent; that is, they can be true only simultaneously, and each of them implies the third statement. At the same time, as Theorems 2.8.6, and 2.8.7 show, the third statement does not imply in general either the first or the second statement. In this stage it is important and interesting to understand the gap between the third and the first two properties. In fact this gap turns out to be quite substantial. To show this we construct a number of algebras A = A(D) which have (only) property 3), and moreover even have a stronger property: for each a, b ∈ A, [T Ta , Tb ] = 0, while [T Ta , Tb ) is not compact. Another related concept is as follows. Given a C ∗ -subalgebra A(D) of L∞ (D), we introduce two operator C ∗ -algebras: the algebra T (A(D)), which is generated by all Toeplitz operators Ta : ϕ ∈ A2 (D) −→ BD aϕ ∈ A2 (D) with defining symbols a ∈ A(D), and the algebra R(A(D), BD ), which is generated


Chapter 5. Toeplitz Operators with Commutative Symbol Algebras

by all operators of the form A = aI + bBD , where a, b ∈ A(D), acting on L2 (D). One of the main features of algebras A(D) having property 2) is that the corresponding Toeplitz operator algebra T (A(D)) admits a commutative symbolic calculus, i.e., the Fredholm symbol algebra Sym T (A(D)) = T (A(D))/K, where K is the ideal of compact operators, is commutative. Note, that under the condition 2) the Fredholm symbol algebra Sym R(A(D), BD ) = R(A(D), BD )/K of the algebra R(A(D), BD ) is commutative as well. At the same time, under (only) condition 3) the Fredholm symbol algebra Sym R(A(D), BD ) = R(A(D), BD )/K of the algebra R(A(D), BD ) is non-commutative, while the Fredholm symbol algebra Sym T (A(D)) = T (A(D))/K still remains commutative. Another way to understand the difference between properties 2) and 3) is by comparing the representations of these algebras. In other words, it is important to understand how complicated the Fredholm symbol algebra of the algebra R(A(D), BD ) can be, while the Toeplitz operator algebra T (A(D)) still admits the commutative symbolic calculus. Answering this question we show that for each finite set of integers Λ =

n0 , n1 , . . . , nm , where 1 = n0 < n1 < . . . < nm ≤ ∞, and nk ∈ N ∪ {∞}, there is an algebra AΛ (with only property 3)), such that the Fredholm symbol algebra Sym T (AΛ ) of the algebra T (AΛ ) is commutative, while the Fredholm symbol algebra Sym R(AΛ , BD ) of the algebra R(AΛ , BD ) has irreducible representations of exactly the predefined dimensions n0 , n1 , . . ., nm . It is worth mentioning that for Toeplitz operators on Hardy spaces, the functional algebras with the property 2) were known a long time ago [172, 173], and that the Gohberg-Krupnik results of the late 1960s [82, 84] gave examples of algebras with only property 3). Nevertheless the above questions still remain open for the case of Toeplitz operators on the Hardy space.

5.1 Semi-commutator versus commutator In this section we clarify the general interrelations among the above mentioned three properties. We note that these interrelations do not depend in fact on the specific nature of the Bergman space, or on the fact that A(D) is a functional algebra. We consider them thus in the following abstract setting. Let H be a separable Hilbert space and let H0 be its closed subspace. We denote by P the orthogonal projection from H onto H0 .

5.1. Semi-commutator versus commutator


Given a bounded linear operator A acting on H, introduce the “abstract” Toeplitz operator with defining symbol A, TA = P AP = P A : H0 −→ H0 , and the “abstract” Hankel operator with defining symbol A, HA = (I − P )AP, acting either from H0 to H0⊥ , or on H. We start now with a C ∗ -algebra C of bounded linear operators acting on H and having the property that the commutator [A, B] is compact for each A, B ∈ C. Consider the following three statements (which again may be false or true depending on C): 1) For each A ∈ C the commutator [P, A] = P A − AP is compact. 2) For each pair A, B ∈ C the semi-commutator [T TA , TB ) = TA TB − TAB is compact. 3) For each pair A, B ∈ C the commutator [T TA , TB ] = TA TB −T TB TA is compact. From the equality [T TA , TB ] = [T TA , TB ) − [T TB , TA ) − T[A,B] we have that the property 2) always implies the property 3). At the same time we know that the inverse is not valid in general. Further we have Theorem 5.1.1. The following three statements are equivalent. (i) For each A ∈ C the commutator [P, A] = P A − AP is compact. (ii) For each pair A, B ∈ C the semi-commutator [T TA , TB ) = TA TB − TAB is compact. (iii) For each A ∈ C the Hankel operator HA is compact. Proof. (i) ⇒ (ii) follows from the equality [T TA , TB ) = P AP BP − P ABP = P A[P, B]P. (ii) ⇒ (iii) follows from the equality T A∗ , T A ) (H HA )∗ HA = P A∗ (I − P )AP = PA∗ A − P A∗ P AP = −[T and the general fact that an operator X acting on H is compact if and only if the operator X ∗ X is compact. (iii) ⇒ (i) follows from the equality [P, A] = (H HA∗ )∗ − HA .


Chapter 5. Toeplitz Operators with Commutative Symbol Algebras

We return now to the initial Bergman space setting. It is important to note that the maximal C ∗ -subalgebra of L∞ (D) for which property 2) is true was described by K. Zhu [237] (see also [240]). We list the corresponding result here; the proofs and details can be found, for example, in [237, 240]. We start with the unit disk D equipped with the Bergman (≡ hyperbolic) metric (see Sections 9.1) ds2 =

1 ∂ 2 KD (z, z) 1 dx2 + dy 2 (dx2 + dy 2 ) = . 2 ∂z∂z π (1 − zz)2

The Bergman (hyperbolic) distance between points z1 , z2 ∈ D is given by (see (9.1.2)) 1 |1 − z1 z 2 | + |z1 − z2 | βD (z1 , z2 ) = ln . 2 |1 − z1 z 2 | − |z1 − z2 | Denote by ΔD (z0 , r) the (open) Bergman metric disk with the center z0 ∈ D and radius r > 0, i.e., ΔD (z0 , r) = {z ∈ D : βD (z0 , z) < r}, and denote by |ΔD (z0 , r)| its Euclidean area. For a function f ∈ L1 (D) introduce its averaging function 1 f (ζ)dv(ζ), z ∈ D. fr (z) = |ΔD (z, r)| ΔD (z,r) Given f ∈ L2 (D), define its mean oscillation at z in the Bergman metric by ! M Or (f )(z) =

1 |ΔD (z, r)|

ΔD (z,r)

" 12 2 |f (ζ) − fr (z)| dv(ζ) .

One can check that ' 12 & + |2r (z) − |fr (z)|2 . M Or (f )(z) = |f Denote by BM Or (D) the linear space of functions f in D with bounded mean oscillation, that is, those for which M Or (f ) is bounded in D. The quantity f BMOr = sup M Or (f )(z) z∈D

is a semi-norm in BM Or (D), under which BM Or (D) is complete. For a function f ∈ L2 (D) introduce ' 12 & , M O(f )(z) = |f |2 (z) − |f (z)|2 ,

z ∈ D,

5.2. Infinite dimensional representations


where the Berezin transform f of f is given by (2.9.1), and f BMO∂ = sup M O(f )(z). z∈D

Denote by BM O∂ the linear space of functions f for which f BMO∂ is finite. Theorem 5.1.2. The space BM O∂ (D) is complete in the semi-norm f BMO∂ . For each r the quantity · BMOr is equivalent to · BMO∂ , and thus the space BM Or (D) does not depend on r and coincides with BM O∂ (D). Denote by V M O∂ (D) the subspace of BM O∂ (D) which consists of functions f for which & ' 12 , lim M O(f )(z) = lim |f |2 (z) − |f (z)|2 = 0. |z|→1


Theorem 5.1.3. V M O∂ (D) is the closed subspace of BM O∂ (D) generated by C(D) and functions with compact support in D. Theorem 5.1.4. The set Q = V M O∂ (D) ∩ L∞ (D) is the maximal C ∗ -subalgebra of L∞ (D) having the property 2), that is, the maximal C ∗ -subalgebra of L∞ (D) such that the semi-commutator [T Ta , Tb ) is compact for each a, b ∈ Q .

5.2 Infinite dimensional representations We start with the upper half-plane Π and with the corresponding Bergman space A2 (Π). Theorem 5.2.1. Let a = a(Im z) = a(y) ∈ L∞ (R+ ). Then the Toeplitz operator Ta acting on A2 (D) is unitary equivalent to the multiplication operator γa I = R Ta R∗ , where R and R∗ are given by (3.1.7) and (3.1.6) respectively, acting on L2 (R+ ). The function γa = γa (x) is given by η γa (x) = a( ) e−η dη, x ∈ R+ . (5.2.1) 2x R+ Proof. The operator Ta is obviously unitary equivalent to the operator R Ta R ∗

= =

R BΠ aBΠ R∗ = R(R∗ R)a(R∗ R)R∗ (RR∗ )RaR∗ (RR∗ ) = RaR∗


R0∗ U2 (F ⊗ I)a(v)(F −1 ⊗ I)U U2−1 R0


R0∗ U2 a(v)U U2−1 R0 y )R0 . R0∗ a( 2|x|

= Calculate now (R0∗ a(

y )R0 f )(x) = 2|x|

a( R+

η ) f (x) e−η dη = γa (x) · f (x), 2|x|


Chapter 5. Toeplitz Operators with Commutative Symbol Algebras

where γa (x) =

a( R+

η −η ) e dη, 2x

x ∈ R+ .

Denote by A∞ the C -algebra of all L∞ (Π)-functions which depend on v = Im w only, and consider two operator algebras, the Toeplitz operator algebra T (A∞ ), generated by all the operators of the form Ta : ϕ ∈ A2 (Π) −→ BΠ aϕ ∈ A2 (Π), where a = a(v) ∈ A∞ , and the algebra R(A∞ , BΠ ), generated by all the operators of the form A = aI + bBΠ , where a = a(v), b = b(v) ∈ A∞ , acting on L2 (Π). Corollary 5.2.2. The algebra T (A∞ ) is commutative. The isomorphic imbedding τ∞ : T (A∞ ) −→ Cb (R+ ) is generated by the following mapping of generators of the algebra T (A∞ ), η a( ) e−η dη, x ∈ R+ ; τ∞ : Ta −→ γa (x) = 2x R+ here Cb (R+ ) is the algebra of all functions bounded and continuous in R+ . Remark 5.2.3. Given two functions a, b ∈ A∞ we have obviously that γa (x) γb (x)− γab (x) = 0, in general. Thus the C ∗ -algebra A∞ provides us with an example of the algebra A with the property that for each a, b ∈ A, [T Ta , Tb ] = 0, while [T Ta , Tb ) is not compact, in general. Return now to the algebra R(A∞ , BΠ ). The algebra R(A∞ , BΠ ) is naturally isomorphic to the algebra R0 = U R(A∞ , BΠ ) U −1 = U2 (F ⊗ I)R(A∞ , BΠ )(F −1 ⊗ I)U U2−1 , where U = U2 (F ⊗ I), and the operator U2 is given by (3.1.4). Under this isomorphism the generators of the algebra R(A∞ , BΠ ) are mapped to the following generators of the algebra R0 : U BΠ U −1


U a(v) U −1


χ+ (x)I ⊗ P0 , y )I, a( 2|x|

which act on the space L2 (R) ⊗ L2 (R+ ). We recall that the one-dimensional projection P0 is given by (3.1.5) and is the orthogonal projection onto the onedimensional subspace of L2 (R+ ) generated by 0 (y) = e−y/2 .

5.2. Infinite dimensional representations


Thus the algebra R0 splits onto the direct integral of the algebras R0 (x), x ∈ R \ {0}, where each algebra R0 (x) is generated by the following operators, acting on L2 (R+ ): for x ∈ R+ , y P0 and a( )I, 2x for x ∈ R− , y 0 and a(− )I. 2x The proof of the following lemma is trivial. Lemma 5.2.4. For x ∈ R− all the algebras R0 (x) are isomorphic to L∞ (R+ ). The homomorphism νx : R(A∞ , BΠ ) ∼ = R0 −→ R0 (x) ∼ = L∞ (R+ )


is generated by the following mapping of generators of the algebra R(A∞ , BΠ ): νx

: aI −→ a(y),


: BΠ −→ 0.

Lemma 5.2.5. For each x ∈ R+ the algebra R0 (x) is irreducible, contains the ideal 0 (x) = R0 (x)/K K of all compact in L2 (R+ ) operators, and its Calkin algebra R is isomorphic to L∞ (R+ ). Proof. To prove the first statement we show that the algebra R0 (x) does not have any non-trivial invariant subspace. First, observe that all the invariant subspaces of the subalgebra y {a( )I : a ∈ L∞ (R+ )} ∼ = L∞ (R+ ) 2x of the algebra R0 (x) have the form XM = {ψM (y) = χM (y)ψ(y) : ψ(y) ∈ L2 (R+ )}, where M is a measurable subset of R+ having positive measure. Thus the algebra R0 (x) has an invariant subspace if and only if there exists a measurable set M of a positive measure, such that for each ψM (y) ∈ XM we have P0 ψM (y) ∈ XM . Further P0 ψM = χM ψ, 0 · 0 . The function 0 is always non-zero on R+ , thus χM ψ, 0 has to be zero on R+ \M for all ψ ∈ L2 (R+ ), but for ψ = 0 we have

χM 0 , 0 = χM 0 , χM 0 = χM 0 2 . Thus χM must be zero a.e. on R+ , or M must have measure zero. Therefore the algebra R0 (x) does not have any non-trivial invariant subspace, and thus is irreducible. Now, being irreducible, the algebra R0 (x) contains the one-dimensional


Chapter 5. Toeplitz Operators with Commutative Symbol Algebras

operator P0 , and thus (see, for example, [148] Theorem 2.4.9) it contains the whole ideal K of compact operators. The last statement of the lemma is obvious. Note that all algebras R0 (x), x ∈ R+ , are the same, and equal to the algebra R(L∞ (R+ ), P0 ), which is generated by P0 and all multiplication operators aI, a ∈ L∞ (R+ ), acting on L2 (R+ ). Lemma 5.2.6. For each x ∈ R+ the homomorphism νx : R(A∞ , BΠ ) ∼ = R0 −→ R0 (x) ∼ = R(L∞ (R+ ), P0 ) gives the (infinite dimensional) irreducible representation of R(A∞ , BΠ ), and for different values of x ∈ R+ the representations νx are not unitary equivalent. Proof. The first statement follows directly from Lemma 5.2.5. Let now 0 < x1 < x2 < ∞, and let a(y) be a function from L∞ , such that γa (x1 ) = γa (x2 ), where γa (x) is given by (5.2.1). Then for the operator A = BΠ (γa (x1 ) − a(y))BΠ ∈ R(A∞ , BΠ ) we have vx1 vx2

: A −→ (γa (x1 ) − γa (x1 ))P P0 = 0, : A −→ (γa (x1 ) − γa (x2 ))P P0 = 0.

Thus the representations vx1 and vx2 are not unitary equivalent.

Theorem 5.2.7. The algebra R(A∞ , BΠ ) does not contain any non-zero compact operator. All its infinite dimensional representations are parameterized by the points x ∈ R+ and are of the form νx : R(A∞ , BΠ ) ∼ = R0 −→ R(L∞ (R+ ), P0 ), where vx vx

y )I ∈ R(L∞ (R+ ), P0 ), 2x : BΠ ∈ R(A∞ , BΠ ) −→ P0 ∈ R(L∞ (R+ ), P0 ). : a(y)I ∈ R(A∞ , BΠ ) −→ a(

All finite dimensional irreducible representations of the algebra R(A∞ , BΠ ) are one-dimensional, and are the compositions of the homomorphism (5.2.2) of Lemma 5.2.4 with one-dimensional representations of L∞ (R+ ). Proof. Follows directly from Lemmas 5.2.4, 5.2.5 and 5.2.6.

We pass now from the upper half-plane to the unit disk D. The M¨ o¨bius transformation z+i w= (5.2.3) 1 + iz

5.2. Infinite dimensional representations


maps the unit disk D onto the upper half-plane Π, and generates the unitary operator U0 : L2 (D) → L2 (Π) acting by the rule 2 w−i . (5.2.4) (U U0 ϕ)(w) = ϕ (1 − iw)2 1 − iw Then the inverse (and adjoint) operator U0−1 : L2 (Π) → L2 (D) is given by 2 z+i −1 (U U0 ϕ)(z) = . ϕ (1 + iz)2 1 + iz Denote by A ∞ the image of the algebra A∞ on the disk, i.e., A ∞ = U0−1 A∞ U0 = {a(ω(z)) : a ∈ A∞ }, where ω(z) is the M¨o¨bius transformation (5.2.3).

Figure 5.1: From the upper half-plane to the unit disk. Each horizontal line Im ω = η0 = const goes under the mapping z = z(ω) (inverse to the mapping (5.2.3)) to the circle C(η0 ) (horocycle, see Section 9.4) η0 1 having center at the point i 1+η and radius 1+η , and which is tangent to ∂ D at 0 0 the point i. Figure 5.1 shows the image of a horizontal strip in the upper half-plane under the mapping z = z(ω). Note that the functions from A ∞ are constant on each horocycle C(η0 ), η0 ∈ R+ .


Chapter 5. Toeplitz Operators with Commutative Symbol Algebras

The algebras R(A ∞ , BD ) and R(A∞ , BΠ ), as well as the algebras T (A ∞ ) and T (A∞ ), are unitary equivalent. Thus Corollary 5.2.2 and Theorem 5.2.7 lead directly to the following result. Theorem 5.2.8. The algebra T (A ∞ ) is commutative. The isomorphic imbedding τ˜∞ : T (A ∞ ) −→ Cb (R+ ) is generated by the following mapping of generators of the algebra T (A ∞ ), η τ˜∞ : Ta(ω(z)) −→ γa (x) = a( ) 20 (η) dη, x ∈ R+ , 2x R+ where a = a(ω(z)) ∈ A ∞ , and 0 (η) = e−η/2 . The algebra R(A ∞ , BD ) does not contain any non-zero compact operator. All its infinite dimensional representations are parameterized by the points x ∈ R+ and are of the form ν˜x : R(A ∞ , BD ) ∼ = R0 −→ R(L∞ (R+ ), P0 ), where ν˜x ν˜x

y : a(ω(z))I ∈ R(A ∞ , BD ) −→ a( )I ∈ R(L∞ (R+ ), P0 ), 2x : BD ∈ R(A ∞ , BD ) −→ P0 ∈ R(L∞ (R+ ), P0 ).

All finite dimensional irreducible representations of the algebra R(A ∞ , BD ) are one-dimensional, and are the composition of the homomorphism (5.2.2) of Lemma 5.2.4 with one-dimensional representations of L∞ (R+ ).

5.3 Spectra and compactness We give here some applications of the results obtained in the previous section to spectral and compactness properties of Toeplitz operators. The next lemma describes the spectrum of Toeplitz operators with A∞ defining symbols, extending the results of [142, 237, 240] on connectedness of the spectrum to this class of symbols. Lemma 5.3.1. For each a ∈ A∞ the spectrum of the Toeplitz operator Ta ∈ T (A∞ ) is connected and coincides with the closure of the image of the function γa (x). For a real-valued function a ∈ A∞ we have sp Ta = [ inf γa (x), sup γa (x)]. x∈R+

Proof. Direct corollary of Theorem 5.2.1.


5.3. Spectra and compactness


Let M be a measurable set in R+ , and M = R + iM be the corresponding set in Π. Introduce the characteristic functions χM and χM of the sets M and M respectively. Consider now one special form of a set M ⊂ R+ . For σ ∈ (0, 1] and s ∈ (0, σ) introduce the sets Δ0 = [1, 1 + s] (⊂ [1, 1 + σ)), Δn = (1 + σ)n · Δ0 , where n ∈ Z, and 1 Δn . (5.3.1) M (s) = 2 n∈Z

The function

η γs (x) = χM(s) ( ) e−η dη = 2x R+



dη =


xe−xη dη n∈Z Δn

is “multiplicative-periodic”, i.e., γs ((1 + σ)x) = γs (x), for all x ∈ R+ . Thus to analyze the values of γs (x) it is sufficient to consider only x ∈ [1, 1 + σ). Lemma 5.3.2. For each ε > 0 there is σ ∈ (0, 1) such that for each set M (s) of the form (5.3.1) we have sup γs (x) − inf γs (x) < ε. x∈R+


Proof. Given x1 , x2 ∈ [1, 1 + σ) consider γs (x1 ) − γs (x2 ) =


= =


(x1 e−x1 η − x2 e−x2 η ) dη

(x1 e−x1 η − x2 e−x2 η ) dη




(1 + σ)n (x1 e−x1 ηn − x2 e−x2 ηn ),


for some ηn ∈ Δn . Note, that |Δn | = s · (1 + σ)n . Further x1 e−x1 ηn − x2 e−x2 ηn = (x1 − x2 )e−ξn ηn (1 − ξn ηn ) for some ξn ∈ (x1 , x2 ) ⊂ [1, 1 + σ). Now, for ζn = ξn ηn ∈ (1 + σ)n · (1, (1 + σ)2 ) we have γs (x1 ) − γs (x2 ) = s(x1 − x2 )


(1 + σ)n e−ζn (1 − ζn ),


Chapter 5. Toeplitz Operators with Commutative Symbol Algebras

thus σ2

|γs (x1 ) − γs (x2 )| ≤



(1 + σ)n e−ζn |1 − ζn |

n∈Z ∞

(1 + σ)n e−ζn |1 − ζn |

n=1 ∞ 2


1 e−ζk |1 − ζk |. (1 + σ)k

Finally we estimate each of these sums: σ2

∞ k=0


1 1 −ζk 2 e |1 − ζ | < σ · 1 · 3 < 6σ, k (1 + σ)k (1 + σ)k k=0

(1 + σ)n e−ζn |1 − ζn |

< σ2


< σ2

(1 + σ)n e−ζn ζn

n=1 ∞

(1 + σ)2(n+1) e−(1+σ)



∞ < (1 + σ)3 σ y e−y dy 1 −y < 8σ y e dy = 8σ. R+

We consider now the Toeplitz operator with a specific defining symbol, the characteristic function of some subset in Π. Theorem 5.3.3. The spectrum of the Toeplitz operator TχM is given by the formula sp TχM = [α, β], where α = inf x∈R+ γχM (x) ≥ 0, β = supx∈R+ γχM (x) ≤ 1. Moreover, for every α, β with 0 ≤ α < β ≤ 1, there exists a set M such that the spectrum of the Toeplitz operator TχM is equal to [α, β]. Proof. The first statement follows directly from Lemma 5.3.1. Consider now arbitrary α and β with 0 ≤ α < β ≤ 1. For ε = (β − α)/2 fix σ according to Lemma 5.3.2. It is clear that for each λ ∈ [0, 1] there exists sλ (∈ (0, σ)) such that for the corresponding set Mλ = M (sλ ) of the form (5.3.1) we have sup |0 (y)|2 dy = λ, x∈[1,1+σ)


5.3. Spectra and compactness


similarly, there exists a set mλ of the above form, such that |0 (y)|2 dy = λ. inf x∈[1,1+σ)


Now for the set M = (mα ∩ (0, 1)) ∪ (M Mβ ∩ (1, +∞)) and γχM (x) = |0 (η)|2 dη 2x·M

we have inf γχM (x)

= lim inf γχM (x) = α,

sup γχM (x)

= lim sup γχM (x) = β.

x∈R+ x∈R+

x→+∞ x→0

Remark 5.3.4. All Toeplitz operators Ta of the above theorem have as their defining symbols the functions a of the same type – characteristic functions with the same range, the two point set {0, 1}, but the spectra of Ta are quite different. Recall that for Toeplitz operators on the Hardy space the situation is drastically different: one always has sp Tχ = [0, 1] (= closure of convex hull of Im χ), for any characteristic function χ. Using the unitary operator U0 of the form (5.2.4), the above spectrum characterizations allow immediate reformulation for a Toeplitz operator with A ∞ defining symbols, acting on L2 (D). Toeplitz operators on the unit disk with defining symbols constant on horocycles as well as Toeplitz operators on the upper half-plane with defining symbols depending only on y = Im z, being unitary equivalent to multiplication operators, can never be compact. This fact permits us to construct a fine example illustrating the sharpness of the hypothesis of the first statement of Theorem 2.8.3. All horocycles C(η), η ∈ R+ , are tangent to the unit circle ∂ D = C(0) at the point i, and near this point C(η) are the graphs of the functions 1 η + yη (x) = − x2 . 1+η (1 + η)2 The “degree of adhesion” of C(η) to ∂ D at the point i can be naturally measured by the quantity η(2 + η) δ(η) = y0 (0) − yη (0) = , (1 + η)2 as a function, δ(η), η ∈ R+ , is continuous, strictly increasing and δ(0) = 0.


Chapter 5. Toeplitz Operators with Commutative Symbol Algebras

We will say that a function a(z), defined on D, has an ε-limit equal to A at the point i: ε-limz→i a(z) = A, if lim a(z)|D(η) = A,


where D(η) is the closed disk with boundary C(η), and such that δ(η) = ε. The ε-limit has the following obvious properties: 1. if for any ε > 0 we have ε-limz→i a(z) = 0, then all non-tangent limit values of the function a at the point i exist and are equal to zero; 2. if ε1 < ε2 and ε1 -limz→i a(z) = 0, then ε2 -limz→i a(z) = 0; 3. 0-limz→i a(z) = 0 if and only if limz→i a(z) = 0. Lemma 5.3.5. For each ε > 0 there exists a function a ∈ L∞ (D) such that 1. a is continuous at each point of ∂ D \ {i}, and a|∂ D\{i} ≡ 0; 2. ε-limz→i a(z) = 0; 3. the Toeplitz operator Ta is not compact on A2 (D). Proof. Fix positive ε and consider η having the property δ(η) = ε. Take a function b ∈ A∞ with R× [η/3, 2η/3] ⊂ supp b (for example, b = b(x, y) is the characteristic function of the strip R × [η/3, 2η/3], see Figure 5.1). Then the function a(z) = (b·χR×[η/3,2η/3] )(ω(z)) satisfies the first two conditions of the lemma. The operator Ta is unitary equivalent to a (non-zero) multiplication operator, and thus is not compact.

5.4 Finite dimensional representations Fix a number n ∈ N. Let Yk , k = n1, n, be disjoint measurable sets in R+ having positive measure, and such that k=1 Yk = R+ , and let Yk , Πk = R + iY

k = 1, n,

be the corresponding sets in the upper half-plane Π = R + iR+ . Denote by χk (y) (∈ L∞ (R+ )) the characteristic function of the set Yk , and by χΠk (∈ L∞ (Π)) the characteristic function of the set Πk k = 1, n. Introduce the algebra An = {a1 χΠ1 + . . . + an χΠn : ak ∈ C, k = 1, n } ∼ = Cn . We will study the algebras T (An ) and R(An , BΠ ).

5.4. Finite dimensional representations


Theorem 5.4.1. The algebra T (An ) is isomorphic and isometric to the algebra C(Δ), where Δ = Δ(Y Y1 , . . . , Yn ) = clos { (γχ1 (x), . . . , γχn (x)) : x ∈ R+ } ⊂ Δn−1 ,


and γχk (x), k = 1, n, are given by η χk ( ) |0 (η)|2 dη = |0 (η)|2 dη. γχk (x) = 2x R+ 2x·Y Yk The isomorphism τn : T (An ) −→ C(Δ) is generated by the following mapping of the generators Ta , where a = a1 χΠ1 + . . . + an χΠn ∈ An , of the algebra T (An ) τn : Ta −→ a1 t1 + . . . + an tn ,

t = (t1 , . . . , tn ) ∈ Δ.

Proof. Follows directly from Theorem 5.2.1.

The algebra R(An , BΠ ) can be defined by another set of generators. Namely, the orthogonal projections P = BΠ ,


Qk = χΠk I,

k = 1, n,


acting on L2 (Π), obviously generate this algebra. To describe the C ∗ -algebra R(An , BΠ ) = R(P, Q1 , . . . , Qn ) we use the results of Section 1.2. These projections are all-but-one and satisfy the property (1.2.13). At the same time, the analysis y of the projections U BΠ U −1 = χ+ (x)I ⊗ P0 and U χΠk U −1 = χΠk ( 2|x| )I, k = 1, n, shows that the property (1.2.14) does not hold for the projections (5.4.2) for all k = 1, n. That is we are in the situation of Theorem 1.2.33 with m = n. The joint spectrum of the operators Ck = P Qk P = TχΠk , k = 1, n, is obviously equal to Δ = Δ(Y Y1 , . . . , Yn ). Thus as a direct corollary from Theorem 1.2.33 we have Theorem 5.4.2. The C ∗ -algebra R(An , BΠ ) is isomorphic and isometric to a subalgebra of the algebra S(Δ) ⊕ Cn , where Δ = Δ(Y Y1 , . . . , Yn ) is given by (5.4.1). The isomorphic imbedding ν : R(An , BΠ ) −→ S(Δ) ⊕ Cn is generated by the following mapping of the generators of the algebra R(An , BΠ ): ν : BΠ ν : χ Πk I

−→ (p(t), (0, 0, . . . , 0)), −→ (qk (t), (0, . . . , 0, 1

, 0, . . . , 0)),


where p(t) = qk (t) =

( tj tk )nj,k=1 , diag (0, . . . , 0,

t = (t1 , . . . , tn ) ∈ Δ = Δ(Y Y1 , . . . , Yn ).


, 0, . . . , 0),


k = 1, n,


Chapter 5. Toeplitz Operators with Commutative Symbol Algebras

Remark 5.4.3. It is easy to construct measurable sets Yk , k = 1, n, for which the corresponding set Δ = Δ(Y Y1 , . . . , Yn ) belongs to the interior of the simplex Δn−1 , see, for example, the detailed study of the joint spectrum in Section 7.5. In such a case the algebra S(Δ) in Theorem 5.4.2 is just the algebra C(Δ, Matn (C)).

5.5 General case Denote by L0∞ the subalgebra of L∞ , which consists of all functions having zero limit at the point 0 ∈ R+ . Let A0∞ = C ⊗ L0∞ ⊂ A∞ , and A 0∞ = U0−1 A0∞ U0 = {a(ω(z)) : a ∈ A0∞ } ⊂ A ∞ , where the operator U0 is given by (5.2.4). Besides the algebra A 0∞ we will consider its rotated variants. To do this we introduce the unitary (rotation) operator on L2 (D): given t1 , t2 ∈ ∂ D, let (U(t1 ,t2 ) ϕ)(z) = ϕ(

t2 z); t1

−1 then of course U(t = U(t2 ,t1 ) . Denote now A 0∞ (i) = A 0∞ , and for each t ∈ ∂ D 1 ,t2 ) introduce i −1 0 A 0∞ (t) = U(i,t) A∞ (i)U(i,t) = {a( z) : a ∈ A 0∞ (i)}. t All the functions from A 0∞ (t) are continuous at each point of ∂ D \ {t}, and their restrictions onto ∂ D \ {t} are identically zero.

Lemma 5.5.1. Given two distinct points t1 , t2 ∈ ∂ D, the C ∗ -algebras R(C + A 0∞ (t1 ), BD ) and R(C + A 0∞ (t2 ), BD ), as well as the algebras T (C + A 0∞ (t1 )) and T (C + A 0∞ (t2 )), are unitary equivalent. For all functions ak ∈ A 0∞ (tk ), k = 1, 2, the operators Ta1 ·a2 and Ta1 Ta2 are compact. Proof. The first statement follows from −1 A 0∞ (t2 ) = U(t A 0∞ (t1 )U(t1 ,t2 ) , 1 ,t2 )

−1 BD = U(t BD U(t1 ,t2 ) . 1 ,t2 )

The operator Ta1 ·a2 is compact by Theorem 2.8.3. Let now c(t1 ,t2 ) (z) be a continuous function on D, equal to 0 on a small neighborhood of the point t1 , and equal to 1 on a small neighborhood of the point t2 . Then the compactness of the operator Ta1 Ta2 follows from Ta1 Ta2


BD a1 BD (c(t1 ,t2 ) + 1 − c(t1 ,t2 ) )BD a2 BD

= =

BD a1 c(t1 ,t2 ) BD a2 BD + BD a1 BD (1 − c(t1 ,t2 ) )a2 BD + K Ta1 c(t1 ,t2 ) · Ta2 + Ta1 · T(1−c(t1 ,t2 ) )a2 + K,

where K is compact, and from the compactness of Ta1 c(t1 ,t2 ) and T(1−c(t1 ,t2 ) )a2 .

5.5. General case


The next theorem characterizes, in a sense, the gap between compactness commutator and compactness semi-commutator properties. It shows that, for an appropriate choice of the coefficient algebra A, the Fredholm symbol algebra Sym R(A, BD ) can have irreducible representations of any predefined dimensions, while the Fredholm symbol algebra Sym T (A) still remains commutative. Theorem 5.5.2. For each finite (ordered) set Λ = n0 , n1 , . . . , nm , where 1 = n0 < n1 < . . . < nm ≤ ∞, and nk ∈ N ∪ {∞}, there is an algebra AΛ , the subalgebra of L∞ (D), such that the Fredholm symbol algebra Sym T (AΛ ) of the algebra T (AΛ ) is commutative, while the Fredholm symbol algebra Sym R(AΛ , BD ) of the algebra R(AΛ , BD ) has irreducible representations exactly of the predefined dimensions n0 , n1 , . . ., nm . Proof. Fix a set Λ = n0 , n1 , . . . , nm , and denote by t1 , t2 , . . ., tm any m different points on the unit circle ∂ D. Now for each k (k = 1, m, if nm < ∞, and k = 1, m − 1, if nm = ∞) select the subalgebra A 0nk (tk ) of the algebra A 0∞ (tk ) as follows. We start with a special case of the algebra An of Section 5.4 considering the algebra Ank , which is generated by the sets Yk,1 , . . ., Yk,nk , such that Yk,nk = [0, ηk ], for some positive ηk , and such that the corresponding set Δ = Δ(Y Yk,1 ,. . . , Yk,nk ) (5.4.1) intersects the boundary of the simplex Δnk −1 only by the point (0, . . . , 0, 1). Then the algebra A0nk = A0∞ ∩Ank ∼ = Cnk −1 is generated by the characteristic functions χΠk,j , where Πk,j = R + iY Yk,j , j = 1, nk − 1, and, of course, C + A0nk = Ank . We define now i −1 A 0nk (tk ) = U(i,t U −1 A0nk U0 U(i,tk ) = {a(ω( z)) : a ∈ A0nk } ⊂ A0∞ (tk ). k) 0 tk If nm = ∞, then we define A 0nm (tm ) = A 0∞ (tm ). Finally we define the algebra AΛ as AΛ = C(D) + A 0n1 (t1 ) + . . . + A 0nm (tm ). Now the commutativity of the Fredholm symbol algebra Sym T (AΛ ) = T (AΛ )/K follows from the commutativity of Sym T (C(D)), Theorem 5.2.1 and Lemma 5.5.1. To analyze the Fredholm symbol algebra Sym R(AΛ , BD ) of the algebra R(AΛ , BD ) we use the Douglas-Varela local principle. As the algebra C(D) is = Sym R(AΛ , BD ), we localize obviously a central commutative subalgebra of R by points z0 ∈ D. We denote by Jz0 the maximal ideal of C(D) corresponding to the point generated by z0 ∈ D, and by J(z0 ) the closed two-sided ideal of the algebra R, Jz0 . Then the local algebra at the point z0 is defined as R(z0 ) = R/J(z 0 ), and the natural projection πz0 : R(AΛ , BD ) −→ Sym R(AΛ , BD ) −→ R(z0 )


Chapter 5. Toeplitz Operators with Commutative Symbol Algebras

identifies elements of the algebra R(AΛ , BD ) locally equivalent at the point z0 . We recall (see Theorem 1.1.17) that the set of all irreducible representations of the algebra Sym R(AΛ , BD ) coincides with the collection of irreducible representations of all local algebras R(z0 ), z0 ∈ D. Thus we need to analyze the irreducible representations of each local algebra. For each z0 ∈ D = Int D the Bergman projection BD is locally equivalent to 0. Thus the local algebra R(z0 ) is commutative, and all its irreducible representations are just the one-dimensional representations of the algebra AΛ |D . Recall that every function a(z) which is continuous at some point z0 is locally equivalent at this point to its value a(z0 ), and that all functions from A 0nk (tk ) are continuous in each point of ∂ D \ {tk }, and are identically zero in ∂ D \ {tk }. At the points z0 ∈ ∂ D \ {t1 , . . . , tm } the functions a(z) ∈ C(D) are locally equivalent to a(z0 ) ∈ C, while all functions from each A 0nk (tk ) are locally equivalent to 0. The local algebra R(z0 ) in this case is generated by C and the projection πz0 (BD ), and thus the algebra R(z0 ) is commutative and isomorphic to C2 . Let finally z0 = tk for some k = 1, m. Again, the functions a(z) ∈ C(D) are locally equivalent to a(z0 ) ∈ C, but now only functions from A 0nj (tj ), with j = k, are locally equivalent to 0. Thus the local algebra R(tk ) is generated by the images (under the mapping πtk ) of BD and of the functions from C + A 0nk (tk ). Further, the algebra R(C+ A 0nk (tk ), BD ) is unitary equivalent to R(Ank , BΠ ), which does not contain any non-zero compact operator. Thus its image on the Fredholm symbol algebra (which can be described via continuous functions on D, valued in local algebras R(zo ) for each z0 ) is isomorphic to the initial algebra R(C + A 0nk (tk ), BD ). But πz0 (BD ) = 0 for each z0 ∈ D, and πz0 (A 0nk (tk )) = 0 for each z0 ∈ ∂ D \ {tk }. Thus R(tk ) ∼ = R(C + A 0nk (tk ), BD ) ∼ = R(Ank , BΠ ), and by Theorem 5.2.7 (for nk = ∞), or Theorem 5.4.2 (for nk < ∞) the algebra R(tk ) has irreducible representations only of dimensions nk and 1. Remark 5.5.3. Given Λ, the algebra AΛ constructed is not unique. In the proof of the theorem we rather demonstrate key steps for constructing such algebras. Similar results can be given starting with defining symbols which are constant on cycles for the other two possible types of pencils of hyperbolic geodesics (see Section 9.4). In fact, the results of Section 7.4 give another example of algebras AΛ constructed using hyperbolic pencils. It is very interesting to understand whether there exist algebras with the above properties but having a fundamentally different structure. Functions a from the algebra AΛ = C(D) + A 0n1 (t1 ) + . . . + A 0nm (tm ) are obviously continuous at each point of ∂ D \ {t1 , . . . , tm }, and have well-defined limit values at the points tk , k = 1, m, over the unit circle ∂ D : a(tk ) =


∂ D t→tk



5.5. General case


Routine verification shows that for each a ∈ AΛ and each k = 1, m there is a unique function a ˜k ∈ A 0nk (tk ) such that lim (a(z) − a(tk ) − a ˜k (z)) = 0.

D z→tk

For the functions a ˜k (z) ∈ A 0nk (tk ) we will use their “origins” ak ∈ A0nk ⊂ C ⊗ 0 L∞ (R+ ), i.e., the functions ˜k ( ak (ω) = a

tk z(ω)), i

ω ∈ Π.


Denote by Γ the disjoint union of the unit circle ∂ D and m copies of (0, +∞] = (0, +∞]k , k = 1, m, with the points tk ∈ ∂ D and +∞ ∈ (0, +∞]k identified, for each k = 1, m. Corollary 5.5.4. The Fredholm symbol algebra Sym T (AΛ ) is isomorphic and isometric to a subalgebra of Cb (Γ). The homomorphism sym : T (AΛ ) −→ Sym T (AΛ ) ⊂ Cb (Γ) is generated by the following mapping of generators of the algebra T (AΛ ): ⎧ if t ∈ ∂ D \ {t1 , . . . , tm } ⎨ a(t), a(tk ), if t = tk , sym : Ta −→ ⎩ γak (x), if x ∈ (0, +∞)k where a ∈ AΛ , and for the function ak , defined in (5.5.2), the function γak (x) is given by (5.2.1). Corollary 5.5.5. The essential spectrum of each Toeplitz operator Ta , a ∈ AΛ , is connected and coincides with the closure of the range of its Fredholm symbol ess-sp Ta = clos {(sym Ta )(u) : u ∈ Γ}.

Chapter 4

Bergman Type Spaces on the Unit Disk Let D be the unit disk in C. Rearranging the basis of L2 (D), L. Peng, R. Rochberg and Z. Wu [154] proved that the space L2 (D) can be decomposed onto a direct sum of the Bergman type spaces L2 (D) =

∞ n=1

A2(n) ⊕

A 2(n) ,



where A2(n) = ker(z ∂/∂z)n ker(z ∂/∂z)n−1 ,

A 2(n) = ker(z ∂/∂z)n ker(z ∂/∂z)n−1 .

Studying this question we follow the ideas of Chapter 3, which allows us to obtain more information.

4.1 Bergman space and Bergman projection We consider the space L2 (D) with usual Lebesgue plane measure dv(z) = dxdy, z = x + iy, and its Bergman subspace A2 (D). The Bergman projection BD of L2 (D) onto A2 (D) has the form (see Example 2.2.4) ϕ(ζ) dv(ζ) 1 . (BD ϕ)(z) = π D (1 − zζ)2 The Bergman space A2 (D) can be described alternatively as the (closed) subspace of L2 (D), which consists of all functions satisfying the equation ∂ 1 ∂ ∂ ϕ= +i ϕ = 0, ∂z 2 ∂x ∂y


Chapter 4. Bergman Type Spaces on the Unit Disk

where z = x + iy. Passing to the polar coordinates we have L2 (D) = =

L2 ([0, 1), rdr) ⊗ L2 ([0, 2π), dα) dt L2 ([0, 1), rdr) ⊗ L2 (S 1 , ) = L2 ([0, 1), rdr) ⊗ L2 (S 1 ), it

where S 1 is the unit circle, and dt = |dt| = dα it is the element of length; in addition ∂ cos α + i sin α ∂ 1 ∂ t ∂ t ∂ = +i = − . ∂z 2 ∂r r ∂α 2 ∂r r ∂t Introduce the unitary operator U1 = I ⊗ F : L2 ([0, 1), rdr) ⊗ L2 (S 1 ) −→ L2 ([0, 1), rdr) ⊗ l2 = l2 (L2 ([0, 1), rdr)), where the discrete Fourier transform F : L2 (S 1 ) → l2 is given by dt 1 F : f −→ cn = √ f (t) t−n , n ∈ Z, it 2π S 1


and its inverse F −1 = F ∗ : l2 → L2 (S 1 ) is given by 1 c n tn . F −1 : {cn }n∈Z −→ f = √ 2π n∈Z Calculate t (I ⊗ F ) 2

or t (I ⊗ F) 2

t ∂ ∂ − ∂r r ∂t

∂ t ∂ − ∂r r ∂t

(I ⊗ F −1 )

(I ⊗ F


1 {cn (r)}n∈Z −→ √ cn (r) tn 2π n∈Z n 1 t ∂ − cn (r) tn → √ r 2π n∈Z 2 ∂r n−1 1 ∂ cn−1 (r) − → {dn } = , 2 ∂r r n∈Z :

){cn (r)}n∈Z

n−1 1 ∂ − cn−1 (r) = . 2 ∂r r n∈Z

Thus the image of the Bergman space A21 = U1 (A2 (D)) can be described as the (closed) subspace of L2 ([0, 1), rdr) ⊗ l2 = l2 (L2 ([0, 1), rdr)) which consists of all sequences {cn (r)}n∈Z satisfying the equations n 1 ∂ cn (r) = 0, n ∈ Z. − (4.1.2) 2 ∂r r

4.1. Bergman space and Bergman projection


The equations (4.1.2) are easy to solve, and their general solutions have the form

cn (r) = cn rn = 2(|n| + 1) cn rn , n ∈ Z.

But each function cn (r) = 2(|n| + 1) cn rn has to be in L2 ([0, 1), rdr), which implies that cn (r) ≡ 0, for each n < 0. Thus the space A21 (⊂ L2 ([0, 1), rdr) ⊗ l2 = l2 (L2 ([0, 1), rdr))) coincides with the space of all two-sided sequences {cn (r)}n∈Z with the entries

2(n + 1) cn rn , if n ∈ Z+ cn (r) = , 0, if n ∈ Z− where Z+ = {0} ∪ N, Z− = Z \ Z+ , and ⎛ {cn (r)}n∈Z = ⎝

⎞1/2 |cn |2 ⎠

= {cn }n∈Z+ l2 .


For each n ∈ Z+ introduce the unitary operator un : L2 ([0, 1), rdr) −→ L2 ([0, 1), rdr) by the rule (un f )(r) = √

n 1 1 r− n+1 f (r n+1 ), n+1

∗ then the inverse operator u−1 n = un : L2 ([0, 1), rdr) −→ L2 ([0, 1), rdr) is given by √ n + 1 rn f (rn+1 ). (u−1 n f )(r) =

Finally, define the unitary operator U2 : l2 (L2 ([0, 1), rdr)) −→ l2 (L2 ([0, 1), rdr)) = L2 ([0, 1), rdr) ⊗ l2 as U2 : {cn (r)}n∈Z −→ {(u|n| cn )(r)}n∈Z . Then the space A22 = U2 (A21 ) coincides with the space of all sequences {dn (r)}n∈Z , where

√ dn = un ( 2(n + 1) cn rn ) = 2 cn , for n ∈ Z+ , and dn (r) ≡ 0, for n ∈ Z− . √ We introduce some notation. Let 0 (r) = 2; we have 0 (r) ∈ L2 ([0, 1), rdr) and 0 (r) = 1. Denote by L0 the one-dimensional subspace of L2 ([0, 1), rdr) generated by 0 (r), then the one-dimensional projection P0 of L2 ([0, 1), rdr) onto L0 has the form √ 1 √ (P P0 f )(r) = f, 0 · 0 = 2 f (ρ) 2ρ dρ. (4.1.3) 0


Chapter 4. Bergman Type Spaces on the Unit Disk

Denote by l2+ (l2− ) the subspace of (two-sided) l2 , consisting of all sequences {cn }n∈Z such that cn = 0 for all n ∈ Z− (n ∈ Z+ ). Then l2 = l2+ ⊕ l2− , and denote by p+ (p− ) the orthogonal projection of l2 onto l2+ (l2− ). Introduce the sequences χ± = {χ± (n)}n∈Z ∈ l∞ , where χ± (n) = 1 for n ∈ Z± , and χ± (n) = 0 for n ∈ Z∓ . Then obviously p± = χ± I. Now A22 = L0 ⊗ l2+ , so the orthogonal projection B2 of l2 (L2 ([0, 1), rdr)) = L2 ([0, 1), rdr) ⊗ l2 onto A22 obviously has the form B2 = P0 ⊗ p+ . This leads to the following theorem. Theorem 4.1.1. The unitary operator U = U2 U1 gives an isometric isomorphism of the space L2 (D) onto L2 ([0, 1), rdr) ⊗ l2 under which 1. the Bergman space A2 (D) is mapped onto L0 ⊗ l2+ , U : A2 (D) −→ L0 ⊗ l2+ , where L√ 0 is the one-dimensional subspace of L2 ([0, 1), rdr), generated by 0 (r) = 2, 2. the Bergman projection BD is unitary equivalent to U BD U −1 = P0 ⊗ p+ , where P0 is the one-dimensional projection (4.1.3) of L2 ([0, 1), rdr) onto L0 . Introduce the isometric imbedding R0 : l2+ −→ L2 ([0, 1), rdr) ⊗ l2 by the rule R0 : {cn }n∈Z+ −→ 0 (r){χ+ (n)cn }n∈Z , where we extend the sequence {cn }n∈Z+ to an element of l2 setting cn = 0 for negative indices n < 0. The image of R0 obviously coincides with the space A22 . The adjoint operator R0∗ : L2 ([0, 1), rdr) ⊗ l2 → l2+ is given by 1 √ R0∗ : {cn (r)}n∈Z −→ cn (ρ) 2 ρ dρ , 0


and R0∗ R0 = I R0 R0∗ = B2

: l2+ −→ l2+ , : L2 ([0, 1), rdr) ⊗ l2 −→ A22 = L0 ⊗ l2+ .

Now the operator R = R0∗ U maps the space L2 (D) onto l2+ , and the restriction R|A2 (D) : A2 (D) −→ l2+

4.1. Bergman space and Bergman projection


is an isometric isomorphism. The adjoint operator R∗ = U ∗ R0 : l2+ −→ A2 (D) ⊂ L2 (D) is an isometric isomorphism of l2+ onto the subspace A2 (D) of the space L2 (D). Remark 4.1.2. We have R R∗ = I R∗ R = BD

: l2+ −→ l2+ , : L2 (D) −→ A2 (D).

Theorem 4.1.3. The isometric isomorphism R∗ = U ∗ R0 : l2+ −→ A2 (D) is given by


R∗ : {cn }n∈Z+ −→ √ 2(n + 1) cn z n . 2π n∈Z



Proof. Calculate R∗ = U1∗ U2∗ R0

: = =

√ {cn }n∈Z+ −→ U1∗ U2∗ ({ 2 cn }n∈Z+ )

U1∗ ({ 2(n + 1) cn rn }n∈Z+ ) 1


√ 2(n + 1) cn (rt)n = √ 2(n + 1) cn z n . 2π n∈Z+ 2π n∈Z+

Corollary 4.1.4. The inverse isomorphism R : A2 (D) −→ l2+ is given by


R : ϕ(z) −→

2(n + 1) √ 2π



ϕ(z) z dμ(z)





Remark 4.1.5. The above operator R is defined on the whole of L2 (D) and its restriction to A2 (D) gives an isomorphism onto l2+ . For the restriction one has an alternative formula * # √ ϕ(n) (0) 2π

R : ϕ(z) −→ . n! 2(n + 1) n∈Z +

: L2 (D) → L2 (S 1 ) as follows, Introduce the operator R

= F −1 R. R 2 We denote by H+ (S 1 ) the classical Hardy space on the unit disk. It can be characterized, for example, as the space of all L2 (S 1 )-functions whose discrete Fourier transform (4.1.1) vanishes for all negative indices.


Chapter 4. Bergman Type Spaces on the Unit Disk

Corollary 4.1.6. We have the following isometric isomorphisms between the Berg2 man A2 (D) and the Hardy H+ (S 1 ) spaces:

A2 (D) R|

2 : A2 (D) −→ H+ (S 1 ),

∗ |H 2 (S 1 ) R +

2 : H+ (S 1 ) −→ A2 (D).

and R

∗ provide the following decomposition of the Bergman BD The operators R and the Szeg¨ PS 1 projections:

∗ R

= BD R ∗


= PS 1 R

: L2 (D) −→ A2 (D), 2 : L2 (S 1 ) −→ H+ (S 1 ).

Another connection between the Bergman and the Hardy spaces, and between the corresponding projections, gives the next theorem. Theorem 4.1.7. The unitary operator W = (I ⊗ F −1 )U U2 (I ⊗ F) gives an isometric isomorphism of the space L2 (D) = L2 ([0, 1), rdr) ⊗ L2 (S 1 , dt it ) under which 2 (S 1 ) spaces are connected by the for1. the Bergman A2 (D) and the Hardy H+ mula 2 W (A2 (D)) = L0 ⊗ H+ (S 1 ),

2. the Bergman BD and the Szeg¨ PS+1 projections are connected by the formula W BD W −1 = P0 ⊗ PS+1 , where P0 is the one-dimensional projection √ (4.1.3) of L2 ([0, 1), rdr) onto the onedimensional space L0 generated by 0 (r) = 2 ∈ L2 ([0, 1), rdr). Proof. Follows directly from Theorem 4.1.1.


In addition to the Bergman space A (D) of analytic functions in D, introduce the space A 2 (D) as the (closed) subspace of L2 (D) consisting of all functions which are anti-analytic in D and take the zero value at the point 0 ∈ D (otherwise the

D the spaces A2 (D) and A 2 (D) would intersect in the constants). Denote by B 2

orthogonal Bergman projection of L2 (D) onto A (D). Theorem 4.1.8. The unitary operator U = U2 U1 gives an isometric isomorphism of the space L2 (D) onto L2 ([0, 1), rdr) ⊗ l2 under which 1. the space A 2 (D) is mapped onto L0 ⊗ l2− , U : A 2 (D) −→ L0 ⊗ l2− , where L√ 0 is the one-dimensional subspace of L2 ([0, 1), rdr), generated by 0 (r) = 2,

4.1. Bergman space and Bergman projection


D is unitary equivalent to 2. the projection B

D U −1 = P0 ⊗ p− , UB where p− = χ− I is the orthogonal projection of (two-sided) l2 onto l2− , and P0 is the one-dimensional projection (4.1.3) of L2 ([0, 1), rdr) onto L0 . Proof. The space A 2 (D) can be described alternatively as the (closed) subspace of L2 (D) which consists of all functions satisfying the equation z ∂ ∂ ∂ ϕ= −i ϕ = 0, Dϕ = z ∂z 2 ∂x ∂y where z = x + iy. Passing to polar coordinates we have t ∂ r ∂ + . D= 2 ∂r r ∂t Calculate (I ⊗ F )D(I ⊗ F −1 )

1 {cn (r)}n∈Z −→ √ cn (r) tn 2π n∈Z n 1 r ∂ + cn (r) tn −→ √ r 2π n∈Z 2 ∂r n r ∂ cn (r) + −→ . 2 ∂r r n∈Z :

Now U2 U1 DU1−1 U2−1

n r ∂ + cn (r) = U2 U2−1 = {Dn }n∈Z , 2 ∂r r n∈Z


# Dn =


n+1 2n 2 n+1 + |n|+1 d r dr , 2


d dr


, if n ∈ Z+ if n ∈ Z−



The general solution of the equations Dn cn (r) = 0, n ∈ Z, has the form cn (r)


cn (r)



cn r− n+1 , for n ∈ Z+ , √ 2 cn , for n ∈ Z− .

All functions in A 2 (D) have the value zero at the origin, which implies that c0 (r) = c0 = 0. Again, each cn (r), n ∈ N, has to be in L2 ([0, 1), rdr), which implies that cn = 0, for all n ∈ N.


Chapter 4. Bergman Type Spaces on the Unit Disk

Then the space A 22 = U (A 2 (D)) coincides with the space of all sequences {cn (r)}n∈Z , where 0, if n ∈ Z+ √ , cn (r) = 2 cn , if n ∈ Z− and {cn (r)}l2 (L2 ([0,1),rdr)) = {cn }l− . Thus A 22 = L0 ⊗ l2− , and the orthogonal 2

2 of l2 (L2 ([0, 1), rdr)) = L2 ([0, 1), rdr) ⊗ l2 onto A 2 has the form projection B 2

2 = P0 ⊗ p− . B 2 (S 1 ) on the exterior of the unit disk. Introduce now the Hardy space H− It can be characterized, for example, as the space of all L2 (S 1 )-functions whose discrete Fourier transform (4.1.1) vanishes for all non-negative indices. Denote by 2 PS−1 the orthogonal (Szeg¨ o¨) projection of L2 (S 1 ) onto H− (S 1 ).

Corollary 4.1.9. The unitary operator W = (I ⊗ F −1 )U U2 (I ⊗ F) gives an isometric isomorphism of the space L2 (D) = L2 ([0, 1), rdr) ⊗ L2 (S 1 , dt it ) under which 2 1. the spaces A 2 (D) and H− (S 1 ) are connected by the formula 2 (S 1 ), W (A 2 (D)) = L0 ⊗ H−

D and P −1 are connected by the formula 2. the projections B S

D W −1 = P0 ⊗ P −1 , WB S where P0 is the one-dimensional projection √ (4.1.3) of L2 ([0, 1), rdr) onto onedimensional space L0 generated by 0 (r) = 2 ∈ L2 ([0, 1), rdr).

4.2 Poly-Bergman type spaces, decomposition of L2(D) Besides the operator ∂ r D=z = ∂z 2 introduce D=z

r ∂ = ∂z 2

t ∂ ∂ + ∂r r ∂t

∂ t ∂ − ∂r r ∂t


Analogously to the Bergman spaces A2 (D) and A 2 (D), which can be treated as the L2 -kernels of D and D respectively, following [154] introduce the spaces of poly-D-analytic and poly-D-analytic functions, the poly-Bergman type spaces. Define the space A2n (D) of n-D-analytic functions as the (closed) subspace of L2 (D) of all functions ϕ = ϕ(z, z) = ϕ(x, y), which satisfy the equation n ∂ n D ϕ= z ϕ = 0. ∂z

4.2. Poly-Bergman type spaces, decomposition of L2 (D)


Similarly, define the space A 2n (D) of n-D-analytic functions as the (closed) subspace of L2 (D) of all functions ϕ = ϕ(z, z) = ϕ(x, y), which satisfy the equation n ∂ ϕ = 0, Dn ϕ = z ∂z and take the value zero at the origin. Of course, we have A21 (D) = A2 (D) and A 21 (D) = A 2 (D), for n = 1, as well as A2n (D) ⊂ A2n+1 (D) and A 2n (D) ⊂ A 2n+1 (D), for each n ∈ N. Recall, that the system of functions {e−x/2 Ln (x)}n∈Z+ , where Ln (x), n ∈ Z+ , are the Laguerre polynomials (3.3.1), forms an orthonormal base in L2 (R+ ); that is ∞ Ln (x) Lm (x) e−x dx = δn,m . (4.2.1) 0

Following [154] we introduce n (r) =

n √ √ 2 Ln (log r−2 ) = 2 k=0

n! 2k (log r)k , k!(n − k)! k!


where r ∈ (0, 1] and n ∈ Z+ . Changing variables in (4.2.1) we have


n (r) m (r) rdr = δn,m ,

that is, the system of functions {n (r)}n∈Z+ forms an orthonormal basis in the space L2 ([0, 1), rdr). Denote by Ln , n ∈ Z+ , the one-dimensional subspace of L2 ([0, 1), rdr), generated by the function n (r). Note, that for n = 0 this definition gives exactly the previously defined space L0 . And let L⊕ n =




be the direct sum of the first (n + 1) spaces. Theorem 4.2.1. The unitary operator U : L2 (D) → L2 ([0, 1), rdr) ⊗ l2 maps the + space A2n (D) of n-D-analytic functions onto the space L⊕ n−1 ⊗ l2 . Proof. The space U (A2n (D)) obviously coincides with the set of all sequences from l2 (L2 ([0, 1), rdr)) = L2 ([0, 1), rdr) ⊗ l2 , which satisfy the equation n k r ∂ n −1 − U2−1 {ck (r)}k∈Z U D U {ck (r)}k∈Z = U2 2 ∂r r k∈Z =


{Dk ck (r)}k∈Z = 0,


Chapter 4. Bergman Type Spaces on the Unit Disk #

where Dk =

k+1 d 2 r &dr , |k|+1 2|k| 2 |k|+1


d dr


if k ∈ Z+ , if k ∈ Z−


It is easy to see that the intersection of the general solution of this equation with the space l2 (L2 ([0, 1), rdr)) = L2 ([0, 1), rdr) ⊗ l2 coincides with the set of all sequences of the form n−1


(log r)m {χ+ (k) dk }k∈Z ,

m=0 (m)

where {dk }k∈Z ∈ l2 , for all m = 0, n − 1, or rearranging polynomials on log r, with the set of all sequences n−1


m (r){ck }k∈Z+ ,

m=0 (m)

where {ck }k∈Z+ ∈ l2+ , for all m = 0, n − 1.

Introduce the space A2(n) of true-n-D-analytic functions by A2(n) = A2n A2n−1 , for n > 1, and by A2(1) = A21 , for n = 1, then, of course, A2n =


A2(k) .


Corollary 4.2.2. The unitary operator U : L2 (D) → L2 ([0, 1), rdr) ⊗ l2 maps the space A2(n) (D) of true-n-D-analytic functions onto the space Ln−1 ⊗ l2+ . Analogously in the D-analytic situations we have the following assertions. Theorem 4.2.3. The unitary operator U : L2 (D) → L2 ([0, 1), rdr) ⊗ l2 maps the − space A 2n (D) of n-D-analytic functions onto the space L⊕ n−1 ⊗ l2 . Proof. We follow all the steps of the proof of Theorem 4.2.1. The space U (A 2n (D)) obviously coincides with the set of all sequences from the space l2 (L2 ([0, 1), rdr)) = L2 ([0, 1), rdr) ⊗ l2 , which satisfy the equation n k r ∂ n −1 U D U {ck (r)}k∈Z = U2 U2−1 {ck (r)}k∈Z + 2 ∂r r k∈Z =

{Dkn ck (r)}k∈Z = 0,

where the operator {Dk }k∈Z is given by (4.1.6).

4.2. Poly-Bergman type spaces, decomposition of L2 (D)


Now the intersection of the general solution of this equation with the space l2 (L2 ([0, 1), rdr)) = L2 ([0, 1), rdr) ⊗ l2 coincides with the set of all sequences of the form n−1 (m) (log r)m {χ− (k) dk }k∈Z , m=0 (m)

where {dk }k∈Z ∈ l2 , for all m = 0, n − 1, or rearranging polynomials on log r, with the set of all sequences n−1


m (r){ck }k∈Z− ,

m=0 (m)

where {ck }k∈Z− ∈ l2− , for all m = 0, n − 1.

Symmetrically, introduce the space A 2(n) of true-n-D-analytic functions by A 2(n) = A 2n A 2n−1 , for n > 1, and by A 2(1) = A 21 , for n = 1, analogously, A 2n =


A 2(k) .


Corollary 4.2.4. The unitary operator U : L2 (D) → L2 ([0, 1), rdr) ⊗ l2 maps the space A 2(n) (D) of true-n-D-analytic functions onto the space Ln−1 ⊗ l2− . The above results lead up to the following theorem. Theorem 4.2.5. We have the following isometric isomorphisms and decompositions of spaces: 1. Isomorphic images of poly-D-analytic spaces, W

2 : A2(n) (D) −→ Ln−1 ⊗ H+ (S 1 ),


: A2n (D) −→


2 L k ⊗ H+ (S 1 ),




∞ k=1

2 A2(k) (D) −→ L2 ([0, 1), rdr) ⊗ H+ (S 1 ).


Chapter 4. Bergman Type Spaces on the Unit Disk

2. Isomorphic images of poly-D-analytic spaces, W

2 (S 1 ), : A 2(n) (D) −→ Ln−1 ⊗ H−


: A 2n (D) −→


2 L k ⊗ H− (S 1 ),




2 A 2(k) (D) −→ L2 ([0, 1), rdr) ⊗ H− (S 1 ).


3. Decomposition of the space L2 (D), L2 (D) =

∞ (A2(k) (D) ⊕ A 2(k) (D)) k=1


∞ k=1

A2(k) (D) ⊕

A 2(k) (D).


Here Ln is the one-dimensional subspace of L2 ([0, 1), rdr) generated by the function n (r) of the form (4.2.2).

Chapter 9

Commuting Toeplitz Operators and Hyperbolic Geometry The C ∗ -algebras of Toeplitz operators considered in Chapters 5, 6, and 7 are commutative. This property is impossible (except for the trivial case of scalar operators ≡ constant defining symbols) for the C ∗ -algebras of Toeplitz operators acting on the Hardy space. The special features of the defining symbols which make this phenomenon possible were symbols depending only on the imaginary part of a variable for Toeplitz operators on the upper half-plane, radial symbols for Toeplitz operators on the unit disk, and symbols depending only on the angular part of a variable for Toeplitz operators on the upper half-plane, respectively. In this stage a natural question appears: whether there exist other classes of defining symbols which generate commutative Toeplitz operator C ∗ -algebras, and how they can be classified. The invariance of the Bergman projection under biholomorphic automorphisms of a domain suggests immediately other classes of defining symbols, which are obtained from the initial ones by means of biholomorphic automorphisms. Surprisingly, the key to understanding the nature of such classes of symbols and to classifying them lies in the hyperbolic geometry of the unit disk endowed with the Poincar´ ´e metric. It turns out that the sets of defining symbols which generate commutative C ∗ -algebras of Toeplitz operators are classified as follows. Each pencil of hyperbolic geodesics determines the set of symbols consisting of functions which are constant on corresponding cycles, the orthogonal trajectories to the lines forming a pencil. The C ∗ -algebra generated by Toeplitz operators with such defining symbols is commutative. In Chapter 11 we show that the above classes are the only ones which generate commutative C ∗ -algebras of Toeplitz operators on each weighted Bergman space.


Chapter 9. Toeplitz Operators and Hyperbolic Geometry

9.1 Bergman metric We recall necessary facts about the Bergman metric. For further details see, for example [26, 176, 240]. Let D be a (bounded or unbounded) simply connected domain with smooth boundary ∂D on the complex plane C. The Bergman metric of the domain D is defined by 1 ∂ 2 ln KD (z, z) ds2 = (dx2 + dy 2 ), 2 ∂z ∂z where KD (z, ζ) is the Bergman kernel function of the domain D and z = x + iy. The element of length on the Bergman metric is given by d =

1 ∂ 2 ln KD (z, z) 2 ∂z ∂z

12 dl,

where dl is the Euclidean length element. Denote by βD (z1 , z2 ) the distance in the Bergman metric between two points z1 and z2 of the domain D. A very important feature of the Bergman metric is its invariance under the biholomorphic mappings: if the function ω = α(z) gives a biholomorphic mapping of the domain D onto a domain G, then βD (z1 , z2 ) = βG (α(z1 ), α(z2 )). Denote by ΔD (z0 , r) the (open) Bergman metric disk with center z0 ∈ D and radius r > 0, i.e., ΔD (z0 , r) = {z ∈ D : βD (z0 , z) < r}. The boundary SD (z0 , r) = {z ∈ D : βD (z0 , z) = r} of the disk ΔD (z0 , r) is called the Bergman circle with center z0 and radius r. For the case of the unit disk D the Bergman metric is defined by ds2 =

dx2 + dy 2 , (1 − |z|2 )2


and coincides with the hyperbolic or the Poincar´´e metric, realizing the non-Euclidean hyperbolic geometry on the disk D. The Bergman distance between two points z1 and z2 in D is given by βD (z1 , z2 ) =

1 |1 − z1 z 2 | + |z1 − z2 | ln , 2 |1 − z1 z 2 | − |z1 − z2 |

and in particular, for z ∈ D, βD (0, z) =

1 + |z| 1 ln . 2 1 − |z|


9.2. Basic properties of M¨ Mobius transformations


Note that the Bergman disk ΔD (z0 , r) is actually a Euclidean disk whose (Euclidean) center and radius are C=

1 − s2 z0 , 1 − s2 |z0 |2

where s=


1 − |z0 |2 s, 1 − s2 |z0 |2

er − e−r = tanh r ∈ (0, 1). er + e−r

Note also that the Bergman and the Euclidean centers of ΔD (z0 , r) coincide only for disks centered at the origin.

9.2 Basic properties of M¨ o¨bius transformations We recall here some known facts about the group of M¨ o¨bius transformations Mob( ¨ C) which consists of all mappings g : C → C having the form g(z) =

az + b , cz + d

where a, b, c, d ∈ C and ad − bc = 1. For further details see, for example, [21, 79, 126]. Each matrix A ∈ SL(2, C) induces the mapping gA ∈ Mob( ¨ C) by the formula A → gA , where az + b a b , and gA (z) = ; A= c d cz + d this is a group homomorphism whose kernel is equal to Z2 = {I, −I}, and thus Mob( ¨ C) ∼ = SL(2, C)/Z2 . Recall the following well-known properties of the M¨o¨bius transformations: 1) Each M¨ obius transformation g is a 1-1 conformal mapping of C˙ = C ∪ {∞} onto itself. 2) Each M¨ obius transformation g maps a circle or a straight line onto a circle or a straight line. ˙ and let w1 , w2 , w3 be another 3) Let z1 , z2 , z3 be a triple of distinct points in C, such triple. Then there exists a unique Mobius ¨ transformation which maps z1 , z2 , z3 to w1 , w2 , w3 respectively. 4) If z1 and z2 are inverse points with respect to a circle (or a straight line) C and g ∈ Mob( ¨ C), then the points g(z1 ) and g(z2 ) are inverse with respect to the circle (or a straight line) g(C).


Chapter 9. Toeplitz Operators and Hyperbolic Geometry

For the unit disk D and the upper half-plane Π one has 1. every M¨ o¨buis transformation g : D → D has the form g(z) =

az + b , bz + a

where a, b ∈ C and aa − bb = 1, furthermore Mob( ¨ D) ∼ = SU(1, 1)/Z2 ; 2. every M¨ o¨buis transformation g : Π → Π has the form g(z) =

az + b , cz + d

where a, b, c, d ∈ R and ad − bc = 1, furthermore ∼ Mob(Π) ¨ = SL(2, R)/Z2 . The function tr2 A, for A ∈ SL(2, C), is invariant under the transformation A → ±A, and thus induces the corresponding function on M¨ o¨b: tr2 gA = tr2 A = (a + d)2 . Note that the function tr2 g is invariant under any conjugation g → hgh−1 , h ∈ Mob( ¨ C), i.e., tr2 g = tr2 hgh−1 . (9.2.1) We will denote the conjugacy equivalence relation by ∼. Introduce the following standard normalized M¨ o¨bius transformations: mk (z) = kz, for each k ∈ C \ {0, 1}, and m1 (z) = z + 1. Note that in all cases

1 + 2. (9.2.2) k Lemma 9.2.1. Each non-identical Mobius M M¨ transformation is conjugate to one of the standard form mk . tr2 mk = k +

Proof. Each non-identical Mobius ¨ transformation g has obviously either two fixed points (denote them by α and β), or a unique fixed point (denote it by α, and let now β be any point different from α). Consider a M¨ o¨bius transformation h with the properties h(α) = ∞,

h(β) = 0,


h(g(β)) = 1


g(β) = β.

9.2. Basic properties of M¨ Mobius transformations


Then hgh−1 (∞) = ∞


hgh−1 (0) =

0, if g(β) = β . 1, if g(β) = β

That is, if g has two fixed points, then the fixed points of hgh−1 are 0 and ∞, and thus necessarily hgh−1 = mk for some k = 1. If g has only one fixed point, then the unique fixed point of hgh−1 is ∞, and thus necessarily hgh−1 = m1 . Theorem 9.2.2. Two non-identical Mobius M¨ transformations f and g are conjugate if and only if tr2 f = tr2 g. Proof. If f ∼ g, then by (9.2.1) we have tr2 f = tr2 g. Let now tr2 f = tr2 g. By Lemma 9.2.1 both f and g are conjugate to some standard forms: f ∼ mp and g ∼ mq . Thus tr2 mp = tr2 f = tr2 g = tr2 mq . Thus by (9.2.2) we have either p = q, or p = p = 1 then for h(z) = − z1 we have

1 q.

If p = 1, then always p = q. If

hmp h−1 = m p1 . Thus f ∼ mp ∼ mq ∼ g.

Definition 9.2.3. Let g be any non-identical M¨o¨bius transformation. Then 1. g is parabolic if g ∼ m1 ; 2. g is elliptic if g ∼ mk with |k| = 1; 3. g is hyperbolic if g ∼ mk with k > 0 and k = 1; 1. 4. otherwise g is loxodromic, i.e., g ∼ mk with non-positive k and |k| = Corollary 9.2.4. Let g be any non-identical M Mobius ¨ transformation, then 1. g is parabolic if and only if tr2 g = 4; 2. g is elliptic if and only if tr2 g ∈ [0, 4); 3. g is hyperbolic if and only if tr2 g ∈ (4, +∞); / [0, +∞). 4. g is loxodromic if and only if tr2 g ∈ Proof. It is sufficient to calculate tr2 mk for the first three cases, the remaining traces will correspond to the fourth case. Using (9.2.2) we have 1. let k = 1, then tr2 m1 = 4; 2. let k = eiθ with θ = 2nπ, then tr2 = eiθ + e−iθ + 2 = 2 + 2 cos θ ∈ [0, 4); 3. let k > 0 and k = 1, then tr2 mk = k +

1 k

+ 2 ∈ (4, +∞).


Chapter 9. Toeplitz Operators and Hyperbolic Geometry

Remark 9.2.5. The groups Mob( ¨ D) and M¨ o¨b(Π) of the M¨ obius transformations preserving the unit disk and the upper half-plane, respectively, consist only of elliptic, parabolic, and hyperbolic transformations, and for elements of both of these groups the statement of Theorem 9.2.2 remains valid.

9.3 Fixed points and commuting M¨ o¨bius transformations Observe first that two M¨ o¨bius transformations g and f , neither being the identity, commute if and only if for each h ∈ Mob( ¨ C) the transformations hgh−1 and hf h−1 commute. That is the property to be a pair of commuting M¨ o¨bius transformations is invariant under conjugation. Theorem 9.3.1. Two Mobius M¨ transformations g and f , neither being the identity, which have the same fixed points, commute. Proof. Suppose first that g and f are parabolic. Then applying if necessary conjugation we may assume the unique fixed point of both of them is ∞. Then necessarily for some h1 , h2 ∈ R we have g(z) = z + h1 and f (z) = z + h2 , and these transformations obviously commute. Let now g and f have a common pair of fixed points. Again applying if necessary conjugation we may assume that those points are 0 and ∞. Then necessarily for some k1 , k2 ∈ C \ {0, 1} we have g(z) = k1 z and f (z) = k2 z, and again these transformations obviously commute. Theorem 9.3.2. If two M¨ obius transformations g and f , neither being the identity, commute then either they have the same set of fixed points, or g 2 = I and f 2 = I. Proof. Assume first that g is parabolic with fixed point at ∞, that is g(z) = z + h, h ∈ R \ {0}, and that h(z) =

az + b , cz + d

ad − bc = 1.

Now, g and f commute if and only if the commutator [g, f ] = gf g −1 f −1 = I. Calculate (1 + ach + c2 h2 )z + h(1 − a2 − ac) [g, f ](z) = . c2 hz + 1 − ach Thus [g, f ] = I if and only if c = 0 and 1 − a2 − ac = 0, which implies a = ±1 and, taking into account ad − bc = 1, d = a = ±1. Thus f is parabolic with fixed point at ∞ as well. Let now g have two fixed points 0 and ∞, i.e., g(z) = kz, k ∈ C \ {0, 1}. In this case (ad − bck)z + ab(k − 1) [g, f ](z) = k . cd(1 − k)z + (adk − bc)

9.4. Elements of hyperbolic geometry


Assuming that [g, f ] = I we have ab = cd = 0. If now bc = 0 then ad − bc = 1 implies a = 0, d = 0 and b = c = 0. That is f has the same fixed points 0 and ∞. If bc = 0 then by the same arguments we have a = d = 0 and bc = −1, thus f (z) =

b b2 =− , cz z

and obviously f 2 = I. Moreover we have z = I(z) = [g, f ](z) = k 2 z, thus k = −1 and g 2 = I. Note that for Mobius ¨ transformations from M¨ ob(D) and M¨ o¨b(Π) the second option of Theorem 9.3.2 is excluded (because neither of the transformations from Mob( ¨ D) or M¨ o¨b(Π) can be loxodromic, as f is in the second option). Thus for Mob( ¨ D) and M¨ o¨b(Π) we have the following assertion. Corollary 9.3.3. Two non-identical Mobius M¨ transformations from Mob( ¨ D) (or from Mob(Π) ¨ ) commute if and only if they have the same set of fixed points.

9.4 Elements of hyperbolic geometry Denote by H the hyperbolic plane, which could be the unit disk D or the upper half-plane Π depending on the model under consideration. A geodesic, or a hyperbolic straight line, on H is (a part of) a Euclidean circle or straight line orthogonal to the boundary of H. We collect here their important properties (for proofs and details see, for example, [21]). There is a unique geodesic passing through any two distinct points of the hyperbolic plane. Two different geodesics intersect in at most one point in the hyperbolic plane. Given any two geodesics L1 and L2 , there is a M¨o¨bius transformation g ∈ Mob( ¨ H) such that g(L1 ) = L2 . Given any geodesics L and any point w there is a unique geodesic L1 passing through w and orthogonal to L, and the distance ρ(w, L) = inf{ρ(w, z) : z ∈ L} from w to L is measured along L1 . Given two distinct points z1 and z2 , denote by [z1 , z2 ] the part of the unique geodesic passing through these points, whose length is the distance between them. Let w be a mid-point of [z1 , z2 ], then L = {z : ρ(z, z1 ) = ρ(z, z2 )} is the unique geodesic through w and orthogonal to [z1 , z2 ], which is called the perpendicular bisector of [z1 , z2 ]. Given two disjoint geodesics L1 and L2 , there is a unique geodesic which is orthogonal to both L1 and L2 . The distance between them ρ(L1 , L2 ) = inf{ρ(z1 , z2 ) : z1 ∈ L1 , z2 ∈ L2 }


Chapter 9. Toeplitz Operators and Hyperbolic Geometry

is measured along their common orthogonal. Each pair of geodesics, say L1 and L2 , lie in a geometrically defined object, one-parameter family P of geodesics, which is called the pencil determined by L1 and L2 . Each pencil has an associated family C of lines, called cycles, which are orthogonal trajectories to the geodesics forming the pencil. In Figures 9.1, 9.2, and 9.3, illustrating in D possible pencils, the cycles are drawn in bold lines.

Figure 9.1: Parabolic pencil and corresponding horocycles. The pencil P determined by L1 and L2 is called 1. parabolic if L1 and L2 are parallel; in this case P is the set of all geodesics parallel to both L1 and L2 , and cycles are called horocycles; 2. elliptic if L1 and L2 are intersecting; in this case P is the set of all geodesics passing through the common point of L1 and L2 ; 3. hyperbolic if L1 and L2 are disjoint; in this case P is the set of all geodesics orthogonal to the common orthogonal of L1 and L2 , and cycles are called hypercycles. Let us mention the following joint properties of P and C. 1. each point in the hyperbolic plane lies on exactly one cycle in C; 2. with possibly one exception (common point of geodesics in an elliptic pencil), each point in the hyperbolic plane lies on exactly one geodesic in P; 3. all geodesics in P are orthogonal to every cycle in C; 4. every cycle in C is invariant under the reflection in any geodesic in P;

9.4. Elements of hyperbolic geometry


Figure 9.2: Elliptic pencil and corresponding cycles.

Figure 9.3: Hyperbolic pencil and corresponding hypercycles. 5. any two cycles, say C1 and C2 , are equidistant, that is, for each z1 ∈ C1 there is z2 ∈ C2 such that ρ(z1 , z2 ) = ρ(C1 , C2 ), moreover z1 and z2 lie on the same geodesic in P; 6. two points z1 and z2 lie on the same cycle in C if and only if the perpendicular bisector of [z1 , z2 ] is in P;


Chapter 9. Toeplitz Operators and Hyperbolic Geometry

7. the set P is precisely the set of geodesics of the form L = {z : a sinh ρ(z, L1 ) = b sinh ρ(z, L2 ), a, b > 0}.

9.5 Action of M¨ o¨bius transformations Recall first that every conformal isometry (a movement) of the hyperbolic plane is given by a Mobius ¨ transformation from M¨ ob(D). A M¨ o¨bius transformation g ∈ Mob( ¨ D) is either parabolic, or elliptic, or hyperbolic. Furthermore, every g ∈ Mob( ¨ D) can be represented as g = σ2 σ1 , where σk is a reflection in a certain geodesic Lk , k = 1, 2. A transformation g is parabolic if and only if the above geodesics L1 and L2 determine a parabolic pencil. Given parabolic g, the associated parabolic pencil is the pencil containing all geodesics which end at the fixed point of g. Moreover, either L1 or L2 may be chosen arbitrarily from this pencil, and L2 is the bisector of L1 and g(L1 ).

Figure 9.4: Parabolic transformation. A transformation g is elliptic if and only if the above geodesics L1 and L2 determine an elliptic pencil. Given elliptic g, the associated elliptic pencil is the pencil containing all geodesics passing through the fixed point z0 of g in the hyperbolic plane. Moreover, either L1 or L2 may be chosen arbitrarily from this pencil, and the other Lk is then uniquely determined by g. An elliptic transformation g is completely determined by and completely determines its fixed point z0 in the hyperbolic plane and a real number θ ∈ [0, 2π). Indeed, let z1 be another fixed point of g, the reflection of z0 in the circle at infinity.

9.5. Action of M¨ obius transformations Then

g(z) − z0 = eiθ g(z) − z1


z − z0 z − z1


thus g (z0 ) = eiθ . The real number θ is called the angle of rotation of g. In this case g is conjugate to mθ (z) = eiθ z, and tr2 g = 2(1 + cos θ).

Figure 9.5: Elliptic transformation. A transformation g is hyperbolic if and only if the above geodesics L1 and L2 determine a hyperbolic pencil. The axis of g (in the hyperbolic plane) is the axis of the pencil, that is the unique geodesic orthogonal to all lines in the pencil, and ends at the fixed points of g. We mention, that the axis of g is the unique g-invariant geodesic. Again either L1 or L2 may be chosen arbitrarily from this pencil, and the other Lk is then uniquely determined by g. In all cases the action of g ∈ Mob( ¨ D) is as follows: each geodesic L from the pencil P, determined by g, moves along the cycles in C to the geodesic g(L) ∈ P, while each cycle in C is invariant under the action of g. An elliptic transformation is called the rotation around its fixed point. A parabolic transformation is called the parallel displacement. A hyperbolic transformation is called the translation along its (unique translation) axis. In the Euclidean geometry parallel displacements and translations coincide and they have infinitely many axes. Given g ∈ Mob( ¨ D), consider corresponding pencil P and denote by GP the set of all h ∈ Mob( ¨ D) having the same fixed points as g, and thus determining the same pencil P. The set GP is obviously a commutative group. Starting with any


Chapter 9. Toeplitz Operators and Hyperbolic Geometry

Figure 9.6: Hyperbolic transformation. geodesic L0 ∈ P the set of all geodesics in P has the form {h(L0 ) : h ∈ GP }, and all cycles in C are invariant under the action of each h ∈ GP . Furthermore, GP is a (commutative) one-parametric group generated by any non-identical element of GP , and each one-parametric group in Mob( ¨ D) has the above form. Note finally, that each of the three following objects: (i) pencil of hyperbolic straight lines, (ii) one-parametric group of M¨ o¨bius transformations, (iii) fixed point set of a M¨ o¨bius transformation determines uniquely two others.

9.6 Classification theorem It turns out that each of the above three objects may be chosen for the classification of known commutative C ∗ -algebras of Toeplitz operators. Our main result is as follows. Theorem 9.6.1. Given a pencil P of geodesics, consider the set of symbols which are constant on corresponding cycles. The C ∗ -algebra generated by Toeplitz operators with such defining symbols is commutative. In terms of the one-parameter groups the theorem reads as follows.

9.6. Classification theorem


Theorem 9.6.2. Given a non-identical M¨ ¨ obius transformation g ∈ Mob( ¨ D), consider the set of symbols which are invariant with respect to the one-parameter group generated by g. The C ∗ -algebra generated by Toeplitz operators with such defining symbols is commutative. That is, each pencil of geodesics generates a commutative C ∗ -algebra of Toeplitz operators, or equivalently each maximal commutative subgroup in Mob( ¨ D) generates a commutative C ∗ -algebra of Toeplitz operators. We postpone the proof of Theorem 9.6.1 to the next section. Meanwhile we repeat the results from Chapters 5, 6, and 7, making them uniform and labeling γ’s by the fixed points of the corresponding M¨ o¨bius transformations. We begin with the upper half-plane Π in C. Introduce the C ∗ -algebra A(∞) of all bounded measurable symbols which depend only on v (the imaginary part of a variable w = u + iv), and consider the Toeplitz operator algebra T (A(∞)) generated by all operators of the form Ta : ϕ ∈ A2 (Π) −→ BΠ aϕ ∈ A2 (Π), where a = a(v) ∈ A(∞). Theorem 9.6.3. Let a = a(v) ∈ A(∞). Then the Toeplitz operator Ta acting (∞) on A2 (Π) is unitary equivalent to the multiplication operator γa I, acting on (∞) L2 (R+ ). The function γa (x) is given by γa(∞) (x) =

a( R+

y −y ) e dy, 2x

x ∈ R+ .

The algebra T (A(∞)) is commutative. The isomorphic imbedding τ∞ : T (A(∞)) −→ Cb (R+ ) is generated by the following mapping of generators of the algebra T (A(∞)), τ∞ : Ta −→ γa(∞) (x), where a = a(v) ∈ A(∞). Consider now the unit disk D in C. Denote by A(0) (⊂ L∞ (D))√the C ∗ algebra of bounded measurable symbols which depend only on r = zz, and consider the Toeplitz operator algebra T (A(0)) generated by all operators of the form Ta : ϕ ∈ A2 (D) −→ BD aϕ ∈ A2 (D), where a = a(r) ∈ A(0).


Chapter 9. Toeplitz Operators and Hyperbolic Geometry

Theorem 9.6.4. Let a = a(r) ∈ A(0). Then the Toeplitz operator Ta acting on (0) A2 (D) is unitary equivalent to the multiplication operator γa I, acting on l2+ . The (0) (0) sequence γa = {γa (n)}n∈Z+ is given by γa(0) (n) =




a(r 2(n+1) ) dr = (n + 1) 0

√ a( r) rn dr,

n ∈ Z+ .

The algebra T (A(0)) is commutative. The isomorphic imbedding τ0 : T (A(0)) −→ l∞ is generated by the following mapping of generators of the algebra T (A(0)), τ0 : Ta −→ γa(0) , where a = a(r) ∈ A(0). Return again to the upper half-plane Π. Denote by A(0, ∞) the C ∗ -algebra of bounded measurable homogeneous functions on Π of order zero, or functions depending only on the polar coordinate θ. Also consider the Toeplitz operator algebra T (A(0, ∞)) which is generated by all the operators of the form Ta : ϕ ∈ A2 (Π) −→ BΠ aϕ ∈ A2 (Π), where a = a(θ) ∈ A(0, ∞). Theorem 9.6.5. Let a = a(θ) ∈ A(0, ∞). Then the Toeplitz operator Ta acting (0,∞) on A2 (Π) is unitary equivalent to the multiplication operator γa I acting on (0,∞) L2 (R). The function γa (λ) is given by π 2λ γa(0,∞) (λ) = a(θ) e−2λθ dθ, λ ∈ R. 1 − e−2πλ 0 The algebra T (A(0, ∞)) is commutative. The isomorphic imbedding τ(0,∞) : T (A(0, ∞)) −→ Cb (R) is generated by the following mapping of generators of the algebra T (A(0, ∞)), τ(0,∞) : Ta −→ γa(0,∞) (λ), where a = a(θ) ∈ A(0, ∞).

9.7 Proof of the classification theorem With each pencil of hyperbolic geodesics P we associate the class AP of measurable functions (defining symbols) a = a(z) which are constant on cycles, and for which

9.7. Proof of the classification theorem


the corresponding Toeplitz operators Ta are bounded on the Bergman space A2 (D). In particular, the class AP contains all L∞ (D)-functions which are constant on cycles. For simplicity we restrict ourselves here to the case of bounded symbols. That is, in what follows we mean by AP the algebra of all L∞ (D)-functions which are constant on cycles of the pencil P. We will show that each Toeplitz-operator C ∗ -algebra T (AP ) which is generated by all operators Ta with a ∈ AP is commutative, and we will describe its structure. Start with an elliptic pencil P = P(z0 ), which consists of all hyperbolic straight lines passing through a point z0 ∈ D. The functions a = a(z) from A(z0 ) = AP(z0 ) now are constant on each hyperbolic circle S(z0 , r), r > 0. The simplest case of the above situation is the case of z0 = 0. The pencil P(0) consists of all (Euclidean) diameters of the unit circle D, the set of cycles coincides with the set of all (Euclidean) circles having common center z0 = 0, and the class of defining symbols A(0) is the class of radial symbols. Passing to the general case of an arbitrary point z0 ∈ D, introduce the M¨ o¨bius transformation z0 − z αz0 (z) = 1 − zz 0 of D onto itself, which maps the point z0 to the point 0. Note that this mapping is self-inverse: α−1 z0 (z) = αz0 (z). The biholomorphic invariance of the hyperbolic metric implies that P(0) = αz0 (P(z0 )) and A(0) = {a(αz0 (z)) : a(z) ∈ A(z0 )}. Define the unitary operator Uz0 = Uz−1 : L2 (D) −→ L2 (D) by 0 (U Uz0 ϕ)(z) = αz0 (z)ϕ[αz0 (z)]. It is easy to see that for each a(z) ∈ A(z0 ) we have Ta(z) = Uz0 Ta(αz0 (z)) Uz0 . Thus by Theorem 9.6.4 we have Theorem 9.7.1. The C ∗ -algebra T (A(z0 )) is commutative and isomorphically embedded into the algebra l∞ . This embedding νz0 : T (A(z0 )) −→ l∞ is generated by the mapping νz0 : Ta −→ γa(z0 ) , (z )

where a(z) ∈ A(z0 ), and the sequence γa 0 is given by formula 1

γa(z0 ) (n) = (n + 1) a( αz0 (r)) rn dr, n ∈ Z+ . 0


Chapter 9. Toeplitz Operators and Hyperbolic Geometry

Consider now a parabolic pencil P = P(z0 ), which consists of all (straight) lines parallel to a given line, and tending to a same point z0 ∈ ∂D. The functions a = a(z) from A(z0 ) = AP(z0 ) now are constant on each horocycle, i.e., on each Euclidean circle tangent to ∂D at the point z0 . Introduce the Mobius ¨ transformation w = αz0 (z) = i

z0 + z z0 − z


of the unit disk D onto the upper half-plane Π, which maps the point z0 ∈ ∂D to the point ∞ ∈ Π. Then the pencil P(∞) = αz0 (P(z0 )) on the upper half-plane Π consists of all semi-lines which are parallel in Euclidean sense to positive semi-axis {w = 0 + iv : v ∈ R+ }, the set of all horocycles coincides with the set of all Euclidean straight lines parallel to the real axis being the boundary R = ∂Π of the upper half-plane, and the set A(∞) = {a(α−1 z0 (w)) : a(z) ∈ A(z0 )} consists of functions depending only on v, the imaginary part of w = u + iv ∈ Π. The unitary operator Vz0 : L2 (Π) −→ L2 (D), where 2z0 z0 + z , ϕ i (V Vz0 ϕ)(z) = i (z0 − z)2 z0 − z provides the following unitary equivalence of the Toeplitz operators, Ta(α−1 Vz0 Ta(z) = Vz−1 0 z (w)) 0

for each a(z) ∈ A(z0 ), and where α−1 z0 (w) is the mapping inverse to (9.7.1). Thus as a direct corollary of Theorem 9.6.3 we have Theorem 9.7.2. The algebra T (A(z0 )) is commutative. The isomorphic imbedding τz0 : T (A(z0 )) −→ Cb (R+ ) is generated by the following mapping of generators of the algebra T (A(z0 )), y )) e−y dy, x ∈ R+ , a(α−1 τz0 : Ta −→ γa(z0 ) (x) = z0 ( 2x R+ where a = a(z) ∈ A(z0 ), and α−1 z0 (w) is the mapping inverse to (9.7.1). Consider finally a hyperbolic pencil P = P(z1 , z2 ), which consists of all (hyperbolic straight) lines orthogonal to a given line with endpoint z1 , z2 ∈ ∂D. The functions a = a(z) from A(z1 , z2 ) = AP(z1 ,z2 ) now are constant on each hypercycle, i.e., on each Euclidean arc connecting the points z1 and z2 .

9.7. Proof of the classification theorem


Introduce the following M¨ ¨obius transformation of the unit disk D onto the upper half-plane Π: ) z2 z1 − z , (9.7.2) w = αz1 ,z2 (z) = z1 z − z2 where the value of the square root is selected to be in the upper half-plane. This transformation maps the points z1 and z2 on ∂D to the points 0 and ∞ on Π, respectively. Then the pencil P(0, ∞) = αz1 ,z2 (P(z1 , z2 )) on the upper half-plane Π consists of all Euclidean semi-circles centered at the origin, the set of all hypercycles coincides with the set of all Euclidean rays outgoing from the origin, and the set A(0, ∞) = {a(α−1 z1 ,z2 (w)) : a(z) ∈ A(z1 , z2 )}, where α−1 z1 ,z2 is the mapping inverse to (9.7.2), consists of homogeneous zero order functions. Introduce the unitary operator Wz1 ,z2 : L2 (Π) −→ L2 (D) as ) ) z2 z2 − z1 z2 z1 − z , ϕ (W Wz1 ,z2 ϕ)(z) = z1 (z − z2 )2 z1 z − z2 then the Toeplitz operator algebra T (A(z1 , z2 )), we are interested in, is unitary equivalent to the algebra T (A(0, ∞)) = Wz−1 T (A(z1 , z2 ))W Wz1 ,z2 . 1 ,z2 Thus by Theorem 9.6.5 we have Theorem 9.7.3. The algebra T (A(z1 , z2 )) is commutative. The isomorphic imbedding τ(z1 ,z2 ) : T (A(z1 , z2 )) −→ Cb (R) is generated by the following mapping of generators of the algebra T (A(z1 , z2 )), π 2λ (z1 ,z2 ) iθ −2λθ τ(z1 ,z2 ) : Ta −→ γa (λ) = a(α−1 dθ, λ ∈ R, z1 ,z2 (e )) e 1 − e−2λπ 0 where a(z) ∈ A(z1 , z2 ), and α−1 z1 ,z2 (w) is the mapping inverse to (9.7.2). Remark 9.7.4. The pencils P and corresponding algebras of defining symbols A considered in this section are labelled by the fixed point(s) of the M¨o¨bius transformations defining the above pencils and generating the corresponding oneparameter groups of M¨ o¨bius transformations. Thus in fact we use here the third possibility to classify the commutative C ∗ -algebras of Toeplitz operators mentioned at the end of Section 9.5.

Chapter 6

Toeplitz Operators on the Unit Disk with Radial Symbols As follows, for example, from Theorem 2.8.3, the Toeplitz operator with radial defining symbols a(r), which is continuous at the boundary point 1, has a trivial structure, nothing but a compact perturbation of a scalar operator, Ta(r) = a(1)I + K. One of the principal differences between Toeplitz operators on the Bergman and Hardy spaces is that in the first case there is an additional direction: “inside the domain”. In particular, the defining symbols with quite a nice behaviour with respect to the circular direction may have very complicated irregular behaviour with respect to the radial direction. As a consequence the Toeplitz operators with radial defining symbols may have and, as we will see, do have interesting and rich structure. To analyze the impact of the radial component itself we study the Toeplitz operators having pure radial defining symbols. In [120], studying the Toeplitz operators with bounded radial symbols, B. Korenblum and K. Zhu found two of their important properties: the diagonal form of Toeplitz operators with respect to the standard polynomial basis in A2 (D), and the criterion for compactness of such operators. The methods used in [120] did not permit them to consider unbounded defining symbols, which was left as an open problem. Let us mention as well the papers by J. Miao [144], Sangadji and K. Stroethoff [171], and K. Stroethoff [181, 182], where the compactness of Toeplitz operators with bounded radial defining symbols were studied in different settings. It turns out that Toeplitz operators with radial symbols possess many interesting properties. In particular there exist compact Toeplitz operators whose (radial) defining symbols are unbounded near the unit circle ∂D. The essential spectra of Toeplitz operators with pure radial symbols have a very rich structure, and can even be massive (i.e., have positive plane measure). For bounded operators


Chapter 6. Toeplitz Operators on the Unit Disk with Radial Symbols

Ta and Tb whose defining symbols are unbounded, the operator Ta· b may not be bounded at all. That is, contrary to commonly known cases, the set of defining symbols for which corresponding Toeplitz operators are bounded neither forms an algebra (under the pointwise multiplication), nor admits any natural norm.

6.1 Toeplitz operators with radial symbols Theorem 6.1.1. Let a = a(r) be a measurable function on the segment [0, 1]. Then the Toeplitz operator Ta acting on A2 (D) is unitary equivalent to the multiplication operator γa I = R Ta R∗ , where R and R∗ are given by (4.1.5) and (4.1.4) respectively, acting on l2+ . The sequence γa = {γa (n)}n∈Z+ is given by 1 1 a(r 2(n+1) ) dr γa (n) = 0



(n + 1)

√ a( r) rn dr,

n ∈ Z+ .


Proof. The operator Ta is obviously unitary equivalent to the operator R Ta R ∗

= R BD aBD R∗ = R(R∗ R)a(R∗ R)R∗ = (RR∗ )RaR∗ (RR∗ ) = RaR∗ = R0∗ U2 (I ⊗ F)a(r)(I ⊗ F −1 )U U2−1 R0 = R0∗ U2 {a(r)}U U2−1 R0 1

= R0∗ {a(r n+1 )}R0 . Now 1

R0∗ {a(r n+1 )}R0 {cn }n∈Z+ = where

γa (n) = 2

0 1



= {γa (n) · cn }n∈Z+ ,

a(r n+1 ) 2 cn rdr n∈Z+


a(r n+1 ) rdr = 0



a(r 2(n+1) ) dr. 0

Corollary 6.1.2. The Toeplitz operator Ta with measurable radial defining symbol a = a(r) is bounded on A2 (D) if and only if γa = {γa (n)}n∈Z+ ∈ l∞ and T Ta = sup |γa (n)|. n∈Z+

The Toeplitz operator Ta is compact if and only if γa ∈ c0 , that is, lim γa (n) = 0.


6.1. Toeplitz operators with radial symbols


The spectrum of the bounded Toeplitz operator Ta is given by sp Ta = {γa (n) : n ∈ Z+ }, and its essential spectrum ess-sp Ta coincides with the set of all limit points of the sequence {γa (n)}n∈Z+ . As was proved in [142], the spectrum of a Toeplitz operator with a defining symbol real harmonic on D is always connected. Nevertheless for defining symbols harmonic in D except for even a single point the situation can be quite different. Example 6.1.3. The general form of a radial function which is harmonic in D (in D \ {0}, to be more precise) is h(r) = c1 ln We have

γh (n) =


1 + c2 , r 1

h(r 2(n+1) ) dr = 0

c1 , c2 ∈ C. c1 + c2 , 2(n + 1)

that is, the Toeplitz operator Th is bounded on A2 (D), and its discrete spectrum is given by c1 sp Th = { + c2 }n∈Z+ ∪ {c2 }. 2(n + 1) The Toeplitz operator Th is compact if and only if c2 = 0. To study Toeplitz operators with radial symbols it is useful first to understand the behaviour of sequences of the type (6.1.1). We have 1 1 1 γa (n) = a(r 2(n+1) ) dr = (n + 1) b(u)un du, n ∈ Z+ , 0

√ with b(u) = a( u). It is natural to assume that 1 |b(u)|du < ∞, 0

or equivalently


|a(r)|rdr < ∞.

We note that the sequence ηb (n) =

1 γa (n) n+1

forms the sequence of the power momenta of the function b(u). The following uniqueness result is standard in momentum theory, and will be important for us.


Chapter 6. Toeplitz Operators on the Unit Disk with Radial Symbols

Theorem 6.1.4. Let k ∈ Z+ ,

ηb (nk ) = 0,

where nk = n0 + dk, n0 ∈ Z+ , d ∈ N. Then b(u) = 0 almost everywhere. Proof. We have


b(u)un0 udk du = 0. 0 d

Changing the variable u = s, we obtain


. / n0 +1−d b(s1/d )s d sk ds = 0,

k = 0, 1, 2, . . .

Now the function in square brackets belongs to L1 (0, 1) and is orthogonal to all polynomials. Thus this function is equal to zero almost everywhere, so b(u) = 0 almost everywhere as well. Corollary 6.1.5. There is no function b(u) ∈ L1 (0, 1) for which ηb (n) = 0 only at a finite number of points. The behaviour of a sequence γa (n) when n → ∞ is mainly determined by the behaviour of a function a(r) (or a function b) in a neighborhood of the point r = 1. Given b ∈ L1 (0, 1), introduce the function


B(s) =

b(u)du. s

Theorem 6.1.6. If the function B(s) when s → 1 has the form |B(s)| = O(1 − s),


then sup |γa (n)| < ∞.


If |B(s)| = o(1 − s),


then lim γa (n) = 0.


√ Proof. Let b(u) = a( u) ∈ L1 (0, 1). Integrating by parts we have for n ≥ 1, γa (n) = (n + 1)n


B(s)sn−1 ds. 0

6.1. Toeplitz operators with radial symbols


Let ε = ε(n) = n−2/3 . Then assuming (6.1.2), we estimate |γa (n)| ≤


(n + 1)n 1−ε

(n + 1)n cε

(n + 1)n cε


|B(s)|sn−1 ds



|B(s)|sn−1 ds + (n + 1)n (1 − s)s


ds + (n + 1)n(1 − ε)


$$1 sn+1 $$ sn − n n + 1 $1−ε



+const (n + 1)n exp((n − 1) ln(1 − ε)) exp((n + 1) ln(1 − ε)) 1 + cε (n + 1)n (n + 1)n n+1

+const (n + 1)n(exp(−(n − 1)ε + (n − 1)O(ε2 ))) cε (1 + n exp(−(n + 1)ε + O(ε2 ))) + const n2 exp(−n1/3 )

cε + const n2 exp(n−1/3 ),

where “const” denotes a quantity uniformly bounded in ε. Having (6.1.2), the quantity cε is uniformly bounded on ε, and thus γa ∈ l∞ . Having (6.1.3), the quantity cε can be chosen in such a way that lim cε = lim cε(n) = 0, n→∞


and thus γa ∈ c0 .

In fact Theorem 6.1.6 says that the behaviour near the boundary of a certain average of defining symbols, rather than the behaviour of the symbols themselves, is responsible for the boundedness and compactness properties of the corresponding Toeplitz operators. That is, in spite of bad behaviour of a defining symbol, which can even be unbounded near the boundary, the corresponding Toeplitz operator can be bounded and even compact. Example 6.1.7. Let

a(r) = (1 − r2 )−β sin(1 − r2 )−α ,

where α > 0 and β < 1. Consider the corresponding function B(v) =


(1 − u)−β sin(1 − u)−α du.


Changing variables we have B(v) =

s = (1 − u)−α , 1 α


u = 1 − s−1/α ,

s−δ sin s ds,


1−β + 1. α



Chapter 6. Toeplitz Operators on the Unit Disk with Radial Symbols

Integrate by parts twice: B(v)

δ ∞ 1 −α αδ (cos(1 − v) )(1 − v) + s−δ−1 cos s ds = α α (1−v)−α δ 1 (cos(1 − v)−α )(1 − v)αδ − (sin(1 − v)−α )(1 − v)α(δ+1) = α α δ(δ + 1) ∞ −δ−2 − s sin s ds. α (1−v)−α

This implies that B(v) =

cos(1 − v)−α (1 − v)α−β+1 + O((1 − v)2α−β+1 ). α


Thus considering the Toeplitz operator Ta with the radial symbol a of the form (6.1.4) we have – for α ≥ β the sequence γa (n) is bounded and thus the Toeplitz operator is bounded on A2 (D); – for α > β the sequence γa (n) belongs to c0 and thus the Toeplitz operator is compact on A2 (D). Moreover for β ≤ 0 the symbol (6.1.4) is bounded, while for β > 0 the symbol (6.1.4) is unbounded near the boundary ∂D. The conditions (6.1.2) and (6.1.3) are sufficient for boundedness and compactness of an operator Ta , in general. It is known [120], that for bounded symbols a(r) ∈ L∞ (0, 1) the condition (6.1.3) is necessary and sufficient for compactness of Ta on A2 (D). Another case when conditions (6.1.2) and (6.1.3) are necessary for L1 defining symbols is described by the following theorem. Theorem 6.1.8. Let b(u) ∈ L1 (0, 1), and b(u) ≥ 0 almost everywhere. Then the conditions (6.1.2) and (6.1.3) are necessary and sufficient for γa ∈ l∞ and γa ∈ c0 , respectively. Proof. Let n = [(1 − s)−1 ], then γa (n) ≥ (n + 1)


b(u)un du ≥ const (n + 1) s


b(u)du = const (n + 1)B(s). s

Thus B(s) ≤ const (1 − s)γa (n). Example 6.1.9. Consider the following family of radial defining symbols aα (r) = (1 − r)α−1 ,

where α > 0,

6.1. Toeplitz operators with radial symbols


which scales the (polynomial) growth of symbols near the boundary. We have γaα (n) = (n + 1) and

Bα (s) = s



(1 −

√ α−1 n r) r dr

√ 2 2 (1 − s)α+1 . aα ( r) dr = s(1 − s)α + α α(α + 1)

By Theorem 6.1.8 the operator Taα is bounded if and only if α ≥ 1, and compact if and only if α > 1. That is, in this scale unbounded defining symbols generate a unbounded Toeplitz operators. Moreover, as it will follow from Corollary 6.1.10, to generate bounded or compact Toeplitz operator its unbounded defining symbol must necessarily have sufficiently sophisticated oscillating behaviour near the unit circle ∂D. For a non-negative symbol a(r) introduce the function ma (u) = inf a(r), r∈[u,1)

which is obviously always monotone. Corollary 6.1.10. If limu→1 ma (u) = +∞ (which is equivalent to limr→1 a(r) = +∞), then the Toeplitz operator Ta is unbounded. Proof. Estimate


b(u)du ≥

B(s) = s


r∈[s2 ,1]

a(r) · (1 − s),

then lim (B(s)/(1 − s)) = +∞. Thus according to Theorem 6.1.8 the operator Ta t→∞ is unbounded. Note that for general L1 defining symbols the conditions (6.1.2) and (6.1.3) fail to be necessary. Example 6.1.11. Let a(r) = −(1 − γ)(1 − r2 )−γ sin(1 − r2 )−α + α(1 − r2 )−α−γ cos(1 − r2 )−α . (6.1.6) Then

B(u) = (1 − u)1−γ sin(1 − u)−α .

Suppose that 0 0. Proof. It is sufficient to consider the case 0 < β < 1 only. Setting β1 = β − α − 1 in (6.1.5) and integrating B (2) (r) by parts twice we get, analogously to (6.1.5), the representation B (2) (r) = −

sin(1 − r)−α (1 − r)α−β1 +1 + O((1 − r)2α−β1 +1 ). α2

Then by Theorem 6.1.12 with j = 2, we have that for α − β1 + 1 > 2, or for α > β2 the operator Ta is compact. Repeating the above procedure consequently, we get that for α > βj the operator Ta is compact for every j ∈ N. Another useful characterization of a sequence γa (n) is given by the following theorem. Theorem 6.1.14. Let b(u) ∈ L1 (0, 1). Then lim (γa (n) − γa (n + 1)) = 0.



Proof. Consider γa (n) − γa (n + 1) = =

(n + 1) 0


(1 − u)un b(u)du −

I1 (n) + I2 (n).


un+1 b(u)du 0


Chapter 6. Toeplitz Operators on the Unit Disk with Radial Symbols

To estimate the first summand we find first the maximum of the function s(u) = 1 (1 − u)un . This is obviously at u0 = 1 − n+1 . Thus

sup s(u) = s(u0 ) = u∈[0,1]

Let ε = ε(n) =

√1 , n

1 n+1



const . n+1


|I1 (n)|

& 1−

≤ (n + 1) ≤ const


(1 − u)u |b(u)|du + (n + 1) n

1−ε 1


|b(u)|du + (n + 1)(1 − ε)n

Now from

(1 − u)un |b(u)|du








|b(u)|du = 0

and n 1 1 1 1 +O →0 = (n + 1) exp −n √ − (n + 1) 1 − √ n n 2n n3/2 it follows that lim I1 (n) = 0.


√ √ Analogously splitting the integral I2 (n) on segments [1−1/ n, 1] and [0, 1−1/ n] one can show that lim I2 (n) = 0, n→∞

which finishes the proof of the theorem.

Corollary 6.1.15. Let b(u) ∈ L1 (0, 1). Then the set of all limit points of the sequence γa (n) is a closed connected subset of C. In particular the sequence γa (n) cannot have a finite or countable set of distinct limit points. Proof. Suppose the set K of limit points is not connected. Then there exist two closed subsets K1 and K2 (intersecting K) with a positive distance between them such that K ⊂ K1 ∪ K2 . Without loss of generality we can assume that γa (n) ∈ K1 ∪ K2 for each n starting from some N . Thus there exist infinitely many nj ∈ N such that γa (nj ) ∈ K1 but, at that time, either γa (nj +1) ∈ K2 , or γa (nj −1) ∈ K2 , which contradicts (6.1.8). Corollary 6.1.16. The essential spectrum of a bounded Toeplitz operator with a radial defining symbol is always connected.

6.1. Toeplitz operators with radial symbols


That is, if an l∞ sequence γa (n) does not have a limit, then the essential spectrum of the corresponding Toeplitz operator may be either a compact connected curve, or a compact connected subset of C having positive planar measure. Let us show that both these cases can be realized. Example 6.1.17 (Unit circle and unit interval). Let ap (r) = αp (ln r−2 )ip , with αp ∈ C, and p ∈ R. Then γap (n)

= αp (n + 1)


(ln u−1 )ip un du


(ln(s−1/(n+1) ))ip ds 1 (ln s−1 )ip ds . = (n + 1)−ip αp = αp

Select now αp in such a way that the multiple in the square brackets is equal to 1. It is easy to see that αp = 1/Γ(ip + 1). Then γap (n) = (n + 1)−ip = exp(−ip ln(n + 1)). Thus

sp Tap = ess-sp Tap = S 1 .

If cp (r) = Im αp (ln r−2 )ip , then γcp (n) = − sin(p ln(n + 1)),


and sp Tcp = ess-sp Tcp = [−1, 1]. Example 6.1.18 (Square). Let a(r) = c1 (r) + ic√2 (r), then by (6.1.9) we have √ γa (n) = −(sin ln(n + 1) + i sin 2 ln(n + 1)). √ Since the number 2 is irrational, the points {γa (n)}n∈Z+ form a dense set in the square, and thus sp Ta = ess-sp Ta = [−1, 1] × [−1, 1]. Example 6.1.19 (A more complicated curve). Let a(r) = c1 (r) + ic2 (r), then by (6.1.9) we have γa (n) = −(sin ln(n + 1) + i sin 2 ln(n + 1)). Now the points of this sequence are located on the curve y 2 − 4x2 + 4x4 = 0.


Chapter 6. Toeplitz Operators on the Unit Disk with Radial Symbols

6.2 Algebras of Toeplitz operators We are going to consider now the C ∗ -algebra generated by bounded Toeplitz operators with radial defining symbols. First observe that our class of symbols as well as the corresponding Toeplitz C ∗ -algebra will have certain peculiarities. In particular, contrary to commonly known and studied cases (see, for example [240]), the Toeplitz operator algebra is commutative, but the semi-commutators [T Ta1 , Ta2 ) = Ta1 · Ta2 − Ta1 · a2 are not compact in general. Moreover, the symbols under study do not form an algebra (under the pointwise multiplication). That is, having two radial defining symbols a1 (r) and a2 (r), for which the corresponding Toeplitz operators Ta1 (r) and Ta2 (r) are bounded, the Toeplitz operator Ta1 · a2 , which corresponds to the product of these symbols, is not necessarily bounded. The natural structure on the set of defining symbols under consideration is a linear space (in the algebraic sense, i.e., no norm structure assumed). Example 6.2.1. Let and

a1 (r) = sin(1 − r2 )−α a2 (r) = (1 − r2 )−β sin(1 − r2 )−α

where 0 ≤ β < 1 and β < α. Then according to the Example 6.1.7, both operators Ta1 and Ta2 are bounded and compact. The product a1 · a2 has the form a1 (r) · a2 (r) = Let β = 0, then Ta1 ·a2 = symbol

(1 − r2 )−β cos 2(1 − r2 )−α (1 − r2 )−β − . 2 2 1 2I

− Ta3 , where the operator Ta3 with the defining

1 cos 2(1 − r2 )−α 2 is compact. The compactness of Ta3 can be shown as in Example 6.1.7. Now let β > 0. Then, according to Example 6.1.9, the operator Ta4 with the defining symbol 1 a4 (r) = (1 − r2 )−β 2 is unbounded. At the same time the operator Ta5 with the defining symbol a3 (r) =

a5 (r) =

1 (1 − r2 )−β cos 2(1 − r2 )−α 2

is compact (again analogously to Example 6.1.7). That is (i) for β = 0 the operators Ta1 and Ta2 are compact, while the operator Ta1 · a2 is bounded but not compact; that is, the semi-commutator [T Ta1 , Ta2 ) = Ta1 · Ta2 − Ta1 · a2 is not compact;

6.2. Algebras of Toeplitz operators


(ii) for β > 0 the operators Ta1 and Ta2 are bounded, but the operator Ta1 · a2 is not bounded at all. Denote by M the linear space of measurable functions such that for each a(r) ∈ M the Toeplitz operator Ta(r) is bounded on L2 (D), and denote by T (M) the C ∗ -algebra generated by all Toeplitz operators Ta with defining symbols a ∈ M. Theorem 6.2.2. The C ∗ -algebra T (M) is commutative and isomorphically embedded into the algebra l∞ . The embedding ν : T (M) −→ l∞ is generated by the mapping ν : Ta −→ γa , where a(r) ∈ M, and the sequence γa is given by (6.1.1). Proof. Follows directly from Theorem 6.1.1 and Corollary 6.1.2.

In the next statements we deal with the Wick function and the Wick symbol of a Toeplitz operator. Their definitions are given in Appendix A, formulas (A.1.2)– (A.1.3), and (A.1.6) Theorem 6.2.3. Let Ta be the Toeplitz operator with a radial defining symbol a = a(r). Then the corresponding Wick function has the form

a(z, ζ) = (1 − zζ)2

(n + 1)(zζ)n γa (n).


Proof. Calculate

a(z, ζ) = = = =

= =

akζ , kz = kζ−1 (z) akζ , kz

kζ , kz 1 a(|τ |) dv(τ ) π (1 − zζ)2 2 π D (1 − τ ζ)2 (1 − zτ)2 ∞ ∞ 1 2 (1 − zζ) a(|τ |) (k + 1)(τ ζ)k (n + 1)(zτ )n dv(τ ) π D n=0 k=0 1 ∞ ∞ 1 k (1 − zζ)2 (k + 1)(n + 1)ζ z n a(r)rk+n+1 dr π 0 k=0 n=1 1 · tk−n−1 dt i S1 1 ∞ (1 − zζ)2 (n + 1)(zζ)n 2(n + 1) a(r)r2n+1 dr (1 − zζ)2

k=0 ∞

(n + 1)(zζ)n γa (n).



Chapter 6. Toeplitz Operators on the Unit Disk with Radial Symbols

2 Denote by L% n the one-dimensional subspace of A (D) generated by the base n+1 n element en (z) = π z , n ∈ Z+ . Then the one-dimensional projection Pn of

A2 (D) onto Ln obviously has the form n+1 n z Pn f = f, en en = π


f (ζ) ζ dμ(ζ). D

A bounded Toeplitz operator with a radial defining symbol is obviously diagonal with respect to the basis {en (z)}n∈Z+ . It is important to mention that its representation in the form with the Wick symbol (A.1.4) leads exactly to this diagonal form. Corollary 6.2.4. Let Ta be a bounded Toeplitz operator having radial defining symbol a(r). Then the representation of the operator Ta using the Wick symbol gives the following spectral decomposition of the operator Ta : Ta =

γa (n)P Pn .


Corollary 6.2.5. Let Ta be a bounded Toeplitz operator with radial defining symbol a(r). Then the Wick symbol of the operator Ta is radial as well, and is given by the formula ∞

a(r) = (1 − r2 )2 (n + 1)r2n γa (n). n=0

Corollary 6.2.6. For any n ∈ Z+ the one-dimensional space Ln is an eigenspace for any operator T ∈ T (M), and the corresponding eigenvalue γ(n) is given by the formula √ dn 1 γ(n) = n

a ( r) , dr (1 − r)2 (n + 1)! r=0 where a is the Wick symbol of the operator T .

Chapter 7

Toeplitz Operators on the Upper Half-Plane with Homogeneous Symbols 7.1 Representation of the Bergman space In this chapter we return to the upper half-plane Π, the space L2 (Π) and its Bergman subspace A2 (Π). Passing to polar coordinates we have L2 (Π) = L2 (R+ , rdr) ⊗ L2 ([0, π], dθ) = L2 (R+ , rdr) ⊗ L2 (0, π), and ∂ cos θ + i sin θ = ∂z 2

∂ 1 ∂ +i ∂r r ∂θ


cos θ + i sin θ 2r

∂ ∂ r +i . ∂r ∂θ

The Bergman space A2 (Π) can be described alternatively as the (closed) subspace of L2 (Π) which consists of all functions satisfying the equation ∂ ∂ +i ϕ(r, θ) = 0. r ∂r ∂θ Introduce the unitary operator U1 = M ⊗ I : L2 (R+ , rdr) ⊗ L2 (0, π) −→ L2 (R) ⊗ L2 (0, π), where the Mellin transform M : L2 (R+ , rdr) −→ L2 (R) is given by 1 (M ψ)(λ) = √ r−iλ ψ(r) dr. 2π R+



Chapter 7. Toeplitz Operators with Homogeneous Symbols

The inverse Mellin transform M −1 : L2 (R) −→ L2 (R+ , rdr) has the form 1 −1 (M ψ)(r) = √ riλ−1 ψ(λ) dλ. 2π R Then, as is easy to see, ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ (M ⊗ I) r +i (M −1 ⊗ I) = (iλ − 1) + i = i (λ + i) + . ∂r ∂θ ∂θ ∂θ Thus the image of the Bergman space A21 = U1 (A2 (Π)) can be described as the (closed) subspace of L2 (R) ⊗ L2 (0, π) which consists of all functions ψ(λ, θ) satisfying the equation ∂ (λ + i) + ψ(λ, θ) = 0. ∂θ This equation is easy to solve and its general L2 solution has the form ) 2λ e−(λ+i)θ , ψ(λ, θ) = f (λ) · 1 − e−2πλ where f (λ) is an arbitrary L2 (R) function, and furthermore ψ(λ, θ)L2 (R×[0,π]) = f (λ)L2 (R) . Thus we arrive at the following lemma. Lemma 7.1.1. The unitary operator U1 is an isometric isomorphism of the space L2 (Π) onto L2 (R) ⊗ L2 (0, π) under which the Bergman space A2 (Π) is mapped onto # * ) 2λ A21 = f (λ) · e−(λ+i)θ : f (λ) ∈ L2 (R) . 1 − e−2πλ Corollary 7.1.2. The orthogonal projection B1 = (M ⊗ I)BΠ (M −1 ⊗ I) of L2 (Π) onto L2 (R) ⊗ L2 (0, π) onto the image of the Bergman space A21 has the form ) ) π 2λ 2λ −(λ+i)θ (B1 ψ)(λ, θ) = e ψ(λ, η) e−(λ−i)η dη. −2πλ 1−e 1 − e−2πλ 0 For each λ ∈ R, introduce the function ) 2λ λ (θ) = e−(λ+i)θ 1 − e−2πλ ) 2λ eiθ(iλ−1) , = 1 − e−2πλ which obviously belongs to L2 (0, π), and λ = 1.

(7.1.2) θ ∈ [0, π],

7.1. Representation of the Bergman space


For each λ ∈ R we denote by Lλ the one-dimensional subspace of L2 (0, π) generated by λ . The one-dimensional orthogonal projection B(λ) of L2 (0, π) onto Lλ obviously has the form B(λ)f = f, λ λ . (7.1.3) The next corollary shows that the projection B1 splits onto the direct integral (on λ ∈ R) of one-dimensional projections B(λ) acting on L2 (0, π). Corollary 7.1.3. We have B1 = I ⊗ B(λ), where the operator I ⊗ B(λ) acts on L2 (R) ⊗ L2 (0, π) by (I ⊗ B(λ)ψ)(λ, θ) = (B(λ)ψ(λ, ·))(θ). Introduce the isometric imbedding R0 : L2 (R) −→ A21 ⊂ L2 (R × [0, π]) by the rule ) 2λ (R0 f )(λ, θ) = f (λ) · e−(λ+i)θ . 1 − e−2πλ The adjoint operator R0∗ : L2 (R × [0, π]) −→ L2 (R) is given by ) (R0∗ ψ)(λ) =

2λ 1 − e−2πλ


ψ(λ, θ) e−(λ−i)θ dθ,

and R0∗ R0 = I R0 R0∗

= B1

: L2 (R) −→ L2 (R), : L2 (R × [0, π]) −→ A21 ,

where B1 is the orthogonal projection of L2 (R × [0, π]) onto A21 . Now the operator R = R0∗ U1 maps the space L2 (Π) onto L2 (R), and its restriction R|A2 (Π) : A2 (Π) −→ L2 (R) is an isometric isomorphism. The adjoint operator R∗ = U1∗ R0 : L2 (R) −→ A2 (Π) ⊂ L2 (Π) is an isometric isomorphism of L2 (R) onto the Bergman subspace A2 (Π) of the space L2 (Π). Remark 7.1.4. We have RR∗ = I

: L2 (R) −→ L2 (R),

: L2 (Π) −→ A2 (Π).

R R = BΠ


Chapter 7. Toeplitz Operators with Homogeneous Symbols

Let us mention the differences between this case and the two cases studied in Chapters 3 and 4. First of all, here there is no second unitary operator (like U2 in the previous section) to permit a complete separation of variables in the Bergman space representation, and thus unlike Theorem 3.1.1 and Theorem 4.1.1 we must stop here with Lemma 7.1.1. Further, the coordinate systems used (and the systems of cycles later on) in the first two cases contain as a coordinate line the boundary of the domain, and is not compatible with the boundary in the third case. As a corollary, in the first two cases there exist transparent connections between the Bergman and Hardy spaces given by Theorems 3.2.1 and 4.1.7. However, there is no natural connection between the Bergman and Hardy spaces compatible with the third type of description of the Bergman space.

7.2 Toeplitz operators with homogeneous symbols Denote by A∞ the C ∗ -algebra of bounded measurable homogeneous functions on Π of order zero, or functions depending only on the polar coordinate θ. Introduce the Toeplitz operator algebra T (A∞ ) generated by all Toeplitz operators Ta : ϕ ∈ A2 (Π) −→ BΠ aϕ ∈ A2 (Π) with defining symbols a = a(θ) ∈ A∞ . Theorem 7.2.1. Let a = a(θ) ∈ A∞ . Then the Toeplitz operator Ta acting on A2 (Π) is unitary equivalent to the multiplication operator γa I = R Ta R∗ acting on L2 (R). The function γa (λ) is given by π 2λ γa (λ) = a(θ) e−2λθ dθ, λ ∈ R. (7.2.1) 1 − e−2πλ 0 Proof. Given a = a(θ) ∈ A∞ , calculate R Ta R ∗

= R BΠ aBΠ R∗ = R(R∗ R)a(R∗ R)R∗ = (RR∗ )RaR∗ (RR∗ ) = RaR∗ = R0∗ (M ⊗ I)a(θ)(M −1 ⊗ I)R0 = R0∗ a(θ)R0 .

Finally (R0∗ a(θ)R0 f )(λ)

2λ = 1 − e−2πλ

where γa (λ) =

2λ 1 − e−2πλ



a(θ) f (λ) e−2λθ dθ = γa (λ) · f (λ),

a(θ) e−2λθ dθ,

λ ∈ R.

7.2. Toeplitz operators with homogeneous symbols


Corollary 7.2.2. The algebra T (A∞ ) is commutative. The isomorphic imbedding τ∞ : T (A∞ ) −→ Cb (R) is generated by the mapping τ∞ : Ta −→ γa (λ) of generators of the algebra T (A∞ ), where a = a(θ) ∈ A∞ . We consider now a number of important special cases. Note first that for each a(θ) ∈ L∞ (0, π) the function γa (λ) is continuous in all finite points λ ∈ R. For a “very large λ” (λ → +∞) the exponent e−2λθ has a very sharp maximum at the point θ = 0, and thus the major contribution to the integral in (7.2.1) for these “very large λ” is determined by values of a(θ) at a neighborhood of the point 0. The major contribution for a “very large negative λ” (λ → −∞) is determined by values of a(θ) at a neighborhood of π, due to a very sharp maximum of e−2λθ at θ = π for these values of λ. In particular, as the following lemma states, if a(θ) has limits at the points 0 and π, then lim γa (λ) = lim a(θ)




lim γa (λ) = lim a(θ).



Lemma 7.2.3. Let a(θ) ∈ L∞ (0, π) and let the following limits exist: lim a(θ) = a0 ,

lim a(θ) = aπ .



Then γa (λ) ∈ C(R), and γa (+∞) = a0 ,

γa (−∞) = aπ .


Proof. Let λ → +∞. Then for a sufficiently small δ > 0 we represent the function γa (λ) as ! " π δ 2λ a(θ)e−2λθ dθ + a(θ)e−2λθ dθ γa (λ) = 1 − e−2πλ 0 δ (0)



I1 (λ) + I2 (λ).


Consider first I1 (λ), (0) I1 (λ)

= :=

2λ 1 − e−2πλ (0)

! a0


a0 e


dθ + 0



(a(θ) − a0 )e


I1,1 (λ) + I1,2 (λ).

It is obvious that (0)

I1,1 (λ) = a0

1 − e−2δλ = a0 + α(δ, λ), 1 − e−2πλ



Chapter 7. Toeplitz Operators with Homogeneous Symbols

where for a sufficiently large λ, |α(δ, λ)| < ε. Then (0)

|I1,2 (λ)| ≤ sup |a(θ) − a0 | θ∈(0,δ)

2λ 1 − e−2πλ


e−2λθ dθ = sup |a(θ) − a0 | θ∈(0,δ)

1 − e−2δλ ; 1 − e−2πλ

that is, for an appropriate choice of δ and a sufficiently large λ, we have (0)

|I1,2 (λ)| < ε. (0)

Consider now I2 (λ): (0)

|II2 (λ)| ≤

λ e−2δλ 1 − e−2πλ



|a(θ)| dθ ≤ 2πλ e−2δλ aL∞ (0,π) .

That is, for a sufficiently large λ, we have (0)

|II2 (λ)| < ε. Thus, summarizing the above, we have that for any ε and an appropriate choice of δ there is λ0 > 0 such that for each λ ≥ λ0 one has |γa (λ) − a0 | < 3ε; which proves the first equality in (7.2.2). The second equality in (7.2.2) follows then from the directly verified property γa(θ) (−λ) = γa(π−θ) (λ). The continuity of γa (λ) is obvious.

Given a linear subset A of L∞ (0, π), denote by H(A) the subset of A∞ which consists of all homogeneous functions of zero order functions on the upper halfplane whose restrictions onto the upper half of the unit circle (parameterized by θ ∈ [0, π]) belong to A. And let T (H(A)) be the the C ∗ -algebra generated by all Toeplitz operators Ta with defining symbols a ∈ H(A). (0,π) Denote by L∞ ([0, π]) the C ∗ -subalgebra of L∞ ([0, π]) which consists of all functions having limits at the points 0 and π. Let C([0, π]) be, as usual, the algebra of all continuous functions on [0, π]; denote by P C([0, π], Λ) the algebra of all piecewise continuous functions on [0, π], continuous in [0, π] \ Λ and having one-sided limit values at the points of Λ = {θ1 , θ2 , . . . , θn−1 }. Let P Co([0, π]), Λ) be the subalgebra of P C([0, π], Λ) consisting of all piece-wise constant functions. Given a function a0 (θ), denote by L(1, a0 ) the linear two-dimensional space generated by 1 and the function a0 .

7.2. Toeplitz operators with homogeneous symbols


Note that P Co([0, π], {θ1 }) = L(1, χ[0,θ1] ), where χ[0,θ1 ] (θ) is the characteristic function of [0, θ1 ]. For a continuous function a0 , a set Λ, and an arbitrary point θk ∈ Λ, we have a chain of proper inclusions L(1, a0 ) ⊂ C([0, π]) ⊂ P C([0, π], Λ) ⊂ L(0,π) ∞ ([0, π]). P Co([0, π], {θk }) ⊂ P Co([0, π]), Λ)


Let A be any of the above sets. We are interested in the C ∗ -algebra T (H(A)). Note that for any real non-constant function a0 , the algebra T (H(L(1, a0 ))) is a C ∗ -algebra with identity generated by a single element, the Toeplitz operator Ta0 . (0,π) For the largest set (algebra) L∞ ([0, π]) we have (0,π)

Theorem 7.2.4. The C ∗ -algebra T (H(L∞ ([0, π]))) is isomorphic and isometric to C(R), where R = R ∪ {−∞} ∪ {+∞} is the two-point compactification of R. The isomorphic isomorphism τ∞ : T (H(L(0,π) ∞ ([0, π]))) −→ C(R) (0,π)

is generated by the following mapping of generators of T (H(L∞ ([0, π]))), τ∞ : Ta −→ γa (λ),



where a = a(θ) ∈ H(L∞ ([0, π])). Proof. We need to show only that the mapping (7.2.4) is onto. The inclusion τ∞ ( T (H(L(0,π) ∞ ([0, π]))) ) ⊂ C(R) is trivial. The inverse inclusion will follow from the next theorem.

Passing to the other extreme, the smallest possible set, we have (0,π)

Theorem 7.2.5. Let a0 (θ) ∈ L∞ ([0, π]) be a real-valued function such that the function γa0 (λ) separates the points of R. Then the C ∗ -algebra T (H(L(1, a0 ))) is isomorphic and isometric to C(R). The isomorphic isomorphism τ∞ : T (H(L(1, a0 ))) −→ C(R) is generated by the same mapping τ∞ : Ta −→ γa (λ) of generators of the algebra T (H(L(1, a0 ))). Proof. Follows directly from the Stone-Weierstrass theorem.

Corollary 7.2.6. Given a point θ0 ∈ (0, π), the C ∗ -algebra T (H(P Co([0, π], {θ0 }))) is isomorphically isometric to C(R).


Chapter 7. Toeplitz Operators with Homogeneous Symbols

Proof. As was already mentioned P Co([0, π], {θ0 }) = L(1, χ[0,θ0] ). We need to prove that the real-valued function θ0 2λ e−2θ0 λ − 1 γχ[0,θ0 ] (λ) = e−2λθ dθ = −2πλ −2πλ 1−e e −1 0 separates the points of R. We show instead that the function γχ[0,θ0 ] is strictly increasing by a simple but a bit lengthy procedure. After the scaling t = 2πλ, θ0 = απ, with α ∈ (0, 1), we have γ(t) =

e−αt − 1 , e−t − 1

t ∈ R.

Let first t > 0, calculate γ (t) =

αe−αt (1 − e−t ) − e−t (1 − e−αt ) . (1 − e−t )2

To show that γ (t) > 0 is equivalent to showing that αe−αt

t et − 1 −t e − 1 − e > 0, et eαt

or that α(et − 1) − (eαt − 1) > 0, or that

(α − αk )


tk > 0. k!

The last inequality is absolutely evident because of α ∈ (0, 1). Pass now to t < 0. Substituting x = −t, x ∈ R+ , we have γ(t(x)) =

eαx − 1 ex − 1


αeαx (ex − 1) − ex (eαx − 1) . (ex − 1)2 Now we need to show that the function γ(t(x)) is strictly decreasing, or that γ (t(x)) < 0. This is equivalent to γ (t(x)) =

ex (eαx − 1) − αeαx (ex − 1) > 0 or to or to

(1 − α)(ex − 1) − (e(1−α)x − 1) > 0, ∞ k=1

[(1 − α) − (1 − α)k ]

xk > 0. k!

Again the last inequality is absolutely evident because of α ∈ (0, 1).

7.2. Toeplitz operators with homogeneous symbols Let now a0 (θ) = uous on [0, π].

θ π.


This function a0 (θ) is obviously real-valued and contin-

Corollary 7.2.7. The C ∗ -algebra T (H(L(1, a0 ))) is isomorphic and isometric to C(R). Proof. We have γa0 (λ)

= =

π 2λ θe−2λθ dθ π(1 − e−2πλ ) 0 1 1 1 −2πλ 1 −2πλ −πe (e − . − − 1) = π(1 − e−2πλ ) 2λ 2πλ e2πλ − 1

The function γa0 (λ) is continuous on R, and lim γa0 (λ)


lim γa0 (λ)


1 , 2 γa0 (−∞) = 1,

lim γa0 (λ)


γa0 (+∞) = 0.




γa0 (0) =

To finish the proof we need to show that the function γa0 (λ) separates the points of R. To do this we show that the function γ(t) =

1 1 − t , t e −1


is strictly decreasing, or that γ (t) < 0 for all t = 0. The function 1 et γ (t) = − 2 + t t (e − 1)2 is even. Thus it is sufficient to prove that (et or that

1 et < 2, − 1)2 t

t2 et < (et − 1)2 ,

for each t > 0. The last inequality is easy to check comparing corresponding coefficients of the power series ∞

t2 et


1 tn , (n − 2)! n=2

(et − 1)2


∞ 2(2n−1 − 1) n t . n! n=2


Chapter 7. Toeplitz Operators with Homogeneous Symbols

Remark 7.2.8. The above statements show that in spite of the fact that the generating sets of defining symbols in (7.2.3) are quite different, the resulting Toeplitz C ∗ -algebras are the same. Moreover, this (common) C ∗ -algebra with identity can be generated by a single Toeplitz operator with either continuous, or piece-wise constant defining symbol. Further, although the algebraic operations with Toeplitz operators do not give a Toeplitz operator, in general, the resulting (single-generated) algebra is extremely rich on Toeplitz operators: each Toeplitz (0,π) operator with defining symbol from H(L∞ ([0, π])) belongs to this algebra. Given a finite number of different points on [0, π], 0 = θ0 < θ1 < θ2 < . . . < θn−1 < θn = π, we consider the algebra P Co([0, π], Λ), with Λ = {θ1 , θ2 , . . . , θn−1 }, and the algebra H(P Co([0, π], Λ)). Each (piece-wise constant) function a ∈ H(P Co([0, π], Λ)) has obviously n limit values at the origin. Denote by Vk , k = 1, 2, . . . , n, the cone (angle) on the upper half-plane Π, supported on (θk−1 , θk ]. Then the n-dimensional algebra H(P Co([0, π], Λ)) consists of all functions of the form a(z) = a1 χV1 (z) + a2 χV2 (z) + . . . + an χVn (z), where (a1 , a2 , . . . , an ) ∈ Cn , and χk (z) are the characteristic functions of the cones Vk , k = 1, 2, . . . , n. The Toeplitz C ∗ -algebra T (H(P Co([0, π], Λ))) is obviously generated by n commuting Toeplitz operators TχVk , k = 1, 2, . . . , n. We have γχVk (λ) =

2λ 1 − e−2πλ


e−2λθ dθ =

θk −1

e−2θk λ − e−2θk−1 λ , e−2πλ − 1

λ ∈ R.


Each function γχVk is continuous on R and lim γχV1 (λ) = 0,


lim γχVk (λ) = 0,


lim γχVn (λ) = 1,


λ→−∞ λ→−∞ λ→−∞

lim γχV1 (λ) = 1, lim γχVk (λ) = 0,

k = 2, 3, . . . , n − 1,

lim γχVn (λ) = 0.

Furthermore, each function γχVk is non-negative and n

γχVk (λ) ≡ 1.


Thus the set Δ(Λ) = {t = (t1 , t2 , . . . , tn ) : tk = γχVk (λ), λ ∈ R, k = 1, . . . , n}


7.2. Toeplitz operators with homogeneous symbols











0 0












Figure 7.1: The angles (θ1 , θ2 ) left to right: (0.48π, 0.52π), (0.4π, 0.6π), (0.3π, 0.7π), (0.2π, 0.8π), (0.1π, 0.9π). is a continuous curve lying on the standard (n − 1)-dimensional simplex, and connecting the vertices (1, 0, . . . , 0) and (0, . . . , 0, 1). On Figure 7.1 we present the behaviour of the joint spectrum Δ(Λ) for the case n=3 in dependence of the angles (θ1 , θ2 ). Theorem 7.2.9. Given a set Λ = {θ1 , θ2 , . . . , θn−1 }, the Toeplitz C ∗ -algebra T (H(P Co([0, π], Λ))) is isomorphic and isometric to C(Δ(Λ)). The isomorphism τ : T (H(P Co([0, π], Λ)) −→ C(Δ(Λ)) is generated by the following mapping of generators of T (H(P Co([0, π], Λ))): if a(z) = a1 χV1 (z) + a2 χV2 (z) + . . . + an χVn (z), then τ : Ta −→ a1 t1 + a2 t2 + . . . + an tn , where t = (t1 , t2 , . . . , tn ) ∈ Δ(Λ). Proof. The C ∗ -algebra T (H(P Co([0, π], Λ))) is commutative, and is generated by n generators TχVk , k = 1, 2, . . . , n. Thus it is isomorphic and isometric to the algebra of all continuous functions on the compact set of the maximal ideals of the algebra T (H(P Co([0, π], Λ))). This compact set is nothing but the joint spectrum of the above generators and coincides obviously with Δ(Λ).


Chapter 7. Toeplitz Operators with Homogeneous Symbols

7.3 Bergman projection and homogeneous functions We start again with a finite number of different points on [0, π]: 0 = θ0 < θ1 < θ2 < . . . < θn−1 < θn = π. Consider the algebra P C([0, π], Λ) of piece-wise continuous functions, with Λ = {θ1 , θ2 , . . . , θn−1 }, and the coresponding algebra H(P C([0, π], Λ)). Each function a ∈ H(P C([0, π], Λ)) has radial limit values at the origin which are defined by the restriction of a onto the upper half part of the unit circle and are parameterized by the point of the closure of the segment [0, π] cut by points of Λ. We introduce the C ∗ -algebra RΛ = R(H(P C([0, π], Λ)), BΠ ) which is generated by all operators of the form A = a(z)I + b(z)BΠ , where a, b ∈ H(P C([0, π], Λ)), acting on the space L2 (Π). The algebra RΛ is isomorphically isometric to the algebra R1 = (M ⊗ I)RΛ (M −1 ⊗ I), which is generated by the following operators, acting on L2 (R) ⊗ L2 (0, π), (M ⊗ I)BΠ (M −1 ⊗ I) = (M ⊗ I)a(z)I(M −1 ⊗ I) =

I ⊗ B(λ), I ⊗ a(θ)I,

where the one-dimensional projection B(λ) is given by (7.1.3), λ ∈ R, M is the Mellin transform (7.1.1), and a(θ) ∈ P C([0, π], Λ) is the restriction of the function a(z) ∈ H(P C([0, π], Λ)) onto the upper half part of the unit circle parameterized by angle θ. That is, the algebra R1 splits onto the direct integral of C ∗ -algebras R1 (λ), λ ∈ R, generated by the following operators, acting on L2 (0, π), B(λ)



a ∈ P C([0, π], Λ).

Lemma 7.3.1. For each λ ∈ R the C ∗ -algebra R1 (λ) is irreducible and contains the ideal K of all compact operators on L2 (0, π). The algebra R1 (λ) consists of all operators of the form A = aI + K,

a ∈ P C([0, π], Λ),

K ∈ K,

01 (λ) = R1 (λ)/K is isomorphic to P C([0, π], Λ). and its Calkin algebra R Proof. We prove first that the algebra R1 (λ) does not have any non-trivial invariant subspace. Each non-trivial invariant subspace of the subalgebra {aI : a ∈ P C([0, π], Λ)}

7.3. Bergman projection and homogeneous functions


of the algebra R1 (λ) obviously has the form XM = {ψM (θ) = χM (θ)ψ(θ) : ψ ∈ L2 (0, π)}, where χM is the characteristic function of a measurable subset M of [0, π] having positive measure. That is the the algebra R1 (λ) has an invariant subspace if and only if there exists a measurable set M of positive measure such that B(λ)ψM ∈ XM , for all ψM ∈ XM . We have B(λ)ψM = ψM , λ λ . The function λ (7.1.2) is always non-zero on [0, π], thus ψM , λ has to be zero on [0, 1] \ M for all ψM ∈ XM . But for ψM = χM λ we have

ψM λ , λ = ψM λ , ψM λ = ψM λ 2 . Thus χM has to be zero a.e. on [0, π], or M must be a zero measure set. That is, the algebra R1 (λ) does not have any non-trivial invariant subspace, and thus is irreducible. Further, being irreducible the algebra R1 (λ) contains non-trivial compact operators, for example B(λ); thus (see, for example, [148] Theorem 2.4.9) it contains the whole ideal K of compact operators. The last statement of the lemma is obvious. We note that all the algebras R1 (λ), λ ∈ R, are the same and coincide with the algebra Rpc which consists of all operators of the form A = aI + K, where a ∈ P C([0, π], Λ), and K ∈ K. Apart from the infinite dimensional identical irreducible representation, this common C ∗ -algebra Rpc has one-dimensional irreducible representations. To describe them, we mention first that the compact set of maximal ideals of the algebra P C([0, π], Λ) can be identified with the closure of the segment [0, π] cut by points of Λ, + [0, π] = [0, θ1− ] [θ1+ , θ2− ] . . . [θn−1 , π].

Given a point θ ∈ [0, π], the one-dimensional irreducible representation π(θ) of the algebra P C([0, π], Λ) is defined by # a(θ) ∈ C, for θ ∈ [0, π] \ Λ ⊂ [0, π] π(θ) : a −→ , ± ± a(θk ) = limθ→θk ±0 a(θ) ∈ C, for θk ∈ [0, π] where k = 1, 2, . . . , n − 1. Now the one-dimensional irreducible representations πθ of the algebra Rpc parameterized by points θ ∈ [0, π] are π(θ) πθ : Rpc −→ Rpc /K ∼ = P C([0, π], Λ) −→ C.


Chapter 7. Toeplitz Operators with Homogeneous Symbols

Lemma 7.3.2. For each λ ∈ R the homomorphism νλ : RΛ ∼ = R1 −→ R1 (λ) = Rpc gives an (infinite dimensional) irreducible representation of the algebra RΛ = R(H(P C([0, π], Λ)), BΠ ), and for different λ ∈ R the representations νλ are not unitary equivalent. Proof. The first statement follows directly from the previous lemma. Consider now two distinct real numbers λ1 = λ2 . Recall that for a0 (θ) = πθ , used in Corollary 7.2.7, the corresponding function γa0 (λ) separates the points of R. That is, in particular, γa0 (λ1 ) = γa0 (λ2 ). Then for the operator A = BΠ (γa0 (λ1 ) − a0 (θ))BΠ ∈ RΛ we have νλ1 νλ2

: A −→ (γa0 (λ1 ) − γa0 (λ1 ))B(λ1 ) = 0, : A −→ (γa0 (λ1 ) − γa0 (λ2 ))B(λ2 ) = 0.

Thus the representations νλ1 and νλ2 are not unitary equivalent.

Theorem 7.3.3. The algebra RΛ = R(H(P C([0, π], Λ)), BΠ ) does not contain any non-zero compact operator. All its infinite dimensional irreducible representations are parameterized by points λ ∈ R and are of the form νλ : RΛ ∼ = R1 −→ R1 (λ) = Rpc , where νλ

: a(z)I ∈ RΛ −→ a(θ)I ∈ Rpc ,


: BΠ ∈ RΛ −→ B(λ) ∈ Rpc .

All finite dimensional irreducible representations of the algebra RΛ are one-dimen sional, parameterized by points θ ∈ [0, π], and are the composition of (any) representation νλ with one-dimensional representation νθ of the algebra Rpc : νλ πθ νθ : RΛ ∼ = R1 −→ R1 (λ) = Rpc −→ C.

Proof. Follows directly from the two previous lemmas.

We consider now two subalgebras of RΛ = R(H(P C([0, π], Λ)), BΠ ) which are of special interest in what follows. For the first subalgebra R(H(C([0, π])), BΠ ) we have obviously the following statement. Denote by Rc the C ∗ -algebra consisting of all operators of the form a(θ)I +K, where a ∈ C([0, π]) and K is compact, acting on L2 (0, π). Theorem 7.3.4. The C ∗ -algebra R(H(C([0, π])), BΠ ) is isomorphic to a certain subalgebra of Cb (R, Rc ). The isomorphic imbedding ν : R(H(C([0, π])), BΠ ) −→ Cb (R, Rc )

7.3. Bergman projection and homogeneous functions


is generated by the following mapping of the generators: if A = aI + bBΠ , where a, b ∈ H(C([0, π])), then ν : A −→ A(λ) = aI + bB(λ) ∈ Rc ,

λ ∈ R,

where a and b are considered as the restrictions of the functions from H(C([0, π])) onto [0, π]. All infinite dimensional irreducible representations of the C ∗ -algebra R(H(C([0, π])), BΠ ) are parameterized by points λ ∈ R and are generated by the mapping νλ : A ∈ R(H(C([0, π])), BΠ ) −→ A(λ) ∈ Rc . The set of all finite dimensional irreducible representations of R(H(C([0, π])), BΠ ) is one-dimensional, parameterized by points θ ∈ [0, π], and generated by the mapping νθ : A = aI + bBΠ ∈ R(H(C([0, π])), BΠ ) −→ a(θ) ∈ C. The structure of the second subalgebra R(H(P Co([0, π], Λ)), BΠ ) is quite different. This algebra can also be defined by other generators, which are the following n + 1 orthogonal projections, acting on L2 (Π), P = BΠ


Qk = χVk I,

k = 1, 2, . . . , n,

where Vk is the cone in Π supported on (θk−1 , θk ]. To describe the algebra R(H(P Co([0, π], Λ)), BΠ ) = R(P, Q1 , . . . , Qn ) we use the results of Section 1.2. The above projections P , Q1 , . . ., Qn are obviously allbut-one and satisfy the property (1.2.13). At the same time the property (1.2.14) does not hold for each k = 1, . . . , n. That is, for each k = 1, . . . , n, the intersection Im Qk ∩ ker P is not trivial. We show this by a bit lengthy but simple procedure. We start with the representations (M ⊗ I)P (M −1 ⊗ I) = (M ⊗ I)Qk (M


⊗ I) =

I ⊗ B(λ), I ⊗ χ(θk−1 ,θk ] I,

where the one-dimensional projection B(λ), λ ∈ R, is given by (7.1.3). First we describe the intersection Im χ(θk−1 ,θk ] I ∩ ker B(λ). The function λ,k = λ |(θk−1 ,θk ] = χ(θk−1 ,θk ] λ is obviously in L2 (θk−1 , θk ), and, see (7.2.5), λ,k 2 = γχVk (λ), which is continuous and bounded as a function of λ ∈ R. For each g ∈ L2 (θk−1 , θk ) the function gλ = λ,k 2 g − g, λ,k λ,k


Chapter 7. Toeplitz Operators with Homogeneous Symbols

belongs to g ∈ L2 (θk−1 , θk ) = Im χ(θk−1 ,θk ] I, and gλ ≤ λ,k 2 · g + | g, λ,k | · λ,k ≤ 2λ,k 2 · g ≤ C · g, where the constant C does not depend on λ. Then, gλ ∈ ker B(λ), because of

gλ , λ L2 (0,π) = gλ , λ,k L2 (θk−1 ,θk ) = 0. Thus gλ ∈ Im χ(θk−1 ,θk ] I ∩ ker B(λ). Finally, for any pair f ∈ L2 (R) and g ∈ L2 (θk−1 , θk ) ⊂ L2 (0, π), the function 1 2 ϕ(z) = ϕ(reiθ ) = (M −1 ⊗ I)(f (λ)gλ (θ) (r, θ) belongs to Im Qk ∩ ker P . That is, describing the algebra R(H(P Co([0, π], Λ)), BΠ ) = R(P, Q1 , . . . , Qn ) we are in the situation of the last part of Section 1.2.6. The corresponding positive operators Ck = P Qk P = TχVk ∈ T (H(P Co([0, π], Λ))), k = 1, . . . , n, commute. Thus to describe the algebra R(H(P Co([0, π], Λ)), BΠ ) = R(P, Q1 , . . . , Qn ) we can use Theorem 1.2.33. The joint spectrum of the operators Ck = TχVk , k = 1, . . . , n, is obviously Δ(Λ) given by (7.2.6). The algebra S(Δ) used in Theorem 1.2.33 coincides in our case with the algebra S(Δ(Λ)) of all n × n matrix-functions continuous on Δ(Λ) and diagonal at the vertices (1, 0, . . . , 0), (0, . . . , 0, 1). Thus, as a direct corollary from Theorem 1.2.33 we have Theorem 7.3.5. The C ∗ -algebra R(H(P Co([0, π], Λ)), BΠ ) is isomorphic and isometric to a subalgebra of the algebra S(Δ(Λ))⊕Cn , where Δ(Λ) is given by (7.2.6). The isomorphic imbedding ν : R(H(P Co([0, π], Λ)), BΠ ) −→ S(Δ) ⊕ Cn is generated by the following mapping of the generators of the algebra R(H(P Co([0, π], Λ)), BΠ ): ν : BΠ ν : χVk I

−→ (p(t), (0, 0, . . . , 0)), −→ (qk (t), (0, . . . , 0, 1

, 0, . . . , 0)),

k = 1, . . . , n,


where p(t) =


tj tk j,k=1 ,

qk (t) =

diag (0, . . . , 0,

and t = (t1 , . . . , tm ) ∈ Δ(Λ).


, 0, . . . , 0),


7.4. Bergman projection and discontinuous coefficients


7.4 Algebra generated by the Bergman projection and discontinuous coefficients The C ∗ -algebra generated by the Bergman projection and multiplication operators by piece-wise continuous functions having two limit values at boundary points of discontinuity has been described in Section 2.7. The more difficult part, the characterization of the local algebra corresponding to a boundary point of discontinuity, was based on the general description of the C ∗ -algebra generated by two orthogonal projections (see Sections 2.6 and 1.2.2). The next natural step, the description of the C ∗ -algebra generated by the Bergman projection and multiplication operators by piece-wise continuous functions having more than two limit values at boundary points of discontinuity remained open for a very long period. The main reason was the absence of a general description of the C ∗ -algebra generated by more than two orthogonal projections. Although the local algebra at the boundary point of discontinuity involves a special set of projections (P and Q1 , . . ., Qn , with Q1 + . . . + Qn = I), which are all-but-one in terminology of Section 1.2, the C ∗ -algebra generated by such projections is still wild. In spite of this, in the previous section we described in fact a model case of the algebra generated by the Bergman projection and functions having n > 2 limit values at a boundary point. This was made possible by the following reasons. The concrete all-but-one projections P = BΠ and Qk = χVk I, k = 1, . . . , n, involved generate the special positive operators Ck = TχVk , which happen to belong to a commutative algebra of Toeplitz operators. The C ∗ -algebra generated by all-butone orthogonal projections, for which the corresponding positive operators Ck are pair-wise commuting, can be described. Note that in fact we already described such an algebra in Theorem 5.4.2, as a model case, and in Section 5.5, as a general case. We did not underline this fact at that time because, first, the result was used for other purposes, and, second, the type of discontinuity was different from the type one would expect as a natural development of a two-limit value case of Section 2.7. We proceed now with the description of the C ∗ -algebra generated by the Bergman projection and multiplication operators by piece-wise continuous functions having more than two limit values at boundary points of discontinuity. As in Section 2.7 we start by introducing of a curve of function discontinuities. Denote by a piece-wise smooth curve on the closed unit disk D satisfying the following properties: there are a finite number of points (nodes), which divide onto simple oriented smooth curves j , j = 1, k. We assume that the endpoints of are among the nodes. Denote by U the set of all nodes of the curve which do not belong to the boundary γ. We will refer to nodes using symbols uq,rq , where rq is a number of lines meeting at this node, and q corresponds to the node numbering. Denote by T the set of all nodes from ∩ γ, and assume that T consists of m points. For each node tq,rq −1 ∈ T there are rq − 1 curves meeting at tq,rq −1 , q = 1, . . . , m. We assume as well that locally near tq,rq −1 these curves are


Chapter 7. Toeplitz Operators with Homogeneous Symbols

hypercycles (see Section 9.4), that is, there is a M¨ ¨obius transformation of the unit disk to the upper half-plane under which the node tq,rq −1 goes to the origin and the curves meeting at tq,rq −1 are mapped to curves which locally near the origin are straight line segments meeting at the origin.

Figure 7.2: An example of a curve . Denote by P C(D, ) the algebra of all functions a(z) continuous in D \ and having left and right limit values at all points of j : a+ (z) and a− (z). At the nodes of the type uq,rq ∈ U the functions from P C(D, ) have r limit values. We denote them by a(1) (uq,rq ), . . ., a(r) (uq,rq ). At the nodes of the type tq,rq −1 ∈ T the functions from P C(D, ) have r limit values, as well. We denote them by a(1) (tq,rq −1 ), . . ., a(r) (tq,rq −1 ), counting counter-clockwise. We study the algebra R = R(P C(D, ), BD ) generated by the operators acting on the space L2 (D) of the form A = a(z)I + b(z)BD , where a(z), b(z) ∈ P C(D, ) and BD is the Bergman projection on the unit disk. The algebra R contains the ideal K of all compact operators (its subalgebra R(C(D), BD ) already does), and is irreducible. To describe the Fredholm symbol algebra Sym R of R = R(P C(D, ), BD ) we use the Douglas-Varela local principle. By Lemma 2.4.4 the C ∗ -algebra π(C(D)) ∼ = C(D) is a central commutative subalgebra of R = Sym R, thus we localize by the 0) points of D. As in Section 2.7 there are five different ff cases of local algebras R(t depending on a point t0 ∈ D. The first four are the same as in Section 2.7. 0) ∼ a) Let t0 ∈ D \ (γ ∪ ). Then R(t = C, and for the operator A = a(z)I + b(z)BD we have πt0 (A) = a(t0 ). 0) ∼ b) Let t0 ∈ γ \ . Then R(t = C2 , and for the operator A = a(z)I + b(z)BD we have πt0 (A) = (a(t0 ), a(t0 ) + b(t0 )).

7.4. Bergman projection and discontinuous coefficients


t0 D (t0 ) = 0 and a1 (z) ∼ a2 (z) if and only if c) Let t0 ∈ \ (U ∪ T ). Then B + + − − 2 ∼ a1 (t0 ) = a2 (t0 ) and a1 (t0 ) = a2 (t0 ). Thus R(t0 ) = C , and for the operator A = a(z)I + b(z)BD we have πt0 (A) = (a+ (t0 ), a− (t0 )). D (t0 ) = 0, but a function d) Let t0 ∈ U and t0 = urq for some q. Then again B 0) ∼ a(z) ∈ P C(D, ) now has r limit values at the point t0 . Thus R(t = Cr , and for (1) (r) the operator A = a(z)I + b(z)BD we have πt0 (A) = (a (t0 ), . . . , a (t0 )). e) Let finally, t0 ∈ T = γ ∩ . e.1) If there is only one curve meeting at the node t0 ∈ T , then we are 0 ) is isomorphic again in the situation of Section 2.7. That is, the local algebra R(t and isometric to the algebra of all 2 × 2 matrix-functions continuous on [0, 1] and diagonal at the points 0 and 1. Identifying them, for the operator A = a(z)I + b(z)BD ∈ R = R(P C(D, ), BD ) we have

− x) (c(t0 + 0) − c(t0 − 0)) x(1 − x) a(t0 + 0)x + a(t0 − 0)(1

, πt0 (A)= c(t0 + 0)(1 − x) + c(t0 − 0)x (a(t0 + 0) − a(t0 − 0)) x(1 − x)

where x ∈ [0, 1], and c(z) = a(z) + b(z). e.2) Let now t0 = tq,rq −1 ∈ T , that is, there are rq − 1 curves meeting at this node. Recall that the functions a(z) ∈ P C(D, ) have at this node rq limit values, which we denoted by a(1) (tq,rq −1 ), . . ., a(r) (tq,rq −1 ), counting counter-clockwise. Introduce the ordered set Λq = {θ1 , θ2 , . . . , θrq −1 } of the angles formed by the above rq −1 curves meeting at the node t0 = tq,rq −1 ∈ γ, counting them counter-clockwise. By our hypotheses there exists a M¨ o¨bius transformation ωt0 from the unit disk onto the upper half-plane mapping the node t0 to the origin and mapping the rq − 1 curves meeting at t0 to the rq − 1 lines, which locally near the origin, are the straight line segments meeting at the origin. Note that these straight line segments have the same angles θ1 , θ2 , . . . , θrq −1 with the real axis. 0 ) of the Under the above M¨ o¨bius transformation ωt0 the local algebra R(t (0) initial algebra R(P C(D, ), BD ) is obviously isomorphic to the local algebra R at the origin 0 = wt0 (t0 ) of the algebra R = R (P C(Π, wt0 ()), BΠ ), obtained by the unitary equivalence with the initial algebra R = R(P C(D, ), BD ). Observe (0) is generated by the all-but-one projections now that the local algebra R P = BΠ


Qk = χVk I,

k = 1, . . . , rq ,

and thus it is nothing but the algebra R(H(P Co([0, π], Λq )), BΠ ), which was described in the previous section. Thus by Theorem 7.3.5 with n = rq we have 0 ) is isomorphic and isometric to a subalgebra Theorem 7.4.1. The local algebra R(t rq of the algebra S(Δ(Λq )) ⊕ C , where Δ(Λq ) is given by (7.2.6).


Chapter 7. Toeplitz Operators with Homogeneous Symbols For the generators a(z)I and BD of the algebra R = R(P C(D, ), BD ) we

have & πt0 (aI) = πt0 (BD ) =

' diag(a(1) (t0 ), . . . , a(rq ) (t0 )), (a(1) (t0 ), . . . , a(rq ) (t0 )) , &

' rq tj tk j,k=1 , (0, 0, . . . , 0) ,

where t = (t1 , . . . , trq ) ∈ Δ(Λq ). As it follows from the theorem, for the operator A = aI + bBD = a(I − BD ) + cBD ∈ R(P C(D, ), BD ), where c = a + b, we have πt0 (A) = & a



(t0 )(δδjk − tj tk ) + c(k) (t0 ) tj tk

, (a



(t0 ), . . . , a

(rq )

(t0 )) ,

where t = (t1 , . . . , trq ) ∈ Δ(Λq ). In the sequel it is convenient to parameterize the curve Δ(Λq ) by x ∈ [0, 1] as follows (compare with (7.2.6)). Let ! tk (x) = γχVk

1 − 2x

1 − (1 − 2x)2

" ,


where x ∈ [0, 1] and k = 1, . . . , rq , then Δ(Λq ) = {t = (t1 (x), t2 (x), . . . , trq (x)) : x ∈ [0, 1]}.


Denote by S(rq ) the algebra of all rq × rq matrix-functions continuous on [0, 1] and diagonal at the points 0 and 1. 0 ) is isomorphic and isometric to a subalgeCorollary 7.4.2. The local algebra R(t rq bra of the algebra S(rq ) ⊕ C . Identifying them, for the operator A = aI + bBD = a(I − BD ) + cBD ∈ R(P C(D, ), BD ), where c = a + b, we have & ' r (x), (a(1) (t0 ), . . . , a(rq ) (t0 )) , πt0 (A) = σA where r σAq (x)

rq % % (k) (k) = a (t0 ) δjk − tj (x)tk (x) + c (t0 ) tj (x)tk (x) j,k=1

with tk (x) given by (7.4.1), and x ∈ [0, 1].

∈ S(rq ),

7.4. Bergman projection and discontinuous coefficients

155 r

At the boundary points {0, 1} of [0, 1] the matrix part σAq (x) of πt0 (A) becomes diagonal: ⎛ (1) ⎞ c (t0 ) 0 ⎜ ⎟ a(2) (t0 ) ⎜ ⎟ r σAq (0) = ⎜ ⎟, .. ⎝ ⎠ . ⎛ r

σAq (1) =

⎜ ⎜ ⎜ ⎝

a(rq ) (t0 )

0 a(1) (t0 )

0 ..

. a(rq −1) (t0 )

⎞ ⎟ ⎟ ⎟. ⎠

c(rq ) (t0 )

0 ), the algebra As follows from the description of the local algebras R(t ∗ Sym R = R/K is a C -algebra which has finite dimensional representations only. It has one-dimensional representations for the cases a) – d), one- and two-dimensional representations for the case e.1), and one- and rq -dimensional representations for nodes tq,rq −1 ∈ T of the case e.2). Let 1 = n1 < n2 < . . . < np be the ordered set of the dimensions of the representations of the Fredholm symbol algebra Sym R. To formulate the final result we introduce some notation. the compactification of the set D, cut along the line . Under Denote by D that each point from ( \ U ) ∪ ( ∩ γ) will correspond to a pair of points in D; and similarly each node of the form uq,rq ∈ U will correspond to rq points of D, each node of the form tq,rq −1 ∈ T will correspond to rq points of D, which we will (1)

(r )

denote by tq,rq −1 , . . . , tq,rqq −1 . For a node tq,1 ∈ T , we will denote by tq − 0 and tq +0, following the positive orientation on γ, the pair of points which correspond to introduced coincides obviously with the compact of maximal this node. The set D ideals of the algebra P C(D, ). Analogously, denote by γ the compactification of the curve γ, cut by nodes tq,rq −1 ∈ ∩ γ. For a node tq,rq −1 ∈ T , the pair of points which correspond to this node will be denoted by tq − 0 and tq + 0, following to the positive orientation on γ. ∪ Let Y = D γ , and let X = ∪m q=1 Δq be a disjoint union of segments Δq = [0, 1]. Let X ns be the disjoint union of those segments Δq which correspond to nodes tq,rq −1 with rq = ns , s = 1, 2, . . . , p. Then of course X = ∪ps=1 X ns . Denote by μ the mapping which identifies the points of ∂X = ∪m q=1 {0q , 1q } with a certain finite number of points of Y by the following rule: if t0 = tq,1 ∈ T , for some q, then μ(0q ) = (t0 − 0, t0 + 0), where μ(1q ) = (t0 + 0, t0 − 0), where

t + 0 ∈ γ 0q ∈ Δq , t0 − 0 ∈ D, , 0 t − 0 ∈ γ 1q ∈ Δp , t0 + 0 ∈ D, ; 0


Chapter 7. Toeplitz Operators with Homogeneous Symbols

γ Figure 7.3: The sets D, , and X = ∪m q=1 Δq . if t0 = tq,rq −1 ∈ T with rq > 2, for some q, then t + 0 ∈ μ(0q ) = (t0 + 0, t0 , . . . , t0 q ), where 0q ∈ Δq , t0 , . . . , t0 q ∈ D, γ, 0 (rq −1) (rq −1) (1) (1) μ(1q ) = (t , . . . , t , t − 0), where 1q ∈ Δp , t , . . . , t ∈ D, t − 0 ∈ γ . (r )



(r )

0 ) it follows that M = X ∪μ Y From the descriptions of the local algebras R(t ∗ is the spectrum of the C -algebra R = Sym R.

Figure 7.4: The set M = X ∪μ Y .

7.4. Bergman projection and discontinuous coefficients


Denote by S the algebra of all p-tuples σ = (σn1 , σn2 , . . . , σnp ), where σn1 ∈ C(Y ), and σns ∈ C(X ns , Matns (C)), where s = 1, . . . , p, which satisfy the condition if μ(x0 ) = (y1 , y2 , . . . , yns ), x0 ∈ ∂X ns , y1 , . . . , yns ∈ Y , then ⎛ ⎞ σ1 (y1 ) 0 ⎜ ⎟ .. lim σns (x) = ⎝ (7.4.3) ⎠; . x→x0


σ1 (yns )

the norm in the algebra S is given by σ = max{sup |σ1 (y)|, sup σns (x)}, Y

X ns , s

where σns (x)2 is the largest eigenvalue of the matrix σns (x)σn∗ s (x). Note, that each above p-tuple σ = (σ1 , σn2 , . . . , σnp ) defines a continuous ∪γ object on M = X ∪μ Y , being a continuous function on Y = D , being an ns × ns matrix-function continuous on X ns , for each s = 2, . . . , p, and being a diagonal ns × ns matrix at the points of ∂X ns , whose scalar diagonal values are ∪γ glued with certain values of the function on Y = D according to (7.4.3). 0 ) lead up to the following theorem. The descriptions of the local algebras R(t Theorem 7.4.3. The Fredholm symbol algebra Sym R of the C ∗ -algebra R = R(P C(D, ), BD ) is isomorphic and isometric to the algebra S. Identifying them, the homomorphism sym : R → S is generated by the following mapping of generators of the algebra R: sym : A = a(z)I + b(z)BD + K −→ ⎧ ⎪ a(t), t ∈ D, ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ c(t), t ∈ γ , ⎪

⎨ a(tq,1 + 0)(1 − x) + a(tq,1 (c(tq,1 + 0) − c(tq,1 − 0)) x(1 − x)

− 0)x , ⎪ (a(tq,1 + 0) − a(tq,1 − 0)) x(1 − x) c(tq,1 p + 0)(1 − x) + c(tq,1 − 0)x ⎪ ⎪ & & ' ' ⎪ rq

⎪ ⎪ ⎩ a(k) (t0 ) δjk − tj (x)tk (x) + c(k) (t0 ) tj (x)tk (x) , j,k=1

where x ∈ [0, 1], tq,1 ∈ T , t0 runs through all nodes tq,rg −1 ∈ T with rq > 2, and c(z) = a(z) + b(z). Corollary 7.4.4. An operator A from R = R(P C(D, ), BD ) is Fredholm if and only if its symbol is invertible, i.e., sym A = 0 on Y, det sym A = 0 on X.


Chapter 7. Toeplitz Operators with Homogeneous Symbols

7.5 Some particular cases It is instructive to consider a number of model algebras. Some of them or their slight variations might be used then for a local description at the points of discontinuity of the algebra R(P C(D, ), BD ) with more sophisticated types of discontinuities. Although we could pursue our investigations for functions having any fixed number of limit values at the boundary points, we consider only the three-limitvalue case which permits us to make more transparent pictures. As in the last part of Section 7.3 we study the C ∗ -algebra R(H(P Co([0, π], Λ)), BΠ ) which is generated now by four orthogonal projections acting on L2 (Π), P = BΠ


Qk = χVk I,

k = 1, 2, 3,

where each cone Vk = ∪j Vkj , k = 1, 2, 3, is a union of finite or countable numbers of cones of Vkj supported on (θkj −1 , θkj ], and Π = ∪3k=1 Vk . That is, each piece-wise constant function a(z) = a1 χV1 (z) + a2 χV2 (z) + a3 χV3 (z) achieves its limit value ak at the origin inside the cone Vk , k = 1, 2, 3, as in Section 7.3. At the same time, and contrary to the previous case, each cone Vk is no longer supported on only one subinterval in general. Theorem 7.3.5 still describes our algebra; however there are some peculiarities. The curve Δ(Λ), lying on the two-dimensional simplex and being the joint spectrum of the corresponding commuting positive operators Ck = P Qk P = TVk ,

k = 1, 2, 3,

now does not have so regular behaviour, as in Figure 7.1, and does not necessarily connect the vertices (1, 0, 0) and (0, 0, 1). To illustrate this we start with the case of a finite partition of [0, π]. In the pictures we present four curves which correspond to the following projections and angles. In the first picture: a.1 :

θ1 = 0.05π, θ2 = 0.07π, θ3 = 0.5π, θ4 = 0.65π, θ5 = 0.8π

a.2 :

Q1 = χ[0,θ1 ]∪(θ5 ,π] I, Q2 = χ(θ1 ,θ2 ]∪(θ3 ,θ4 ] I, Q3 = χ(θ2 ,θ3 ]∪(θ4 ,θ5 ] I; θ1 = 0.1π, θ2 = 0.2π, θ3 = 0.88π, θ4 = 0.98π, Q1 = χ[0,θ1 ]∪(θ4 ,π] I, Q2 = χ(θ1 ,θ2 ]∪(θ3 ,θ4 ] I, Q3 = χ(θ2 ,θ3 ] I;

7.5. Some particular cases

159 t3














0 0













0 0













0 2

Figure 7.5: Left to right, curves: a.1, a.2, and b.1, b.2.

and in the second picture: b.1 :

θ1 = 0.1π, θ2 = 0.4π, θ3 = 0.5π, θ4 = 0.7π, θ5 = 0.9π

b.2 :

Q1 = χ[0,θ1 ]∪(θ4 ,θ5 ] I, Q2 = χ(θ1 ,θ2 ]∪(θ3 ,θ4 ] I, Q3 = χ(θ2 ,θ3 ]∪(θ5 ,π] I; θ1 = 0.1π, θ2 = 0.11π, θ3 = 0.2π, θ4 = 0.89π, θ5 = 0.9π Q1 = χ[0,θ1 ]∪(θ4 ,θ5 ] I, Q2 = χ(θ1 ,θ2 ]∪(θ3 ,θ4 ] I, Q3 = χ(θ2 ,θ3 ]∪(θ5 ,π] I.

We consider now examples of countable numbers of subintervals dividing the segment [0, π]. In the next two pictures we present five curves which correspond to the projections Qk = χVk I, k = 1, 2, 3, where the supports of the cones Vk for each picture are given respectively by ∞ π π , , 2k 2k − 1 k=1 &π π/ , = , 3 2 ∞ π π , , = 2k + 1 2k k=2 ∞ π π , , = 4k 2(2k − 1) k=1 ∞ ∞ π 1 π 1 ,π 1 − , ∪ , π 1− = 2(2k + 1) 4k 4k 2(2k + 1) k=1 k=1 ∞ 1 1 ,π 1 − , π 1− = 2(2k − 1) 4k

c.1 : supp V1 = supp V2 supp V3 c.2 : supp V1 supp V2 supp V3



Chapter 7. Toeplitz Operators with Homogeneous Symbols

and d.1 :

π π , 2(5k − 2) 2(5k − 4) k=1 ∞ 1 1 ,π 1 − , π 1− ∪ 2(5k − 2) 2(5k + 1) k=1 ∞ π π , , supp V2 = 2(5k − 1) 2(5k − 2) k=1 ∞ π π , supp V3 = 2(5k + 1) 2(5k − 1) k=1 ∞ 1 1 ,π 1 − , π 1− ∪ 2(5k − 4) 2(5k − 2) supp V1 =


d.2 :

supp V2

supp V3

d.3 :

π π , 2(5k − 3) 2(5k − 4) k=1 ∞ 1 1 ,π 1 − , π 1− ∪ 2(5k − 2) 10k k=1 ∞ π π , = 2(5k − 2) 2(5k − 3) k=1 ∞ 1 1 ,π 1 − , π 1− ∪ 2(5k − 4) 2(5k − 2) k=1 ∞ π π , = 2(5k + 1) 2(5k − 2) k=1 ∞ 1 1 ,π 1 − , π 1− ∪ 10k 2(5k + 1) k=1 ∞ π π , , = 5k 5k − 3 k=1 ∞ π π , , = 5k − 3 5k − 4 k=1 ∞ π π , . = 5k + 1) 5k

supp V1 =

supp V1 supp V2 supp V3


7.5. Some particular cases


Figure 7.6: Left to right, curves: c.1, c.2, and d.1, d.2, d.3. The behaviour of the boundary points of the curve Δ(Λ) is determined by the quantities Lk (0) = Lk (π) =

lim χVk (θ) (in case of existence, is equal to


lim χVk (θ) (in case of existence, is equal to


lim γχVk (λ)),


lim γχVk (λ)),


where k = 1, 2, 3, and is as follows. Let v1 = (1, 0, 0), v2 = (0, 1, 0), and v3 = (0, 0, 3) be the vertices of the standard two-dimensional simplex, and let sk be the boundary edge of the simplex opposite to the vertex vk , k = 1, 2, 3. Then (i) if the projection Qk satisfies the property that either Lk (0) or Lk (π) exists and is equal to 1, then the vertex vk belongs to Δ(Λ); (ii) if for the projection Qk either Lk (0) or Lk (π) exists and is equal to 0 and while for the other two projections the corresponding limits (at the same point) do not exist, then the curve Δ(Λ) ends on the edge sk ; (iii) if for all projections Qk the above limits do not exist either at 0 or at π (the same point for all projections), then the corresponding boundary point of Δ(Λ) belongs to the interior of the simplex. The different behaviour of the boundary points of the joint spectrum Δ(Λ) reflects the differences in the properties of the corresponding algebra S(Δ(Λ)). For the case of three-limit-value functions, the algebra S(Δ(Λ)) used in Theorem 7.3.5 coincides with the algebra of all 3 × 3 matrix-functions continuous on Δ(Λ) and diagonal at the vertices (1, 0, 0) and (0, 0, 1), which are the endpoints of Δ(Λ). The same type of the endpoint behaviour remains valid for case (i) above. In case (ii), however, at the corresponding endpoint the matrix, which is continuous on Δ(Λ), becomes block diagonal with 1 × 1 and 2 × 2 blocks, whose positions


Chapter 7. Toeplitz Operators with Homogeneous Symbols

within the 3 × 3 matrix depend on which boundary edge sk the endpoint belongs to. At the endpoints of case (iii) the matrix remains a 3 × 3 matrix. Thus we see that the dimensions of irreducible representations of the algebra S(Δ(Λ)) may vary. More precisely, the representation which corresponds to each endpoint of Δ(Λ) can be of the three following types: the direct sum of three one-dimensional representations; the direct sum of a one-dimensional representation and an irreducible two-dimensional representation; or an irreducible three-dimensional representation.

7.6 Toeplitz operator algebra. A first look We start with the unit disk D, a curve , and the C ∗ -algebra P C(D, ) as defined in Section 7.4. Denote by T = T (P C(D, )) the Toeplitz C ∗ -algebra, i.e., the C ∗ algebra generated by all Toeplitz operators Ta with defining symbols a ∈ P C(D, ). We obviously have T (C(D)) ⊂ T (P C(D, )), and thus by Lemma 2.8.4 the algebra T (P C(D, )) contains the ideal K of all compact operators on A2 (D) and is irreducible. Lemma 2.4.4 and Theorem 2.8.5 show, in particular, that the C ∗ -algebra T0 = T (C(D)/K ∼ = C(γ), where γ = ∂D is the unit circle, is a central commutative subalgebra of T = T (P C(D, ))/K. Thus to describe the Fredholm symbol algebra Sym T = T = T (P C(D, ))/K we use the Douglas-Varela local principle (see Subsection 1.1.6), localizing by points t0 ∈ γ. There are two different types of local algebras. The first one corresponds to the boundary points of continuity, i.e., t0 ∈ γ \ T , where T = ∩ γ is the set of boundary points of discontinuity, as in Section 7.4. The second one corresponds to the boundary points of discontinuity, i.e., t0 ∈ T . 1) Let t0 ∈ γ \ T . Then we are essentially in the situation of continuous defining symbols. That is, as is easy to see, a Toeplitz operator Ta with defining symbol a ∈ P C(D, ) is locally equivalent at the point t0 to the constant defining symbol operator Ta(t0 ) = a(t0 )I. This is because at a point of continuity a continuous function (symbol) is locally equivalent to its values at this point, and BD = I on the space A2 (D). Thus the local algebra T (t0 ), which corresponds to the point t0 , is isomorphic to C, and the homomorphism πt0 : T −→ T (t0 ) = C is generated by the mapping of generators πt0 : Ta −→ a(t0 ). 2.a) Let t0 ∈ T = ∩ γ. Assume first that t0 is a node of type tq,1 that is, only one curve meets the boundary at the node t0 . This case in fact was covered by Theorem 2.8.8, and the result is as follows. Denote by t0 − 0 and t0 + 0 the

7.6. Toeplitz operator algebra. A first look


points of the compact of maximal ideals of the algebra P C(D, )|γ such that a(t0 − 0) =


t→t0 , t≺t0



a(t0 + 0) =


t→t0 , t0 ≺t


for each a ∈ P C(D, ). Then the local algebra T (t0 ), which corresponds to the point t0 , is isomorphic to C([0, 1]), and the homomorphism πt0 : T −→ T (t0 ) = C([0, 1]) is generated by the mapping of generators πt0 : Ta −→ a(t0 − 0)(1 − x) + a(t0 + 0)x, where x ∈ [0, 1]. 2.b) Let finally t0 = tq,rq −1 ∈ T , that is, there are rq −1 curves meeting at this node. Recall that any function a(z) ∈ P C(D, ) has rq limit values at this node, which we denoted by a(1) (tq,rq −1 ), . . ., a(r) (tq,rq −1 ), counting counter-clockwise. Introduce the ordered set Λq = {θ1 , θ2 , . . . , θrq −1 } of the angles which the above rq − 1 curves form at the node t0 = tq,rq −1 ∈ γ, counting them counter-clockwise. Then, as is easy to see, each Toeplitz operator Ta with defining symbol a ∈ P C(D, ) is locally equivalent at the point t0 to the Toeplitz operator Tat0 whose defining symbol at0 is piece-wise constant in some neighborhood U of t0 and having the following form in U , (1)


(r )

at0 = at0 χU1 + at0 χU2 + . . . + at0 q χUrq , where each χUk is the characteristic function of the region which is the part of U lying between the k − 1 and k curves meeting at the node t0 = tq,rq −1 . By the hypotheses imposed on , there exists a M¨¨obius transformation ωt0 from the unit disk onto the upper half-plane mapping the node t0 to the origin and mapping the rq − 1 curves meeting at t0 to the rq − 1 lines which locally near the origin are straight line segments meeting at the origin. Note that these straight line segments have the same angles θ1 , θ2 , . . . , θrq −1 with the real axis. Under the above M¨ o¨bius transformation ωt0 the local algebra T (t0 ) of the initial algebra T (P C(D, )) is obviously isomorphic to the local algebra T (0) at the origin 0 = wt0 (t0 ) of the algebra T = T (P C(Π, wt0 ())), obtained by the unitary equivalence with the initial algebra T . Observe now that the local algebra T (0) is generated by the Toeplitz operators with H(P Co([0, π]0, Λq )) defining symbols, and thus is nothing but the algebra T (H(P Co([0, π], Λq ))), which was described in Theorem 7.2.9. That is, we have


Chapter 7. Toeplitz Operators with Homogeneous Symbols

Lemma 7.6.1. The local algebra T (t0 ), which corresponds to the point t0 , is isomorphic to T (H(P Co([0, π], Λq ))) ∼ = C(Δ(Λq )). The homomorphism πt0 : T −→ T (H(P Co([0, π], Λ)) = C(Δ(Λq )) is generated by the mapping of generators (1)


(r )

πt0 : Ta −→ at0 t1 + at0 t2 + . . . + at0 q trq ,

t = (t1 , t2 , . . . , trq ) ∈ Δ(Λq )

where, see (7.2.6), Δ(Λq ) = {(t1 , t2 , . . . , trq ) : tk = γχVk (λ), λ ∈ R, k = 1, . . . , rq }


is a continuous curve lying on the standard (rq − 1)-dimensional simplex, and connecting the vertices (1, 0, . . . , 0) and (0, . . . , 0, 1), and each tk = γχVk (λ), k = 1, . . . , rq , is given by, see (7.2.5), θk 2λ e−2θk λ − e−2θk−1 λ , λ ∈ R. tk = γχVk (λ) = e−2λθ dθ = −2πλ 1−e e−2πλ − 1 θk −1 (1)

(r ) at0 q

It is worth mentioning, that putting in the lemma rq = 2, at0 = a(t0 + 0), (2) at0

= = a(t0 − 0), t1 = x ∈ [0, 1], t2 = 1 − x, we obtain the description of case 2.a) above. Now we paste together all the local descriptions. Denote by γ the set γ, cut at the points tq,rq −1 ∈ T = ∩ γ. The pair of points which correspond to a point tq,rq −1 ∈ T will be denoted by tq,rq −1 − 0 and tq,rq −1 + 0, following the positive orientation of γ. Let X = ∪q Δ(Λq ) be the disjoint union of the sets (7.6.1). Denote by Γ the union γ ∪ X with the point identification tq,rq −1 − 0 ≡ (1, 0, . . . , 0)

tq,rq −1 + 0 ≡ (0, . . . , 0, 1),

where tq,rq −1 ± 0 ∈ γ , and the vertices (1, 0, . . . , 0) and (0, . . . , 0, 1) are the boundary points of Δ(Λq ). Then we have obviously Theorem 7.6.2. The C ∗ -algebra T = T (P C(D, )) is irreducible and contains the ideal K of compact operators. The Fredholm symbol algebra Sym T = T /K is isomorphic to the algebra C(Γ). Identifying them, the symbol homomorphism sym : T → Sym T = C(Γ) is generated by the following mapping of generators of T , # a(t), t∈γ sym : Ta −→ , (rq ) (1) (2) atq,rq −1 t1 +atq,rq −1 t2 + . . . +atq,rq −1 trq , (t1 , t2 , . . . , trq ) ∈ Δ(Λq ) where tq,rq −1 ∈ T . Each operator T ∈ T is Fredholm if and only if its symbol is invertible, i.e., the function sym T is non-zero on Γ, and 1 Ind T = − {sym T }Γ . 2π

7.7. Toeplitz operator algebra. Some more analysis


7.7 Toeplitz operator algebra. Some more analysis The representation of the Fredholm symbol for a Toeplitz operator Ta , with a ∈ P C(D, ), given by Theorem 7.6.2 is very convenient for the description of the essential spectrum of Ta and understanding of the geometric regularities of its behaviour. Indeed, given a defining symbol a ∈ P C(D, ), the essential spectrum ess-sp Ta of the operator Ta , which is obviously equal to Im sym Ta , consists of two parts. Its regular part is the image of the Fredholm symbol restricted on the boundary points of continuity, i.e., sym Ta |γ = a|γ . Its complementary part is a finite number of additional arcs, each one of which is the restriction of sym Ta to the curve Δ(Λq ) which corresponds to a boundary point of discontinuity tq,rq −1 . We note that each such curve sym Ta |Δ(Λq ) describes as well the spectrum of the local representative at the point tq,rq −1 of the initial operator Ta . Let us assume that t0 is a boundary point of discontinuity for functions from P C(D, ) in which n curves from meet. As previously, introduce the ordered set Λ = {θ1 , θ2 , . . . , θn−1 } of the angles which the above n curves form with the boundary γ, counting them counter-clockwise. As above, we add θ0 = 0 and θn = π. Given a defining symbol a ∈ P C(D, ), introduce the ordered set A = {a1 , a2 , . . . , an }, where each ak , k = 1, 2, . . . , n, is the limit value of a at point t0 reached from the region between the (k − 1)-th and k-th curves. The local representative at the point t0 of the operator Ta can be taken as the Toeplitz operator TA,Λ with the piece-wise constant defining symbol aA,Λ (θ) = a1 χV1 (θ) + . . . + an χVn (θ) ∈ H(P Co([0, π], Λ)), where each χVk is the characteristic function of the cone Vk supported on (θk−1 , θk ]. That is, the spectrum of TaA,Λ , which is the same as the corresponding portion of the essential spectrum of Ta , is governed by the sets A and Λ and is given by the formula sp TaA,Λ = {a1 t1 + . . . + an tn : t = (t1 , t2 , . . . , tn ) ∈ Δ(Λ)}.


It is instructive to understand the geometric regularities of its behaviour. We start with the simplest case of just two limit values. Let A = (a1 , a2 ) and Λ = {θ1 }. In this case the spectrum sp TaA,Λ does not depend at all on Λ, is uniquely determined by A, and is the straight line segment connecting the points a1 and a2 . This is an effect of low dimension: each line connecting the vertices of an one-dimensional simplex is the simplex itself, and is the straight line segment connecting the vertices.


Chapter 7. Toeplitz Operators with Homogeneous Symbols

Passing to the case n > 2 we consider first the most transparent case n = 3. In this case the curve Δ(Λ) lies on a two-dimensional simplex having the same dimension as the complex plane where the spectrum lies. As we already know (see Figure 7.1), the continuous curve Δ(Λ) connecting the vertices v1 = (1, 0, 0) and v3 = (0, 0, 1) does depend essentially on Λ. Then by (7.7.1) the spectrum, geometrically, sp TaA,Λ is the image of the curve Δ(Λ) under the projection (affine mapping) of the two-dimensional simplex to the complex plane such that each vertex vk is projected to ak , k = 1, 2, 3, and ak ∈ A. That is, the set A determines the triangle to which the simplex is projected, while the set Λ determines the shape of the line Δ(Λ) whose projection to the already defined triangle gives the spectrum. In the next two pictures we illustrate this for three different sets Λ, being the first, third, and fifth set of angles of Figure 7.1. That is, we consider the sets of angles (0.48π, 0.52π), (0.3π, 0.7π), and (0.1π, 0.9π), ordered as generated from less to more curved lines. For the first picture the set A is given by (0.1+0.1i, 0.9i, 0.9+ 0.5i), and A = ((0.1 + 0.1i, 1 + 0.2i, 0.9 + 0.5i), for the second picture. For both sets we leave the same values of a1 and a3 , making the pictures “one-parametric” in their dependence on a2 . 1
























a2 a1 0












0 0











Figure 7.7: Spectra of TaA,Λ for three-limit-values defining symbols. The case n > 3 maintains in principle the same features. The spectrum sp TaA,Λ is the image of the curve Δ(Λ) under the projection (affine mapping) of, now, the (n−1)-dimensional simplex onto a certain convex polygon on the complex plane such that each vertex vk is projected to ak , k = 1, 2, , . . . , n, and ak ∈ A. The curve Δ(Λ) connecting the vertices v1 = (1, 0, . . . , 0) and vn = (0, . . . , 0, 1) does depend essentially on Λ. The set A determines the polygon to which the simplex is projected, while the set Λ determines the shape of the line Δ(Λ) whose projection to the already defined polygon gives the spectrum. The only difference is that now

7.7. Toeplitz operator algebra. Some more analysis


this convex polygon has n or fewer vertices, depending on the way, prescribed by A, in which the (n − 1)-dimensional simplex is projected to the two-dimensional polygon. That is, the projections of some vertices can be (or not) in the interior of the polygon. In the next two pictures we present the cases of five limit-values defining symbols for which the 4-dimensional simplex is projected onto a pentagon and a triangle, respectively. We consider the sets A, (0.2 + 0.1i, 0.4 + 0.9i, 0.8 + 0.1i, 0.1 + 0.7i, 0.9 + 0.8i) and (0.2 + 0.1i, 0.5 + 0.6i, 0.1 + 0.9i, 0.3 + 0.4i, 0.9 + 0.8i), maintaining the same values of a1 and a5 for both cases. Both pictures represent three spectra for which the sets Λ are (0.46π, 0.48π, 0.52π, 0.54π) (0.2π, 0.2π, 0.7π, 0.8π) (0.0002π, 0.01π, 0.99π, 0.9998π), and which again correspond to lines ordered from less to more curved. 1












a4 0.7



















0 0












0 0











Figure 7.8: Spectra of TaA,Λ for five limit-values defining symbols (pentagon and triangle). One more illustration presents two pictures of the five limit-values case for the same as above three sets Λ and for the sets A, (0.2 + 0.1i, 0.1 + 0.8i, 0.5 + 0.9i, 0.9 + 0.8i, 0.8 + 0.1i) (0.2 + 0.1i, 0.1 + 0.8i, 0.3 + 0.7i, 0.9 + 0.8i, 0.8 + 0.1i), the only difference in them being the value of a3 , which reflects the change of a pentagon to a quadrangle.


Chapter 7. Toeplitz Operators with Homogeneous Symbols 1















a3 0.7














0 0

a1 0.1














0 0











Figure 7.9: Spectra of TaA,Λ for five limit-values defining symbols (pentagon and quadrangle). We note that the spectrum sp TaA,Λ becomes more rectilinear and more stable under the perturbations of ak ∈ A, k = 2, . . . , n − 1, for bigger values of the angles θ1 and π − θn−1 . Further, the spectrum approaches to the straight line segment connecting the images of the vertices (1, 0, . . . , 0) and (0, . . . , 0, 1) when the sum of these angles tends to π. The opposite tendency, in a sense, appears when the angles between the curves intersecting at t0 and the boundary of the domain tend to 0. In that case the spectrum approaches the union of straight line segments passing in series through the images of the vertices (1, 0, . . . , 0), (0, 1, 0, . . . , 0), . . ., (0, . . . , 0, 1). At the same time the description given by Theorem 7.6.2 hides some essential properties of the above Toeplitz operator algebras. It turns out that each Toeplitz operator algebra T (P C(D, )) contains, apart from of its initial generators Ta with defining symbols a ∈ P C(D, ), many other Toeplitz operators with much more general defining symbols. To show this we start with the local situation of piece-wise continuous defining symbols having only two-limit-values at the point of discontinuity. Consider A2 (Π) and the Toeplitz operator T+ with defining symbol a+ (z) = χ+ (Re z) = χ+ (x), where χ+ is the characteristic function of the positive half-line. We have as well that a+ (z) = a+ (reiθ ) = χ[0,π/2] (θ), and thus a+ ∈ H(P Co([0, π], {π/2})). The Toeplitz operator T+ ∈ T (H(P Co([0, π], {π/2}))) is unitary equivalent to the multiplication operator γa+ I, where, by (7.2.1), γa+ (λ)

= =

π 2λ χ[0,π/2] (θ) e−2λθ dθ 1 − e−2πλ 0 1 e−πλ − 1 = −πλ , λ ∈ R. −2πλ e −1 e +1


7.7. Toeplitz operator algebra. Some more analysis


The operator T+ is obviously self-adjoint and sp T+ = [0, 1]. Thus for any function f continuous on [0, 1] the operator f (T T+ ) is well defined by the standard functional calculus in C ∗ -algebras; furthermore the operator f (T T+ ) belongs to the same algebra T (H(P Co([0, π], {π/2}))). Example 7.7.1. Consider the family of functions fα parameterized by α ∈ [0, 1] and given by fα (x) = x2(1−α)

(1 − x)2α − x2α , (1 − x) − x

x ∈ [0, 1].


Each function fα is continuous on [0, 1], and fα (0) = 0, fα (1) = 1. Let us mention as well some particular cases f0 (x) ≡ 0,

f 21 (x) = x,

f1 (x) ≡ 1.

Then fα (T T+ ) = Tχ[0,απ] ∈ T (H(P Co([0, π], {π/2}))), where the defining symbol χ[0,απ] of Tχ[0,απ] belongs to H(P Co([0, π], {απ})). Proof. We will exploit the isomorphism between the Toeplitz operator algebra and the functional algebra given in Corollary 7.2.2. Introduce 1 ∈ [0, 1], e−πλ + 1

x = γa+ (λ) = which is equivalent to

1 1−x ln . π x the corresponding function γχ[0,απ] is given by

λ = λ(x) = − Then for the operator Tχ[0,απ] 2λ γχ[0,απ] (λ) = 1 − e−2πλ


χ[0,λπ] (θ) e−2λθ dθ =

e−2απλ − 1 , e−2πλ − 1

λ ∈ R.

Substituting λ = λ(x) we have 1

γχ[0,απ] (λ(x))


e2απ π


1 e2π π ln

1−x x

1−x 2α =


1−x 2 x

1−x x

−1 −1

−1 −1

= x2(1−α)

(1 − x)2α − x2α . (1 − x) − x

Note, that the above mentioned particular cases of fα lead to the equalities f0 (T T+ ) = 0, as should be.

f 12 (T T+ ) = T+ ,

f1 (T T+ ) = I,


Chapter 7. Toeplitz Operators with Homogeneous Symbols

In the next example we present a connection between Toeplitz operators with piece-wise constant defining symbols having just two and more than two limit values at the single point of discontinuity. Example 7.7.2. Given a finite ordered set of numbers 0 < α1 < α2 < . . . < αn−1 < 1, we introduce Λ = {α1 π, α2 π, . . . , αn−1 π}, for convenience we add α0 = 0 and αn = 1. Let further A = {a1 , a2 , . . . , an } be an ordered set of complex numbers. Given both A and Λ, we define the piece-wise constant symbol aA,Λ (θ) =


ak χ(αk−1 π,αk π] ∈ P Co([0, π], Λ)


and the function fA,Λ = fA,Λ (x) continuous on [0, 1] defined by fA,Λ (x) =




(1 − x)2αk x2(1−αk ) − (1 − x)2αk−1 x2(1−αk−1 ) . (1 − x) − x

Then fA,Λ (T T+ ) = TaA,Λ ∈ T (H(P Co([0, π], {π/2}))). Proof. Consider the Toeplitz operator TaA,Λ . Using (7.2.5), we have γaA,Λ (λ)

= =

π 2λ aA,Λ (θ) e−2λθ dθ 1 − e−2πλ 0 n e−2αk πλ − e−2αk−1 πλ , ak e−2πλ − 1

λ ∈ R.


Substitute, as in the previous example, λ = λ(x). Then after a simple calculation we have γaA,Λ (λ(x)) =

n k=1


(1 − x)2αk x2(1−αk ) − (1 − x)2αk−1 x2(1−αk−1 ) . (1 − x) − x

Theorem 7.2.5 and Corollary 7.2.6 imply, in particular, that every Toeplitz (0,π) operator with H(L∞ ([0, π]))-symbol can be obtained in a similar way. The exact formula for the corresponding continuous function f (x), though necessarily rather implicit, is given in the next example.

7.7. Toeplitz operator algebra. Some more analysis



Example 7.7.3. Given a function a = a(θ) ∈ H(L∞ ([0, π])), let 2x2 ln(1 − x) − ln x fa (x) = π (1 − x) − x


a(θ) 0

1−x x

2θ π dθ.

Then fa (T T+ ) = Ta . Remark 7.7.4. In the above examples we have considered the Toeplitz operator T+ as the starting operator for a very simple reason. Precisely in this specific case the generically transcendental equation x = γa (λ) admits an explicit solution. At the same time we can start as well from any Toeplitz operator Tα having the defining symbol χ[0,απ] , where α ∈ (0, π). Indeed, as follows from the proof of Corollary 7.2.6, the function γχ[0,απ] (λ) is strictly increasing. This implies that the function fα (x) (see (7.7.3)), which maps [0, 1] onto [0, 1], is strictly increasing as well. Thus the function fα−1 (x) is well defined and continuous on [0, 1]. (0,π) Finally, given α, β ∈ (0, π), A, Λ, and a = a(θ) ∈ H(L∞ ([0, π])), we have Tα ∈ T (H(P Co([0, π], {απ}))) and (ffβ ◦ fα−1 )(T Tα ) = −1 Tα ) = (ffA,Λ ◦ fα )(T (ffa ◦ fα−1 )(T Tα ) =

Tβ , TaA,Λ , Ta ,

where all Toeplitz operators on the right-hand side of the above equalities belong to T (H(P Co([0, π], {απ}))). The above examples show that studying the algebra generated by Toeplitz operators, whose defining symbols admit discontinuities at a finite number of boundary points, we can start from any symbol algebra selected from a wide variety of defining symbol classes. Moreover, the line entering in the definition of the defining symbol algebra P C(D, ) does not play in fact any significant role. In all such cases the resulting C ∗ -algebra will contain all Toeplitz operators whose defining symbols admit “homogeneous type discontinuity” locally described by the algebra (0,π) H(L∞ ([0, π])), as above, at every boundary point of discontinuity. Thus it seems to be reasonable to include the Toeplitz operators with such defining symbols among the generators of the algebra from the very beginning. In this case the definition proceeds as follows. Let Λ = {t1 , t2 , . . . , tm } be a finite set of distinct points on the unit circle γ = ∂D. Introduce the linear space BP C(D, Λ) (BP C stands for Boundary Piece-wise Continuous) which consists of all functions a(z) obeying the following properties: (i) a(z) ∈ L∞ (D);


Chapter 7. Toeplitz Operators with Homogeneous Symbols

(ii) a(z) has limit values at all boundary points t ∈ γ \ Λ, and the function a(t), constructed by these limit values, is continuous in γ \ Λ; (iii) at each point t0 ∈ Λ the function a(z) has a “homogeneous type discontinuity”, which means that there exists a M¨¨obius transformation z = zt0 (w) of the upper half-plane Π to the unit disk D with t0 = zt0 (0) and a homogeneous (0,π) function at0 (w) ∈ H(L∞ ([0, π])) of order zero such that lim [a(zt0 (w)) − at0 (w)] = 0.


Let us comment on this definition. The set BP C(D, Λ) in fact is a C ∗ -algebra, although only the linear space structure is important for our purposes. The function a(t), as a function of the boundary points, belongs to P C(γ, Λ) that is, for each point t0 ∈ Λ the limits lim

t→t0 , t≺t0

a(t) = a(t0 − 0)



t→t0 , t0 ≺t

a(t) = a(t0 + 0)

are well defined. The property (iii) of the above definition can be alternatively described in geometric terms of D as follows. For each point t0 ∈ Λ there is a hyperbolic pencil Pt0 (see Section 9.4 and Figure 9.3), such that t0 is the endpoint of its axis, and a function at0 (z) which is constant on cycles of Pt0 and whose values on (each) geodesic are given by an L∞ -function having limit values at the endpoints of the geodesic on γ (points at infinity in the hyperbolic geometry), such that lim [a(z) − at0 (z)] = 0. z→t0

Consider now the C ∗ -algebra TBP C = T (BP C(D, Λ)) generated by all Toeplitz operators Ta with defining symbols a ∈ BP C(D, Λ). Let, as previously, γ be the set γ cut at the points tp ∈ Λ. The pair of points which correspond to a point tp ∈ Λ, p = 1, m, will be denoted by tp − 0 and tp + 0, following the positive orientation of γ. Let X = m p=1 Δp be the disjoint union of segments Δp = [0, 1]. Denote by Γ the union γ ∪ X with the point identification tp − 0 ≡ 1p ,

tp + 0 ≡ 0 p ,

, 0p and 1p are the boundary points of Δp , p = 1, 2, . . . , m. where tp ± 0 ∈ γ Then we obviously have Theorem 7.7.5. The C ∗ -algebra TBP C = T (BP C(D, Λ)) is irreducible and contains the ideal K of compact operators. The Fredholm symbol algebra Sym TBP C = TBP C /K is isomorphic to the algebra C(Γ). Identifying them, the symbol homomorphism sym : TBP C → Sym TBP C = C(Γ)

7.7. Toeplitz operator algebra. Some more analysis


is generated by the following mapping of generators of TBP C , ⎧ ⎨ a(t), t∈γ , sym : Ta −→ ⎩ γatp √ 1−2x 2 , x ∈ [0, 1] 1−(1−2x)

where atp is the function defined by the above property (iii) for a(z) at the point tp ∈ Λ, p = 1, 2, . . . , m, and π 2λ atp (θ) e−2λθ dθ, λ ∈ R. γatp (λ) = 1 − e−2πλ 0 The operator T ∈ TBP C is Fredholm if and only if its symbol is invertible, i.e., the sym T = 0 on Γ, and Ind T = −

1 {sym T }Γ . 2π

Proof. Easily follows from the local principle, Theorem 7.2.4 and Theorem 7.6.2. We mention that the algebras described by Theorems 2.8.8, 7.6.2, and 7.7.5 consist of the same operators, in spite of the fact that their initial generators are quite different. As it turns out, the first algebra generated by Toeplitz operators with discontinuous defining symbols, which was described by Theorem 2.8.8, already contained all the operators with BP C(D, T )-symbols. For about twenty years there was no way to see this. At the same time Theorem 7.7.5 gives a transparent description for all Toeplitz operators for all BP C(D, T )-symbols.

Chapter 8

Anatomy of the Algebra Generated by Toeplitz Operators with Piece-wise Continuous Symbols In this chapter we continue the study of the C ∗ -algebra generated by Toeplitz operators Ta with piece-wise continuous defining symbols a acting on the Bergman space A2 (D) on the unit disk D. Our aim here is to describe explicitly each operator from this algebra and to characterize the Toeplitz operators which belong to the algebra. The first structural result on Toeplitz operator algebras is due to L. Coburn [42] and goes back to early 1970s. It says, see Theorem 2.8.5, that the C ∗ -algebra T (C(D)) generated by Toeplitz operators with defining symbols continuous on D is irreducible and contains the entire ideal K of compact operators on A2 (D). Every operator T ∈ T (C(D)) is of the form T = Ta + K, where a ∈ C(D) and K is a compact operator. The key property of Toeplitz operators behind this result is that the semicommutator of two Toeplitz operators with continuous defining symbols [T Ta , Tb ) = Ta Tb − Tab is compact. The maximal class of defining symbols for which the above structural result remains true was introduced and studied by K. Zhu, see, for example, [237, 240]. For a brief description of this class see the end of Section 5.1. Recall that this class coincides with Q = V M O∂ (D) ∩ L∞ (D) and is the maximal C ∗ -subalgebra of L∞ (D) having the compact semi-commutator property.


Chapter 8. Anatomy of the Algebra Generated by Toeplitz Operators

However, by Theorem 2.8.6, for piece-wise continuous defining symbols, the semi-commutators of Toeplitz operators are no longer compact in general. As was already mentioned, this immediately leads to a much more complicated structure for the C ∗ -algebra generated by such operators. Indeed, apart from the initial generators, the Toeplitz operators Ta with piece-wise continuous defining symbols, the algebra contains now all elements of the form qk p

Taj,k ,

k=1 j=1

as well as the uniform limits of sequences of such elements. The Fredholm symbol algebra for the C ∗ -algebra generated by Toeplitz operators Ta with piece-wise continuous defining symbols was described in Theorem 2.8.8. At the same time many important questions connected with the structure of the algebra itself remained unanswered. We list some of them in the following general setting. Let A ∈ L∞ (D) be a set (linear space or algebra) of initial defining symbols. Denote by T (A) the C ∗ -algebra generated by all Toeplitz operators Ta with symbols from A. The following questions are of great importance. (i) Describe the Fredholm symbol algebra Sym T (A) = T (A)/T (A)∩K of the algebra T (A), as well as the symbol homomorphism sym : T (A) → Sym T (A); here K is the ideal of compact operators on A2 (D). (ii) Describe a canonical representation of elements forming T (A) clarifying thus the structure of the algebra T (A). (iii) Given an element sym A from the Fredholm symbol algebra Sym T (A), characterize an operator A ∈ T (A) having this image in the symbol algebra. (iv) Characterize the Toeplitz operators Tb which belong to T (A), as well as the variety of their possible defining symbols b. We consider here the case when A is the class of piece-wise continuous symbols defined in the next section. The complete answer to (i) is given by Theorem 2.8.8, while questions (ii)–(iv) remained unanswered. Our aim here is to answer these last questions. In this connection we mention an intensive study of the question of when the product of two Toeplitz operators is a Toeplitz operator. Not pretending to be ˇ Cuˇ ˇ ˇckovi´c [3, 4, 5], complete, we cite, for example, the papers by P. Ahern and Z. I. Louhichi, E. Strouse, and L. Zakariasy [133], and S. Pott and E. Strouse [160]. This interesting and important problem naturally leads to a more general question: under what conditions will an application of any algebraic operation (summation, product, uniform limit) to Toeplitz operators produce a Toeplitz operator; which combinations of which Toeplitz operators give Toeplitz operators? If we restrict ourselves to a specific class of initial Toeplitz operators, then this last question becomes precisely the fourth one from the above list.

8.1. Symbol class and operators


8.1 Symbol class and operators As was mentioned at the end of Section 7.7, considering Toeplitz operators with piece-wise continuous defining symbols, it turns out that neither the curves supporting the symbol discontinuities nor the number of such curves meeting at a boundary point of discontinuity play any essential role for the Toeplitz operator algebra studied. We can start from very different sets of defining symbols and obtain exactly the same operator algebra as a result. Thus, without loss of generality, we fix now a certain setup which is suitable for our needs. We fix a finite number of distinct points T = {t1 , . . . , tm } on the boundary γ of the unit disk D, and let δ = min{|tk − tj |, 1}. k= j

m, the part of the radius of D starting at tk and having Denote by k , k = 1, . . . , m length δ/3; and let L = k=1 k . We denote by P C(D, T ) the set (algebra) of all piece-wise continuous functions on D which are continuous in D \ L and have onesided limit values at each point of L. In particular, every function a ∈ P C(D, T ) has at each point tk ∈ T two (different, in general) limit values: a− (tk ) = a(tk −0) =


γ t→tk , t≺tk


a+ (tk ) = a(tk +0) =



γ t→tk , ttk


the signs ± here correspond to the standard orientation of the boundary γ of D. For each k = 1, . . . , m, denote by χk = χk (z) the characteristic function of the half-disk obtained by cutting D by the diameter passing through tk ∈ T , and − such that χ+ k (tk ) = 1, and thus χk (tk ) = 0. For each k = 1, . . . , m, we introduce two neighborhoods of the point tk : Vk = {z ∈ D : |z − tk |
0 there is λ0 > 0 such that for each λ > λ0 and each n ∈ Z+ we have |γa (λ + n) − γa (+∞)| < ε.


Chapter 8. Anatomy of the Algebra Generated by Toeplitz Operators

Thus for λ > λ0 we have |γCa (λ) − γa (+∞)| < ε ·

λ + o(1) = ε + o(1), (λ + n)2 n=0

or lim γCa (λ) = γa (+∞).


The proof that lim γDa (λ) = γa (−∞)


follows now from Remark 8.5.1. Let now γCa (λ) ∈ C(R). Assuming that λ → +∞, we have γa (λ)

= = =

2λ 1 − e−2πλ 2λ 1 − e−2πλ




!0 e




a(u) du 0




a(u) du + 2λ 0



a(u) du e 0

" −2λθ

π 2λ λ Ca (θ)(1 − e−2θ ) e−2λθ dθ 1 − e−2πλ 0 1 + e−2πλ (1 − e−2λπ )C Ca (π) 2

1 − e−2π(λ+1) 2λ2 · γCa (λ + 1) + O(λe−2πλ ) 2(λ + 1) 1 − e−2πλ λ2 γC (λ + 1) + O(λe−2πλ ). = λ γCa (λ) − λ+1 a

= λ γCa (λ) −

That is, we come to the equality γCa (λ) − γCa (λ + 1) +

γCa (λ + 1) γa (λ) + O(e−2πλ ) = . λ+1 λ


Changing, if necessary, the initial symbol a(θ) by adding a constant, we may assume without loss of generality that lim γCa (λ) = 0.


Introduce the function α(λ) = sup |γCa (ξ)|, ξ≥λ

which is non-increasing and satisfies lim α(λ) = 0.


8.5. More Toeplitz operators Substitute


λ + 1, λ + 2, . . . , λ + [λ · α1/2 (λ)]

for λ in (8.5.10); here [·] is the entire part of a number; summing up the equalities obtained, we have n0 n0 γCa (λ + n + 1) γa (λ + n) + O(n0 e−2πλ ) = , λ + n + 1 λ+n n=0 n=0 (8.5.11) where n0 = n0 (λ) = [λ · α1/2 (λ)]. We assume now that lim γa (λ) = 0.

γCa (λ) − γCa (λ + n0 + 1) +


That is, there exists a sequence {λk }∞ k=1 which tends to +∞ and such that for some σ > 0, |γa (λk )| ≥ σ, for all k = 1, 2, . . . . We denote by E1 (λ) the left-hand side of the equality in (8.5.11) and estimate it: |E1 (λk )| ≤ ≤ = ≤ ≤

2α(λk ) + α(λk )


1 + O((n0 + 1)e−2πλk ) λ + n + 1 k n=0

λk + n0 + 1 + O((n0 + 1)e−2πλk ) λk + 1 n0 + O((n0 + 1)e−2πλk ) 2α(λk ) + α(λk ) ln 1 + λk + 1 & ' const α(λk )(1 + α1/2 (λk )) + O((n0 + 1)e−2πλk ) const α(λk ) + O((n0 + 1)e−2πλk ) . 2α(λk ) + α(λk ) ln

We denote now the right-hand side of the equality in (8.5.11) by E2 (λ) and estimate it: E2 (λk )


n0 n0 γa (λk ) γa (λk + n) − γa (λk ) + λ + n n=0 λk + n n=0 k

= γa (λk ) ln where E2,2 (λk ) =

λk + n0 + o(1) + E2,2 (λk ), λk

n0 γa (λk + n) − γa (λk ) . λk + n n=0

As the function n0 = n0 (λ) satisfies (8.5.6), we make use of Theorem 8.5.6. That is, for each k ∈ N there is σk > 0 such that for each n ∈ [1, n0 ] ∩ N, |γa (λk ) − γa (λk + n)| < σk


lim σk = 0.



Chapter 8. Anatomy of the Algebra Generated by Toeplitz Operators

We have |E2,2 (λk )| ≤ σk ln and thus

λk + n0 (λk ) n0 (λk ) ≤ , λk λk

! " $ $ 2 $ $ n (λ ) (λ ) n (λ ) n 0 k 0 k 0 k $≤O $E2 (λk ) − γa (λk ) · . + σk $ λk $ λk λk

This yields |E2 (λk )| ≥

|γa (λk )| n0 (λk ) |γa (λk )| 1/2 · α (λk ), ≥ 2 λk 2


σ 1/2 α (λk ). 4 Substituting E1 (λk ) and E2 (λk ) in (8.5.11) by their estimates we have & ' σ const α(λk ) + λk α1/2 (λk ) e−2πλk + e−2πλk ≥ α1/2 (λk ). 4 |E2 (λk )| ≥

Now, if

e−2πλk = 0, k→∞ α1/2 (λk ) then we come to a contradiction, and thus lim


lim γa (λ) = 0.


If (8.5.12) does not hold, then there exist σ1 > 0 and a subsequence {λkl }∞ l=1 of the sequence {λk }∞ k=1 such that for each l ∈ N, e−2πλkl ≥ σ1 α1/2 (λkl ). Then substituting λ = λkl in (8.5.10) we come to 1 e−4πλkl σ e−4πλkl + const e−2πλkl ≥ 1 + + , 2 2 σ1 σ1 λkl + 1 λkl which again leads to a contradiction. The proof that γa (λ) is continuous at the point −∞ again follows from Remark 8.5.1. We note that the above results uncover a variety of Toeplitz operators in (0,π) T (H(L∞ (0, π))) whose bounded defining symbols may not have limit values at the endpoints 0 and π, extending thereby the descriptions of Toeplitz operators in T (P C(D, T )) of Section 8.4. (0,π) At the same time we have shown that the algebra T (H(L∞ (0, π))) also contains bounded Toeplitz operators with unbounded defining symbols. Anticipating and motivating their detailed study we now give an example showing how monstrous the defining symbols of Toeplitz operators from T (P C(D, T )) can be.

8.5. More Toeplitz operators


Example 8.5.8. Consider the algebra T (P C(D, T0 )) for the special case of the discontinuity set T0 = {t1 , t2 }, where t2 = −t1 . Then the Toeplitz operator Tχ1 = Ts + Tχ1 v12 + T(1−χ2 )v22 + K, obviously belongs to the algebra T (P C(D, T0 )). Here s(z) is a continuous function on D whose restriction on γ coincides with χ1 (t) − χ1 (t)v12 (t) − (1 − χ2 (t))v22 (t) = χ1 (t)(1 − v12 (t) − v22 (t)) and K is a compact operator. Recall that the characteristic functions χk and the functions vk , k = 1, 2, are as defined in Section 8.1. Thus for each function f (x) ∈ C[0, 1] the operator f (T Tχ1 ) belongs to the algebra T (P C(D, T0 )) as well. By (8.2.2) we have Vk Tχk Vk−1 = Tχ+ , where χ+ is the characteristic function of the right quarter-plane in Π and the operator Vk is given by (8.2.1). This unitary equivalence implies that Tχ+ )V Vk . f (T Tχk ) = Vk−1 f (T


Now for t1 ∈ T0 , let a0 (z) be a function on the unit disk such that iθ −β sin(sin θ)−α , a0 (θ) = a0 (α−1 1 (e )) = (sin θ)

where 0 ≤ β < 1 and α > 0. By Example 8.5.4 the Toeplitz operator Ta0 is bounded on A2 (Π) and belongs to the algebra generated by Tχ+ Moreover for the function 2x2 ln(1 − x) − ln x f0 (x) = π (1 − x) − x



(sin θ) 0


sin(sin θ)

1−x x

2θ π dθ,

which is continuous on [0, 1] and has zero values at the points 0 and 1, f0 (0) = f0 (1) = 0, we have that Ta0 = f0 (T Tχ+ ). Thus the Toeplitz operator Ta0 = f0 (T Tχ1 ) = V1−1 f0 (T Tχ+ )V V1 = V1−1 Ta0 V1 belongs to the algebra T (P C(D, T0 )). We note that the defining symbol a0 (z) is quite horrible, being unbounded and oscillating near every point of γ \ T and having quite a complicated angular behavior approaching the points of T . At the same time the Fredholm symbol of the operator Ta0 has quite a respectable form: ⎧ t∈γ ⎨ 0, f0 (x), x ∈ Δ1 = [0, 1] . sym Ta0 = ⎩ f0 (1 − x), x ∈ Δ2 = [0, 1]


Chapter 8. Anatomy of the Algebra Generated by Toeplitz Operators

8.6 Semi-commutators involving unbounded symbols The classical semi-commutator property [T Ta , Tb ) = Ta Tb − Tab ∈ K,

for all

a ∈ L∞ (D), b ∈ C(D),

played an essential role in the description of Toeplitz operators with bounded defining symbols in the algebra T (P C(D, T )). To study Toeplitz operators with unbounded defining symbols belonging to this algebra we need to understand first the properties of semi-commutators involving unbounded symbols. As it turns out, the question of compactness of the semi-commutator for unbounded a is quite delicate and does not have any universal answer. We will give two examples showing that the compactness result is not valid for general, and even special, unbounded defining symbols a and arbitrary b ∈ C(D). At the same time we will prove it for a certain special, and important for us, case of unbounded defining symbols a and a special choice of b ∈ C(D). Before passing to the examples we note that studying semi-commutators we will consider Toeplitz operators with more general defining symbols, which depend on both variables θ and r, where z = reiθ ∈ Π. For such general symbols c = c(r, θ) the Toeplitz operator Tc is no longer unitary equivalent to a multiplication operator. The operator RT Tc R∗ , where the operators R and R∗ are defined at the end of Section 7.1, now has a more complicated structure: it turns out to be a pseudodifferential operator with a certain compound (or double) symbol. The next theorem clarifies this statement for bounded defining symbols of a special and important product form: c = c(r, θ) = a(θ)v(r). The case of unbounded a(θ) will be treated in Theorem 8.6.5. Theorem 8.6.1. Given a bounded measurable defining symbol a(θ)v(r), the Toeplitz operator Tav acting on A2 (Π) is unitary equivalent to the pseudodifferential operator A1 = RT Tav R∗ acting on L2 (R). The operator A1 is given by 1 (A1 f )(λ) = 2π



a1 (x, y, ξ)ei(x−y)ξ f (y)dy,

x ∈ R,


where its compound symbol a1 (x, y, ξ) has the form a1 (x, y, ξ) = c(x, y) γa with 1 − e−π(x+y) c(x, y) = x+y and v (ξ) = v(e−ξ ).


x+y 2

2x 1 − e−2πx

v (ξ) )

2y , 1 − e−2πy


8.6. Semi-commutators involving unbounded symbols


Proof. We have (A1 f )(λ)

= (RT Ta(θ)v(r) R∗ f )(λ) = (R(R∗ R)a(θ)v(r)(R∗ R)R∗ f )(λ) = ((RR∗ )Ra(θ)v(r)R∗ (RR∗ )f )(λ) = (Ra(θ)v(r)R∗ f )(λ) = (R0∗ a(θ)(M ⊗ I)v(r)(M −1 ⊗ I)R0 f )(λ) ) π 2λ 1 −(λ−i)θ √ e a(θ)dθ r−iλ v(r)dr = 1 − e−2πλ 0 2π R+ ) 2α 1 iα−1 r f (α) e−(α+i)θ dα · √ 1 − e−2πα 2π R 1 1 = √ r−iλ v(r)dr √ riα−1 f (α)dα 2π R+ 2π R ) ) π 2λ 2α e−(λ+α)θ a(θ)dθ. · 1 − e−2πλ 1 − e−2πα 0

The last integral gives π λ+α 1 − e−π(λ+α) γa , e−(λ+α)θ a(θ)dθ = λ+α 2 0 and thus we have (A1 f )(λ)

= =


(RT Ta(θ)v(r) R∗ f )(λ) λ+α 1 v(r) r−i(λ−α)−1 f (α)dα, dr c(λ, α) γa 2π R+ 2 R

1 − e−π(λ+α) c(λ, α) = λ+α


2λ 1 − e−2πλ


2α . 1 − e−2πα


Changing variables, λ = x, α = y, and r = e−ξ , we finally have 1 dξ a1 (x, y, ξ)ei(x−y)ξ f (y)dy, x ∈ R, (A1 f )(x) = 2π R R

with a1 (x, y, ξ) = c(x, y) γa

x+y 2

v (ξ),

where c(x, y) is given by (8.6.3), and v (ξ) = v(e−ξ ).

Returning now to the examples we mention that the first one is just a minor modification of Example 6.2.1. Example 8.6.2. Let a(z) = a(r) = (1 − r2 )−β sin(1 − r2 )−α ∈ L1 (D)


Chapter 8. Anatomy of the Algebra Generated by Toeplitz Operators

and b(z) = b(r) = (1 − r2 )ε sin(1 − r2 )−α ∈ C(D) where z = reiθ , 0 < ε < β < 1. Then both Ta and Tb are bounded and compact. The product ab has the form a(r)b(r) =

(1 − r2 )−(β−ε) (1 − r2 )−(β−ε) cos 2(1 − r2 )−α − = c1 (r) − c2 (r). 2 2

Then the operator Tc1 is unbounded, while the operator Tc2 is compact. That is, the operator Tab is not bounded, and the (unbounded) semi-commutator is not compact. In what follows we will deal with the class of unbounded defining symbols which, considered in the upper half-plane setting, are the functions a(θ) ∈ H(L1 (0, π)), where z = reiθ ∈ Π, for which the corresponding Toeplitz operators Ta are bounded. The second example shows that even for such specific symbols a(θ) the semicommutator is not compact for each b(z) ∈ C(Π). Example 8.6.3. Let a(z) = a(θ) = θ−β sin θ−α and b(z) = w(r) θε sin θ−α , where z = reiθ , 0 < ε < β < 1, α > 0, such that ⎧ ⎨ 0, 1, w(r) ≡ ⎩ 0,

and w(r) is a [0, 1]-valued C ∞ - function r ∈ [0, δ1 ] r ∈ [δ2 , δ3 ] , r ∈ [δ4 , +∞]

and 0 < δ1 < δ2 < δ3 < δ4 < +∞. The operator Ta is bounded by the results of Example 8.5.3; the operator Tb is bounded as well because of b(z) ∈ C(Π). The product ab has the form a(θ)b(z) =

w(r)θ−δ cos 2θ−α w(r)θ−δ − = c1 (z) − c2 (z), 2 2

where δ = β − ε ∈ (0, 1). The Toeplitz operator Tc2 is bounded by Theorem 8.6.5. To prove that the semi-commutator [T Ta , Tb ) is not compact, it is sufficient to show, for example, that the operator Tc1 is unbounded. Let aδ (θ) = θ−δ , then 2λ γaδ (λ) = 1 − e−2πλ


θ 0

−δ −2λθ


(2λ)δ dθ = 1 − e−2πλ


u−δ e−u du.

8.6. Semi-commutators involving unbounded symbols


It is clear that if λ → +∞, then we have the asymptotics γaδ (λ) ∂γaδ (λ) ∂λ

= c0 λδ + o(1),


= δc0 λδ−1 + o(1),


where c0 = 2δ Γ(1 − δ). We will use now the representation (8.6.1) for the operator A1 = RT T c1 R ∗ . Setting 1 i(x−y)ξ w(x − y) = w(ξ)e

dξ, 2π R where w(ξ)

= w(e−ξ ), we have x+y w(x − y)f (y)dy, c(x, y)γaδ (A1 f )(x) = 2 R where the function c(x, y) is given by (8.6.2). We show now that the operator A1 is unbounded on L2 (R). Introduce the family of functions −1/2 , y ∈ Iε = [x0 − ε/2, x0 + ε/2] ε fx0 (y) = , 0, y ∈ R \ Iε −δ/2

where ε = ε(x0 ) = x0 . It is clear that ffx0 L2 (R) = 1. Let x ∈ Iε ; setting x+y K(x, y) = c(x, y)γaδ w(x − y) 2 we have (A1 fx0 )(x)

= ε−1/2

x0 +ε/2

K(x, y)dy x0 −ε/2

= ε1/2 K(x, x) + ε−1/2

x0 +ε/2

x0 −ε/2

(K(x, y) − K(x, x))dy

= I1 (x) + I2 (x). When x0 → +∞, for the first summand we have I1 (x)

= 1 · γaδ (x) · w(0) · ε1/2 (x0 ) & & ' ' −δ/4 3δ/4 δ x x · x + o(1) = w(0)c + o(1) . = w(0)c 0 0 0 0

As w(ξ)

≥ 0, we have that w(0)

> 0.



Chapter 8. Anatomy of the Algebra Generated by Toeplitz Operators Now for the second summand we have

$ $ $ $ ∂K (x, y)$$ . |II2 (x)| ≤ ε3/2 sup $$ y∈Iε ∂y

∂c Both functions ∂y (x, y) and ∂∂yw (x − y) are uniformly bounded on x. The former is bounded by Theorem 8.8.2, while the latter is bounded as the Fourier transform of a function with a compact support. Thus we have that $$ $ $$ $$ $ $ ∂γaδ x + y $ $ $ + $γa x + y $ . |II2 (x)| ≤ const ε3/2 sup $$ δ $ $ $ ∂y 2 2 y∈Iε

Asymptotics (8.6.4) and (8.6.5) imply that for x0 → +∞ we have '3/2 & −δ/2 δ/4 |II2 (x)| ≤ const ε3/2 xδ ≤ const x0 xδ0 = const x0 .


Comparing (8.6.6) and (8.6.7), for sufficiently large x0 and x ∈ Iε , we have that |(A1 fx0 )(x)| ≥

|w(0)| c0 3δ/4 x0 . 2

Thus ! A1 fx0 L2 (R)

≥ ≥

2 x0 +ε/2 "1/2 |w(0)| c0 3δ/4 x0 dx 2 x0 −ε/2 & '1/2 3δ/2 δ/2 const x0 · ε(x0 ) = const x0 .

This obviously yields unboundedness of the operator A1 , which in turn implies unboundedness of Ta b. Now as a special choice of continuous functions on D we select any vk (z), k = 1, 2, . . . , m, considered in the upper half-plane setting as a function v = v(r), where z = reiθ ∈ Π, as introduced in Section 8.1 but having the additional property that v(r) ∈ C ∞ (0, ∞). That is, v is a [0, 1]-valued C ∞ -function such that 1, r ∈ [0, δ1 ] v(r) ≡ , (8.6.8) 0, r ∈ [δ2 , +∞] for some 0 < δ1 < δ2 < +∞. Our aim is to prove that for each a(θ) ∈ H(L1 (0, π)), for which the corresponding Toeplitz operator Ta is bounded, the semi-commutator Ta Tv − Tav is compact. To do this we first represent the operators Ta Tv and Tav in the form of pseudodifferential operators with certain compound (or double) symbols and then use the next result, which can be found, for example, in [113, Theorem 4.2 and Theorem 4.4].

8.6. Semi-commutators involving unbounded symbols


Denote by V (R) the set of all absolutely continuous functions on R of bounded total variation, and by Cb (R2 , V (R)) the set of all functions a : R2 × R → C such that u → a(u, ·) is a bounded continuous V (R)-valued function on R2 . Then, for a ∈ Cb (R2 , V (R)), we define 6 7 2 cmC u (a) = max a(u + Δu, ·) − a(u, ·)C : Δu ∈ R , Δu ≤ 1 , and denote by E2C the subset of all functions in Cb (R2 , V (R)) such that the V (R)valued function u → a(u, ·) is uniformly continuous on R2 and the following conditions hold, lim cmC u (a) = 0 and


lim sup a(u, ·) − ah (u, ·)V = 0,

|h|→0 u∈R2


where ah (u, ·) = a(u, ξ + h), for all (u, ξ) ∈ R2 × R. Theorem 8.6.4 ([113]). If ∂ξj ∂yk a(x, y, ξ) ∈ Cb (R × R, V (R)) for all k, j = 0, 1, 2, then the pseudodifferential operator A with compound symbol a(x, y, ξ) defined on functions f ∈ C0∞ (R) by the iterated integral 1 (Af )(x) = dξ a(x, y, ξ)ei(x−y)ξ f (y)dy, x ∈ R, (8.6.10) 2π R R extends to a bounded linear operator on every Lebesgue space Lp (R), p ∈ (1, ∞). If ∂ξj ∂yk a(x, y, ξ) ∈ E2C for all k, j = 0, 1, 2, then the pseudodifferential operator (8.6.10) with compound symbol r(x, y, ξ) = a(x, y, ξ) − a(x, x, ξ) is compact on every Lebesgue space Lp (R), p ∈ (1, ∞). Considering semi-commutators, we prove first that for our selection of defining symbols a(θ) and v(r) the Toeplitz operator Tav is bounded. Theorem 8.6.5. For every a(θ) ∈ H(L1 (0, π)) such that the Toeplitz operator Ta is bounded and a [0, 1]-valued C ∞ -function v = v(r) of the form (8.6.8), the Toeplitz operator Tav is bounded on A2 (Π). Proof. We mention first that the boundedness of Ta is equivalent (by Theorem 7.2.1) to the boundedness of the corresponding function π 2λ γa (λ) = a(θ) e−2λθ dθ, λ ∈ R. 1 − e−2πλ 0 The C ∞ -functions with compact support in R+ obviously form a dense set in L2 (R+ ). Taking any such function f we consider 1 (A1 f )(λ) = dξ a1 (x, y, ξ)ei(x−y)ξ f (y)dy, x ∈ R, 2π R R


Chapter 8. Anatomy of the Algebra Generated by Toeplitz Operators

where the compound symbol a1 (x, y, ξ) has the form x+y v (ξ) a1 (x, y, ξ) = c(x, y) γa 2 with

1 − e−π(x+y) c(x, y) = x+y


2x 1 − e−2πx


2y , 1 − e−2πy

and v (ξ) = v(e−ξ ). We note that c(x, x) ≡ 1. The boundedness of the operator A1 follows from Theorem 8.6.4, Theorems 8.8.1–8.8.4, and the fact that v (ξ) is a C ∞ -function with a compact support. By the calculations of Theorem 8.6.1 we have that Tav = R∗ A1 R. Thus the Toeplitz operator Tav is bounded on A2 (Π). Now we are ready to prove that the semi-commutator Ta Tv − Tav is compact. Theorem 8.6.6. For each a(θ) ∈ H(L1 (0, π)) such that the Toeplitz operator Ta is bounded and the [0, 1]-valued C ∞ -function v = v(r) of the form (8.6.8), the semi-commutator Ta Tv − Tav is compact. Proof. A calculation analogous to that of Theorem 8.6.1 yields (A2 f )(x)

= RT Ta Tv Rf = (RaR∗ )(RvR∗ )f 1 ∗ dξ a2 (x, y, ξ)ei(x−y)ξ f (y)dy, = γa (x) (RvR )f = 2π R R

x ∈ R,

with a2 (x, y, ξ) = c(x, y) γa (x) v (ξ), where c(x, y) is given by (8.6.2), and v (ξ) = v(e−ξ ). Tav − Ta Tv )R = A1 − A2 can be represented as a Thus the operator R∗ (T difference of two pseudodifferential operators having the compound symbols r1 (x, y, ξ)

= =

a1 (x, y, ξ) − a1 (x, x, ξ) x+y v (ξ) − γa (x) v (ξ) c(x, y) γa 2

and r2 (x, y, ξ)

= a2 (x, y, ξ) − a2 (x, x, ξ) = c(x, y) γa (x) v (ξ) − γa (x) v (ξ).

The compactness of each of the last pseudodifferential operators easily follows from Theorem 8.6.4, Theorems 8.8.1–8.8.4, and the fact that v (ξ) is a C ∞ -function with a compact support. Indeed, the above property of v (ξ) guarantees that both

8.6. Semi-commutators involving unbounded symbols


a1 (x, y, ξ) and a2 (x, y, ξ), as well as their two consecutive derivatives on ξ satisfy the second property in (8.6.9); while the properties ∂ k d1,2 (x, y) = 0, for k = 1, 2, (x,y)→∞ ∂y k and d2 (x, y) = c(x, y) γa (x) imply the first equalwhere d1 (x, y) = c(x, y) γa x+y 2 ity in (8.6.9). lim

The above result leads directly to the following extension (of the sufficient part) of Theorem 8.4.2. Corollary 8.6.7. Let the operator A ∈ T (P C(D, T )) be such that in its canonical representation m A = TsA + Tvk fA,k (T Tχk )T Tvk + K, k=1

Tχk ) are Toeplitz with possibly unbounded defining symbols ak , all operators fA,k (T k = 1, . . . , m, correspondingly. Then A = Ta + KA is a compact perturbation of the Toeplitz operator Ta , where a(z) = sA (z) +


ak (z)vk2 (z),


where sA (z) is given by (see (8.4.1)) sA (t) = (sym A)(t) −


[ffA,k (0)(1 − χk (t)) + fA,k (1)χk (t)] vk2 (t).


We note that Corollary 8.6.7 immediately reveals via property (8.5.13) and Theorem 8.5.2 many Toeplitz operators in T (P C(D, T )) having unbounded defining symbols. Indeed, the conditions (8.5.1) are obviously satisfied, with p = q = 1, for example, for any function a(θ) ∈ H(L1 (0, π)) which has limits at the endpoints of [0, π]. Of course, the existence of symbol limits at the endpoints by no means is necessary for the Toeplitz operator Ta to be an element of T+ . As Example 8.5.8 shows, the corresponding symbol can even be unbounded near each of the endpoints 0 and π. Many further particular symbols can be given, for example, by combining polynomial growth with logarithmic and iterated logarithmic growth, then by considering linear combinations of different symbols, etc. The following defining symbol may serve as an illustrative example: a(θ) =


ck θ−βk logλk θ−1 sin θ−αk logμk θ−1 ,


where ck ∈ C, 0 < βk < 1, αk > 0, λk ∈ R, μk ∈ R, k = 1, . . . , n.


Chapter 8. Anatomy of the Algebra Generated by Toeplitz Operators

We mention especially that when speaking about a compact perturbation of a Toeplitz operator, say Ta , one should always remember that the coset Ta + K contains many Toeplitz operators of the form Ta+k , for which the Toeplitz operator Tk is compact; and that all such operators have the same image sym Ta+k = sym Ta in the Fredholm symbol algebra Sym T (P C(D, T )). At the same time the properties of the functions a and a + k can be extremely different. Indeed, even having as nice as possible a, say a ∈ C(D), one can always add, for example, the function k(z) = (1 − r2 )−β sin(1 − r2 )−α + (1 − r)χQ (z),

z = reiθ ,

where the first summand is taken from Example 8.6.2 and Q is the set of all points z = r1 +ir2 ∈ D with rational r1 and r2 . This converts the initial defining symbol a to the symbol a + k which does not have a limit at every point of D, and moreover is unbounded near every point of the boundary. That is, when speaking about the representation A = Ta + K it is preferable to have a defining symbol a with less unnecessary singularities. It seems that the option given by Theorem 8.4.4 and Corollary 8.6.7 is quite optimal in this respect.

8.7 Toeplitz or not Toeplitz The key question in the description of the Toeplitz operators in T (P C(D, T )) is whether the operators of the form f (T Tχk ), where f (x) ∈ C[0, 1] and k = 1, 2, . . . , m, are Toeplitz or not. By (8.5.13) this question reduces to the following question in the upper half-plane setting: given f (x) ∈ C[0, 1], whether the operator f (T Tχ+ ) is Toeplitz or not. The last questions is in turn equivalent to: whether the function γ(λ) ∈ C(R), which is connected with f (x) ∈ C[0, 1] by (see (8.2.3)) 1 , γ(λ) = f e−πλ + 1 admits the representation (7.2.1) for some a(θ) ∈ L1 (0, π), i.e., π 2λ a(θ) e−2λθ dθ, λ ∈ R. γ(λ) = γa (λ) = 1 − e−2πλ 0


The statements of the next theorem are necessary for the existence of the above representation for a given function γ(λ) ∈ C(R). Theorem 8.7.1. Let a(θ) ∈ L1 (0, π). Then the function γa (λ) is analytic in the whole complex plane with the exception of the points λn = in, where n = ±1, ±2, . . ., where γa (λ) has simple poles. Moreover, for any fixed and sufficiently small δ the function γa (λ) admits on the set Kn (δ), where Kn (δ) = {λ ∈ C : |λ − in| < δ}, C\ Z\{0}

8.7. Toeplitz or not Toeplitz


the estimate |γa (λ)| ≤ const |λ|, where const depends on δ. Proof. The function βa (λ) =


a(θ) e−2λθ dθ,

λ = x + iy,

is obviously analytic in C, and for large |λ| admits the estimate π |βa (λ)| ≤ |a(θ)| e−2xθ dθ. 0

Thus for x > 0 we have |βa (λ)| ≤ a(θ)L1 , while for x < 0 we have |βa (λ)|






0 π 0

|a(θ)| e2x(π−θ) dθ |a(θ)| dθ ≤ e−2πx a(θ)L1 .

The theorem statements now follow from γa (λ) =

2λ βa (λ). 1 − e−2πλ

To give a sufficient condition for the representation (8.7.1) we start with some definitions (see, for example, [61] for details). An entire function ϕ(λ) is called a function of exponential type if it obeys an estimate |ϕ(λ)| ≤ AeB|λ| , where the positive constants A and B do not depend on λ ∈ C. The infimum of all constants B for which this estimate holds is called the type of the function ϕ(λ). We denote by Lσ2 the set of all functions of exponential type less than or equal to σ whose restrictions to R belong to L2 (R). Recall that an analytic function on the upper half-plane ϕ(λ) is said to belong 2 to the Hardy space H+ (R) if sup |ϕ(x + iy)|2 dx < ∞. y>0


The proof of the next theorem can be found, for example, in [61, Theorem 1.4].


Chapter 8. Anatomy of the Algebra Generated by Toeplitz Operators

2 Theorem 8.7.2. Let ϕ(z) ∈ L2π 2 ∩ H+ (R). Then there exists a function a(θ) ∈ L2 (0, 2π) such that 2π ϕ(z) = a(θ) eizθ dθ, λ ∈ C. 0

As L2 (0, 2π) ⊂ L1 (0, 2π), the theorem can be used as a sufficient condition for the existence of representation (8.7.1). Indeed, given a function γ(λ), introduce iz 1 − eiπz γ − . ϕ(z) = i z 2 2 If this function ϕ(z) belongs to L2π 2 ∩ H+ (R) then γ(λ) does admit representation (8.7.1). That is, there is a function a(θ) ∈ L1 (0, 2π) such that γ(λ) = γa (λ) and

Ta = R∗ γ(λ)R = f (T Tχ+ ), where

& ' 1−x 1 −1 . f (x) = γ γχ+ (x) = γ − ln π x

Theorem 8.7.3. Let p(x) =


ak xk ,

an = 0,


be a polynomial of degree n ≥ 2 with complex coefficients. Then the bounded operator p(T Tχ+ ) is not a Toeplitz operator. Tχ+ ) belongs to the algebra generated by all Toeplitz Proof. The operator p(T operators on the upper half-plane with homogeneous L∞ -symbols a(θ) of zero order. Thus the operator p(T Tχ+ ) being Toeplitz must have a defining symbol from H(L1 (0, π)). The corresponding function γ(λ), that is, such that p(T Tχ+ ) = R∗ γ(λ)R, obviously has the form 1 . γ(λ) = p γχ+ (λ) = p −πλ e +1 But this function has poles of order n at the points λn = i(2n − 1), where n ∈ Z. Thus by Theorem 8.7.1 there is no function a(θ) ∈ H(L1 (0, π)) for which the representation (8.7.1) holds. Corollary 8.7.4. Let A be an operator of the algebra T (P C(D, T )) having the form A=

qi p

Tai,j ,

i=1 j=1

where all ai,j ∈ P C(D, T ). Then A is a compact perturbation of a Toeplitz operator if and only if A is a compact perturbation of one of the initial generators of T (P C(D, T )), which is a Toeplitz operator Ta with a ∈ P C(D, T ).

8.8. Technical statements


Proof. By Corollary 8.3.3 the operator A admits the canonical representation A=

qi p

Tai,j = TsA +

i=1 j=1


Tvk pA,k (T Tχk )T Tvk + KA ,


where sA = sA (z) ∈ C(D), pA,k = pA,k (x), k = 1, . . . , m, are some polynomials, and KA is a compact operator. Thus by Theorem 8.4.2, A is a compact perturbation of a Toeplitz operator if and only if each pA,k (T Tχk ), k = 1, . . . , m, is a Toeplitz operator, or by (8.5.13) if and only if each pA,k (T Tχ+ ), k = 1, . . . , m, is a Toeplitz operator. By Theorem 8.7.3 the last statement is equivalent to the fact that the degree of each polynomial pA,k (x), k = 1, . . . , m, must be less than or equal to 1, which in turn is equivalent to the fact that A is a compact perturbation of a Toeplitz operator Ta with a ∈ P C(D, T ). We summarize now the results obtained on Toeplitz operators of the algebra T (P C(D, T )). By its construction, the C ∗ -algebra T (P C(D, T )) consists of its initial generators, Toeplitz operators Ta with defining symbols a ∈ P C(D, T ), then of all elements of the form qi p

Tai,j ,

i=1 j=1

forming thus a non-closed algebra, and finally of all elements of the uniform closure of the non-closed algebra. The information on Toeplitz operators is as follows. – All initial generators are Toeplitz operators. – None of the elements of the non-closed algebra which does not reduce to a compact perturbation of an initial generator can be (a compact perturbation of) a Toeplitz operator. Thus at this stage we have not increased the quantity of Toeplitz operators. – The uniform closure of the non-closed algebra contains a huge amount of Toeplitz operators, with bounded and even unbounded defining symbols, which are drastically different from the initial generators. All of these Toeplitz operators are uniform limits of sequences of non-Toeplitz operators. – The uniform closure, apart from the Toeplitz operators, contains many more non-Toeplitz operators (this is a consequence of Theorem 8.7.1). At the same time each operator in the C ∗ -algebra T (P C(D, T )) admits a very transparent canonical representation (given in Theorem 8.3.5).

8.8 Technical statements We end the chapter by proving several statements whose results were used in Theorems 8.6.5 and 8.6.6.


Chapter 8. Anatomy of the Algebra Generated by Toeplitz Operators We start with some properties of the function (see (8.6.2)) ) ) 2x 2y 1 − e−π(x+y) , x, y ∈ R. c(x, y) = −2πx x+y 1−e 1 − e−2πy

Theorem 8.8.1. The function c(x, y) is bounded in R2 ; i.e., sup |c(x, y)| < ∞.


Proof. Introduce the function ) f (u) = Then c(x, y) =

u . 1 − e−u

f (2πx) f (2πy) . f 2 (π(x + y))

Let D1 = [1, +∞) and D−1 = (−∞, −1]. We obviously have the following asymptotics in the above domains: f (u) = u1/2 1 + O(e−u ) , u ∈ D1 , (8.8.1) f (u) = −2 f (u) =

|u|1/2 eu/2 (1 + O(eu )) , u−1 1 + O(e−u ) ,

u ∈ D−1 , u ∈ D1 ,

(8.8.2) (8.8.3)

f −2 (u) =

|u|−1 e−u (1 + O(eu )) ,

u ∈ D−1 .


In what follows the relation ϕ(u) ∼ ψ(u) means that 0 0 we can select both δ small enough and λ0 = λ0 (δ) large enough, such that δ |a(θ)|dθ < ε/2 0

and 4πλe



|a(θ)|dθ < ε/2,

for all λ ≥ λ0 (δ). That is, limλ→+∞ I3 (λ) = 0. The case when λ → −∞ follows from the above and the equality γa(θ) (λ) = γa(π−θ) (−λ). The cases when k > 1 are considered analogously.

Chapter 10

Weighted Bergman Spaces 10.1 Unit disk We recall here some necessary facts on weighted Bergman spaces and the corresponding Bergman projections; for further details see, for example [102, 240]. Let dv(z) = dxdy, z = x + iy, be the standard Lebesgue plane measure, as previously. For each λ ∈ (−1, ∞), introduce the measure dμλ (z) =

λ+1 (1 − |z|2 )λ dv(z), π


which is normalized to be a probability measure in D. Let L2 (D, dμλ ) be the Hilbert space with the scalar product

f, gλ = f (z)g(z) dμλ (z). D

The (weighted) Bergman space A2λ (D), where λ ∈ (−1, ∞), is defined as a subspace of L2 (D, dμλ ) which consists of functions analytic in D. As in Section 2.2, the key result is given by the following statement. Theorem 10.1.1. For each compact subset K of the unit disk D there is a constant C = C(K, λ) such that for all f ∈ A2λ (D), sup |f (z)| ≤ Cf λ .


Proof. Let Dz,r be the open disk centered in z and having the radius r. Given f ∈ A2λ (D) and Dz,r ⊂ D, consider the Taylor series f (ζ) = f (z) +

∞ n=1

an (ζ − z)n ,

ζ ∈ Dz,r .


Chapter 10. Weighted Bergman Spaces

This series converges uniformly on each closed disk D0 = Dz,r0 , where r0 < r. Thus ∞ f (ζ)dv(ζ) = f (z) dv(ζ) + an (ζ − z)n dv(ζ) = πr02 f (z). D0


Then |f (z)| = ≤ ≤



$ $ $ 1 $$ f (ζ)χD 0 (ζ)dv(ζ)$$ 2 $ πr0 D 1/2 1/2 1 dv(ζ) π 2 |f (ζ)| dμλ (ζ) πr02 λ + 1 D0 (1 − |ζ|2 )λ D const f A2 (D) ,

where χD0 is the characteristic function of D0 , and the constant depends on r0 and λ only. To finish the proof we cover the compact set K by a finite number of such disks. Corollary 10.1.2. The Bergman space A2λ (D) is a closed subspace of L2 (D, dμλ ). Proof. Let {ffn } be a fundamental sequence of analytic functions from A2λ (D) converging on L2 (D) to a certain function f ∈ L2 (D, dμλ ). For any compact K ⊂ D we have |ffn (z) − fm (z)| ≤ Cffn − fm A2λ (D) . Thus the sequence {ffn } converges uniformly on every compact subset of D to the function f . Hence f is analytic in D and belongs to A2λ (D). As in Section 2.2 we have that for any fixed point z ∈ D the evaluation functional ϕz : f −→ f (z) is linear and bounded. Thus by the Riesz representation theorem there exists a unique element kz ∈ A2λ (D) such that ϕz = ·, kz λ ; that is, f (ζ) kz (ζ) dμλ (ζ). f (z) = D

The function KD,λ (z, ζ) = kz (ζ) is called the (weighted) Bergman kernel function of the unit disk D, and it has the reproducing property f (z) = KD,λ (z, ζ) f (ζ) dμλ (ζ), D

A2λ (D).

for all f (z) ∈ It is well known that the polynomials are dense in A2λ (D) and is a matter of a simple calculation to check that the system of functions Γ(n + 2 + λ) n z , en (z) = n ∈ Z+ , (10.1.2) n! Γ(2 + λ)

10.1. Unit disk


forms an orthonormal basis in A2λ (D). Not repeating all the steps of Section 2.2, we give only a description of the (weighted) Bergman projection BD,λ of L2 (D, dμλ ) onto A2λ (D). Theorem 10.1.3. For any λ ∈ (−1, ∞), the (weighted) Bergman projection BD,λ of L2 (D, dμλ ) onto A2λ (D) is given by f (ζ) (BD,λ f )(z) = dμλ (ζ). (10.1.3) (1 − zζ)2+λ D Proof. For any f ∈ L2 (D, dμλ ), we have (BD,λ f )(z) =

BD,λ f, en λ en (z),


where {en }n∈Z+ is the orthonormal basis (10.1.2) in A2λ (D), and the series converges uniformly on each compact subset in D. Further,

BD,λ f, en λ = f, BD,λ en λ = f, en λ . For each fixed z ∈ D, the series ∞ 1 Γ(n + 2 + λ) (zζ)n = n! Γ(2 + λ) (1 − zζ)2+λ n=0


converges uniformly in ζ ∈ D, thus, interchanging the summation and integration, we have ∞ ∞ Γ(n + 2 + λ) (BD,λ f )(z) =

f, en λ en (z) = f (ζ) (zζ)n dμλ (ζ) n! Γ(2 + λ) D n=0 n=0 4 3∞ Γ(n + 2 + λ) n (zζ) dμλ (ζ) f (ζ) = n! Γ(2 + λ) D n=0 f (ζ) dμλ (ζ). = 2+λ D (1 − zζ) An alternative definition of the weighted Bergman space (see, for example, [25]) can be given in terms of another parameter h ∈ (0, 1). The weighted Bergman space A2h (D) on the unit disk is the space of analytic functions in L2 (D, dμh ), with dμh (z) = (

1 1 1 1 1 − 1)(1 − |z|2 ) h −2 dv(z) = ( − 1)(1 − |z|2 ) h dμ(z), h π h

and where the measure dμ(z) =

dv(z) 1 π (1 − |z|2 )2



Chapter 10. Weighted Bergman Spaces

is Mobius ¨ invariant. For λ + 2 = h1 we have the same space, and for λ = 0 or h = 12 we have the classical weightless case (with normalized measure). In terms of h, the weighted Bergman kernel function has the form KD,h (z, ζ) =

1 1

(1 − zζ) h


and the orthogonal Bergman projection is 1 1 f (ζ) 1 − ζζ h (BD,h f )(z) = dμ(ζ). (10.1.6) − 1) f (ζ) 1 dμh (ζ) = ( h 1 − zζ D (1 − zζ) h D Recall that all M¨ o¨bius transformations of the unit disk are of the form g(z) =

az + b , bz + a

where a, b ∈ C and |a|2 − |b|2 = 1. We have g (z) =

1 , (bz + a)2

|g (z)| =

and g −1 (z) =

1 − |g(z)|2 , 1 − |z|2

az − b . −bz + a

It is easy to see that the operator (U Ug,λ f )(z) = g (z) 2 +1 f (g(z)) λ


az + b 1 ) g( (bz + a)λ+2 bz + a

−1 is unitary on both L2 (D, dμλ ) and A2λ (D), and that Ug,λ = Ug−1 ,λ .

Lemma 10.1.4. The Bergman projection BD,λ is M¨ M Mobius invariant, that is −1 Ug,λ BD,λ Ug,λ = BD,λ . Proof. Calculate



= =

−1 f )(z) (U Ug,λ BD,λ Ug,λ λ+2 λ λ 1 − ζζ +1 (g −1 ) (ζ) 2 +1 f (g −1 (ζ)) dμ(ζ) (λ + 1) g (z) 2 1 − g(z)ζ D "λ+2 ! λ λ 1 − g(ζ)g(ζ) +1 (g −1 ) (g(ζ)) 2 +1 f (ζ) dμ(ζ) (λ + 1) g (z) 2 1 − g(z)g(ζ) D "λ+2 ! λ +1 λ 1 − ζζ g (ζ) 2 f (ζ) dμ(ζ) (λ + 1) g (z) 2 +1 1 − g(z)g(ζ) D

(BD,λ f )(z).

10.2. Upper half-plane We have used the formula !

g (z)


" λ+2 2


(1 − g(z)g(ζ))2

g (ζ)


1 (1 − zζ)2

λ+2 2 ,

which follows from (2.2.5).

The reproducing property Bergman kernel function shows that the system of functions kh,ζ (z) = Kh (z, ζ), ζ ∈ D, forms a system of coherent states (see Section A.1) in the space A2h (D). Thus, given a Toeplitz operator Ta with the defining symbol a = a(z) on the weighted Bergman space A2h (D), the corresponding Wick function, see (A.1.3), is calculated by the formula (following tradition we put the bar over the second argument)

ah (z, ζ)

= fζ−1 (z) a(w)ffζ (w), fz (w) 1 a(w) = (1 − zζ) h 1 1 dμh (w) D (1 − zw) h (1 − wζ) h 1 1 (1 − zζ)(1 − ww) h dμ(w). = ( − 1) a(w) h (1 − zw)(1 − wζ) D

Thus the Wick form of the Toeplitz operator Ta is

ah (z, ζ)f (ζ) (T Ta )(z) = dμh (ζ) 1 D (1 − zζ) h 1 1 1 − |ζ|2 h = ( − 1) ah (z, ζ)f (ζ) dμ(ζ), h 1 − zζ D the Wick symbol, or the Berezin transform, has the form 1

ah (z, z) = ( − 1) h

a(ζ) D

(1 − |z|2 )(1 − |ζ|2 ) (1 − zζ)(1 − ζz)

h1 dμ(ζ),


and the composition formula for Wick symbols by (A.1.5) is given by 1 ( ah bh )(z, z) = ( − 1) h


ah (z, ζ) bh (ζ, z)

(1 − |z|2 )(1 − |ζ|2 ) (1 − zζ)(1 − ζz)

h1 dμ(ζ). (10.1.8)

10.2 Upper half-plane We will use the following normalized invariant measure on the upper plane Π, dν(z) =

dzdz 1 dxdy 1 = . π (2 Im z)2 2πi (2 Im z)2



Chapter 10. Weighted Bergman Spaces

For λ ∈ (−1, ∞), the weighted Bergman space A2λ (Π) on the upper half-plane is the space of functions analytic in L2 (Π, dνλ ), where dνλ (z) = (λ + 1)(2 Im z)λ+2 dν(z) = (λ + 1)(2 Im z)λ and

f λ =


1 dz dz 2πi

12 |f (z)| dνλ (z) . 2

The Mobius ¨ transformation (2.2.6) z=

w−i 1 − iw

maps the upper half-plane Π onto the unit disk D, and its inverse transformation is given by z+i w= . 1 + iz We have 1 − iw = 1 − thus

√ 1 − iw 2 √ = 1 + iz 2

iz − 1 2 = , 1 + iz 1 + iz


√ 2 1 + iw √ ; = 1 − iz 2


and now 1 − zz


w−i w+i · 1 − iw 1 + iw 1 − iw + iw + ww − ww + iw − iw + 1 = (1 − iw)(1 + iw) w−w (10.2.3) = −2i (1 − iw)(1 + iw) √ √ 2 2 1 + iz 1 − iz = 2 Im w · · = 2 Im w · √ · √ ; 1 − iw 1 + iw 2 2 = 1−

! √ "2 ! √ "2 2 2 dz dz = dw dw. 1 − iw 1 + iw

Introduce the operator Uλ : A2λ (D) −→ A2λ (Π) by the rule ! √ "λ+2 2 w−i , f (U Uλ f )(w) = 1 − iw 1 − iw


10.2. Upper half-plane


and its inverse Uλ−1 : A2λ (Π) −→ A2λ (D) which is given by

(U Uλ−1 f )(z)

! √ "λ+2 2 z+i . = f 1 + iz 1 + iz

We check now that the operator Uλ is unitary,

= =

= =

ϕ(z), (U Uλ−1 f )(z)A2λ (D) ! √ "λ+2 2 dzdz z+i ) (1 − zz)λ (λ + 1) ϕ(z) f( 1 + iz 1 + iz 2πi D λ+2 1 + iw w−i √ ϕ f (w) (2 Im w)λ (λ + 1) 1 − iw 2 Π −λ −λ ! √ "2 ! √ "2 2 2 dwdw 1 + iw 1 − iw √ √ · · 1 − iw 1 + iw 2πi 2 2 " ! λ+2 √ 2 dwdw w−i (λ + 1) ϕ f (w) (2 Im w)λ 1 − iw 1 − iw 2πi Π

(U Uλ ϕ)(w), f (w)A2λ (Π) .

Note that the operator Uλ : L2 (D, dμλ ) −→ L2 (Π, dνλ ), given by the above formula is unitary as well. The weighted Bergman projection BΠ,λ : L2 (Π, dνλ ) −→ A2λ (Π) has obviously the form BΠ,λ = Uλ BD,λ Uλ−1 , where the weighted Bergman projection BD,λ : L2 (D, dμλ ) −→ A2λ (D) is given by (10.1.3). Calculate

(U Uλ BD,λ Uλ−1 f )(w)

! √ "λ+2 ! √ "λ+2 2 2 ζ +i = (λ + 1) f 1 − iw 1 + iζ 1 + iζ D "λ+2 ! 1 dζdζ 1 − ζζ · . w−i 2πi 1 − 1−iw ζ (1 − ζζ)2


Chapter 10. Weighted Bergman Spaces

Substituting τ =



ζ+i 1+iζ

and using formulas (10.2.2–10.2.4), we have

(U Uλ BD,λ Uλ−1 f )(w) "λ+2 ! √ "λ+2 ! λ+2 −2i (1−iττ −τ 2 1 − iτ )(1+iτ ) √ (λ + 1) f (τ ) w−τ 1 − iw −2i (1−iw)(1+iτ 2 Π ) ! √ "2 ! √ "2 ! √ "−2 √ 2 2 2 2 1 · · dτ dτ 2 Im τ · 2πi 1 − iτ 1 + iτ 1 − iτ 1 + iτ λ+2 1 dτ dτ τ −τ (λ + 1) f (τ ) . w − τ 2πi (2 Im τ )2 Π

Thus, finally, the weighted Bergman projection BΠ,λ : L2 (Π, dνλ ) −→ A2λ (Π) has the form λ+2 ζ−ζ (BΠ,λ f )(z) = (λ + 1) f (ζ) dν(ζ), z−ζ Π where the invariant measure dν(ζ) is given by (10.2.1).

10.3 Representations of the weighted Bergman space 10.3.1 Unit disk, polar coordinates The Bergman space can be characterized as the set of L2 (D, dμλ ) functions which satisfy the Cauchy-Riemann equation ∂ f (z) = 0. ∂z Passing to polar coordinates (z = rt, r ∈ [0, 1), t ∈ S 1 ), we have L2 (D, dμλ ) = =

λ+1 dt (1 − r2 )λ rdr) ⊗ L2 (S 1 , ) π it λ+1 2 λ 1 L2 ([0, 1), (1 − r ) rdr) ⊗ L2 (S ). π L2 ([0, 1),

Recall that in polar coordinates t ∂ = ∂z 2

∂ t ∂ − ∂r r ∂t


Introduce the unitary operator U1 = I ⊗ F : L2 (D, dμλ ) −→ L2 ([0, 1),

λ+1 (1 − r2 )λ rdr) ⊗ l2 , π

10.3. Representations of the weighted Bergman space


where the discrete Fourier transform F : L2 (S 1 ) → l2 is given by (see (4.1.1)) dt 1 F : f −→ cn = √ f (t) t−n , n ∈ Z. it 2π S 1 As in Section 4.1, we have t ∂ t ∂ n−1 1 ∂ −1 (I ⊗ F ) − (I ⊗ F ){cn (r)}n∈Z = − cn−1 (r) . 2 ∂r r ∂t 2 ∂r r n∈Z Thus the image of the Bergman space A21,λ = U1 (A2λ (D)) can be described as the (closed) subspace of L2 ([0, 1),

λ+1 λ+1 (1 − r2 )λ rdr) ⊗ l2 = l2 (L2 ([0, 1), (1 − r2 )λ rdr)), π π

which consists of all sequences {cn (r)}n∈Z satisfying the equations 1 ∂ n − cn (r) = 0, n ∈ Z. 2 ∂r r Their general solutions have obviously the form cn (r) = cn rn ,

n ∈ Z.

2 λ Each function cn (r) = cn rn has to be in L2 ([0, 1), λ+1 π (1−r ) rdr), which implies that cn (r) ≡ 0, for all n < 0. That is, the space A21 coincides with the space of all two-sided sequences {cn (r)}n∈Z with √ 2 αn,λ cn rn , if n ∈ Z+ , cn (r) = 0, if n ∈ Z \ Z+

where the normalizing constants αn,λ =

− 12 1 λ+1 π Γ(n + 2 + λ) 2 B(n + 1, λ + 1) = , π n! Γ(2 + λ)

n ∈ Z+ (10.3.1)

are selected so that ⎛ {cn (r)}n∈Z = ⎝

⎞1/2 |cn |2 ⎠

= {cn }n∈Z+ l2 .


For each n ∈ Z+ introduce the unitary operator un,λ : L2 ([0, 1),

λ+1 (1 − r2 )λ rdr) −→ L2 ([0, 1), rdr) π


Chapter 10. Weighted Bergman Spaces

by the rule

−n (un,λ f )(r) = α−1 n,λ ωn,λ (r) f (ωn,λ (r)),

where r = ωn,λ (s) is the inverse function to the function σn,λ (r)



λ+1 π


u2n+1 (1 − u2 )λ du


12 λ+1 Br2 (n + 1, λ + 1) π




Ir2 (n + 1, λ + 1) 2 .


Here the incomplete B-function Bx and the function Ix are given by formulas 8.391 and 8.392 in [86]. The inverse operator ∗ u−1 n,λ = un,λ : L2 ([0, 1), rdr) −→ L2 ([0, 1),

is given by

λ+1 (1 − r2 )λ rdr) π

n (u−1 n,λ f )(r) = αn,λ r f (σn,λ (r)).

Finally, define the unitary operator U2,λ : l2 (L2 ([0, 1),

λ+1 (1 − r2 )λ rdr)) −→ l2 (L2 ([0, 1), rdr)) = L2 ([0, 1), rdr) ⊗ l2 π

as follows: U2,λ : {cn (r)}n∈Z −→ {(u|n|,λ cn )(r)}n∈Z . Then the space A22,λ = U2,λ (A21,λ ) coincides with the space of all sequences {dn (r)}n∈Z , where √ √ dn = un,λ ( 2 αn,λ cn rn ) = 2 cn , for n ∈ Z+ , and dn (r) ≡ 0, for n ∈ Z√\ Z+ . As in Section 4.1, let 0 (r) = 2, and let L0 be the one-dimensional subspace of L2 ([0, 1), rdr) generated by 0 (r). The one-dimensional projection P0 of L2 ([0, 1), rdr) onto L0 has the form (4.1.3): √ (P P0 f )(r) = f, 0 · 0 = 2


√ f (ρ) 2ρ dρ.

As previously, let l2+ be the subspace of (two-sided) l2 , consisting of all sequences {cn }n∈Z , such that cn = 0 for all n ∈ Z \ Z+ , and let p+ be the orthogonal projection of l2 onto l2+ . Now A22,λ = L0 ⊗ l2+ , and the orthogonal projection B2,λ : l2 (L2 ([0, 1), rdr)) = L2 ([0, 1), rdr) ⊗ l2 −→ A22,λ

10.3. Representations of the weighted Bergman space obviously has the form


B2 = P0 ⊗ p+ .

Thus we arrive at the following theorem. Theorem 10.3.1. The unitary operator Uλ = U2,λ U1 gives an isometric isomorphism of the space L2 (D, dμλ ) onto L2 ([0, 1), rdr) ⊗ l2 under which 1. the weighted Bergman space A2λ (D) is mapped onto L0 ⊗ l2+ , Uλ : A2λ (D) −→ L0 ⊗ l2+ , where L√ 0 is the one-dimensional subspace of L2 ([0, 1), rdr), generated by 0 (r) = 2, 2. the weighted Bergman projection BD,λ is unitary equivalent to Uλ BD,λ Uλ−1 = P0 ⊗ p+ , where P0 is the one-dimensional projection of L2 ([0, 1), rdr) onto L0 . As in Section 4.1, we use the isometric imbedding R0 : l2+ −→ L2 ([0, 1), rdr) ⊗ l2 given by R0 : {cn }n∈Z+ −→ 0 (r){χ+ (n)cn }n∈Z , where we extend the sequence {cn }n∈Z+ to an element of l2 setting cn = 0 for negative indices n < 0. The image of R0 coincides with the space A22,λ . The adjoint operator R0∗ : L2 ([0, 1), rdr) ⊗ l2 → l2+ has the form 1 √ ∗ cn (ρ) 2 ρ dρ , R0 : {cn (r)}n∈Z −→ 0


and, as previously, R0∗ R0 = I R0 R0∗ = B2

: l2+ −→ l2+ , : L2 ([0, 1), rdr) ⊗ l2 −→ A22,λ = L0 ⊗ l2+ .

The operator Rλ = R0∗ Uλ maps the space L2 (D, dμλ ) onto l2+ , and the restriction Rλ |A2λ (D) : A2λ (D) −→ l2+ is an isometric isomorphism. The adjoint operator Rλ∗ = Uλ∗ R0 : l2+ −→ A2λ (D) ⊂ L2 (D, dμλ ) is an isometric isomorphism of l2+ onto the subspace A2λ (D) of the space L2 (D, dμλ ).


Chapter 10. Weighted Bergman Spaces

Remark 10.3.2. We have Rλ Rλ∗ = I Rλ∗ Rλ = BD,λ

: l2+ −→ l2+ , : L2 (D, dμλ ) −→ A2λ (D).

Theorem 10.3.3. The isometric isomorphism Rλ∗ = Uλ∗ R0 : l2+ −→ A2λ (D) is given by

1 Rλ∗ : {cn }n∈Z+ −→ √ αn,λ cn z n , π



where the constants αn,λ are given by (10.3.1). Proof. Calculate Rλ∗ = U1∗ U2∗,λ R0

: = =

√ {cn }n∈Z+ −→ U1∗ U2∗,λ ({ 2 cn }n∈Z+ ) √ U1∗ ({ 2 αn,λ cn rn }n∈Z+ ) 1 1 √ √ 2 αn,λ cn (rt)n = √ αn,λ cn z n . π 2π n∈Z+ n∈Z+

Corollary 10.3.4. The inverse isomorphism Rλ : A2λ (D) −→ l2+ is given by

Rλ : ϕ(z) −→

αn,λ √ π

ϕ(z) z dμλ (z) n





10.3.2 Upper half-plane, Cartesian coordinates Again, the Bergman space can be characterized as the set of L2 (Π, dνλ ) functions which satisfy the Cauchy-Riemann equation ∂ f (z) = 0. ∂z


Introduce the unitary operator √ U1 = 1/ π (F ⊗ I) : L2 (Π, dνλ ) −→ L2 (R, dx) ⊗ L2 (R+ , (λ + 1)(2y)λ dy), where the Fourier integral transform F : L2 (R) → L2 (R) is given by 1 (F f )(u) = √ e−iux f (x) dx. 2π R

10.3. Representations of the weighted Bergman space


The image A21,λ (Π) = U1 (A2λ (Π)) consists of all functions ϕ = ϕ(x, y) satisfying the equation ∂ ∂ i U1 U1−1 ϕ = x+ ϕ = 0, ∂z 2 ∂y whose general solution has obviously the form ϕ(x, y) = ψ(x)e−xy . The function ϕ has to be in L2 (R, dx) ⊗ L2 (R+ , (λ + 1)(2y)λ dy), thus A21,λ (Π) is the space of all functions ϕ(x, y) = χ+ (x)θλ (x)f (x)e−xy ,

f ∈ L2 (R),

where ! θλ (x) =


(λ + 1)




(2v) dv



2xλ+1 (λ + 1)Γ(λ + 1)

1/2 ,

x ≥ 0. (10.3.5)

Moreover, ϕA21,λ (Π) = f L2 (R+ ) . Introduce the unitary operator U2,λ : L2 (R, dx) ⊗ L2 (R+ , (λ + 1)(2y)λ dy) −→ L2 (R, dx) ⊗ L2 (R+ , dy) as follows, (U U2,λ ϕ)(x, y) =

1 e−y/2+|x|β(|x|,y)ϕ(x, β(|x|, y)), θλ (|x|)

where for each fixed x > 0 the function β(x, y) is the inverse function to ∞ 2 λ −2xη γ(x, t) = − ln θλ (x)(λ + 1) (2η) e dη , (10.3.6) t

i.e., β(x, γ(x, t)) = t, x > 0. The inverse operator λ U2−1 ,λ : L2 (R, dx) ⊗ L2 (R+ , dy) −→ L2 (R, dx) ⊗ L2 (R+ , (λ + 1)(2y) dy)

has the form γ(|x|,y)/2−|x|y (U U2−1 ϕ(x, γ(|x|, y)). ,λ ϕ)(x, y) = θλ (|x|) e

For each f ∈ L2 (R), one has U2,λ : χ+ (x)θλ (x)f (x)e−xy −→ χ+ (x)f (x)e−y/2 .


Chapter 10. Weighted Bergman Spaces

Thus, the image A22,λ = U2,λ (A21,λ (Π)) is the set of all functions of the form ψ(x, y) = χ+ (x)f (x)e−y/2 ,

f ∈ L2 (R),

where χ+ (x) is the characteristic function of R+ . We summarize the above in the following theorem. Theorem 10.3.5. The unitary operator Uλ = U2,λ U1 gives an isometric isomorphism of L2 (Π, dνλ ) onto L2 (R, dx) ⊗ L2 (R+ , dy) under which 1. The Bergman space A2λ (Π) is mapped onto L2 (R+ ) ⊗ L0 , where L0 is the one-dimensional subspace of L2 (R+ , dy) generated by l0 (y) = e−y/2 . 2. The Bergman projection BΠ,λ is unitary equivalent to Uλ BΠ,λ Uλ−1 = χ+ I ⊗ P0 , where P0 is the one-dimensional projection of L2 (R+ , dy) onto L0 : ∞ −y/2 ψ(v)e−v/2 dv. (P P0 ψ)(y) = e 0

As in Section 3.1, introduce the isometric imbedding R0 : L2 (R+ ) −→ L2 (R) ⊗ L2 (R+ ) by the rule (R0 f )(x, y) = χ+ (x) f (x) 0 (y). Here the function f (x) is extended to an element of L2 (R) by setting f (x) ≡ 0, for x < 0. The image of R0 obviously coincides with the space A22 . The adjoint operator R0∗ : L2 (Π) → L2 (R+ ) is given by (R0∗ ϕ)(x) = χ+ (x) ϕ(x, η) 0 (η) dη, R+

and R0∗ R0 = I R0 R0∗

= B2

: L2 (R+ ) −→ L2 (R+ ), : L2 (Π) −→ A22 = L2 (R+ ) ⊗ L0 .

Now the operator Rλ = R0∗ Uλ maps the space L2 (Π, dνλ ) onto L2 (R+ ), and the restriction Rλ |A2λ (Π) : A2λ (Π) −→ L2 (R+ ) is an isometric isomorphism. The adjoint operator Rλ∗ = Uλ∗ R0 : L2 (R+ ) −→ A2λ (Π) ⊂ L2 (Π, dνλ ) is an isometric isomorphism of L2 (R+ ) onto the subspace A2λ (Π) of the space L2 (Π, dνλ ).

10.3. Representations of the weighted Bergman space


Remark 10.3.6. We have Rλ Rλ∗ = I Rλ∗ Rλ

: L2 (R+ ) −→ L2 (R+ ), : L2 (Π, dνλ ) −→ A2λ (Π).

= BΠ,λ

Theorem 10.3.7. The isometric isomorphism Rλ∗ = Uλ∗ R0 : L2 (R+ ) −→ A2λ (Π) is given by (Rλ∗ f )(z)

1 =

Γ(λ + 2)

f (ξ) ξ

λ+1 2

eiz·ξ dξ.



Proof. Calculate (Rλ∗ f )(z) = = = =

(U1∗ U2∗,λ R0 f )(z) √ π(F −1 ⊗ I)(χ+ (ξ) f (ξ) θλ (ξ) eγ(ξ,y)/2−ξy e−γ(ξ,y)/2 ) √ λ+1 2ξ 2 1 √

χ+ (ξ) f (ξ) e−ξy eixξ dξ 2 R (λ + 1)Γ(λ + 1) λ+1 1

f (ξ) ξ 2 ei(x+iy)·ξ dξ. Γ(λ + 2) R+

Corollary 10.3.8. The inverse isomorphism Rλ : A2λ (Π) −→ L2 (R+ ) is given by λ+1

(Rλ ϕ)(x)


x 2

Γ(λ + 2)



(λ + 1) x 2

Γ(λ + 2)


ϕ(w) e−i w·x μλ (w) dv(w)

ϕ(ξ + iη) e−i (ξ−iη)·x (2η)λ


(10.3.8) 1 dξdη. π

10.3.3 Upper half-plane, polar coordinates Passing to polar coordinates we have the tensor decomposition L2 (Π, dνλ ) = L2 (R+ , rλ+1 dr) ⊗ L2 ([0, π], 1/π2λ (λ + 1) sinλ θdθ). Rewriting the equation (10.3.4) in polar coordinates, we have that the Bergman space A2λ (Π) is the set of all functions satisfying the equation ∂ ∂ r +i ϕ(r, θ) = 0. ∂r ∂θ


Chapter 10. Weighted Bergman Spaces

Introduce the unitary operator √ : L2 (R+ , rλ+1 dr) ⊗ L2 ([0, π], 1/π2λ (λ + 1) sinλ θdθ) U1 = 1/ π (M ⊗ I) −→ L2 (R) ⊗ L2 ([0, π], 2λ (λ + 1) sinλ θdθ), where the Mellin transform M : L2 (R+ , rλ+1 dr) −→ L2 (R) is given by 1 r−iξ+λ/2 ψ(r) dr. (M ψ)(ξ) = √ 2π R+ The inverse Mellin transform M −1 : L2 (R) −→ L2 (R+ , rλ+1 dr) has the form 1 −1 riξ−λ/2−1 ψ(ξ) dξ. (M ψ)(r) = √ 2π R It is easy to see that ∂ ∂ ∂ +i U1−1 = i(ξ + (λ/2 + 1)i)I + i . U1 r ∂r ∂θ ∂θ Thus, the image of the Bergman space A21,λ = U1 (A2λ (Π)) can be described as the (closed) subspace of L2 (R) ⊗ L2 ([0, π], 2λ (λ + 1) sinλ θdθ) which consists of all functions ϕ(λ, θ) satisfying the equation ∂ (ξ + (λ/2 + 1)i)I + ϕ(ξ, θ) = 0. ∂θ The general L2 (R) ⊗ L2 ([0, π], 2λ (λ + 1) sinλ θdθ) solution of this equation has the form ϕ(ξ, θ) = f (ξ) ϑλ (ξ) e−(ξ+(1+λ/2)i)θ , f (ξ) ∈ L2 (R), (10.3.9) where λ ϑλ (ξ) = 2 (λ + 1) =

B( λ+2 2 +



0 iξ, λ+2 2

√ π


−1/2 λ

sin θdθ

− iξ)1/2

|Γ( λ+2 + iξ)| πξ/2 eπξ/2 = 2 , e πΓ(λ + 2)


and ϕ(ξ, θ)L2 (R)⊗L2 ([0,π],2λ (λ+1) sinλ θdθ) = f (ξ)L2 (R) . √ Lemma 10.3.9. The unitary operator U1 = 1/ π (M ⊗ I) is an isometric isomorphism of the space L2 (Π, dνλ ) onto L2 (R) ⊗ L2 ([0, π], 2λ (λ + 1) sinλ θdθ) under which the Bergman space A2λ (Π) is mapped onto 8 9 A21,λ = ϕ(ξ, θ) = f (ξ) ϑλ (ξ) e−(ξ+(1+λ/2)i)θ : f (ξ) ∈ L2 (R) .

10.3. Representations of the weighted Bergman space


Let R0 : L2 (R) −→ A21,λ (Π) ⊂ L2 (R) ⊗ L2 ([0, π], 2λ (λ + 1) sinλ θdθ) be the isometric imbedding given by (R0 f )(ξ, θ) = f (ξ) ϑλ (ξ) e−(ξ+(1+λ/2)i)θ . The adjoint operator R0∗ : L2 (R) ⊗ L2 ([0, π], 2λ (λ + 1) sinλ θdθ) −→ L2 (R) has the form π ∗ λ (R0 ψ)(ξ) = 2 (λ + 1)ϑλ (ξ) ψ(ξ, θ) e−(ξ−(1+λ/2)i)θ sinλ θ dθ, 0

and R0∗ R0 = I R0 R0∗ = B1

: :

L2 (R) −→ L2 (R), L2 (R) ⊗ L2 ([0, π], 2λ (λ + 1) sinλ θdθ) −→ A21,λ ,

where B1 = U1 BΠ,λ U1−1 is the orthogonal projection of L2 (R) ⊗ L2 ([0, π], 2λ (λ + 1) sinλ θdθ) onto A21,λ . Now the operator Rλ = R0∗ U1 maps the space L2 (Π, dνλ ) onto L2 (R), and its restriction Rλ |A2λ (Π) : A2λ (Π) −→ L2 (R) is an isometric isomorphism. The adjoint operator Rλ∗ = U1∗ R0 : L2 (R) −→ A2λ (Π) ⊂ L2 (Π, dνλ ) is an isometric isomorphism of L2 (R) onto A2λ (Π). Remark 10.3.10. We have Rλ Rλ∗ = I Rλ∗ Rλ = BΠ,λ

: L2 (R) −→ L2 (R), : L2,λ (Π) −→ A2λ (Π).

Theorem 10.3.11. The isometric isomorphism Rλ∗ = U1∗ R0 : L2 (R) −→ A2λ (Π) is given by (Rλ∗ f )(z)

1 = √ 2


z iξ−(1+λ/2) ϑλ (ξ) f (ξ) dξ.


Proof. Calculate (Rλ∗ f )(z) = (U1∗ R0 f )(z) √ π(M −1 ⊗ I)f (ξ) ϑλ (ξ) e−(ξ+(1+λ/2)i)θ = 1 = √ riξ−(1+λ/2) f (ξ) ϑλ (ξ) e−(ξ+(1+λ/2)i)θ dξ 2 R 1 = √ z iξ−(1+λ/2) ϑλ (ξ) f (ξ) dξ. 2 R


Chapter 10. Weighted Bergman Spaces

Corollary 10.3.12. The inverse isomorphism Rλ : A2λ (Π) −→ L2 (R+ ) is given by ϑλ (ξ) (Rλ ϕ)(ξ) = √ 2


(z)−iξ−(1+λ/2) ϕ(z) μλ (z) dv(z).


10.4 Model classes of Toeplitz operators In the next three subsections we will consider three classes of Toeplitz operators which correspond to the three model cases for pencils. That is, we will consequently study Toeplitz operators on the unit disk with radial defining symbols (model elliptic case), Toeplitz operators on the upper half-plane with defining symbol depending on y (model parabolic case), and Toeplitz operators on the upper halfplane with defining symbols depending in θ (model hyperbolic case). We will show, in particular, that in all these three cases the corresponding Toeplitz operator C ∗ algebras are commutative. Thus, extending this result by means of M¨ o¨bius transformations to symbols constant on cycles of an arbitrary pencil of hyperbolic geodesics (as in Chapter 9), we come to the following generalization of Theorem 9.6.1. Theorem 10.4.1. Given a pencil P of geodesics, consider the set of L∞ -symbols which are constant on corresponding cycles. Then the C ∗ -algebra generated by Toeplitz operators with such defining symbols is commutative on each weighted Bergman space A2λ (D).

10.4.1 Toeplitz operators with radial symbols Given a radial function a = a(r) ∈ L∞ (0, 1), consider the Toeplitz operator Ta : ϕ ∈ A2λ (D) −→ BD,λ aϕ ∈ A2λ (D). Theorem 10.4.2. For any a = a(r) ∈ L∞ [0, 1), the Toeplitz operator Ta acting on A2λ (D) is unitary equivalent to the multiplication operator γa,λ I = Rλ Ta Rλ∗ , acting on l2 . The sequence γa,λ = {γa,λ (n)}n∈Z+ is γa,λ (n) =

1 B(n + 1, λ + 1)


√ a( r)rn (1 − r)λ dr,

n ∈ Z+ ,


and the operators Rλ∗ and Rλ are given by (10.3.2) and (10.3.3), respectively.

10.4. Model classes of Toeplitz operators


Proof. Calculate Rλ Ta Rλ∗

= Rλ BD,λ aBΠ,λ Rλ∗ = Rλ (Rλ∗ Rλ )a(Rλ∗ Rλ )Rλ∗ = (Rλ Rλ∗ )Rλ aRλ∗ (Rλ Rλ∗ ) = Rλ aRλ∗ = R0∗ U2,λ U1 a(r)U1−1 U2−1 ,λ R0 = R0∗ U2,λ a(r)U U2−1 ,λ R0 = R0∗ a(ωn,λ (r))R0 .

Now R0∗ a(ωn,λ (r))R0

{cn }n∈Z+

= 2 0


= {γa,λ (n) cn }n∈Z+ ,

a(ωn,λ (r)) cn rdr n∈Z+

where the sequence γa,λ = {γa,λ (n)}n∈Z+ has the form γa,λ (n)

= 2 0

= =


a(ωn,λ (r)) rdr

λ α2n,λ

+1 π


a(r) r2n+1 (1 − r2 )λ dr

1 B(n + 1, λ + 1)


√ a( r)rn (1 − r)λ dr.

Here the constant αn,λ is given by (10.3.1).

Corollary 10.4.3. The C ∗ -algebra Tλ generated by all Toeplitz operators Ta with symbols a = a(r) ∈ L∞ [0, 1) is commutative and is isometrically imbedded in l∞ . The isometric imbedding τλ is generated by the mapping τλ : Ta −→ γa,λ . Rewriting the statement of Theorem 10.4.2 we come to the following spectraltype representation of a Toeplitz operator. Theorem 10.4.4. Let a = a(r). Then the Toeplitz operator Ta acting on A2λ (D) admits the representation (T Ta ϕ)(z) =

∞ n=0

γa,λ (n)

α2n,λ π


ϕ(ζ)(zζ)n dμλ (ζ),

where the constants αn,λ are given by (10.3.1). Proof. Follows directly from Theorems 10.4.2, and 10.3.3, and Corollary 10.3.4.


Chapter 10. Weighted Bergman Spaces The standard orthonormal monomial basis in A2λ (D) is obviously given by αn,λ n ∈ Z+ , en,λ (z) = √ z n , π

and the orthonormal projection Pn,λ of A2λ (D) onto the one-dimensional space Ln,λ , generated by en,λ (z), has the form α2n,λ ϕ(ζ)(zζ)n dμλ (ζ). (10.4.2) (P Pn,λ ϕ)(z) = ϕ, en,λ en,λ = π D Thus the above theorem states that for a radial symbol a = a(r), we have Ta ϕ =

γa,λ (n) Pn,λ ϕ.



We give now an independent direct proof of the equality Ta en,λ = γn,λ en,λ . Note that the series (10.1.4) ∞ 1 Γ(n + 2 + λ) (zζ)n = 2+λ n! Γ(2 + λ) (1 − zζ) n=0

converges uniformly for any fixed z ∈ D, which permits us to interchange the summation and integration on the next formula. For a = a(r), we have a(r) ζ n αn,λ λ + 1 Ta en,λ = √ (1 − r2 )λ dv(ζ) λ+2 π π D (1 − zζ) ∞ dt αn,λ λ + 1 Γ(k + 2 + λ) n 1 n+k 2 λ √ z a(r)r (1 − r ) rdr tn−k = π k! Γ(λ + 2) it π 1 S 0 k=0 1 Γ(n + 2 + λ) n αn,λ z a(r)r2n (1 − r2 )λ rdr = √ 2(λ + 1) π n! Γ(λ + 2) 0 1 √ αn,λ 1 a( r)rn (1 − r)λ dr √ z n = B(n + 1, λ + 1) 0 π = γa,λ en,λ (z). Theorem 10.4.5. Let Ta be the Toeplitz operator with radial symbol a(r) ∈ L∞ [0, 1). Then the corresponding Wick function has the form

a(z, ζ)

= (1 − zζ)λ+2

∞ Γ(n + 2 + λ) (zζ)n γa,λ (n) n! Γ(2 + λ) n=0

= (1 − zζ)λ+2

∞ α2n,λ (zζ)n γa,λ (n). π n=0

10.4. Model classes of Toeplitz operators


Proof. The reproducing property of the Bergman kernel shows that the system of functions kζ (z) = kz (ζ) = KD (z, ζ), ζ ∈ D, forms the system of coherent states (see Appendix A, Section A.1) in the Bergman space A2λ (D). Thus

a(z, ζ) = = =

T Ta kζ , kz = kζ (z)−1 akζ , kz

kζ , kz a(|w|) λ+1 (1 − zζ)λ+2 (1 − |w|2 )λ dv(w) λ+2 λ+2 π (1 − zw) D (1 − wζ) ∞ Γ(k + 2 + λ) λ+2 (wζ)k a(|w|) (1 − zζ) k! Γ(2 + λ) D k=0

∞ Γ(n + 2 + λ) λ+1 (zw)n (1 − |w|2 )λ dv(w) · n! Γ(2 + λ) π n=0 ∞



λ + 1 Γ(k + 2 + λ) Γ(k + 2 + λ) k n ζ z π k! Γ(2 + λ) k! Γ(2 + λ) k=0 n=0 1 dt · a(r) rk+n (1 − r2 )λ rdr tk−n it 1 S 0 2 ∞ Γ(n + 2 + λ) λ+2 2(λ + 1) (zζ)n (1 − zζ) n! Γ(2 + λ) n=0 1 · a(r) r2n1 (1 − r2 )λ dr (1 − zζ)λ+2


(1 − zζ)λ+2

∞ Γ(n + 2 + λ) (zζ)n γa,λ (n) n! Γ(2 + λ) n=0


(1 − zζ)

∞ α2n,λ (zζ)n γa,λ (n). π n=0


Corollary 10.4.6. Let Ta be the Toeplitz operator with radial symbol a(r) ∈ L∞ [0, 1). Then the Wick symbol of Ta is radial as well and is given by the formula

a(r) = a(z, z) = (1 − r2 )λ+2

∞ Γ(n + 2 + λ) 2n r γa,λ (n). n! Γ(2 + λ) n=0


Chapter 10. Weighted Bergman Spaces

Remark 10.4.7. Given a radial symbol a = a(r), writing the Toeplitz operator Ta in terms of its Wick symbol we get formula (10.4.3). Indeed, (T Ta ϕ)(z) =

a(z, ζ)ϕ(ζ)kζ (z)dμλ (ζ) D

= = =

∞ α2n,λ (zζ)n γa,λ (n) ϕ(ζ) dμλ (ζ) D n=0 π ∞ α2n,λ γa,λ (n) ϕ(ζ) (zζ)n dμλ (ζ) π D n=0 ∞

γa,λ (n) (P Pn,λ ϕ)(z),


where the one-dimensional projections Pn,λ , n ∈ Z+ are given by (10.4.2). Corollary 10.4.8. Let Ta1 and Ta2 be two Toeplitz operators with symbols a1 (r) and a2 (r) respectively, and let a1 (r) and a2 (r) be their Wick symbols. Then the Wick symbol a(r) of the composition Ta1 Ta2 is given by

a(r) = ( a1 a2 )(r) = (1 − r2 )λ+2

∞ Γ(n + 2 + λ) 2n r γa1 ,λ (n) γa2 ,λ (n). n! Γ(2 + λ) n=0

10.4.2 Toeplitz operators with symbols depending on y Given a function a = a(y) ∈ L∞ (R+ ), which depends only on vertical variable y = Im z, consider the Toeplitz operator Ta : ϕ ∈ A2λ (Π) −→ BΠ,λ aϕ ∈ A2λ (Π). Theorem 10.4.9. For any a = a(y) ∈ L∞ (R+ ), the Toeplitz operator Ta acting on A2λ (Π) is unitary equivalent to the multiplication operator γa,λ I = Rλ Ta Rλ∗ , acting on L2 (R+ ). The function γa,λ (x) is ∞ xλ+1 γa,λ (x) = a(t/2)tλ e−xt dt Γ(λ + 1) 0 ∞ 1 t = a( )tλ e−t dt, x ∈ R+ , (10.4.4) Γ(λ + 1) 0 2x and the operators Rλ∗ and Rλ are given by (10.3.7) and (10.3.8), respectively. Proof. Calculate Rλ Ta Rλ∗


Rλ BΠ,λ aBΠ,λ Rλ∗ = Rλ (Rλ∗ Rλ )a(Rλ∗ Rλ )Rλ∗


(Rλ Rλ∗ )Rλ aRλ∗ (Rλ Rλ∗ ) = Rλ aRλ∗


R0∗ U2,λ U1 a(y)U1−1 U2−1 ,λ R0


R0∗ U2,λ a(y)U U2−1 ,λ R0


R0∗ a(β(|x|, y))R0 .

10.4. Model classes of Toeplitz operators


Now (R0∗ a(β(|x|, y))R0 f )(x) =

a(β(|x|, η) f (x) e−η dη = γa,λ (x) · f (x),


where γa,λ (x)


a(β(|x|, η) e−η dη =




= =

a(t)e−γ(x,t) dγ(x, t)


a(t)θλ2 (x)(λ

λ −2tx

+ 1)(2t) e


∞ xλ+1 a(t/2)tλ e−xt dt Γ(λ + 1) 0 ∞ 1 t a( )tλ e−t dt, x ∈ R+ . Γ(λ + 1) 0 2x

Here the functions γ(x, t) and θλ (x) are given by (10.3.6) and (10.3.5), respectively. Corollary 10.4.10. The C ∗ -algebra Tλ generated by all Toeplitz operators Ta with symbols a = a(y) ∈ L∞ (R+ ) is commutative and is isometrically imbedded in Cb (R+ ). The isometric imbedding τλ is generated by the mapping τλ : Ta −→ γa,λ . Rewriting the statement of Theorem 10.4.9 we come to the following spectraltype representation of a Toeplitz operator. Theorem 10.4.11. Let a = a(y). Then the Toeplitz operator Ta acting on A2λ (Π) admits the representation λ+1 1

(T Ta ϕ)(z) = t 2 γa,λ (t) f (t) eiz·t dt, (10.4.5) Γ(λ + 2) R+ where f (x) = (Rλ ϕ)(x). Proof. Follows directly from Theorems 10.4.9, and 10.3.7, and Corollary 10.3.8. At the same time it is instructive to give a direct proof of the theorem which does not use the results of the previous section. Indeed, for a symbol a = a(y) depending only on y consider the Toeplitz operator

(T Ta ϕ)(z) = (λ + 1)

a(η)ϕ(ζ) Π

ζ −ζ z−ζ

λ+2 dν(ζ),


Chapter 10. Weighted Bergman Spaces

where ζ = ξ + iη. Represent the function ϕ(ζ) in the form of the Fourier integral λ+1 1 t 2 f (t) eit(ξ+iη) dt, η > 0, ϕ(ξ + iη) =

Γ(λ + 2) R+ where f ∈ L2 (R+ ). Now iλ+2 (T Ta ϕ)(z) =

π Γ(λ + 2)

a(η)(2η)λ dη R+


λ+1 2

f (t) e−tη dt



Using the formula, see [86] 3.382.6, 2π tλ+1 e−βt , (iβ − ξ)−(λ+2) eitξ dξ = λ+2 i Γ(λ + 2) R we have (T Ta ϕ)(z)

= = =

2(λ + 1) Γ(λ + 2)3/2

a(η)(2η)λ dη



eitξ dξ . (z + iη − ξ)λ+2

t > 0,

λ+1 2 +(λ+1)

f (t) e−2tη+izt dt


λ+1 2 tλ+1 izt 2 t f (t) e dt a(η)(2η)λ e−2tη dη Γ(λ + 1) R+ Γ(λ + 2)1/2 R+ λ+1 1

t 2 f (t) γa,λ (t) eizt dt, Γ(λ + 2) R+

where γa,λ (t) =

tλ+1 Γ(λ + 1)

η a( ) η λ e−tη dη. 2

Theorem 10.4.12. Given a = a(y), the Wick symbol a(z, z) of the Toeplitz operator Ta depends only on y as well, and has the form (2y)λ+2

T Ta kz , kz

a(y) = a(z, z) = = uλ+1 γa,λ (u) e−2yu du, (10.4.6)

kz , kz Γ(λ + 2) R+ and the corresponding Wick function is given by formula [−i(z − w)]λ+2

T Ta kw , kz =

a(z, w) = uλ+1 γa,λ (u) ei(z−w)u du.

kw , kz Γ(λ + 2) R+


Proof. Consider kz (w) = i2+λ (w − z)−(λ+2) = i2+λ (u + iv − x + iy)−(λ+2) and calculate i2+λ √ (U1 kz )(u, v) = (ξ + iv − x + iy)−(λ+2) e−iξu dξ π 2 R 1 √ = (ξ + i(y + v + ix))−(λ+2) e−iξu dξ. i2+λ π 2 R

10.4. Model classes of Toeplitz operators


Using formula 3.382.7 from [86], we have λ+2

(U1 kz )(u, v) = (−1)

√ λ+1 2u e−u(y+η)−iux . χ+ (u) Γ(λ + 2)


T Ta kz , kz

= akz , kz = U1 akz , U1 kz = aU1 kz , U1 kz ∞ ∞ 2 a(v) u2(λ+1) e−2u(y+v) (λ + 1) (2v)λ dudv = [Γ(λ + 2)]2 0 0 ∞ ∞ 2uλ+1 1 λ+1 −2yu u e du a(v)(2v)λ e−2uv dv = Γ(λ + 2) 0 Γ(λ + 1) 0 1 = uλ+1 γa,λ (u) e−2yu du. Γ(λ + 2) R+

Thus we have (10.4.6). The equality (10.4.7) follows from (10.4.6) by the analytic continuation principle, or can be verified by direct calculations. Remark 10.4.13. Formula (10.4.6) admits an interesting interpretation. Start with a symbol a = a(y) and the Toeplitz operator Taλ acting on A2λ (Π), calculate the corresponding function γa,λ (x), x > 0, and consider now the Toeplitz operator Tγλ+1 with symbol γa,λ (y) acting on A2λ+1 (Π). Then the corresponding function a,λ γγa,λ ,λ+1 coincides with the Wick symbol of the initial Toeplitz operator Taλ , i.e.,

a(y) = a(z, z) = γγa,λ ,λ+1 (y). Remark 10.4.14. Given a symbol a = a(y), writing the Toeplitz operator Ta in terms of its Wick symbol we get the formula (10.4.5). Indeed

(T Ta ϕ)(z) = =

ϕ(w) iλ+2 μλ (w) dv(w) (z − w)λ+2 Π [−i(z − w)]λ+2 uλ+1 γa,λ (u) ei(z−w)u du Γ(λ + 2) Π R+

a(z, w)

ϕ(w) iλ+2 μλ (w) dv(w) (z − w)λ+2 λ+1 1

u 2 γa,λ (u) eizu du Γ(λ + 2) R+ λ+1 u 2

· ϕ(w) e−i w·u μλ (w) dv(w) Γ(λ + 2) Π λ+1 1

u 2 γa,λ (u) (Rλ ϕ)(u) eizu du. Γ(λ + 2) R+ ·




Chapter 10. Weighted Bergman Spaces

Corollary 10.4.15. Let Ta1 and Ta2 be two Toeplitz operators with symbols a1 (y) and a2 (y) respectively, and let a1 (y) and a2 (y) be their Wick symbols. Then the Wick symbol a(y) of the composition Ta1 Ta2 is given by (2y)λ+2

a(y) = ( a1 a2 )(y) = uλ+1 γa1 ,λ (u) γa2 ,λ (u) e−2yu du. Γ(λ + 2) R+

10.4.3 Toeplitz operators with symbols depending on θ Let now a = a(θ) depend only on the angular variable θ. Theorem 10.4.16. Given a = a(θ) ∈ L∞ (0, π), the Toeplitz operator Taλ acting on A2λ (Π) is unitary equivalent to the multiplication operator γa,λ I = Rλ Taλ Rλ∗ , acting on L2 (R). The function γa,λ (ξ) is π λ 2 γa,λ (ξ) = 2 (λ + 1)ϑλ (ξ) a(θ) e−2ξθ sinλ θ dθ, (10.4.8)



e−2ξθ sinλ θ dθ



a(θ) e−2ξθ sinλ θ dθ,

ξ ∈ R,

and the operators Rλ∗ and Rλ are given by (10.3.11) and (10.3.12), respectively. Proof. Calculate Rλ Ta Rλ∗


Rλ BΠ,λ aBΠ,λ Rλ∗ = Rλ (Rλ∗ Rλ )a(Rλ∗ Rλ )Rλ∗

= =

(Rλ Rλ∗ )Rλ aRλ∗ (Rλ Rλ∗ ) = Rλ aRλ∗ R0∗ U1 a(θ)U1−1 R0


R0∗ a(θ)R0 .

Thus (R0∗ a(θ)R0 f )(ξ)

= 2λ (λ + 1)ϑλ (ξ) ·


a(θ) e−(ξ−(1+λ/2)i)θ f (x)

ϑλ (ξ) e−(ξ+(1+λ/2)i)θ sinλ θ dθ

= γa,λ (ξ) · f (ξ), where λ

γa,λ (ξ) = 2 (λ +

1)ϑ2λ (ξ)


a(θ) e−2ξθ sinλ θ dθ,

Here the function ϑλ (ξ) is given by (10.3.10).

ξ ∈ R.

Corollary 10.4.17. The C ∗ -algebra Tλ generated by all Toeplitz operators Ta with symbols a = a(θ) ∈ L∞ (0, π) is commutative and is isometrically imbedded in Cb (R). The isometric imbedding τλ is generated by the mapping τλ : Ta −→ γa,λ .

10.4. Model classes of Toeplitz operators


Rewriting the statement of Theorem 10.4.16 we come to the following spectral-type representation of a Toeplitz operator. Theorem 10.4.18. Let a = a(θ). Then the Toeplitz operator Ta acting on A2λ (Π) admits the representation 1 (T Ta ϕ)(z) = √ z iξ−(1+λ/2) ϑλ (ξ) γa,λ (ξ) f (ξ) dξ, (10.4.9) 2 R where f (ξ) = (Rλ ϕ)(ξ). Proof. Follows directly from Theorems 10.4.16, and 10.3.11, and Corollary 10.3.12. Theorem 10.4.19. Given a = a(θ), the Wick symbol a(z, z) of the Toeplitz operator Ta depends only on θ ( = arg z ) as well, and has the form λ+2 λ+1

a(θ) = a(z, z) = 2 sin θ e−2ξθ ϑ2λ (ξ) γa,λ (ξ) dξ (10.4.10) R

and the corresponding Wick function is given by formula i−(λ+2)

T Ta kw , kz z = (z − w)λ+2 (zw)−(λ+2)/2 ( )iξ ϑ2λ (ξ) γa,λ (ξ) dξ.

a(z, w) =

kw , kz 2 w R (10.4.11) Proof. Consider kz (w) = i2+λ (w − z)−(λ+2) = i2+λ (ρeiλ − re−iθ )−(λ+2) and calculate i2+λ (U1 kz )(ξ, λ) = √ ρ−iξ+λ/2 (ρeiλ − z)−(λ+2) dρ. π 2 R+ Using formula 3.194.3 from [86] and (10.3.10), we have (U1 kz )(ξ, λ)

= =

B( λ+2 iξ, λ+2 λ+2 2 −√ 2 + iξ) ξλ −ξλ−i λ+2 2 λ (z)−iξ− 2 e e 2π λ+2 ϑ2λ (ξ) −ξλ−i λ+2 λ 2 √ e (z)−iξ− 2 . 2


T Ta kz , kz

= akz , kz = U1 akz , U1 kz = aU1 kz , U1 kz π λ+2 λ+2 1 a(λ) ϑ4λ (ξ)e−2ξλ (z)−iξ− 2 z iξ− 2 2λ (λ + 1) sinλ θdξdθ = 2 R 0 π r−(λ+2) ϑ2λ (ξ) e−2ξθ dξ 2λ (λ + 1)ϑ2λ (ξ) a(λ) e−2ξλ sinλ λdλ = 2 R 0 r−(λ+2) 2 −2ξθ ϑλ (ξ) e γa,λ (ξ)dξ. = 2 R

260 Similarly

Chapter 10. Weighted Bergman Spaces


T Ta kw , kz = 2

z ( )iξ ϑ2λ (ξ) γa,λ (ξ) dξ. w R

Furthermore kw , kz = kw (z) = iλ+2 (z − w)−(λ+2) , and kz , kz = kz (z) = (2Im z)−(λ+2) . Thus we have both (10.4.10) and (10.4.11). Remark 10.4.20. Given a symbol a = a(θ), writing the Toeplitz operator Ta in terms of its Wick symbol we get the formula (10.4.9). Indeed, ϕ(w) iλ+2 Ta ϕ)(z) = (T

a(z, w) μλ (w) dv(w) (z − w)λ+2 Π 1 z −(λ+2)/2 = (zw) ϕ(w) μλ (w) dv(w) ( )iξ ϑ2λ (ξ) γa,λ (ξ) dξ 2 Π w R 1 iξ− λ+2 2 = √ z ϑλ (ξ) γa,λ (ξ) dξ 2 R λ+2 ϑλ (ξ) · √ (w)−iξ− 2 ϕ(w) μλ (w) dv(w) 2 Π 1 iξ− λ+2 2 = √ z ϑλ (ξ) γa,λ (ξ) (Rλ ϕ)(ξ) dξ. 2 R Corollary 10.4.21. Let Ta1 and Ta2 be two Toeplitz operators with symbols a1 (θ) and a2 (θ) respectively, and let a1 (θ) and a2 (θ) be their Wick symbols. Then the Wick symbol a(θ) of the composition Ta1 Ta2 is given by a2 )(θ) = 2λ+1 sinλ+2 θ e−2ξθ ϑ2λ (ξ) γa1 ,λ (ξ) γa2 ,λ (ξ) dξ.

a(θ) = ( a1 R

10.5 Boundedness, spectra, and invariant subspaces As was shown in Theorems 10.4.2, 10.4.9, and 10.4.16 for each type of model pencil (elliptic, parabolic, and hyperbolic) and with the corresponding set of L∞ defining symbols constant on cycles, the corresponding Toeplitz operators are unitary equivalent to the multiplication operators γa,λ I, where γa,λ are given by (10.4.1), (10.4.4), and (10.4.8), respectively. These theorems can be easily extended for the case of unbounded (measurable) defining symbols constant on cycles. Indeed, having a symbol a such that the corresponding γa,λ exists (the integral defining γa,λ converges) we can define first the operator Ta on an appropriate dense set in the weighted Bergman space A2λ and then in case of boundedness of γa,λ extend Ta to a bounded operator on all of A2λ . That is, we have Theorem 10.5.1. Given an unbounded (measurable) defining symbol a constant on cycles, the corresponding Toeplitz operator Ta is bounded if and only if γa,λ is bounded, and in case of boundedness the assertions of Theorems 10.4.2, 10.4.9, and 10.4.16 remain true.

10.5. Boundedness, spectra, and invariant subspaces


Further in the elliptic case, the Toeplitz operator with (unbounded measurable) radial defining symbol a(r) is compact on A2λ (D) if and only if lim γa,λ (n) = 0.


We note that the consideration of unbounded defining symbols is quite natural. In particular, as will be shown in the next chapter, even if one starts with bounded defining symbols only the Toeplitz operators with unbounded defining symbols will appear both under the uniform limit of Toeplitz operators with bounded symbols (see Theorem 11.1.1) and as a result of algebraic operations with Toeplitz operators having bounded symbols (see Lemma 11.2.1). The next assertion follows directly from Theorem 10.5.1 and describes the spectral properties. Corollary 10.5.2. Given a model pencil, let a be an unbounded measurable defining symbol constant on cycles such that the Toeplitz operator Ta is bounded on A2λ . Then the spectum of Ta in A2λ coincides with the closure of the image of the corresponding γa,λ , sp Ta = clos(Range γa,λ ) Further in the elliptic case, the essential spectrum of a bounded Toeplitz operator with (unbounded measurable) radial defining symbol a(r) coincides with the set of the limit points of the sequence γa,λ = {γa,λ (n)}n∈Z+ . The property of being unitary equivalent to a multiplication operator permits us to describe easily the invariant subspaces of each C ∗ -algebra generated by Toeplitz operators with defining symbols constant on cycles. Denote by X the domain of γa,λ , that is Z+ , R+ , or R, depending on the type of the model pencil, elliptic, parabolic, or hyperbolic, respectively. Now as a direct corollary of Theorems 10.4.2, 10.4.9, and 10.4.16 we have Theorem 10.5.3. Given a model pencil P, consider the C ∗ -algebra T generated by bounded Toeplitz operators Ta with (unbounded measurable) defining symbols constant on cycles. The commutative algebra T is reducible and every invariant subspace of T is defined by a measurable subset M of X and has the form XM = (Rλ∗ χM I)L2 (X), where χM is the characteristic function of M and the operator Rλ∗ is given by (10.3.2), (10.3.7), or (10.3.11), depending on a type of the pencil P.

Chapter 11

Commutative Algebras of Toeplitz Operators The commutative C ∗ -algebras of Toeplitz operators on the classical (weightless) Bergman space were classified in Chapter 9 by pencils of geodesics on the unit disk, considered as the hyperbolic plane. Theorem 10.4.1 shows that the same classes of defining symbols generate commutative C ∗ -algebras of Toeplitz operators on each weighted Bergman space. At the same time the principal question, whether the above cases are the only possible sets of defining symbols which might generate the commutative C ∗ -algebras of Toeplitz operators on each weighted Bergman space, has remained open. In this chapter we give the affirmative answer to the above question. We note that there is a trivial case having in fact no connection with specific properties of Toeplitz operators. Every C ∗ -algebra with identity (Toeplitz operators with the defining symbol e(z) ≡ 1) generated by a self-adjoint element (Toeplitz operator with a real-valued defining symbol a = a(z)) is obviously commutative. We exclude this obvious case from further considerations. The commutativity of the Toeplitz operator algebras on each weighted Bergman space is of great importance and permits us to make use of the Berezin quantization procedure (see Appendix B). At the same time to obtain the necessary information about potential defining symbols we need to calculate additionally the second and third term in the asymptotic expansion of a commutator. It turns out that the first, second, and third terms of this expansion together provide us with the exact geometric information: in order to generate a commutative C ∗ -algebra of Toeplitz operators on each weighted Bergman space their defining symbols must be constant on the orthogonal trajectories to the geodesics of a certain pencil. We show as well that there exist non-typical, in a sense, C ∗ -algebras of Toeplitz operators which are commutative only on a single weighted Bergman space.


Chapter 11. Commutative Algebras of Toeplitz Operators

11.1 On symbol classes Although the bounded Toeplitz operators are normally considered with defining symbols belonging to a certain (Banach or C ∗ -) algebra, the only a priori natural structure on a set of symbols is a linear space (without any topology). This is quite fair. Indeed, considering bounded Toeplitz operators with unbounded defining symbols, we gave an example (see Example 6.2.1) of two bounded Toeplitz operators with symbols a1 and a2 such that the Toeplitz operator with symbol a1 ·a2 is unbounded. We note that Toeplitz operators with unbounded defining symbols can easily appear both as uniform limits of Toeplitz operators with bounded defining symbols (see Theorem 11.1.1) and as results of algebraic operations with Toeplitz operators having bounded defining symbols (see Lemma 11.2.1). Consequently, discussing commutative C ∗ -algebras of Toeplitz operators we will always assume that the corresponding generating class of symbols is a linear space. As was already mentioned, there is a trivial case having in fact no connection with specific properties of Toeplitz operators. Each C ∗ -algebra with identity (Toeplitz operators with the defining symbol e(z) ≡ 1) generated by a self-adjoint element (Toeplitz operator with a real-valued defining symbol a = a(z)) is obviously commutative. The set of generating symbols here is quite restricted, and coincides with the two-dimensional linear space generated by e(z) and a(z). We exclude this obvious case from further consideration. To underline the geometric nature of symbol classes which generate the commutative C ∗ -algebras of Toeplitz operators we considered bounded measurable defining symbols in the previous section. This also agrees with the desire for such (commutative) algebras to be, in a sense, maximal. We note that the arguments used in the proof do not require any assumption on smoothness properties of the symbols. The same result (commutativity of Toeplitz operator C ∗ -algebra) remains valid for each linear subspace of L∞ -symbols (constant on cycles). Moreover, we can start as well with a much more restricted set of defining symbols (say, smooth symbols only) and extend them to all L∞ -symbols by means of uniform and strong operator limits of sequences of Toeplitz operators. Thus it is irrelevant which class of symbols, smooth or L∞ , one starts with. In Section 11.4 we assume that a commutative C ∗ -algebra of Toeplitz operators is generated by symbols from a certain linear space of smooth functions, and then prove in Section 11.8 that the symbols are constant on the cycles of a pencil. Then the initial class of defining symbols can be extended, knowing the result of Theorem 10.4.1, to all L∞ -functions constant on the cycles of the corresponding pencil. As a result, in what follows it is sufficient to deal with the smooth symbols only. As we consider the C ∗ -algebra generated by Toeplitz operators, we can always assume, without loss of generality, that our set of defining symbols is closed under complex conjugation and contains the function e(z) ≡ 1. We show now how Toeplitz operators with unbounded defining symbols can appear as uniform limits of Toeplitz operators with bounded symbols. In the next

11.1. On symbol classes


theorem we use the weighted Bergman spaces A2λ (Π) labeled by λ = (λ)

Theorem 11.1.1. The Toeplitz operator Ta

a(v) = (2v)−β sin(2v)−α ,

1 h

− 2.

with unbounded defining symbol v = Im w ∈ R+ ,


where 0 < β < 1 and α > β, is bounded and belongs to the C ∗ -algebra generated by Toeplitz operators with smooth bounded defining symbols on each weighted Bergman space A2λ (Π). (λ)

Proof. First of all by Example 13.1.4, the Toeplitz operator Ta symbol (11.1.1) is bounded on each A2λ (Π), where λ ≥ 0. Consider now the sequence {an }, where a(v), v ∈ [vn , ∞) an (v) = , 0, v ∈ [0, vn )

with defining

and vn = 12 (πn)−1/α are zeros of the function (11.1.1). Note that each symbol an (v) is bounded and continuous. Further each an (v) can be uniformly approximated by smooth symbols and thus belongs to the C ∗ -algebra generated by the Toeplitz operators with smooth bounded defining symbols. By Theorem 10.4.9 the Toeplitz (λ) operator Ta , acting on A2λ (Π), is unitary equivalent to the multiplication operator γa,λ I acting on L2 (R+ ), where the function γa,λ (x) is given by (10.4.4). Thus T Ta(λ) − Ta(λ) = n = =


T T(a−an ) = sup |γ(a−an ),λ (x)| x∈R+

$ λ+1 vn $ $ x $ λ −xt $ $ sup $ a(t/2)t e dt$ Γ(λ + 1) x∈R+ 0 $ λ+1 $ x sup $$ Ba (vn )vnλ e−xvn x∈R+ Γ(λ + 1) $$ vn $ λ−1 −xt − Ba (t)(λ − xt)t e dt $$ , 0


Ba (t) =


a(v/2)dv 0



v −β sin v −α dv =

1 α


β−1 α −1

sin y dy.


Integrating by parts twice we get Ba (t)


tα−β+1 (β − α − 1) 2α−β+1 cos t−α − t sin t−α α α2 (β − α − 1)(β − 2α − 1) ∞ β−1 −3 − y α sin y dy. α3 t−α


Chapter 11. Commutative Algebras of Toeplitz Operators

Thus we have Ba (t) =

tα−β+1 cos t−α + O(t2α−β+1 ), α

t → 0,

or |Ba (t)| ≤ const tα−β+1 , where the constant does not depend on t ∈ (0, 1). Thus $ λ+1 vn $ x (λ) α−β+1+λ −xvn $ vn T T(a−an ) ≤ const sup $ e +λ tα−β+λ e−xt dt x∈R+ Γ(λ + 1) 0 $$ vn $ + x tα−β+λ+1 e−xt dt $$ 0

1 sup vnα−β (vn x)λ+1 e−vn x Γ(λ + 1) x∈R+ vn x λ 1 α−β+λ −v sup +const v e dv Γ(λ + 1) x∈R+ xα−β 0 vn x 1 1 α−β+λ+1 −v sup +const v e dv Γ(λ + 1) x∈R+ xα−β 0


:= I1 + I2 + I3 . To evaluate I1 note that

sup (vn x)λ+1 e−vn x < ∞,


thus I1 ≤ c1 (λ) vnα−β . Evaluating I2 we assume first that vn x ≤ 1, then I2

λ 1 sup · (vn x)α−β+λ+1 Γ(λ + 1) x∈R+ xα−β


c2 (λ) sup vnα−β · (vn x)λ+1 ≤ c2 (λ)vnα−β . x∈R+

If vn x > 1, that is x > vn−1 , we have λ v α−β I2 ≤ const Γ(λ + 1) n

∞ 0

v α−β+λ e−v dv ≤ c3 (λ)vnα−β .

The evaluation of I3 is quite analogous. Thus we have ≤ c(λ) · vnα−β , T Ta(λ) − Ta(λ) n where the constant c(λ) depends on λ but does not depend on n, and where vn tends to 0 as n tends to infinity.

11.2. Commutativity on a single Bergman space


11.2 Commutativity on a single Bergman space Before passing to Toeplitz operator algebras commutative on each weighted Bergman space, we present results on the problem: whether there exist C ∗ -algebras of Toeplitz operators commutative on a single Bergman space. We start with the Toeplitz operator C ∗ -algebra with identity generated by the (single) Toeplitz operator with defining symbol a(z) = Re z = x. This algebra is commutative on each weighted Bergman space A2λ (D). Observe now that it contains at least one Toeplitz operator which is different from a linear combination of the initial generators. Lemma 11.2.1. Given a weighted Bergman space A2λ (D), the equality (λ)

(T Tx(λ) )2 = Tx2 + K (λ) (λ)

holds, where the compact operator K (λ) = Tkλ (r) is the Toeplitz operator with a certain radial symbol kλ (r), r = |z|. In particular, k0 (r)


k1 (r)


1 1 − r2 + ln r2 , 4 1 2r2 2 1 + r2 + . − ln r 4 1 − r2

Proof. Consider the following orthogonal (not orthonormal) basis, common for all weighted Bergman spaces A2λ (D), en (z) = z n , (λ)

n = 0, 1, 2, . . . . (λ)

We prove first that the operator Tz Tz is diagonal with respect to this basis, and moreover & ' n (λ) en (z). Tz(λ) Tz en (z) = (11.2.1) n+λ+1 We have obviously


' Tz(λ) en (z) = en+1 (z).


Calculate now & ' (1 − |ζ|2 )λ ζ ζ n λ+1 (λ) Tz en (z) = dν(ζ), λ+2 π D (1 − zζ) where dν is the usual Lebesgue plane measure. Changing the variable ζ = r t, where r ∈ [0, 1] and t belongs to the unit circle T, we have & ' (1 − r2 )λ rn+2 tn−2 λ+1 1 (λ) Tz en (z) = dtdr. πi (1 − zrt−1 )λ+2 T 0


Chapter 11. Commutative Algebras of Toeplitz Operators

Substitute (1 − zrt−1 )−(λ+2) =


(−1)k Ck

(zrt−1 )k ,



(λ + 2)(λ + 3) . . . (λ + k + 1) . k! Then according to the residue theory we have 1 & ' (λ) n−1 −(λ+2) n−1 Tz en (z) = 2(λ + 1)(−1) Cn−1 z (1 − r2 )λ r2n+1 dr −(λ+2)

(−1)k Ck


−(λ+2) n−1

= (λ + 1)(−1)n−1 Cn−1


0 1

(1 − r)λ rn dr


= (λ + 1)(−1)n−1 Cn−1 B(λ + 1, n + 1)z n−1 (λ + 2)(λ + 3) . . . (λ + n) Γ(λ + 1)Γ(n + 1) n−1 z = (λ + 1) (n − 1)! Γ(λ + n + 2) n en−1 (z), = (11.2.3) n+λ+1 where B and Γ are the classical Gauss functions. Now from (11.2.2) and (11.2.3) we have (11.2.1). Recall that each Toeplitz operator with radial defining symbol, as well as the (λ) (λ) operator Tz Tz , is diagonal in the basis {en (z)}. Moreover (see, for example, [44]) we have (0)

Tz(0) Tz

where k0 (r) = 1 + ln r2 .

(0) , k0 (r)

= T




In fact, for each λ, the operator Tz Tz is the Toeplitz operator with a certain radial defining symbol kλ (r). We do not present the exact formula for kλ (r) here, but mention, for example, that 2r2 2

k1 (r) = − 1 + . (11.2.5) ln r 1 − r2 Formulas (11.2.4) and (11.2.5) can be easily checked by comparing the spectral sequences given by (11.2.1), on the one hand, and by (10.4.1) on the other. Calculate now & '2 '2 1 & (λ) (λ) Tx(λ) Tz + Tz = 4 ' 1 & (λ) (λ) (λ) (λ) (λ) (λ) Tz Tz + Tz(λ) Tz + Tz Tz(λ) + Tz Tz = 4 ' 1 & (λ) (λ) (λ) (λ) Tz2 + Tz(λ) Tz + T|z|2 + Tz2 = 4 ' 1 & (λ) (λ) (λ) (λ) (λ) Tz Tz − Tr2 = Tx2 + K (λ) . = Tx2 + (11.2.6) 4

11.2. Commutativity on a single Bergman space


The operator K (λ) is obviously compact, and by the above is a Toeplitz operator with a certain radial defining symbol kλ (r). Moreover, by (11.2.4) and (11.2.5) we have k0 (r)


k1 (r)


1 1 − r2 + ln r2 , 4 1 2r2 2 2 1+r + − ln r . 4 1 − r2

Let A(D) be a set (linear space) of defining symbols. By Tλ (A(D)) we denote the C ∗ -algebra generated by Toeplitz operators with symbols from A(D), acting on the weighted Bergman space A2λ (D). Theorem 11.2.2. Given any weighted Bergman space A2λ0 (D), with λ0 ∈ (−1, +∞), there exists a set of defining symbols Aλ0 (D) such that the Toeplitz operator C ∗ algebra Tλ0 (Aλ0 (D)) is commutative, while all other algebras Tλ (Aλ0 (D)), λ = λ0 , are non-commutative. Proof. We prove the theorem for λ0 = 0; all other λ are treated quite analogously. Introduce the set A0 (D) as the linear space generated by the following three functions: 1 e(z) ≡ 1, a(z) = Re z = x, a0 (z) = x2 + k0 (r) = x2 + (1 − r2 + ln r2 ). (11.2.7) 4 (0)

The algebra T0 (A0 (D)) is obviously commutative, since by Lemma 11.2.1 Ta0 = (0) (T Tx )2 . To finish the proof we show that = Ta(λ) Tx(λ) , Tx(λ) Ta(λ) 0 0 (λ)

for each λ = 0. Since the operators Tx that (11.2.8) is equivalent to



and (T Tx )2 obviously commute, we have

Tx(λ) (T Ta(λ) − (T Tx(λ) )2 ) = (Ta(λ) − (T Tx(λ) )2 )T Tx(λ) , 0 0 or by (11.2.6) to (λ) k0

T Tx(λ) (T


(λ) k0

− Tz(λ) Tz ) = (T


− Tz(λ) Tz )T Tx(λ) .


By (11.2.2) and (11.2.3) we have (T Tx(λ) en )(z) =

' 1 1 & (λ) n (λ) (T Tz + Tz )en (z) = en+1 (z) + en−1 (z). 2 2 2(n + λ + 1)


Chapter 11. Commutative Algebras of Toeplitz Operators (λ) k0 (r)

The Toeplitz operator T

is diagonal in the basis {en (z)}, and moreover

by (10.4.1) we have (λ) en )(z) k0 (r)

(T T

= γk 0 ,λ (n) en (z),

where γ k0 ,λ (n)


1 B(n + 1, λ + 1)



k0 ( r) (1 − r)λ rn dr

1 1 (1 − r)λ rn ln r dr = 1+ B(n + 1, λ + 1) 0 = 1 + [ψ(n + 1) − ψ(n + λ + 2)].

(x) is Passing to the last equality we use formula 4.253 from [86], where ψ(x) = ΓΓ(x) the so called psi-function. We prove now that the two sides of (11.2.9) are different, for example, on the first basis element e0 (z). Indeed, by the above ' & 1 (λ) (λ) T − Tz(λ) Tz )e0 (z) = (1 + [ψ(1) − ψ(λ + 2)]) e1 (z), I1 := Tx(λ) (T k0 2 while ' & 1 1 (λ) (λ) (λ) (λ) 1 + [ψ(2) − ψ(λ + 3)] − e1 (z). I2 := (T T − Tz Tz )T Tx e0 (z) = k0 2 λ+2

Note that ψ(x + 1) = ψ(x) + x1 . Thus 1 1 I1 − I2 = ψ(1) − ψ(λ + 2) − ψ(2) + ψ(λ + 3) + e1 (z) 2 λ+2 λ = − e1 (z), 2(λ + 2) which is non-zero if and only if λ = 0.

11.3 Commutativity on each weighted Bergman space We use the Berezin quantization procedure on the unit disk (see Appendix B for details). Consider the unit disk equipped with the symplectic form ω = dμ(z) =

dx ∧ dy 1 1 dz ∧ dz = . π (1 − (x2 + y 2 ))2 2πi (1 − |z|2 )2

Given two functions a, b ∈ C ∞ (D), their Poisson bracket is given by (B.2.2) ∂a ∂b ∂a ∂b − {a, b} = π(1 − (x2 + y 2 ))2 ∂y ∂x ∂x ∂y ∂a ∂b ∂a ∂b − . (11.3.1) = 2πi(1 − zz)2 ∂z ∂z ∂z ∂z

11.3. Commutativity on each weighted Bergman space


Recall that the Laplace-Beltrami operator has the form (B.2.3) 2 ∂ ∂2 + Δ = π(1 − (x2 + y 2 ))2 ∂x2 ∂y 2 ∂2 . = 4π(1 − zz)2 ∂z∂z


For each h ∈ (0, 1), introduce the weighted Bergman space A2h (D). For each func(h) tion a = a(z) ∈ C ∞ (D) consider the family of Toeplitz operators Ta with (antiWick) symbol a acting on A2h (D), for h ∈ (0, 1), and denote by Th the ∗ -algebra (h) generated by Toeplitz operators Ta with defining symbols a ∈ C ∞ (D). (h) The Wick symbols of the Toeplitz operator Ta has the form (10.1.7) 1

ah (z, z) = ( − 1) h

a(ζ) D

(1 − |z|2 )(1 − |ζ|2 ) (1 − zζ)(1 − ζz)

h1 dμ(ζ).

(h) (h) Let Ta and Tb be two Toeplitz operators with the Wick symbols ah and bh , respectively. Then the star product ah bh of the Wick symbols is defined as the (h) (h) Wick symbol of the composition Ta Tb and is given by (10.1.8)

1 ( ah bh )(z, z) = ( − 1) h


ah (z, ζ) bh (ζ, z)

(1 − |z|2 )(1 − |ζ|2 ) (1 − zζ)(1 − ζz)

The correspondence principle says that under =

ah (z, z) =

( ah b h − b h ah )(z, z) =

h 2π

h1 dμ(ζ).

→ 0 one has

a(z, z) + O(), i {a, b} + O(2 ).


The last formula immediately leads to certain information about the defining symbols which might generate a commutative Toeplitz operator algebra. Theorem 11.3.1. Let A(D) be a subalgebra of C ∞ (D) such that for each h ∈ (0, 1) the Toeplitz operator algebra Th (A(D)), i.e., the C ∗ -algebra generated by the op(h) erators Ta , with a ∈ A(D), acting on the weighted Bergman space A2h (D), is commutative. Then A(D) is a commutative Lie algebra, i.e., {a, b} = 0 for all a, b ∈ A(D). Proof. The commutativity of the Toeplitz operator algebra Th (A(D)) implies that the subalgebra A h = { ah : a ∈ A(D)} of the algebra A h is commutative as well. By (11.3.3) for all a, b ∈ A(D) we have i 1 {a, b} = lim ( ah bh − bh ah ) = 0. h→0 h 2π


Chapter 11. Commutative Algebras of Toeplitz Operators

The geometric information which follows from (11.3.3) and Theorem 11.3.1 is insufficient for our purposes. Our main results will follow from the second and third terms of the asymptotic expansion of the commutator of two Wick symbols, which are given by the following theorem. Theorem 11.3.2. For any pair a = a(z, z) and b = b(z, z) of six times continuously differentiable functions the following three-term asymptotic expansion formula holds, ih

ah bh − bh ah = {a, b} 2π i i h2 {a, b} (Δ{a, b} + {a, Δb} + {Δa, b}) + + 2 8π 2 π i {Δa, Δb} + {a, Δ2 b} + {Δ2 a, b} + h3 192π 3 + Δ2 {a, b} + Δ{a, Δb} + Δ{Δa, b} 7i i {a, b} + o(h3 ) + (Δ{a, b} + {a, Δb} + {Δa, b}) + 48π 2 2π 2 = i {a, b} + i (Δ{a, b} + {a, Δb} + {Δa, b} + 8π{a, b}) 4 3 1 {Δa, Δb} + {a, Δ2 b} + {Δ2 a, b} + Δ2 {a, b} +i 24 + Δ{a, Δb} + Δ{Δa, b} + 28π (Δ{a, b} + {a, Δb} + {Δa, b}) 2 + 96π2 {a, b} + o(3 ), where the Poisson bracket { , } and the Laplace-Beltrami operator Δ in coordinates (z, z) are given by (11.3.1) and by (11.3.2), respectively. The proof of the theorem is given in Section B.4. Corollary 11.3.3. Let A(D) be a subalgebra of C ∞ (D) such that for each h ∈ (0, 1) the Toeplitz operator algebra Th (A(D)) is commutative. Then for all a, b ∈ A(D) we have {a, b} = 0, {a, Δb} + {Δa, b} = 0,

(11.3.4) (11.3.5)

{Δa, Δb} + {a, Δ2 b} + {Δ2 a, b} = 0.


11.4 First term: common gradient and level lines We start by introducing the symbol classes to be used. Let A(D) be a linear space of (smooth) functions. Denote by T (A(D)) = {T Th (A(D))}h the family of C ∗ -algebras

11.4. First term: common gradient and level lines


Th (A(D)) generated by Toeplitz operators with defining symbols from A(D) and acting on the weighted Bergman spaces A2h (D). We will call A(D) a generating space of symbols. In principle the same family of Toeplitz operator algebras can be generated by different generating spaces, i.e., there may exist different A1 (D) and A2 (D) such that T (A1 (D)) = T (A2 (D)). The important thing here is that the generating set must be the same for all values of the parameter h. We will call the family T = {T Th }h a single generated family if among its generating spaces there is a two-dimensional space Aa (D) which is generated by e(z) ≡ 1 and a real-valued function a(z). Consider in this connection the following two examples. Example 11.4.1. Let a(z) = Re z = x. Consider the corresponding single generated family of Toeplitz operator algebras T (Ax (D)) = {T Th (Ax (D))}h . As it was shown in the proof of Theorem 11.2.2, the algebra Th0 (Ax (D)) with h0 = 1/2 is generated as well by A(D) which is the linear span of the three functions of (11.2.7). At the same time none of the other algebras Th (Ax (D)) is generated by this A(D). Example 11.4.2. Let a(z) = |zz|1/2 = r. Consider the corresponding single generated family of Toeplitz operator algebras T (Ar (D)) = {T Th (Ar (D))}h . It can be proved that the family T (Ar (D)) can be generated as well by many other linear spaces of radial functions a(r) ∈ C([0, 1]) which contain e(z) ≡ 1 and are closed under complex conjugation, and in particular it can be generated by the whole C([0, 1]). At the same time, it can be proved that the family T = {T Th }h , which is generated by the linear space of all smooth radial functions (not necessarily continuous at 1), is wider and can not be generated by Ar (D). In what follows we will consider families of commutative Toeplitz operator algebras which contain among their generating spaces the ones given by Definition 11.4.3. To introduce them we need to consider the notion of the jet of a function, see, for example, [119, 174]. Given two complex-valued smooth functions f and g defined in a neighborhood of a point z ∈ D, we say that they have the same jet of order k at z if their real partial derivatives at z up to order k are equal. It is easy to see that such a relation does not depend on the coordinate system and that it defines an equivalence relation. The corresponding equivalence class of a function f at z is denoted by jzk (f ) and is called the k-th order jet of f at z. Furthermore, given a complex vector space A(D) of smooth functions, we denote with Jzk (A(D)) the space of k-jets at z of the elements in A(D). We observe that Jzk (A(D)) is a finite dimensional complex vector space. In what follows, for a differentiable function f : D → C we will say that z ∈ D is a non-singular point of f if dffz = 0. The symbol classes that we will consider are given in the next definition. Definition 11.4.3. Let A(D) be a complex vector space of smooth functions. We will say that A(D) is k-rich if it is closed under complex conjugation and the following conditions are satisfied:


Chapter 11. Commutative Algebras of Toeplitz Operators

(i) there is a finite set S such that for every z ∈ D \ S at least one element of A(D) is non-singular at z, (ii) for every point z ∈ D \ S and l = 0, . . . , k, the space of jets Jzl (A(D)) has complex dimension at least l + 1. Observe that k-richness implies l-richness for l ≤ k. The following result ensures that k-richness, for each k ≥ 2, excludes from consideration commutative Toeplitz C ∗ -algebras with identity generated by a single self-adjoint Toeplitz operator. Lemma 11.4.4. Let A(D) be a 2-rich space of smooth functions. Then, there is no open set V in D such that the restriction A(D)|V is generated by a single real-valued function a ∈ A(D) and e(z) ≡ 1. Proof. Suppose such real-valued function a exists for some open set V . Then for every b ∈ A(D)|V there exist c1 , c2 ∈ C such that b = c1 a + c2 e. Thus jz2 (b) = c1 jz2 (a) + c2 jz2 (e), for each z ∈ V , or the complex dimension of Jz2 (A(D)) is at most 2. The previous lemma shows the importance of considering a symbol set A(D) which is at least 2-rich. Having such a set A(D), assume now that the Toeplitz operator algebra Th (A(D)) is commutative for each h ∈ (0, 1). Then by Corollary 11.3.3 we have that for all a, b ∈ A(D) the equalities (11.3.4), (11.3.5), and (11.3.6) must be satisfied. Note that as the set A(D) is closed under complex conjugation, it is sufficient to consider the conditions (11.3.4), (11.3.5), and (11.3.6) for the real-valued functions only. Each real-valued function a ∈ A(D) with a non-vanishing gradient in an open set U ∈ D, has in U two systems of mutually orthogonal smooth lines, the system of level lines and the system of gradient lines. Given any such a pair, a function a and an open set U , it is easy to see that the above two systems of lines can be parameterized to be a new orthogonal coordinate system (u, v) in U . The level lines and the gradient lines of the function a in the coordinates (u, v) are given respectively as u = u0 = const


v = v0 = const .

Thus, in particular, we have a = a(u) = a(u(x, y)). The coordinate systems (u, v) and (x, y) are connected by u = u(x, y), v = v(x, y),


x = x(u, v), y = y(u, v),

with D=

∂x ∂y ∂x ∂y − = 0, ∂u ∂v ∂v ∂u

11.5. Second term: gradient lines are geodesics


and the orthogonality of the coordinate system (u, v) is equivalent to ∂x ∂x ∂y ∂y + ≡ 0. ∂u ∂v ∂u ∂v In the coordinates (u, v) the metric, the symplectic form, and the Poisson brackets have respectively the form ds2 = g11 (u, v)du2 + g22 (u, v)dv 2 , where


g11 = g(x, y)

∂x ∂u



∂y ∂u

2 4

3 ,

g 22 = g(x, y)

∂x ∂v



∂y ∂v

2 4 ,

with g = g(x, y) = π −1 (1 − (x2 + y 2 ))−2 , and ω {f1 , f2 }

= g(x, y) D du ∧ dv, ∂f1 ∂ff2 ∂f1 ∂ff2 −1 − . = g (x, y) D ∂v ∂u ∂u ∂v


The geometric information contained in the first term of the asymptotic expansion of a commutator, or equivalently in the condition (11.3.4), is given by the next lemma. Lemma 11.4.5. Let A(D) be a 2-rich space of smooth functions which generates for each h ∈ (0, 1) the commutative C ∗ -algebra Th (A(D)) of Toeplitz operators. Then all real-valued functions in A(D) have (globally) the same set of level lines and the same set of gradient lines. Proof. Fix a real-valued function a ∈ A(D) and the local orthogonal coordinate system as above. For any other (real-valued) function b ∈ A(D) condition (11.3.4) implies ∂b {a, b} = −g −1 D a (u) ≡ 0, ∂v or ∂b ≡ 0; ∂v that is, the function b has (in U0 ) the same level lines, and thus has the same gradient lines as the function a.

11.5 Second term: gradient lines are geodesics We continue to consider the above (local) orthogonal coordinate system (u, v). All real-valued functions from A(D) have the same set of level lines: x = x(u0 , v) u = u0 = const , or , y = y(u0 , v)


Chapter 11. Commutative Algebras of Toeplitz Operators

and the same set of gradient lines: v = v0 = const ,


x = x(u, v0 ) y = y(u, v0 )



The Laplace-Beltrami operator in the coordinates (u, v) has the form (see, for example, [151], p. 87) 2 2 ∂ ∂ 11 1 ∂ 2 ∂ 22 1 ∂ 2 ∂

− Γ11 + g − Γ22 , Δ = g − Γ11 − Γ22 ∂u2 ∂u ∂v ∂v 2 ∂u ∂v

k are the Schwarz-Christoffel symwhere the matrix ( g ij ) is inverse to ( gij ) and Γ ij bols on (u, v). For any function c = c(u) ∈ A(D) we have & '

1 + g 22 Γ

1 . Δc = c g 11 Γ (11.5.2) g 11 − c 11 22 The vanishing of the second term of the asymptotic in a commutator, or equivalently the condition (11.3.5), leads to the following theorem. Theorem 11.5.1. Let A(D) be a 2-rich space of smooth functions which generates for each h ∈ (0, 1) the commutative C ∗ -algebra Th (A(D)) of Toeplitz operators. Then the common gradient lines of all real-valued functions in A(D) are geodesics in the hyperbolic geometry of the unit disk D. Proof. Given two real-valued functions a = a(u), b = b(u) ∈ A(D), the condition (11.3.5) is equivalent to 0

∂Δb ∂Δa − b · ∂v ∂v ' g 11 ∂ & 11 1 ∂

122 − (a b − b a ) g Γ11 + = (a b − b a ) g 22 Γ ∂v ∂v 11 ∂ g . = (a b − b a ) ∂v ≡ a ·

Note that vanishing of a b − b a in an open subset of U is equivalent to the property that in this subset one of the functions, a or b, is a linear combination of the other and e(z) ≡ 1, which is impossible by Lemma 11.4.4. By Lemma 11.4.4 we can change, if necessary, in different parts of U the functions a and b from A(D) in order to have a b − b a = 0; then ∂ g 11 g11 2 ∂ = − g 11 ≡ 0, ∂v ∂v or

∂ ∂v


∂ ∂ , ∂u ∂u


; ≡ 0,


11.5. Second term: gradient lines are geodesics


where X1 , X2 = ds2 (X1 , X2 ) is the inner product of the vector fields X1 and X2 . Consider now any gradient line γ given by (11.5.1). The Frenet frame (e1 , e2 ) of γ is given by < E 1 2 2 iγ = (t ), γ (t )(1 − |γ(t )| ) + 2γ(t )γ (t ) 0 0 0 0 0 |γ (t0 )|3

iγ(t0 ), γ (t0 ) |γ (t0 )|



= 2


(1 − |γ(t0 )| ) iγ (t0 ), γ (t0 )


|γ (t0 )|



The final result now follows from (11.6.4).

In what follows we will use the notion of circular arcs, understanding them in the extended sense of the Riemann sphere geometry. In particular, every segment of a straight line is considered to be a circular arc. Theorem 11.6.3. Every circular arc contained in D has constant hyperbolic geodesic curvature. Proof. Every circular arc contained in D can be parameterized by either one of the following curves: γ1 : I1 → D t → r1 er2 it + z

γ2 : I2 → D t → tw + ir3 w,

where r1 , r2 , r3 ∈ R (r1 , r2 = 0), z, w ∈ C (w = 0) and I1 , I2 are suitable open intervals in R. For the expression of γ2 we have used the fact that we can translate the origin in the parameter t to assume that at time t = 0 the curve γ2 passes


Chapter 11. Commutative Algebras of Toeplitz Operators

through the point in the line segment nearest to the origin. Also observe that we require the conditions |z| + |r1 | ≤ 1, |r3 w|

or | |z| − |r1 | | < 1 < 1,

(11.6.6) (11.6.7)

for the circular arcs to have non-empty intersection with D. Then a straightforward application of the formula from Theorem 11.6.2 shows that the (hyperbolic) geodesic curvatures of the circular arcs defined by γ1 and γ2 are given by √ 2 sign(r2 ) π(r12 − |z| + 1) , (11.6.8) κγ1 (t) = |r1 | √ κγ2 (t) = −2 π |w| r3 , (11.6.9) for every t in I1 , I2 , respectively. In particular, the geodesic curvatures do not depend on t and thus the geodesic curvature is constant for every circular arc. The above formulas for the geodesic curvature of circular arcs allow us to describe the cycles in D by the value of their curvature as follows. 1. Horocycles: These are given by circular arcs contained in D which are tangent to the boundary of D. It is easy to check that such circular arcs are obtained from γ1 as in the proof of Theorem 11.6.3 precisely when |z| = 1 − |r1 |. Hence equation (11.6.8) shows √ that every √ horocycle has (constant) geodesic curvature with value either 2 π or −2 π according to whether r2 is positive or negative, respectively. It is easy to check that the sign of such curvature corresponds to the orientation of the horocycle. 2. Elliptic cycles: These correspond to circles completely contained in D. Such curves are obtained from γ1 in the proof of Theorem 11.6.3 precisely when |z| < 1 − |r1 |. By using this condition and equation (11.6.8) it follows that every elliptic√cycle has√(constant) geodesic curvature whose value lies in the set (−∞, −2 π ) ∪ (2 π, +∞). For each given elliptic cycle, the interval of such set in which the value of the geodesic curvature lies depends on the sign of r2 . Again, this reflects the orientation of the elliptic cycle. √Also, from √ equation (11.6.8) it is easy to see that for every κ0 ∈ (−∞, −2 π ) ∪ (2 π, +∞) there is an elliptic cycle whose geodesic curvature has (constant) value κ0 . 3. Hypercycles: These are given by curves γ1 precisely when |z| > 1 − |r1 | and by all curves γ2 as in the proof of Theorem 11.6.3. Such choices correspond to circular arcs that intersect the boundary of D in two different points. Using equations (11.6.8) and (11.6.9) it is easy to see that every hypercycle √ has √ (constant) geodesic curvature whose value lies in the interval (−2 π, 2 π).√Moreover, from such equations it is easy to see that for ev√ ery κ0 ∈ (−2 π, 2 π ) there is a hypercycle whose geodesic curvature has (constant) value κ0 .

11.6. Curves with constant geodesic curvature


Recall that for a 1-dimensional manifold C in the complex plane (e.g., a circular arc in D or a line in the complex plane), an orientation is an equivalence class of parameterizations where two of them γ1 , γ2 are considered equivalent if there is a strictly increasing function h such that γ2 = γ1 ◦ h. A curve is called oriented if it is endowed with an orientation. With these definitions, we say that two oriented curves C1 and C2 are tangent with the same orientation at a point z if they have parameterizations γ1 and γ2 , respectively, such that for some t1 , t2 we have γ1 (t1 ) = z = γ2 (t2 ) and γ1 (t1 ) = cγ2 (t2 ), for some c ∈ (0, +∞). For a given oriented curve C we say that an oriented straight line L is the oriented tangent for C at z if both are tangent with the same orientation at z. Given r ∈ (−1, 1), a simple computation shows that all oriented circular arcs that pass through r = r + i0 ∈ D with oriented tangent at r given by Ri (oriented in the direction of i) are γ1 (t) γ2 (t)

= (r − μ)esign(r−μ)it + μ, = ti + r,

where μ ∈ R \ {r}. From equations (11.6.8) and (11.6.9) we conclude that the (hyperbolic) geodesic curvatures of these curves through r are given by √ 2 π(r − 2μr + 1) κ γ1 = , r−μ √ κγ2 = 2 πr. A straightforward computation shows that κγ1 , as a function of μ, has strictly positive√derivative and so it is injective. Moreover, we observe that κγ1 has limits +∞, 2 πr and −∞ for μ → r− , |μ| → +∞ and μ → r+ , respectively. From these remarks it follows that for every r ∈ (−1, 1) and κ0 ∈ R there is exactly one circular arc passing through r with oriented tangent line Ri (oriented in the direction of i) and (constant) geodesic curvature κ0 . In particular, for fixed r, no circular arc given by the curves γ1 has geodesic curvature equal to that of γ2 . On the other hand, it is well known (both from geometry and complex analysis) that the M¨ o¨bius transformations fixing D and the reflections through geodesics in D generate a group G that acts transitively on the (hyperbolic) unit tangent bundle of D. In other words, for every z1 , z2 ∈ D and v1 ∈ Tz1 D, v2 ∈ Tz2 D with v1 = v2 , there is a transformation φ ∈ G that maps φ(z1 ) = z2 and dφ(v1 ) = v2 . It is also known that the transformations in G map circular arcs into circular arcs and (being hyperbolic isometries) preserve the geodesic curvature. These facts and the above remarks concerning circular arcs passing through a point r ∈ (−1, 1) with tangent Ri show that, for every z ∈ D, v ∈ Tz D \ {0} and κ0 ∈ R, there is exactly one oriented circular arc passing through z with (constant) geodesic curvature κ0 and oriented tangent line Rv (with orientation given by v). The above observations ensure the existence of curves with constant geodesic curvature and prescribed initial conditions. We also obtain uniqueness when we


Chapter 11. Commutative Algebras of Toeplitz Operators

restrict ourselves to the family of circular arcs in D. The next result proves that the uniqueness part holds for the larger family of C 2 curves in D. This will play an important role in our main results. Theorem 11.6.4. Let α : I → D and β : J → D be C 2 curves (I, ( J ⊂ R open intervals) with constant geodesic curvature such that 1. κα ≡ κβ , 2. both α and β are constant, 3. α(t0 ) = β(t0 ) and α (t0 ) = β (t0 ), for some t0 ∈ I ∩ J. Then, α|I∩J = β|I∩J . Proof. Let γ : I → D be a C 2 curve, where I ⊂ R. To require γ to be constant is equivalent to

γ , γ¨ = 0. (11.6.10) On the other hand, by the formula of Theorem 11.6.2 it follows that to require from γ to have constant geodesic curvature is equivalent to " ! E 2 E √ (1 − |γ| ) iγ , γ

iγ, γ + = κ0 , π 2 (11.6.11) 3 |γ | |γ | for some κ0 . Hence, the curves α and β in the statement satisfy the second-order system of ordinary differential equations given by (11.6.10) and (11.6.11) with same initial conditions by (3). Then the conclusion follows from standard results on ordinary differential equations, see for example the section “Integral Curves” of [151]. As a consequence of the previous result we obtain the following characterization of curves in D with constant hyperbolic geodesic curvature. Corollary 11.6.5. Let α : I → D be a C 2 curve with constant hyperbolic geodesic curvature, where I is an open interval in R. Then, there is a curve γ : J → D that parameterizes a circular arc such that I ⊂ J and α = γ|I . Moreover, no open circular arc in D contains the image of γ as a proper subset. Proof. We observe that the discussion in page 27 of [151] implies that a system of ordinary differential equations defines a vector field whose integral curves (see Definition 48 in page 27 of [151]) are precisely the solution of the system. Applying this observation to the system defined by equations (11.6.10), (11.6.11) in the proof of Theorem 11.6.4 together with the remarks that follow Corollary 50 in page 28 of [151], we conclude that there is a unique maximal integral γ : J → D of the vector field associated to the system of equations (11.6.10), (11.6.11). In particular, γ has constant hyperbolic geodesic curvature and α = γ|I . On the other hand, γ is a curve with constant hyperbolic geodesic curvature and for its initial conditions at a given parameter (value and derivative as well

11.7. Third term: level lines are cycles


as the value of its geodesic curvature) our remarks concerning the curvature of circular arcs ensure the existence of a circular arc C sharing those same initial conditions. Then the uniqueness property stated by Theorem 11.6.4 implies that γ coincides with the circular arc C in the intersection of their domains. By moving along the parameter of γ we conclude that γ can be seen as obtained from circular arcs glued together in a C 2 manner, which clearly implies that γ is itself a circular arc. The last claim follows from the fact that γ contains all open circular arcs with the initial condition data that γ itself provides. Since the (open) cycles in D are clearly the maximal (with respect to inclusion) circular arcs, we can sum up the previous results and remarks in the following statement. Theorem 11.6.6. A C 2 curve contained in D has constant geodesic curvature if and only if its image is a segment of a cycle.

11.7 Third term: level lines are cycles Let A(D) be a linear space of C 3 functions in D which is 2-rich and such that Th (A(D)) is commutative for each h ∈ (0, 1). Given a real-valued function a ∈ A(D) which is non-singular in some open set, we keep considering the orthogonal coordinate system (u, v) introduced in Section 11.4. Denote with k the geodesic curvature of the level curves of a as a function of (u, v). Our next result provides an expression for the first derivative of the geodesic curvature k in terms of Poisson brackets. Theorem 11.7.1. Let a ∈ A(D) be a non-constant real-valued function, and let z ∈ D be a non-singular point of a. Then in a neighborhood of z we have

∂k g g 11 = 2 {a, Δa}, ∂v (a ) D where g, D and g 11 are as in Section 11.4, and a denotes the partial derivative of a with respect to u to emphasize the independence of a with respect to v. Proof. By the definition of the geodesic curvature and our previous notation we have < 0, and 0 < β < 1. The next theorem deals with necessary conditions for boundedness and compactness. √ (j) Theorem 12.1.3. Let a( r) ∈ L1 (0, 1), and either a(r) ≥ 0, or Ba (r) ≥ 0 for a certain j ∈ N. Then the conditions (12.1.5), (12.1.6) are also necessary for (λ) the boundedness and compactness of the corresponding Toeplitz operator Ta on A2λ (D) with λ ≥ 0, respectively. That is, the conditions (12.1.5), (12.1.6) are necessary and sufficient for boundedness and respectively compactness of the Toeplitz (λ) operator Ta with the symbol a = a(r) as specified on A2λ (D), where λ ≥ 0.

12.1. Boundedness and compactness properties


Proof. We prove that these conditions are necessary when a(r) ≥ 0. The general (j) case of Ba (r) ≥ 0 for a certain j ∈ N can be treated analogously. For λ = 0, setting sn = 1 − B(n + 1, λ + 1) we have γa,0 (n) ≥ const B −1 (n + 1, 1)


√ a( r)dr = const (1 − sn )−1 Ba(1) (sn ),


which proves the statement for λ = 0. Let now λ = λ0 > 0. Below we show (Theorem 12.1.7) that if γa,λ0 is bounded (compact) for some λ0 , then it is also bounded (compact) for each λ ∈ [0, λ0 ). Corollary 12.1.4. If a(r) ≥ 0, and limε→0 inf r∈[1−ε,1] a(r) = +∞, then the Toeplitz (λ)

is unbounded on each A2λ (D), λ ≥ 0. √ (j) Corollary 12.1.5. Let a( r) ∈ L1 (0, 1), and let a(r) ≥ 0, or Ba (r) ≥ 0 for some (λ) j ∈ N. Then the Toeplitz operator Ta is bounded (compact), or unbounded (not compact) on each A2λ (D) simultaneously.

operator Ta

To prove the corollary it is sufficient to note that the above conditions for boundedness and compactness do not depend on λ. We would like to mention in this connection a result by K. Zhu (see [238]) who proved the statement for non-negative symbols (considering operators acting on the weighted Bergman space over the unit ball in Cn ). Our statement is not limited to non-negative symbols. √ Remark 12.1.6. For general a( r) ∈ L1 (0, 1) symbols the conditions (12.1.5), (12.1.6) fail to be necessary. Further, while j becomes large these conditions get (λ) weaker. But the hypothesis that each operator Ta (a = a(r)) bounded (or com2 pact) on Aλ (D) will satisfy (12.1.5) (or (12.1.6)) for some large j appears to be false. (λ)

Indeed, there exists (see Theorem 12.1.8 below) a Toeplitz operator Ta , bounded (compact) on A2λ1 (D) and unbounded (not compact) on A2λ2 (D), for some λ1 < λ2 , while the conditions (12.1.5) and (12.1.6) do not depend on λ. Furthermore, Example 12.2.6 below illustrates dependence of the conditions (12.1.5) and (12.1.6) on j. We pass now to the analysis of the boundedness and compactness properties in their dependence on λ ∈ [0, ∞). Theorem 12.1.7. The following statements hold: (i) if for any λ0 > 0, the sequence γa,λ0 is bounded, then the sequence γa,λ is bounded for all λ ∈ [0, λ0 ); (ii) if for any λ0 > 0, limn→∞ γa,λ0 (n) = 0, then limn→∞ γa,λ0 (n) = 0 for all λ ∈ [0, λ0 ).


Chapter 12. Dynamics of Properties, Radial Symbols

Proof. We introduce βa,λ (n) =


√ a( r) (1 − r)λ rn dr,

and the power series (1 − r)σ =

Cj (σ) rj ,


whose coefficients Cj (σ) we represent (see, for example, [1] p. 256) in the form Cj (σ)

= =

(−1)j Γ(1 + σ)Γ(j − σ) Γ(1 + σ) = sin π(j − σ) Γ(j + 1)Γ(1 + σ − j) π Γ(j + 1) 1 Γ(1 + σ)Γ(j − σ) 1 − sin πσ = − sin πσ B(j − σ, 1 + σ). (12.1.8) π Γ(j + 1) π


Thus for λ < λ0 we have βa,λ (n) = =


√ a( r) (1 − r)λ0 (1 − r)λ−λ0 rn dr

∞ sin π(λ − λ0 ) j=0



sin π(λ0 − λ) π

B(j − σ, 1 + σ)


√ a( r) (1 − r)λ0 rn+j dr

B(j − σ, 1 + σ) βa,λ0 (n + j),


where σ = λ − λ0 < 0. Now it is easy to see that ∞

γa,λ (n) =

sin π|σ| B(j − σ, 1 + σ) B(n + j + 1, λ0 + 1) γa,λ0 (n + j). (12.1.9) π B(n + 1, λ + 1) j=0

We need the following asymptotic representation of the Beta function for fixed δ and L → ∞, 1

B(L, δ) = = =

e−L LL− 2 (1 + O(L−1 )) Γ(L) Γ(δ) = Γ(δ) 1 Γ(L + δ) e−(L+δ) (L + δ)L+δ− 2 (1 + O(L−1 )) L− 12 δ δ Γ(δ) e 1 − (L + δ)−δ (1 + O(L−1 )) L+δ Γ(δ) L−δ (1 + O(L−1 )).


12.1. Boundedness and compactness properties


Assume now that the sequence γa,λ0 is bounded. Then |γa,λ (n)| ≤ ≤ ≤

(n + 1)λ+1 (j − σ)1+σ (n + j + 1)λ0 +1 j=0 ∞ ds λ+1 const (n + 1) 1+σ (s + 1) (n + s + 1)λ0 +1 0 λ+1 ∞ dv (n + 1) const , λ+1 1+(λ−λ ) 0 n v (1 + v)λ0 +1 0


where s + 1 = nv. Since 1 + (λ − λ0 ) < 1 and 1 + λ0 > 1, the last integral converges, and we have (i). To prove (ii) it is sufficient to observe that if limn→∞ γa,λ0 (n) = 0, then const = c(n) tends to 0 when n → ∞ as well. Given a symbol a = a(r), denote by B(a) the set of all λ ∈ [0, ∞) for which (λ) the Toeplitz operator Ta is bounded on A2λ (D), that is, the sequence γa,λ is bounded; and denote by K(a) the set of all λ ∈ [0, ∞) for which the Toeplitz (λ) operator Ta is compact on A2λ (D), that is the sequence γa,λ has the zero limit. Theorem 12.1.7 shows that the sets B(a) and K(a) may have one of the following forms: (i) [0, ∞),

(ii) [0, λ0 ),

(iii) [0, λ0 ].

We show now that all three possibilities can be realized. The first one is true, for example, for any bounded symbol, in the case of B(a), and for any continuous bounded symbol with a(1) = 0, in the case of K(a). To realize (ii) and (iii) introduce the sequence i

γ(n) = e 5π

ln2 (n+2)

ln−ν (n + 2) lnβ ln(n + 2),

where 0 < ν ≤ ν0 < 1 and β ∈ R. We show first that there exists a radial symbol aν,β = aν,β (r) such that the corresponding sequence (12.1.1) for λ = 0 has the above form, i.e., γaν,β ,0 (n) = γ(n), n ∈ Z+ . (12.1.11) Given a symbol a = a(r), we have γa,0 (n) = (n + 1)


√ a( r)rn dr,

or, changing the variable r = e−ξ , γa,0 (n) = (n + 1)



a(e− 2 )e−(n+1)ξ dξ.


Chapter 12. Dynamics of Properties, Radial Symbols

√ ξ Introduce the function b(ξ) = 2πa(e− 2 )e−ξ ; we assume that b ∈ L2 (R+ ), which is equivalent to a ∈ L2 ((0, 1), r3 dr). Now we have 1 1 γa,0 (n) = √ b(ξ) e−nξ dξ. (12.1.12) n+1 2π R+ The right-hand side of the last equation can be treated as the inverse Fourier transform of the L2 -function b, supported on R+ and evaluated at the point z = in ∈ Π. In this connection we recall (see the beginning of Chapter 3) that the Fourier integral transform provides the isometric isomorphism between the Hardy space 2 2 H+ (R) on the upper half-plane and L2 (R+ ). Recall that the Hardy space H+ (R) coincides with the set of all L2 (R)-functions which admit analytic continuations ϕ in the upper half-plane Π and such that the functions gy (x) = ϕ(x + iy) are square integrable on the real axis ( x ∈ R) for each fixed y with uniformly bounded 2 L2 -norms. In what follows we will identify the functions from H+ (R), defined in R, with their analytic continuations ϕ, defined in Π. Now given a function b ∈ L2 (R+ ), the corresponding analytic function ϕ is recovered by the inverse Fourier transform 1 ϕ(z) = √ b(ξ) eizξ dξ, z ∈ Π. 2π R+ 2 (R) determines the Thus, returning to (12.1.12), each analytic function ϕ ∈ H+ function b ∈ L2 (R+ ), and thus the radial symbol

1 a(r) = √ r−2 b(−2 ln r) ∈ L2 ((0, 1), r3 dr), 2π such that the correspondence sequence γa,0 has the form γa,0 (n) = (n + 1) ϕ(in),

n ∈ Z+ .

That is, to achieve our goal (to prove the existence of radial symbol aν,β for which we have (12.1.11)) we need to check that the function ϕ(z) =

2 i 1 e 5π ln (2−iz) ln−ν (2 − iz) lnβ ln(2 − iz) 1 − iz

belongs to H 2 (Π). We define the single-valued branch of the above multi-valued function ϕ by setting arg(2 − iz) ∈ [−π, π). For z = x + iy ∈ Π, we have that arg(2 − iz) = arg(2 + y − ix) ∈ (− π2 , π2 ) and the function ϕ(z) is analytic in the upper half-plane Π. Moreover, for y ≥ 0, |gy (x)|2 = |ϕ(x + iy)|2

2 1 (x2 + (2 + y)2 )− 5π 2 + (1 + y) 1 1 ≤ const 2 (x2 + (2 + y)2 ) 5 , x + (1 + y)2

≤ const



12.1. Boundedness and compactness properties


2 (R). which implies that ϕ belongs to H+ The following theorem gives an example of different behavior of B(a) and K(a) realizing the cases (ii) and (iii).

Theorem 12.1.8. Let 0 < ν < 1. Then a)

B(aν,0 ) = [0, ν],

K(aν,0 ) = [0, ν),

β = 0,


B(aν,β ) = [0, ν),

K(aν,β ) = [0, ν),

β > 0,


B(aν,β ) = [0, ν],

K(aν,β ) = [0, ν],

β < 0.

Proof. Let 0 < λ < 1. Then γaν,β ,λ (n)


√ aν,β ( r)((1 − r)(1 − r)λ−1 rn dr


1 B(n + 1, λ + 1)


1 Cj (λ − 1) B(n + 1, λ + 1) j=0

0 ∞


√ aν,β ( r)(1 − r)rn+j dr


1 Cj (λ − 1)(βaν,β ,0 (n + j) − βaν,β ,0 (n + j + 1)) B(n + 1, λ + 1) j=0

where βaν,β ,0 (n) =

γaν,β ,0 (n) . n+1


Further ∞

1 γaν,β ,λ (n) = Cj (λ − 1) B(n + 1, λ + 1) j=0



βa ν,β ,0 (n + s) ds.


It is easy to see that 2

2i e 5π ln (n+s+2) 1−ν · ln (n + s + 2) lnβ ln(n + s + 2) 5π (n + s + 1)2 −ν ln (n + s + 2) β ln ln(n + s + 2) +O (n + s + 1)2 (12.1.15) := δ0 (n + s) + δ1 (n + s). i

βa ν,β ,0 (s)


By (12.1.8) Cj (λ − 1) =

1 sin(π(1 − λ))B(j + 1 − λ, λ), π

and thus (12.1.10) implies that Cj (λ − 1) = sin π(1 − λ)

Γ(λ) (j + 1 − λ)−λ (1 + O((j + 1)−1 ). π



Chapter 12. Dynamics of Properties, Radial Symbols

Thus from (12.1.14)–(12.1.16) we get ∞

γaν,β ,λ (n)


cλ B(n + 1, λ + 1) j=0 1 + B(n + 1, λ + 1)



∞ j=0 ∞


δ0 (n + s) ds (s + 1)λ δ1 (n + j + 1) (j + 1)λ

1 δ0 (n + j + 1) + O B(n + 1, λ + 1) j=0 (j + 1)1+λ ∞ δ0 (s + n) cλ = ds + (n + 1)λ+1 B(n + 1, λ + 1) 0 (s + 1)λ ∞ δ1 (n + j + 1) · O (j + 1)λ j=0 ∞ δ0 (n + s + 1) λ+1 := I1 + I2 + I3 + (n + 1) O (j + 1)1+λ j=0 where cλ = sin π(1−λ) Γ(λ). π We estimate now summands I2 and I3 . ∞ −ν ln (n + s + 2) lnβ ln(n + s + 2) ds I2 ≤ const (n + 1)1+λ (n + s + 1)2 (s + 1)λ 0 ∞ −ν ln (n + s + 1) lnβ ln(n + s + 1) 1+λ const (n + 1) ds. (n + s + 1)2 (s + 1)λ 0 Changing the variable s + 1 = nv we have ∞ −ν ln n(v + 1) lnβ ln n(v + 1) I2 ≤ const dv (1 + v)2 v λ 0 β & '−ν ln(1+ ln(1+v) ln(1+v) ln n ) ∞ 1 + ln n 1+ ln ln n ≤ const ln−ν n lnβ ln n dv 2 λ (1 + v) v 0 ∞ (1 + ln(1 + v))|β| dv ≤ const ln−ν n lnβ ln n (1 + v)2 v λ 0 ≤ const ln−ν n lnβ ln n,


noting that since 0 ≤ λ < 1 then 2 + λ > 1. Now we pass to the evaluation of I3 : ∞ 1−ν ln (n + s + 2) lnβ ln(n + s + 1) I3 ≤ const (n + 1)λ+1 ds (n + s + 2)2 (s + 1)1+λ 0 ∞ 1−ν ln (n + s + 1) lnβ ln(n + s + 1) const (n + 1)λ+1 ds. (n + s + 1)2 (s + 1)1+λ 0

12.1. Boundedness and compactness properties


Again changing the variable s + 1 = nv we have 1 ∞ ln1−ν n(1 + v) lnβ ln n(1 + v) dv I3 ≤ const n n−1 (1 + v)2 v 1+λ ln1−ν n lnβ (ln n) ∞ dv ≤ const 1+λ n n−1 v ≤


ln1−ν n lnβ ln n . n1−λ


Thus we have (see (12.1.17) and (12.1.18)) I2 = O(ln−ν n lnβ ln n) !

and I3 = O


ln1−ν n lnβ ln n n1−λ


" .


Now we consider the “main” term ∞ i ln2 (n+s+2) 1−ν e 5π ln (n + s + 2) lnβ ln(m + s + 2)

cλ = ds B(n + 1, λ + 1) 0 (m + s + 1)2 (s + 1)λ ∞ i ln2 (n+s+1) 1−ν e 5π ln (n + s + 1) lnβ ln(m + s + 1)

cλ ds B(n + 1, λ + 1) 0 (m + s + 1)2 (s + 1)λ ∞ i ln2 n(v+1) 1−ν e 5π ln n(1 + v) lnβ ln(n(1 + v))

cλ = dv, 1+λ B(n + 1, λ + 1)n (1 + v)2 v λ 0

2i cλ = 5π where cλ . Using the asymptotic of the B-function we have




cλ Γ(1 + λ)(1 + O(n−1 ))e 5π ln n ln1−ν n lnβ (ln n)

∞ i 2π (ln n) ln(1+v) i ln2 (v+1) e 5 e 5π · 2 vλ (v + 1) 0 β '1−ν & ln(1+ ln(1+v) ln n ) 1 + 1 + ln(1+v) ln n ln ln n · dv. 2 λ (v + 1) v i


Introduce a large parameter Λ = 2π 5 ln n. We have the oscillatory integral with two points of singularity: v0 = 0 and v0 = ∞. Let 1 = χ1 (v) + χ2 (v)


with χ1,2 (v) ∈ C ∞ (0, ∞), supp χ1 ⊂ (0, 1) and supp χ2 ⊂ (1/2, ∞). According to this representation set I1 := I1,1 + I1,2 .


Chapter 12. Dynamics of Properties, Radial Symbols

Now I1,1 can be written in the form i


where F (v) =



e 5π ln (v+1) χ1 (v), (1+v)2

|K(v, n)| ≤ const Thus


= cλ Γ(1 + λ)(1 + O(n−1 ))e 5π ln n ln1−ν n lnβ (ln n) 1 iΛ ln(1+v) 1 e F (v) · dv + K(v, n) dv , vλ 0 0


and the function K(v, n) admits the estimate

const v 1−λ v = . (1 + v)2 v λ ln n(ln ln n) ln n(ln ln n)


|K(v, n)| dv ≤

const . ln n(ln ln n)


According to the stationary phase method (see, for example, [76], p.97) we have


eiΛ ln(1+v) F (v) dv vλ

= =


π 1 F (0)Γ(1 − λ)ei 2 (1−λ) 1+ Λ1−λ Λ dλ 1 1+O ln n ln1−λ n

Γ(1 − λ)ei 2 (1−λ) . (2π/5)1−λ π

dλ =


Thus from (12.1.24) and (12.1.25) we have cλ dλ Γ(1 + λ)e I1,1 =

i 5π

ln2 n



n ln (ln n) 1 + O β

1 λ ln n(ln ln λ)

. (12.1.26)

Pass now to the term I1,2 . Represent it in the form cλ Γ(1 + λ)(1 + O(n I1,2 =



i 5π

ln2 n




n ln (ln n)

eiΛ ln(1+v) Φ(v, n) dv.


Integrating by parts we have I1,2



= cλ Γ(1 + λ)(1 + O(n−1 ))e 5π ln n ln1−ν n lnβ (ln n) ∞ ∂Φ 1 iΛ ln(1+v) (v, n) + Φ(v, n) dv. (1 + v) · e iΛ 1/2 ∂v i

$ $ $ ∂Φ $$ ln1−ν v ln|β| (ln v) |Φ| + $$(1 + v) ≤M , $ ∂v v 2+λ

12.2. Schatten classes


where M is independent of n, we have I1,2 = O(ln−ν n lnβ (ln n)).


Thus from (12.1.26) and (12.1.27) we get 2

I1 = cλ dλ Γ(1 + λ)e 5π ln i


1 lnλ−ν n lnβ (ln n) 1 + O . lnλ n


Thus finally (12.1.19), (12.1.20) and (12.1.28) show that 2 1 cλ dλ Γ(1 + λ)ei ln n lnλ−ν n lnβ (ln n) 1 + O , γaν,β,λ (n) = lnλ n

which implies all the statements of the theorem.

12.2 Schatten classes In many questions of operator theory, separation in the ideal of all compact operators of certain specific classes plays an important role. A special role is played by the so-called Schatten classes, and among them, the trace and Hilbert-Schmidt classes. (λ) It is evident that Toeplitz operator Ta with radial symbol a(r) belongs to Schatten class Kp (λ), 1 ≤ p < ∞, on the space A2λ (D) if and only if "1/p !∞ (λ) p |γa,λ (n)| < ∞. T Ta p,λ = n=1

In the context of this paper the following question is very natural: given a radial (λ) symbol a(r), what is the structure of the pairs (p, λ) for which Ta ∈ Kp (λ)? (λ) We start with the sufficient conditions on a symbol a(r) for Ta ∈ Kp (λ). √ Theorem 12.2.1. Let a( r) ∈ L1 (0, 1) and let for some j = 0, 1, . . ., the function (j) Ba (r) (see (12.1.4)) satisfy one of the conditions 1 1 |Ba(j) (r)|(1 − r)−(1+j+ p ) dr < ∞, p ≥ 1, (12.2.1)

0 1

|Ba(j) (r)|p (1 − r)−(2+j−ε) dr

< ∞,


where ε > 0 can be arbitrarily small. Then Ta

p > 1,


∈ Kp (λ).

Proof. Assume first that j = 0, p > 1, and the condition (12.2.1) holds. Then ! T Ta(λ) p,λ =

∞ $ $ 1 $ $ B(n + 1, λ + 1)



$p " p1 $ √ a( r)(1 − r)λ rn dr$$ .


Chapter 12. Dynamics of Properties, Radial Symbols

Applying the H¨ o¨lder inequality we have ! T Ta(λ) p,λ


∞ $ $ 1 $ $ B(n + 1, λ + 1) &

1 √ · a q ( r)(1 − r) !∞ 1

−(1− p12

B p (n





! ·





+ 1, λ + 1)

' 1 √ (λ+1− p12 ) n a p ( r)(1 − r) r

'$$p ' p1 $ dr $ 1

√ (λ+1− p12 )p np |a( r)|(1 − r) r dr

√ −q(1− p12 ) |a( r)|(1 − r) dr

√ 1 |a( r)|(1 − r)−(1+ p ) dr

∞ n=0

B p (n

rnp + 1, λ + 1)

pq " p1



" p1 dr


√ (λ+1− p12 )p |a( r)|(1 − r)



Estimate now the last sum using the asymptotic representation (12.1.10), $∞ $ $ $ rnp $ $ $ p (n + 1, λ + 1) $$ $ B n=0

≤ const ≤ const

np(λ+1) rnp

n=0 ∞

0 ∞

up(λ+1) rup du e−up ln r


up(λ+1) du ∞ = const (p ln r−1 )−p(λ+1)−1 e−v v p(λ+1) dv

= const

= const (p ln r

−1 −p(λ+1)−1


Γ(p(λ + 1) + 1)

≤ const (1 − r)−p(λ+1)−1 . Note that the estimate (12.2.4) holds for all p ≥ 1. Since λ+1−

1 p2

1 p − p(λ + 1) − 1 = −(1 + ), p


12.2. Schatten classes


from (12.2.3) and (12.2.4) it follows that

T Ta(λ) p,λ

const 0

· =

∞ 0

√ 1 |a( r)|(1 − r)−(1+ p ) dr

√ 1 |a( r)|(1 − r)−(1+ p ) dr

const 0



√ 1 |a( r)|(1 − r)−(1+ p ) dr. (λ)

Thus according to (12.2.1) with j = 0 we get Ta ∈ Kp (λ). If p = 1 then 1 ∞ √ 1 T Ta(λ) 1,λ ≤ |a( r)|(1 − r)λ rn dr B(n + 1, λ + 1) 0 n=0 !∞ " 1 n √ r dr. |a( r)|(1 − r)λ ≤ B(n + 1, λ + 1) 0 n=0 Since

rn = (λ + 1)(1 − r)−(λ+2) B(n + 1, λ + 1) n=0 we have

T Ta(λ) 1,λ

≤ (λ + 1)



√ |a( r)|(1 − r)−2 dr,

(λ) Ta

∈ K1 (λ) according to (12.2.1) with j = 0. and thus Let now p > 1 and let the condition (12.2.2) hold with j = 0. Applying the Holder ¨ inequality in another way and using (12.2.4) we have !∞ $ 1& ' $ √ 1−σ 1 (λ) $ T Ta p,λ = a( r)(1 − r)(λ+ q ) rn $ B(n + 1, λ + 1) 0 n=0 & ' $p ' p1 1−σ $ · (1 − r)− q dr$ ≤ const · Taking σ =

ε p−1


0 1


(1 − r)

1q dr

√ 1−σ |a( r)|p (1 − r)(λ+ q )p−(λ+1)p−1 dr

p1 .

> 0 we have

T Ta(λ) p,λ

≤ const


√ |a( r)|p (1 − r)−(2−ε) dr

p1 ,


Chapter 12. Dynamics of Properties, Radial Symbols (λ)

and thus Ta ∈ Kp (λ) according to (12.2.2). The case j > 0 is considered by integrating by parts (as in the proof of Theorem 12.1.1) and by repeating the above arguments. The next theorem shows that for a non-negative symbol or for a symbol (j) having any non-negative mean Ba (r), condition (12.2.1) is necessary as well for trace class operators, i.e., for p = 1. (j)

Theorem 12.2.2. Given a symbol a(r), let for some j ∈ Z+ , Ba (r) ≥ 0 a.e. and (λ) Ta ∈ K1 (λ). Then 1 Ba(j) (r) (1 − r)−(2+j) dr < ∞. (12.2.6) 0

Proof. Let first j = 0, then according to (12.2.5) we have 1 √ T Ta(λ) 1,λ = (λ + 1) a( r) (1 − r)−2 dr < ∞, 0

and the condition (12.2.6) holds. (1) Let now j = 1 and thus Ba (r) ≥ 0 a.e. Integrating by parts we have 1 ∞ 1 Ba(1) (r) (λ(1 − r)λ−1 rn + n(1 − r)λ rn−1 )dr. T Ta(λ) 1,λ = B(n + 1, λ + 1) 0 n=0 Using (12.2.5) and the representation ∞

nrn−1 = (λ + 1)(λ + 2)(1 − r)−(λ+3) B(n + 1, λ + 1) n=0 we get (12.2.6): T Ta(λ) 1,λ



λ(λ + 1) 0

Ba(1) (r) (1 − r)−3 dr

+ (λ + 1)(λ + 2) =



2(λ + 1)


Ba(1) (r) (1 − r)−3 dr

Ba(1) (r) (1

− r)−3 dr.

The cases j > 1 are considered analogously. We give now several examples for the above theorems. Example 12.2.3. For the symbol a(r) = (1 − r2 )α we have 1 1 B(n + 1, λ + α + 1) . γa,λ (n) = (1 − r)λ+α rn dr = B(n + 1, λ + 1) 0 B(n + 1, λ + 1)

12.2. Schatten classes


The asymptotic representation (12.1.10) implies 1 Γ(λ + α + 1) −α (n + 1) . 1+O γa,λ (n) = Γ(λ + 1) n+1 Thus there exists C1 , C2 > 0 such that ! C1

" p1 −αp

(n + 1)

! ≤

T Ta(λ) p,λ

≤ C2

n=0 (λ)

and Ta

" p1 −αp

(n + 1)



∈ Kp (λ) if and only if α ∈ ( p1 , ∞).

Note, that for α ∈ ( p1 , ∞) the above symbol satisfies both conditions (12.2.1) and (12.2.2). Example 12.2.4 (Unbounded increasing sequence). Consider the following nonnegative symbol √ ak , r ∈ Ik = [rk , rk + εk ], k ∈ N a( r) = , 0 r ∈ [0, 1] \ ∪∞ k=1 Ik where {rk } is a positive increasing sequence tending to 1, rk + εk < rk+1 , and ak , εk > 0. The conditions (12.2.1) and (12.2.2) for j = 0 for such a symbol are & ' 1 1 < ak (1 − (rk + εk ))− p − (1 − rk )− p


& ' < apk (1 − (rk + εk ))−(1−ε) − (1 − rk )−(1−ε)



∞ k=1

(1 − ε)−1

∞ k=1

Setting ak = k a ,

a > 0,

εk =

k −b , 2

k a · k p −b+1

, p p (λ)

thus the first condition gives a bigger region for Ta ∈ Kp (λ), and thus the first condition of Theorem 12.2.1 is better adapted for increasing sequences {ak } than the second one. Example 12.2.5 (Decreasing sequence). Consider the symbol from the previous example, but setting now ak = k −a ,

a > 0,

rk = 1 −

1 , k

εk =

k −b , 2

1 b ∈ [2, 2 + ] . p

In this case after a short calculation we come to the following conditions: 2+

1 −b > p 3−b > p

a, a.

For the current choice of b we have (for p > 1) 3−b 1 > 2+ −b, p p (λ)

and thus now the second condition gives a bigger region for Ta ∈ Kp (λ); that is, the second condition of Theorem 12.2.1 is better adapted for decreasing sequences {ak } than the first one. In the three previous examples the symbols were non-negative. Consider now Example 12.2.6 (Unbounded oscillating symbol). Let a(r) = (1 − r2 )−β sin(1 − r2 )−α ,

α > 0, 0 < β < 1.

Recall (see (6.1.5)) that we have the following asymptotic representation in a neighborhood of r = 1, Ba(1) (r) =

cos(1 − r)−α (1 − r)α−β+1 + O((1 − r)2α−β+1 ). α


12.2. Schatten classes

311 (λ)

Thus by condition (12.2.1) for j = 1 of Theorem 12.2.1 we have Ta 1 (α − β + 1) − (1 + 1 + ) > −1 p

α−β >


∈ Kp (λ) if

1 . p

Setting β1 = α − β + 1, analogously to (12.2.9) we can obtain the representation Ba(2) (r) = −

sin(1 − r)−α (1 − r)α+β1 +1 + O((1 − r)2α+β1 +1 ). α2 (λ)

Apply now condition (12.2.7) for j = 2; we have that Ta 1 (α + β1 + 1) − (1 + 2 + ) > −1 p


∈ Kp (λ) if

2α − β >

1 . p

In the same manner, for any j ∈ N using the asymptotic representation of the (λ) corresponding mean B (j) (r) we can get that Ta ∈ Kp (λ) if jα − β >

1 . p


Since for any α > 0 and 0 < β < 1 there exists j ∈ N such that (12.2.10) holds, (λ) the operator Ta always belongs to Kp (λ), for any λ ≥ 0, p ≥ 1, α > 0, and 0 < β < 1. (λ )

Theorem 12.2.7. Let Ta 0 ∈ Kp (λ0 ) for some λ0 > 0, and let 1 ≤ p < ∞. Then for all λ ∈ [0, λ0 ] we have Ta(λ) ∈ Kp (λ). Proof. Using the representation (12.1.9) we have ! ∞ $ ∞ $$ sin π(λ0 − λ) B(j − (λ − λ0 ), 1 + (λ − λ0 )) (λ) T Ta p,λ = $ $ π B(n + 1, λ + 1) n=1 j=0 $p "1/p $ $ . ×B(n + j + 1, λ0 + 1)γaλ0 (n + j)$ $ Then by (12.1.10) $ $p ⎞1/p $ ∞ $ λ+1 $∞ $ n γa,λ0 (n + j) $ $ ⎠ const ⎝ $ $ λ +1 1−(λ −λ) 0 (n + j + 1) 0 (j + 1) $ n=1 $ j=0 $ $p ⎞1/p ⎛ $ ∞ $ $∞ $ γ (n + j) a,λ0 $ $ ⎠ const ⎝ $ $ λ+1 1−(λ −λ) 0 j+1 j+1 $ n=1 $ν=0 ν≤ j+1 0 consider the bounded symbol a(r), if |a(r)| ≤ M , aM (r) = 0, if |a(r)| > M and the corresponding sequence γaM ,λ (n) =

1 B(n + 1, λ + 1)


√ aM ( r) (1 − r)λ rn dr,

n ∈ Z+ .

By (12.3.1) we have obviously {γaM ,λ (n)} ⊂ conv(ess-Range aM ) ⊂ conv(ess-Range a). The equality lim γaM ,λ (n) = γa,λ (n),


verified by the Lebesgue dominated convergence theorem, implies that {γa,λ (n)} ⊂ conv(ess-Range a), √ Note that for functions a( r) ∈ L1 (0, 1)∩C(0, 1) Theorems 12.5.1 and 12.5.2 imply that Range a ⊂ M∞ (a) ⊂ conv(Range a).

and we have (12.5.1).

We now show that each of these inclusions can be an equality.


Chapter 12. Dynamics of Properties, Radial Symbols

Example 12.5.3. For each j ∈ N define Ij = [1 − j −1 − j −3 , 1 − j −1 ], and let {θj }j∈N ⊂ [0, 2π) be a sequence such that clos{θj }j∈N = [0, 2π]. Define the symbol by iθ √ r ∈ Ij , j∈N je j , a( r) = . 0, r ∈ [0, 1] \ ∪∞ j=1 Ij This symbol satisfies the condition (12.1.5) for j = 1, and thus the corresponding (λ) Toeplitz operator Ta is bounded for every λ > −1. Indeed, $ 1 $ 1 $ $ √ √ a( s)ds$$ ≤ |a( s)| ds |B (1) (r)| = $$ r r −3 ≤ j·j = j −2 ≤ const (1 − r). 1−j −1 >r


√ √ Further, we have that a( r) = jeiθj for r ∈ Ij , and a( r) = 0 for r ∈ (1 − j −1 , 1 − (j + 1)−1 − (j + 1)−3 ], which implies just in the same way as in Theorem 12.4.1, that the straight line segment [0, jeiθj ] belongs to M∞ (a). Thus Range a ⊂ M∞ (a) = C = conv(Range a). √ Example 12.5.4. Given α ∈ (0, 1) introduce a( r) = ri−α . Calculate γa,λ (n)

= = =

1 1 (1 − r)λ rn+i−α dr B(n + 1, λ + 1) 0 B(n + 1 + i − α, λ + 1) B(n + 1, λ + 1) Γ(n + 1 + i − α) Γ(n + λ + 2) · , Γ(n + λ + 2 + i − α) Γ(n + 1)

and it is easy to see that for each fixed λ the sequence {γa,λ (n)} is bounded, which implies the boundedness of the corresponding Toeplitz operator. Let now λ → ∞. Using the asymptotic formulas for the Gamma function (see, for example, [1], p. 257) we have 1 Γ(n + 1 + i − α) γa,λ (n) = (n + λ + 2)α−i 1 + O( ) . Γ(n + 1) n+λ If n is fixed or bounded, this expression gives us only one point from the set M∞ (a), namely ∞. Let now both n and λ tend to infinity. Then we have 1 1 ) 1 + O( ) n+1 n+λ α−i λ+1 1 1 1+ ) + O( ) . 1 + O( n+1 n+1 n+λ

γa,λ (n) = =

n+λ+2 n+1

α−i 1 + O(

12.5. Spectra of Toeplitz operators, unbounded symbols


Given arbitrary u ∈ (0, 1), take λ and n in such a form that λ+1 = u−1 . 1+ n+1 Thus γa,λ (n) = u


1 + O(

1 1 ) + O( ) , n+1 n+λ

and thus in this case Range a = M∞ (a) ⊂ conv(Range a). Let us mention some peculiarities of this example. In spite of the unbound(λ) edness of the symbol, the Toeplitz operator Ta is bounded for each λ, and the (λ) sequence γa,λ is bounded by T Ta for each λ. The rough estimate here is Ta(λ) ≈ const λα . sup |γa,λ (n)| = T n

That is, being bounded for each λ, the norm and supn |γa,λ (n)| grow as λ tends to infinity. The tendency of γa,λ to approach M∞ (a) here is developed first of all (λ) in the growth of the size (i.e., supn |γa,λ (n)|) of sp Ta while λ tends to infinity. In the next figure, setting α = 0.1 we present the sequence γa,λ for λ = 100000 and the limit set M∞ (a) = Range a. 10




































Figure 12.4: The sequence γa,λ = {γa,λ (n)} for λ = 100000 and the limit set M∞ (a).

Chapter 14

Dynamics of Properties of Toeplitz Operators on the Upper Half-Plane: Hyperbolic Case 14.1 Boundedness of Toeplitz operators with symbols depending on θ = arg z. Recall that by Theorems 10.4.16 and 10.5.1, the function γa,λ (ξ) =


e−2ξθ sinλ θ dθ

−1 0


a(θ) e−2ξθ sinλ θ dθ,



is responsible for the boundedness of a Toeplitz operator with symbol a(θ) (∈ (λ) L1 (0, π)). If a(θ) ∈ L∞ (0, π), then the operator Ta is obviously bounded on all spaces A2λ (Π), for λ ∈ (−1, ∞), and the corresponding norms are uniformly bounded by supz |a(z)|. That is, all spaces A2λ (Π), where λ ∈ (−1, ∞), are natural and appropriate for Toeplitz operators with bounded symbols. Studying unbounded symbols, we wish to have a sufficiently large class of them common to all admissible λ; moreover, we are especially interested in properties of Toeplitz operators for large values of λ. Thus it is convenient for us to consider λ belonging only to [0, ∞), which we will always assume in what follows. For a(θ) ∈ L1 (0, π) the function γa,λ (ξ) is continuous at all finite points ξ ∈ R. For a “very large ξ” (ξ → +∞) the exponent e−2ξθ has a very sharp maximum at the point θ = 0, and thus the major contribution to the integral containing a(θ) in (14.1.1) for these “very large ξ” is determined by values of


Chapter 14. Dynamics of Properties, Hyperbolic case

a(θ) in a neighborhood of the point 0. The major contribution for a “very large negative ξ” (ξ → −∞) is determined by values of a(θ) in a neighborhood of π, due to a very sharp maximum of e−2ξθ at θ = π for these values of ξ. In particular, a minor modification of the proof of Lemma 7.2.3 shows that if a(θ) has limits on the points 0 and π, then lim γa,λ (ξ)


lim γa,λ (ξ)


ξ→+∞ ξ→−∞

lim a(θ),


lim a(θ).


As a matter of fact, 0 and π are the only worrisome points for unbounded symbols a(θ) ∈ L1 (0, π). Moreover the behaviour of certain means of a symbol, rather than the behaviour of a symbol itself, plays a crucial role in the study of boundedness properties. Given λ ∈ [0, ∞) and a function a(θ) ∈ L1 (0, π) introduce the following means:

(1) Ca,λ (σ)


(1) Da,λ (σ)


(j) Ca,λ (σ)



a(θ) sinλ θdθ,

0 π

a(θ) sinλ θdθ, σσ


Da,λ (σ)


Ca,λ (θ)dθ,

0 π

= σ


Da,λ (θ)dθ,

j = 2, 3, . . . , j = 2, 3, . . . .

We note that, as in the previous chapter, the above means depend on the weight parameter. Theorem 14.1.1. Let a(θ) ∈ L1 (0, π). If for certain λ0 ∈ [0, ∞) and j0 , j1 ∈ N the following conditions hold, (j )

Ca,λ0 0 (σ) = O(σ j0 +λ0 ), (j )

Da,λ1 0 (σ) = O((π − σ)j1 +λ0 ), (λ)

then the corresponding Toeplitz operator Ta [λ0 , ∞).

σ → 0,

σ → π,



is bounded on A2λ (Π) for each λ ∈

Proof. Note that the function γa,λ (ξ) is continuous at finite points. We assume

14.1. Boundedness of Toeplitz operators


now that ξ → +∞ and the condition (14.1.2) holds with j0 = 1. Then π (1) λ 2 sinλ−λ0 (θ)e−2ξθ dC Ca,λ0 (θ) γa,λ (ξ) = 2 (λ + 1)ϑλ (ξ) $0 π $ (1) λ 2 = 2 (λ + 1)ϑλ (ξ) $$ Ca,λ0 (θ)[(λ − λ0 ) sinλ−λ0 −1 θ cos θ 0 $ − 2ξ sinλ−λ0 θ]e−2ξθ dθ$ ∞ λ 2 ≤ const 2 (λ + 1)ϑλ (ξ) (λ − λ0 ) θλ e−2ξθ dθ 0 ∞ λ+1 −2ξθ + 2ξ θ e dθ 0 . / ≤ const ϑ2λ (ξ) (λ − λ0 )(2ξ)−(λ+1) Γ(λ + 1) + (2ξ)−(λ+1) Γ(λ + 2) ≤ const (2λ − λ0 + 1)2λ (λ + 1)ϑ2λ (ξ)(2ξ)−(λ+1) Γ(λ + 1). It is easy to get the asymptotic representation of the function ϑ2λ (ξ). According to (10.3.10) we have π 2−λ (λ + 1)−1 ϑ−2 (ξ) = e−2ξθ sinλ θdθ λ 0 π = θλ e−2ξθ dθ[1 + θ(ξ −1 )] 0

= (2ξ)−(λ+1) Γ(λ + 1)[1 + O(ξ −1 )].


Thus we have finally |γa,λ (ξ)| ≤ const (2λ − λ0 + 1). The case ξ → −∞ (and j1 = 1) is reduced to the one considered using the change of variable θ = π − θ in the integral for γa,λ (ξ), see Remark 8.5.1. The cases j0,1 > 1 are considered analogously using integration by parts. The proof of the following statement is analogous to that of Theorem 13.1.3. Theorem 14.1.2. 1. Let conditions (14.1.2), (14.1.3) hold for j0 = j0 , j1 = j1 , and some λ0 . Then these conditions hold for j0 = j0 + 1, j1 = j1 + 1, and the same λ0 . 2. Let conditions (14.1.2), (14.1.3) hold for j0 = j0 , j1 = j1 , and some λ0 . Then these conditions hold for j0 = j0 , j1 = j1 , and λ0 replaced by any λ1 ≥ λ0 . Example 14.1.3. Consider the family of unbounded symbols a(θ) = (sin θ)−β sin[(sin θ)−α ]. (λ)

As in Example 13.1.4 it can be proved that for all λ ≥ 0 the operator Ta bounded for each β ∈ (0, 1) and α > 0.



Chapter 14. Dynamics of Properties, Hyperbolic case (λ)

Theorem 14.1.4. Let the Toeplitz operator Ta , with a(θ) ∈ L1 (0, π), be bounded on some A2λ0 (Π). Then it is bounded on each A2λ (Π), where λ ∈ [0, λ0 ]. Proof. Let supξ∈R |γa,λ0 (ξ)| < ∞. We split a(θ) into two functions which vanish in neighborhoods of 0 and π, respectively. The study of either of these two cases is quite similar, thus we suppose that a(θ) vanishes in a neighborhood of π, for example. Suppose also that ξ → ∞. A similar argument is applicable for the study of the behavior of γa,λ (ξ) under ξ → −∞. For λ ∈ [0, λ0 ), write 22λ−λ0 (λ + 1)ϑ2λ (ξ) γa,λ (ξ) = Γ(λ0 − λ) Using

sin θ θ


λ0 −λ−1




sin θ θ y)

sinλ0 θdθ.

= 1 + O(θ2 ), as θ → 0, for some cλ = 0, we have

γa,λ (ξ)

= (cλ + =

o(1))ϑ2λ (ξ)

(cλ + o(1))ϑ2λ (ξ) 2λ0 (λ0 + 1)

y 0

λ0 −λ−1



a(θ)e−2θ(ξ+y) sinλ0 θdθ

y λ0 −λ−1

γa,λ0 (ξ + y) dy. ϑ2λ0 (ξ + y)

Using (14.1.4) and supξ∈R |γa,λ0 (ξ)| < ∞ we have |γa,λ (ξ)|

≤ =

∞ const ξ λ+1 y λ0 −λ−1 (ξ + y)−(λ0 +1) dy 0 ∞ const uλ0 −λ−1 (1 + u)−(λ0 +1) du < ∞, 0

since λ < λ0 and λ + 2 > 1. As an immediate corollary of Theorems 14.1.1 and 14.1.4 we have now

Theorem 14.1.5. Under the hypothesis of Theorem 14.1.1 the Toeplitz operator (λ) Ta is bounded on A2λ (Π) for each λ ∈ [0, ∞). The proof of the next theorem is analogous to that of Theorem 13.1.8. Theorem 14.1.6. 1. Assume that a(θ) ∈ L1 (0, π) and a(θ) ≥ 0 almost every(λ ) where. Let the operator Ta be bounded on A2λ (Π) for some λ > 0. Then the conditions (14.1.2) and (14.1.3) hold for j0 = j1 = 1, λ0 = 0 and conse(λ) quently the operator Ta is bounded on A2λ (Π) for arbitrary λ ∈ [0, ∞). (j )

(j )

2. Assume that Ca,μ0 0 (σ) ≥ 0 and Da,μ1 1 (σ) ≥ 0 almost everywhere for some (λ ) j0 ≥ 1, j1 ≥ 1 and μ0 ≥ 0, μ1 ≥ 0, and that the operator Ta is bounded (λ) 2 on Aλ (Π) for some λ ≥ 0. Then the operator Ta is bounded on A2λ (Π) for arbitrary λ ∈ [0, ∞).

14.2. Continuous symbols


For a non-negative a(θ) we set ma,0 (σ) ma,π (σ)

= ess-inffθ∈(0,σ) a(θ), = ess-inffθ∈(σ,π) a(θ).

Corollary 14.1.7. Given a non-negative symbol, if either limσ→0 ma,0 (σ) = ∞ or (λ) limσ→π ma,π (σ) = ∞, then the Toeplitz operator Ta is unbounded on each A2λ (Π), with λ ∈ [0, ∞).

For a symbol a(θ) ∈ L1 (0, π) we denote by B(a) the set of points λ ∈ [0, ∞) (λ) for which the corresponding Toeplitz operator Ta is bounded on A2λ (Π). As in the parabolic case we have the following result, the proof of which is analogous to that of Theorem 13.1.11. Theorem 14.1.8. There exists a family of symbols aν,β (θ), where ν ∈ (0, 1), β ∈ R, such that

ν,0 ) = [0, ν], a) B(a

β = 0,

ν,β ) = [0, ν), b) B(a

β > 0.

14.2 Continuous symbols (λ)

Given a symbol a = a(θ), the Toeplitz operator Ta acting on the space A2λ (Π) is unitary equivalent to the multiplication operator γa,λ I, where the function γa,λ (ξ), ξ ∈ R, is given by (10.4.8). Thus we have obviously sp Ta(λ) = Mλ (a), where Mλ (a) = Range γa,λ . Theorem 14.2.1. Let a = a(θ) ∈ C[0, π]. Then lim sp Ta(λ) = Range a.



Proof. We find the asymptotics of the function γa,λ (ξ) when λ → ±∞ using the Laplace method. Introduce the large parameter L = λ2 + (2ξ)2 and represent γa,λ (ξ) in the form π γ

a,λ (ξ) = 2λ (λ + 1)ϑ2λ (ξ) a(θ)e−LS(θ,ϕ) dθ, 0


S(θ, ϕ) = sin ϕ ln(sin θ)−1 + (cos ϕ)θ, sin ϕ = λ/L,

cos ϕ = 2ξ/L with ϕ ∈ [0, π).


Chapter 14. Dynamics of Properties, Hyperbolic case

To find the point of minimum of S(θ, ϕ) calculate Sθ (θ, ϕ) = −(sin ϕ) cot θ + cos ϕ. It is obvious that Sθ (θϕ , ϕ) = 0, for θϕ ∈ (0, π), if and only if θϕ = ϕ. Rewrite (14.2.1) in the form γa,λ (ξ) − a(ϕ) = 2λ (λ + 1)ϑ2λ (ξ) (a(θ) − a(ϕ))e−LS(θ,ϕ) dθ U (ϕ)∩[0,π]

+ [0,π]\U (ϕ)

(a(θ) − a(ϕ))e


dθ ≡ I1 (L) + I2 (L)

where U (ϕ) is a neighborhood of ϕ such that supθ∈U (ϕ) |a(θ) − a(ϕ)| < ε for sufficiently small ε. We have used π 2λ (λ + 1)ϑ2λ (ξ) a(ϕ)e−LS(θ,ϕ) dθ = a(ϕ). 0

Further $ $ $ $ −1 $ −LS(θ,ϕ) $ (a(θ) − a(ϕ))e dθ$ ≤ ε e−LS(θ,ϕ)dθ ≤ ε 2λ (λ + 1)ϑ2λ (ξ) . $ $ U (ϕ) $ U (ϕ) Finally, $ $ $ $ $ $ (a(θ) − a(ϕ))e−LS(θ,ϕ) dθ$ $ $ [0,π]\U (ϕ) $

≤ 2 sup |a(θ)| θ∈[0,π]

! ≤

e−LS(θ,ϕ)dθ [0,π]\U (ϕ)

2M sup |a(θ)|e




−1 , · 2λ (λ + 1)ϑ2λ (ξ)

where σ(ε) = minθ∈[0,π]\U (ϕ) (S(θ, ϕ) − S(ϕ, ϕ)). We note that σ(ε) and M can be taken independent of ϕ ∈ (0, π). Since ε can be arbitrary small uniformly as ϕ ∈ (0, π), we have γa,λ (u) = a(ϕ)(1 + α(L))


where lim α(L) = 0 uniformly as ϕ ∈ (0, π), which proves the theorem. L→∞

We illustrate the theorem on the continuous symbol (hypocycloid) a(θ) =

3 4iθ e + e−2iθ , 4

presenting the image of γa,λ for the following values of λ: 0, 5, 12, and 200.

14.3. Piece-wise continuous symbols










































Figure 14.1: The function γa,λ for γa,λ for λ = 0, λ = 5, λ = 12, and λ = 200.

14.3 Piece-wise continuous symbols Let a(θ) be a piece-wise continuous function having jumps at a finite set of points {θj }m j=1 where θ0 = 0 < θ1 < θ2 < . . . < θm < π = θm+1 , and a(θj ± 0), j = 1, . . . , m, exist. Introduce the sets Jj (a) := {z ∈ C : z = a(θ), θ ∈ (θj , θj+1 )}


Chapter 14. Dynamics of Properties, Hyperbolic case

where j = 0, . . . , m, and let Ij (a) be the segment with the endpoints a(θj − 0) and a(θj + 0), j = 1, 2, . . . m. We set ⎞ ⎛ ⎞ ⎛ m m

Jj (a)⎠ ∪ ⎝ Ij (a)⎠ . R(a) =⎝ j=0


Theorem 14.3.1. Let a(θ) be a piece-wise continuous function. Then

lim sp Ta(λ) = M∞ (a) = R(a).


Proof. We use the Laplace method as in Theorem 14.2.1. For any ε > 0 we take δ > 0 such that for each interval I ⊂ (θj , θj+1 ) with length less then δ, j = 1, 2, . . . , m, the following inequality holds, sup |a(s1 ) − a(s2 )| < ε.

s1 ,s2 ∈I

Suppose first that the minimum point sϕ = ϕ satisfies the condition inf


|ϕ − θj | > δ.

We have γa,λ (ξ)

= a(ϕ) + 2λ (λ + 1)ϑ2λ (ξ) +2λ (λ + 1)ϑ2λ (ξ)

ϕ+δ ϕ−δ

(a(θ) − a(ϕ))e−LS(θ,ϕ) dθ

[0,π]\(ϕ−δ,ϕ+δ) −σL

(a(θ) − a(ϕ))e−LS(θ,ϕ) dθ


= a(ϕ) + O(ε) + O(e


where σ=

(S(θ, ϕ) − S(ϕ, ϕ)).



Thus varying ϕ ∈ ∪m j=0 (θj , θj+1 ) we have that Jj (a) ⊂ M∞ (a),

j = 0, 1, . . . , m.

Now suppose that there exist j such that |ϕ − θj | < δ. Then we have γa,λ (ξ)


= 2λ (λ + 1)ϑ2λ (ξ) a(θj − 0) + 2λ (λ + 1)ϑ2λ (ξ)




(a(θ) − a(θj + 0))e θj


e−LS(θ,ϕ)dθ + a(θj + 0)


(14.3.2) " e−LS(θ,ϕ)dθ


(a(θ) − a(θj − 0))e−LS(θ,ϕ)dθ






dθ +

a(θ)e (0,π)\(ϕ−δ,ϕ+δ)


dθ .

14.3. Piece-wise continuous symbols


Taking δ small enough we suppose that θ1 π + θm < sϕ (= ϕ) < . 2 2 Thus the function

(Sθ,θ (ϕ, ϕ))−1 = − sin ϕ

is uniformly bounded on ϕ and the following asymptotic calculations are uniform on ϕ: π λ 2 −1 [2 (λ + 1)ϑλ (ξ)] = e−LS(θ,ϕ)dθ 0 π −1 2 L = e−LS(ϕ,ϕ) e− 2 (sin ϕ)(θ−ϕ) dθ(1 + O(1)) 0 π−ϕ −1 2 L −LS(ϕ,ϕ) e− 2 (sin ϕ)u du(1 + O(1)) = e −ϕ


e−LS(ϕ,ϕ) ∞ −v2 2 sin ϕ e dv(1 + O(1)). (14.3.3) L1/2 −∞

Analogously ϕ+δ

e−LS(ϕ,ϕ) ∞ −v2 −LS(θ,ϕ) e dθ = 2 sin ϕ e dv(1 + O(1)) L1/2 θj xj and


e−LS(θ,ϕ)dθ =



√ e−LS(ϕ,ϕ) xj −v2 2 sin θ e dv(1 + O(1)), L1/2 −∞


xj =

L 2 sin ϕ


1/2 (θj − ϕ).

Thus from (14.3.3)–(14.3.5) we have γa,λ (ξ) = (a(θj − 0)t + a(θj + 0)τ )(1 + O(1) + O(ε) + O(e−iσ )), where




2 e−v dv)/(

2 e−v dv) and τ = (



2 e−v dv)/(



e−v dv).


Now it is evident that t, τ ∈ [0, 1] and τ + t = 1, which implies Ij (a) ⊂ M∞ (a). Thus

R(a) ⊂ M∞ (a). The representations (14.3.1) and (14.3.6) imply the inverse inclusion

R(a) ⊃ M∞ (a).


Chapter 14. Dynamics of Properties, Hyperbolic case

We illustrate the theorem on the following piece-wise continuous symbol which has six jump points, 1 2 1 ⎧ 7θ exp i −1π6 + 2π θ ∈ 10, π7 ⎪ 3 · π , 2 ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ 1 exp i π + 2π · 7θ − 1 , θ ∈ 1 π7 , 2π ⎪ 3 7 ⎪ 2 1 π6 2π3 7θπ ⎪ 3π ⎪ , θ ∈ 1 2π ⎨ exp i −16 + 3 · π − 2 2 7 , 7 1 π 2π 7θ 3π 4π a(θ) = 3 , θ∈1 7 , 7 . 3 exp1 i − 6 + 3 · π −2 ⎪ π 2π 7θ 5π ⎪ ⎪ + · − 4 , θ ∈ 1 4π exp i − ⎪ 6 3 π 7 , 7 1 2 ⎪ ⎪ 1 exp i − π + 2π · 7θ − 5 , θ ∈ 5π , 6π ⎪ ⎪ 3 π 1 7 72 ⎩ 3 π 6 θ ∈ 67π , π exp −i 6 , We present the image of the symbol a = a(θ), the image of γa,λ for the following values of λ: 1, 10, 70, and 500, as well as the limit set M∞ (a). We have obviously lim sp Ta(λ) = M∞ (a) ⊂ conv(ess Range a).



Wishing to illustrate the possible interrelations between these sets we can repeat the arguments of Examples 13.3.2–13.3.5 and construct the (piece-wise continuous) symbols a = a(θ) to realize the following possibilities: M∞ (a) M∞ (a)

= Range a (= ess Range a), = conv(ess Range a) (= conv(Range a)),

M∞ (a) M∞ (a)

⊂ ∂ conv(Range a), = ∂ conv(Range a).

14.4 Unbounded symbols Theorem 14.4.1. Let a(θ) ∈ L1 (0, π) ∩ C(0, 1). Then Range a ⊂ M∞ (a). Proof. We apply the Laplace method as in Theorem 14.2.1. Fix any point ϕ ∈ (0, π) and consider for each ξ large enough the value λ = 2ξ arctan ϕ. Then by (14.2.2) we have

γa,λ (ξ) = a(ϕ)(1 + α(λ 1 + (2 arctan ϕ)−2 ) where lim α(L) = 0. Thus if ξ → ∞ then λ → ∞ as well and we have L→∞

a(ϕ) ∈ M∞ (a).

The next theorem, whose proof is analogous to that of Theorem 13.5.2, shows that the property (14.3.7), previously established for bounded symbols, remains valid for summable symbols.

14.4. Unbounded symbols




















−1 −1










−1 −1



















−1 −1





























−1 −1






































Figure 14.2: The symbol a(θ), the function γa,λ for λ = 1, λ = 10, λ = 70, λ = 500, and the limit set M∞ (a).


Chapter 14. Dynamics of Properties, Hyperbolic case

Theorem 14.4.2. Let a(θ) ⊂ L1 (0, π). Then M∞ (a) ⊂ conv(ess Range a). Note that for functions a(θ) ∈ L1 (0, π) ∩ C(0, π), Theorems 14.4.1 and 14.4.2 imply that Range a ⊂ M∞ (a) ⊂ conv(Range a), and we show that Range a can coincide with each of these extreme sets. Example 14.4.3. For each j ∈ N define Ij = [j −1 − j −3 , j −1 ] and let {ξξj }j∈N = [0, 2π]. Define the symbol as iξ je j , θ ∈ Ij , j ∈N a(θ) = . 0, θ ∈ (0, π) \ ∞ j=1 Ij It can be easily shown that M∞ (a) = C = conv(Range a). Example 14.4.4. Given α ∈ [0, 1), introduce a(θ) = (sin θ)i−α , which is unbounded for α ∈ (0, 1), while it is bounded and oscillating for λ = 0. Calculate, using [86], formula 3.892.1, Aπ (sin θ)λ+i−α e−2ξθ dθ 0A γa,λ (ξ) = π λ −2ξθ dθ 0 (sin θ) e B λ2 + 1 + iξ, λ2 + 1 − iξ 2α−i (λ + 1) = λ + i − α + 1 B λ+i−α + 1 + iξ, λ+i−α + 1 − iξ 2 2 2α−i (λ + 1) Γ(λ + 2 + i − α) Γ λ2 + 1 + iξ = λ+i−α+1 Γ(λ + 2) Γ λ+i−α + 1 + iξ 2 Γ λ2 + 1 − iξ . · λ+i−α Γ + 1 − iξ 2 Applying the asymptotic formulas (see [86], formulas 8.327 and 8.328.2) for the Γ-function we have 3 12 4i−α 1 (λ + 2)2 γa,λ (ξ) = . 1 + O (λ + 2)2 + 4ξ 2 λ+1 Given any v ∈ (0, π), we can take ξ and λ such that 12 (λ + 2)2 = sin v. (λ + 2)2 + 4ξ 2

Thus i−α

γa,λ (ξ) = (sin v) and in this case M∞ (a) = Range a.


1 λ+1


Chapter 13

Dynamics of Properties of Toeplitz Operators on the Upper Half-Plane: Parabolic Case 13.1 Boundedness of Toeplitz operators with symbols depending on y = Im z Recall that by Theorems 10.4.9 and 10.5.1, the function ∞ tλ+1 η γa,λ (t) = a( ) η λ e−tη dη Γ(λ + 1) 0 2 ∞ 1 η = a( ) η λ e−η dη Γ(λ + 1) 0 2t


is responsible for the boundedness of a Toeplitz operator with symbol a = a(y). (λ) If a = a(y) ∈ L∞ (R+ ), then the operator Ta is obviously bounded on all spaces A2λ (Π), where λ ∈ (−1, ∞), and the corresponding norms are uniformly bounded by supz |a(z)|. That is, all spaces A2λ (Π), where λ ∈ (−1, ∞), are natural and appropriate for Toeplitz operators with bounded symbols. One of our aims is a systematic study of unbounded symbols. To avoid unnecessary technicalities in this chapter we will always assume that λ ∈ [0, ∞). As is easy to see, the major contribution to the integral (13.1.1) for “very big t” (t → ∞) is determined by values of a(y) at a neighborhood of the point 0, and the major contribution for “very small t” (t → 0) is determined by values of a(y) at a neighborhood of ∞. In particular, as it follows directly from (13.1.1), if


Chapter 13. Dynamics of Properties, Parabolic case

a(y) has limits on the points 0 and ∞, then lim γa,λ (t) =

lim a(y),



lim γa,λ (t) =

lim a(y).



As a matter of fact, 0 and ∞ are the only worrisome points for unbounded symbols a(y) ∈ L1 (R+ , 0). Moreover the behaviour of certain means of a symbol, rather than the behaviour of a symbol itself, plays a crucial role under the study of boundedness properties. Given λ ∈ [0, +∞) and a locally summable function a(y) introduce the means


(j) Ba,λ (ξ)


a(t/2)tλ dt,

Ba,λ (ξ) =


= 0


Ba,λ (t)dt,

j = 2, 3, . . . .

We note that contrary to the radial case (12.1.2) the above functions depend now on the weight parameter. Theorem 13.1.1. Let a(y) ∈ L1 (R+ , 0). If for any λ0 ∈ [0, +∞) and any j ∈ N the (j) function Ba,λ0 (ξ) has the following asymptotic behaviors in the neighborhoods of the points ξ = 0 and ξ = ∞, (j)

Ba,λ0 (ξ) = O(ξ j+λ0 ),

ξ → 0,


ξ → ∞,


and (j)

Ba,λ0 (ξ) = O(ξ j+λ0 ), then for every λ ∈ [λ0 , ∞),

sup |γa,λ (x)| < ∞,



and the corresponding Toeplitz operator Ta [λ0 , ∞).

is bounded on A2λ (Π) for every λ ∈

Proof. Let λ ≥ λ0 . Assume first that j = 1. Then the conditions (13.1.2) and (13.1.3) imply that for all ξ ∈ R+ the estimate (1)

|Ba,λ0 (ξ)| ≤ const ξ 1+λ0


holds, where “const” does not depend on ξ ∈ R+ . Integrating by parts we have

13.1. Boundedness of Toeplitz operators


for all x ∈ R+ , |γa,λ (x)|

$ $ $ xλ+1 $$ ∞ λ−λ0 −xt (1) $ t e dB (t) a,λ0 $ $ Γ(λ + 1) 0 $ $ $ xλ+1 $$ ∞ (1) λ−λ0 −1 λ−λ0 −xt $ Ba,λ0 (t)[(λ − λ0 )t − xt ]e dt$ = $ Γ(λ + 1) 0 ∞ xλ+1 ((λ − λ0 )tλ + xtλ+1 )e−xt dt ≤ const Γ(λ + 1) 0 ≤ const [(λ − λ0 ) + (λ + 1)] = const (2λ − λ0 + 1)


and the case j = 1 is done. For j ≥ 2 we use the inequalities (j)

|Ba,λ0 (ξ)| ≤ const ξ j+λ0


(where ξ ∈ R+ and “const” does not depend on ξ) and integration by parts j-times.

Remark 13.1.2. The condition (13.1.2) guarantees the boundedness of the function γa,λ (x) in a neighborhood of x = ∞ while the condition (13.1.3) guarantees the boundedness of the functions γa,λ (x) in a neighborhood of x = 0. The next statement sets a partial order on the family of sufficient conditions for boundedness of Toeplitz operators given by Theorem 13.1.1. Theorem 13.1.3. 1. Let the conditions (13.1.2) and (13.1.3) hold for j = j0 and some λ0 . Then these conditions hold for j = j0 + 1 and the same λ0 . 2. Let the conditions (13.1.2) and (13.1.3) hold for j = j0 and some λ0 . Then these conditions hold for j = j0 and λ0 replaced by any λ1 ≥ λ0 . Proof. Assume that we have (13.1.2) and (13.1.3) for j = j0 . Then according to (13.1.5) we have (j +1)

|Ba,λ0 0 (ξ)|


≤ const Thus the first statement is proved.

(j )

|Ba,λ0 0 (t)|dt

ξ 0

tj0 +λ0 dt ≤ const ξ j0 +1+λ0 .


Chapter 13. Dynamics of Properties, Parabolic case Assume we have (13.1.2) and (13.1.3) for j = 1 and λ = λ0 . If λ1 > λ0 then $ $ $ ξ $ $ $ (1) (1) λ1 −λ0 |Ba,λ1 (ξ)| ≤ $ t dBa,λ0 (t)$ $ 0 $ $ $ ξ $ $ $ (1) (1) λ1 −λ0 λ1 −λ0 −1 $ = $Ba,λ0 (ξ)ξ − (λ1 − λ0 ) Ba,λ0 (t)t dt$ $ $ 0 $" !$$ ξ $ $ $ $ ≤ const $ξ 1+λ0 ξ λ1 −λ0 + t1+λ0 tλ1 −λ0 −1 dt$ $ $ 0 ≤

const ξ 1+λ1 .

Assume that (13.1.2) and (13.1.3) hold for j = 2 and λ = λ0 . Then for each λ1 > λ0 we have $ $ $ ξ u $ $ $ (2) λ1 a(t/2)t dtdu$ |Ba,λ1 (ξ)| = $ $ 0 0 $ $ $ $ ξ u $ $ $ (1) λ1 −λ0 = $ t dBa,λ0 (t)du$ $ 0 0 $ $ $ ξ u $ ξ $ $ $ (1) (1) λ1 −λ0 λ1 −λ0 −1 = $ Ba,λ0 (u)u du − (λ1 − λ0 ) Ba,λ0 (t)t dtdu$ $ 0 $ 0 0 $ $ ξ $ (2) (2) = $Ba,λ0 (ξ)ξ λ1 −λ0 − (λ1 − λ0 ) Ba,λ0 (u)uλ1 −λ0 −1 du $ 0 ξ (2) −(λ1 − λ0 ) Ba,λ0 (u)uλ1 −λ0 −1 du 0 $ ξ u $ $ (2) λ1 −λ0 −2 + (λ1 − λ0 )(λ1 − λ0 − 1) Ba,λ0 (t)t dtdu$ $ 0 0 2(λ1 − λ0 ) 2+λ1 (λ1 − λ0 )(λ1 − λ0 − 1) 2+λ1 2+λ1 ≤ const ξ ξ ξ + + λ1 + 2 (λ1 + 1)(λ1 + 2) ≤ const ξ 2+λ1 . The cases j0 > 2 for the second statement are considered analogously.

Example 13.1.4. Consider the unbounded symbol a(t/2) = t−β sin t−α , where 0 < β < 1, α > 0. Applying Theorem 13.1.1 for j = 1 and λ0 = 0 we have ξ 1 ∞ β−1 −1 (1) Ba,0 (ξ) = t−β sin t−α dt = y α sin y dy. (13.1.6) α ξ−α 0

13.1. Boundedness of Toeplitz operators


As in the proof of Theorem 11.1.1, integrating by parts twice we get (1)

Ba,0 (ξ)

ξ α−β+1 (β − α − 1) 2α−β+1 cos ξ −α − ξ sin ξ −α α α2 (β − α − 1)(β − 2α − 1) ∞ β−1 − y α −3 sin y dy. α3 ξ −α


Thus we have (1)

Ba,0 (ξ) =

ξ α−β+1 cos ξ −α + O(ξ 2α−β+1 ), α

ξ → 0.


To get the asymptotic at infinity we use again the representation (13.1.6): 1 1 β−α−1 1 ∞ β−α−1 (1) y α sin ydy + y α sin ydy. Ba,0 (ξ) = α ξ−α α 1 Since (β − α − 1)/α < 0 the second integral converges. Integrating the first integral by parts (another way) we get (1)

Ba,0 (ξ) = c0 + c1 ξ 1−β−α + O(ξ 1−β−2α ),

c0 , c1 ∈ C.


Thus if α ≥ β,


then the conditions (13.1.2) and (13.1.3) hold for j = 1, λ0 = 0, and the operator (λ) Ta is bounded for each λ ≥ 0. Now apply Theorem 13.1.1 for j = 2, λ0 = 0. Let α < β. Using the inequality (13.1.7) (for β := β − α − 1) and (13.1.8) we get (2)

Ba,0 (ξ) = O(ξ 2α−β+2 ), and


ξ → 0,

Ba,0 (ξ) = O(ξ) + O(ξ 2−β+α ), (λ)

Thus the operator Ta

ξ → ∞.

is bounded if α≥

β . 2


Analogously apply Theorem 13.1.1 for j = 3, 4, . . . (λ0 = 0), we have that for α≥ (λ)

β j


operator Ta is bounded. Since there exists j large enough for (13.1.11) to hold, (λ) we have that for arbitrary 0 < β < 1 and α > 0 the operator Ta is bounded for each λ ≥ 0.


Chapter 13. Dynamics of Properties, Parabolic case

Remark 13.1.5. Example 13.1.4 shows that the conditions (13.1.2) and (13.1.3) for j = j1 , λ0 = 0, compared with those for j = j2 , λ0 = 0, and j1 > j2 , widen in fact the class of symbols for which the boundedness of the corresponding Toeplitz operators can be justified. The sufficient conditions of Theorem 13.1.1 provide the simultaneous bound(λ) edness of an operator Ta for all λ ∈ [λ0 , ∞) at once. We pass now to the more (λ) delicate question of the boundedness of a Toeplitz operator Ta on the space A2λ (Π) in its dependence on λ. The following result plays a central role here. (λ )

Theorem 13.1.6. Let a(y) belong to L1 (R+ , 0) and the operator Ta 0 be bounded on (λ) A2λ0 (Π) for a certain λ0 > 0. Then Ta is bounded on A2λ (Π) for each λ ∈ [0, λ0 ]. (λ)

Proof. Let the operator Ta be bounded on A2λ0 (Π), that is supx>0 |γa,λ0 (x)| < ∞. For λ < λ0 , we have ∞ xλ+1 a(t/2)tλ e−xt dt γa,λ (x) = Γ(λ + 1) 0 ∞ ∞ xλ+1 λ0 −xt a(t/2)t e dt y λ0 −λ−1 e−yt dy = Γ(λ + 1)Γ(λ0 − λ) 0 0 ∞ ∞ xλ+1 λ0 −λ−1 y dy a(t/2)tλ0 e−(x+y)t dt = Γ(λ + 1)Γ(λ0 − λ) 0 0 ∞ Γ(1 + λ0 ) = y λ0 −λ−1 (1 + y)−λ0 −1 γa,λ0 (x(1 + y))dy. Γ(λ + 1)Γ(λ0 − λ) 0 Thus |γa,λ (x)| ≤ sup |γa,λ0 (x)| x>0

Γ(1 + λ0 ) Γ(λ + 1)Γ(λ0 − λ)

y λ0 −λ−1 (1 + y)−λ0 −1 dy.

The next theorem extends the range of λ, given by Theorem 13.1.1, for simultaneous boundedness of Toeplitz operators on A2λ (Π). Theorem 13.1.7. Under the hypothesis of Theorem 13.1.1 the Toeplitz operator (λ) Ta is bounded on A2λ (Π) for each λ ∈ [0, ∞). Proof. Follows directly from Theorems 13.1.1 and 13.1.6.

Theorem 13.1.6 allows us to obtain in particular the necessity of the hypothesis of Theorem 13.1.1 in the case of non-negative symbols or non-negative means. Theorem 13.1.8. 1. Assume that a(y) ∈ L1 (R+ , 0) and a(y) ≥ 0 almost every(λ ) where. Let the operator Ta be bounded on A2λ (Π) for some λ ≥ 0. Then the conditions (13.1.2) and (13.1.3) hold for j = 1 and λ0 = 0 and consequently (λ) the operator Ta is bounded on A2λ (Π) for each λ ∈ [0, ∞).

13.1. Boundedness of Toeplitz operators



2. Assume that Ba,μ (y) ≥ 0 almost everywhere for some j = j0 ≥ 1 and μ ≥ 0, (λ ) and that the operator Ta is bounded on A2λ (Π) for some λ ≥ 0. Then the conditions (13.1.2) and (13.1.3) hold for j = j0 + 1 and λ0 = μ, and (λ) consequently the operator Ta is bounded on A2λ (Π) for each λ ∈ [0, ∞). (λ )

Proof. 1. If Ta is bounded on A2λ (Π), then according to Theorem 13.1.6 the (0) operator Ta is bounded on A20 (Π). We have γa,0 (x) = x

a(t/2)e−xt dt ≥ x

x−1 0

a(t/2)e−xt dt ≥

x (1) −1 B (x ). e a,0

Thus denoting ξ = x−1 we have (1)

Ba,0 (ξ) ≤ (e sup |γa,0 (x)|)ξ. x∈R+

2. Assume first that j0 = 1 and μ ≥ λ . We have

xλ +1 γa,λ (x) = Γ(λ + 1)

a(t/2)tλ e−xt dt.

Integrating by parts we get

γa,λ (x)


xλ +1 Γ(λ + 1)

xλ +1 Γ(λ + 1)


(1) Ba,μ (t)[(μ − λ ) + xt]tλ −μ−1 e−xt dt 0 ! −1 " x (1) Ba,μ (t)dt [(μ − λ ) + 1]x−(λ −μ−1) e−1 0

(μ − λ + 1) (2) −1 Ba,μ (x ). e Γ(λ + 1)



Again denoting ξ = x−1 we have (2) (ξ) ≤ Ba,μ

e Γ(λ + 1) sup |γa,λ (x)| ξ μ+2 . μ − λ + 1 x∈R+

The above integration by parts is correct because for arbitrary a(t) ∈ L1 (R+ , 0) we have (1) |Ba,μ (ξ)| = o(ξ μ ), ξ → 0. Let now j0 = 1 and μ < λ . Then according to Theorem 13.1.6 the operator is bounded on A2μ (Π). Repeating the above reasonings for the function γa,μ (x) we complete the consideration of the case j0 = 1. The cases j0 > 1 are considered analogously. (μ) Ta


Chapter 13. Dynamics of Properties, Parabolic case (λ)

Remark 13.1.9. Simultaneous boundedness of the operators Ta for all λ in the case of arbitrary (depending on both variables) non-negative symbol was shown in [240]. We extend this result for a class of not necessarily non-negative symbols depending only on y. For a non-negative function a(t) we set ma,0 (x) = inf a(t/2)



ma,∞ (x) = inf a(t/2). (x/2,x)

Corollary 13.1.10. Given a non-negative symbol a(y), if either lim ma,0 (x) = ∞


lim ma,∞ (x) = ∞,



or x→∞ (λ)

then Toeplitz operator Ta

is unbounded on each A2λ (Π), λ ∈ [0, +∞).

Proof. If the condition (13.1.12) holds then ξ (1) Ba,0 (ξ) = a(t/2)dt ≥ ξma,0 (ξ) 0


ξ −1 B (1) (ξ) → ∞


ξ → 0.

Now let the condition (13.1.13) hold. Then ξ 1 (1) ξ −1 Ba,0 (ξ) > ξ −1 a(t/2)dt ≥ ma,∞ (ξ) → ∞ 2 ξ/2


ξ → ∞.

Note, that Corollary 13.1.10 shows that infinitely growing positive symbols cannot generate bounded Toeplitz operators. To generate a bounded Toeplitz operator, its unbounded symbol must necessarily have (see Example 13.1.4) sufficiently sophisticated oscillating behaviour at neighborhoods of the “critical” points 0 and ∞. Given a symbol a(y) ∈ L1 (R+ , 0), denote by B(a) the set of values λ ∈ [0, ∞) (λ) for which the corresponding Toeplitz operator Ta is bounded. Theorem 13.1.6 suggests that the set B(a), being non-empty, may have only one of the following three types: [0, ∞), [0, ν), [0, ν]. We show that all of these possibilities can be realized. Indeed, the first case is true for bounded symbols. To realize the two remaining cases we give the following theorem. Theorem 13.1.11. There exists a family of symbols aν,β (y), with ν ∈ (0, 1), β ≥ 0, (λ) such that for the corresponding Toeplitz operators Taν,β we have

13.1. Boundedness of Toeplitz operators a) B(aν,0 ) = [0, ν],

β = 0,

b) B(aν,β ) = [0, ν),

β > 0.


Proof. To prove the above statement we show that the asymptotic behavior of the corresponding function γaν,β ,λ (x) when x → ∞ is γaν,β ,λ (x) = cλ e 5π ln i



lnλ−ν (1 + x) lnβ ln(1 + x) + o(lnλ−ν (1 + x) lnβ ln(1 + x)), (13.1.14)

where cλ = 0, and lim γaν,β ,λ (x) = 0.



To introduce the function aν,β (y) we consider i 2 ln (z + i)}[ln(z + i) − i5π/2]−ν lnβ (ln(z + i) − i5π/2), 5π (13.1.16) where the branch of the function fν,β (z) is fixed by arg z ∈ [3π/2, 7π/2]. We set now 1 aν,β (t/2) = √ fν,β (x)e−ixt dx. 2π R fν,β (z) = e

5π 4 i


2 The function fν,β (z) belongs to the Hardy space H+ (R), thus aν,β (t) ∈ L2 (R+ ) and the formula fν,β (z) = aν,β (t/2)eizt dt (13.1.17) R+

holds. Thus, γaν,β ,0 (x) = xffν,β (ix). Recall that tα e−xt = Dα e−xt , where the Liouville fractional derivative is given, as usual, by Dα ϕ(x) =

1 d1,1 (α)


ϕ(x + t) − ϕ(x) dt, t1+α

where d1,1 (α) =


e−ξ − 1 dξ, ξ 1+α

0 < α < 1.


Chapter 13. Dynamics of Properties, Parabolic case

Therefore, setting c(λ) =

1 d1,1 (λ)Γ(λ+1) ,

we have

fν,β (i(x + t)) − fν,β (ix) dt t1+λ R+ fν,β (i(x + xt + t)) − fν,β (ix) xλ+1 c(λ) dt λ (x + 1) R+ t1+λ t dt d fν,β (i(x + xξ + ξ))dξ c(λ, x)(x + 1) dt 1+λ t dξ R+ 0 ∞ d dt fν,β (i(x + xξ + ξ))dξ dt c(λ, x)(x + 1) 1+λ dξ t R+ ξ 1 d fν,β (i(x + xξ + ξ))dξ, λ−1 c(λ, x)(x + 1) λ R+ ξ dξ

= c(λ)xλ+1

γaν,β ,λ (x)

= = = =

where c(λ, x) = c(λ)xλ+1 /(1 + x)λ+1 . Note that fν,β (iy) =

i exp{ 5π ln2 (1 + y)} −ν ln (1 + y) lnβ ln(1 + y), 1+y


hence we have γaν,β ,λ (x)

i exp{ 5π ln2 (1 + x)(1 + ξ)} 2i ων,β (x, ξ) = −λ c(λ, x) ξ λ (1 + ξ)2 5π R+ −ων+1,β (x, ξ) − νων+2,β (x, ξ) − βων+2,β−1 (x, ξ) dξ,(13.1.19) −1

where ων,β (x, ξ) = ln1−ν (1 + x)(1 + ξ) lnβ ln(1 + x)(1 + ξ). We split the above integral into four integrals according to the sum of four terms in the brackets. These integrals are of the same type, and differ (up to a constant) only by parameters ν, β. Obviously, the principal term of the behavior of γa,λ (x) when x → ∞ is determined by the integral corresponding to the first summand, i.e., i exp{ 5π ln2 (1 + x)(1 + ξ)} I(x, λ, ν, β) = ων,β (x, ξ) dξ ξ λ (1 + ξ)2 R+ i exp{ 5π ln2 (1 + x)(1 + ξ)} ων,β (x, ξ) (χ0 (ξ) + χ∞ (ξ))dξ = ξ λ (1 + ξ)2 R+ =

I0 (x, λ, ν, β) + I∞ (x, λ, ν, β).

Here χ0 (ξ) is a smooth function on R+ , satisfying the conditions χ0 (ξ) = 1 for 0 ≤ ξ ≤ 1 and χ0 (ξ) = 0 for ξ ≥ 2; and χ∞ (ξ) = 1 − χ0 (ξ).

13.2. Continuous symbols


Integrating the second integral by parts we have 5πi ∞ ων+1,β (x, ξ) i 2 χ∞ (ξ) d exp{ ln (1 + x)(1 + ξ)} I∞ (x, λ, ν, β) = − λ 2 1 ξ (1 + ξ) 5π 5πi ∞ i 2 ln (1 + x)(1 + ξ)} = exp{ 2 1 5π ∂ ων+1,β (x, ξ) χ∞ (ξ) dξ. · ∂ξ ξ λ (1 + ξ) For ξ > 1 and large enough x the following inequality holds: $ $$ $ ∂ ων+1,β (x, ξ) $ $ $ ≤ const ων+1,β (x, 0) . χ (ξ) ∞ $ ∂ξ $ λ ξ (1 + ξ) ξ λ (1 + ξ)2 Thus we have |II∞ (x, λ, ν, β)| = O(ων+1,β (x, 0)) = O(ln−ν (1 + x) lnβ ln(1 + x)). For I0 (x, λ, ν, β) according to a Lemma of Erdelyi (see [76]), we have I0 (x, λ, ν, β) = (1 + O(ln−1 (1 + x)))I 0 (x, λ, ν, β), where I 0 (x, λ, ν, β)

= =

ων,β (x, 0)e 5π ln i

ων,β (x, 0)e 5π ln i



2 ln(1+x)





2 i ei 5π ξ χ0 (ξ)e 5π ln (1+ξ) dξ λ 2 ξ (1 + ξ)


2 ln(1+x) 5π



F (ξ)dξ.

Applying Erdelyi’s lemma ([76]) once again, we have 2 i 2 ln(1+x) ξ 2 i e 5π 5π Γ(1 − λ)eiπ(1−λ)/2 e 5π ln (1+x) lnλ−1 (1 + x) F (ξ)dξ = λ ξ 2i 0 +o(lnλ−1 (1 + x)),

x → ∞.

This and the above considerations prove (13.1.14). Finally, it is easy to see that (13.1.19) implies (13.1.15).

13.2 Continuous symbols (λ)

Given a symbol a = a(y), the Toeplitz operator Ta acting on the space A2λ (Π) is unitary equivalent to the multiplication operator γa,λ I, where the function γa,λ (x), x ∈ R+ , is given by (10.4.4). Thus we have obviously sp Ta(λ) = Mλ (a), where Mλ (a) = Range γa,λ .


Chapter 13. Dynamics of Properties, Parabolic case

Theorem 13.2.1. Let a = a(y) ∈ C(R+ ) = C[0, +∞]. Then lim sp Ta(λ) = M∞ (a) = Range a.



Note, that Range a coincides with the spectrum sp aI of the operator of multiplication by a = a(y) acting, say, on any of L2 (Π, dμλ ); thus another form of (13.2.1) is lim sp Ta(λ) = sp aI. λ→+∞ √ Proof. Introduce the large parameter L = x2 + λ2 and represent γa,λ (x) in the form ∞ xλ+1 γa,λ (x) = a(t/2)e−LS(t,ϕ)dt, (13.2.2) Γ(λ + 1) 0 where S(t, ϕ) =

x λ t − ln t = (sin ϕ) t + (cos ϕ) ln 1/t, L L

with ϕ ∈ [0, π/2].

The function S(t, ϕ), as a function of t, has a minimum at the point tϕ =

cos ϕ ∈ (0, ∞). sin ϕ

Write (13.2.2) in the form γa,λ (x) − a(tϕ /2) =

xλ+1 Γ(λ + 1) +

R+ ∩U (tϕ )

R+ \U (tϕ )

(a(t/2) − a(tϕ /2))e−LS(t,ϕ)dt

(a(t/2) − a(tϕ /2))e

I1 (L) + I2 (L),


dt (13.2.3)

where U (tϕ ) is a neighborhood of the point tϕ such that sup |a(t/2) − a(tϕ /2)| < ε,

t∈U (tϕ )

with ε > 0 sufficiently small. We have, I1 (L) ≤ ε uniformly in ϕ. Next, I2 (L) ≤ ε uniformly on ϕ as well. Indeed rewrite the integral I2 (L) in the form tϕ−σ xλ+1 (a(t/2) − a(tϕ/2))e−LS(t,ϕ)dt I2 (L) = Γ(λ + 1) 0 ∞ xλ+1 (a(t/2) − a(tϕ/2 ))e−LS(t,ϕ) dt + Γ(λ + 1) tϕ +σ ≡

I2,1 (L) + I2,2 (L)

13.3. Piece-wise continuous symbols


where σ > 0 is small enough. Let us use the asymptotic Euler formula for the Γ-function (see, [86], formula 8.327) λe−λ λλ−1/2 √ Γ(λ + 1) = λΓ(λ) = (1 + O(λ−1/2 )), λ → ∞, 2π where we set λ = xtϕ . Then the integral I2,2 (L) admits the estimate ∞

|II2,2 (L)| ≤ const x1/2 |a(t/2) − a(tϕ/2 )|e−xS(t,ϕ) dt tϕ +σ


ϕ) = (t − tϕ ) − tϕ (ln t − ln tϕ ). S(t,

It is evident that there exists Δ (> 0) which does not depend on ϕ and such that for t ≥ tϕ + δ the following inequality holds,

ϕ) > Δ(t − tϕ ), S(t, Thus we have |II2,2 (L)| ≤


|a(t/2) − a(tϕ/2)|e−xΔ(t−tϕ ) dt

const x


t > tϕ .

const x1/2 e−(x−1)Δσ

tϕ +σ

|a(t/2) − a(tϕ/2)|e−Δ(t−tϕ ) dt.

According to the definition of the class L1 (R+ , 0) the last integral is finite and we have, uniformly in ϕ, lim I2,2 (L) = 0. L→∞

Analogously one can get that, uniformly in ϕ, lim I2,1 (L) = 0


and consequently limL→∞ I2 (L) = 0. Since ε can be arbitrarily small, from the above we get γa,λ (x) = a(tϕ /2) (1 + α(L)), where α(L) → 0, when L → ∞, uniformly in ϕ.


13.3 Piece-wise continuous symbols Let b(t) = a(t/2) be a piece-wise continuous function on [0, +∞] having jumps at a finite set of points {tj }m j=1 , 0 = t0 < t1 < t2 < . . . < tm < tm+1 = +∞,


Chapter 13. Dynamics of Properties, Parabolic case

and such that a(tj /2 ± 0), j = 1, . . . , m, exist. Introduce the sets Jj (a) := {z ∈ C : z = a(t/2), t ∈ (tj , tj+1 )} where j = 0, . . . , m, and let Ij (a) be the straight line segment with the endpoints a(tj /2 − 0) and a(tj /2 + 0), j = 1, 2, . . . m. Introduce now m

R(a) = ∪m j=0 Jj (a) ∪ ∪j=1 Ij (a) . Theorem 13.3.1. Let a(t/2) be a piece-wise continuous function on [0, +∞]. Then

lim spλ Ta(λ) = M∞ (a) = R(a).


Proof. The proof is quite analogous to that of Theorem 14.3.1, see also Theorem 12.4.1. For L∞ -symbols apart from the a priori information (12.3.1) we have obviously

lim spλ Ta(λ) = M∞ (a) ⊂ conv(ess Range a).



At the same time the position of M∞ (a) inside conv(ess Range a) may essentially vary. We give a number of examples illustrating possible interrelations between these sets. Example 13.3.2. Let a(t) ∈ C[0, +∞]. Then according to Theorem 13.2.1, M∞ (a) = Range a (= ess Range a). Example 13.3.3. Let

a(t/2) =

α1 , t ∈ (0, 1) . α2 , t ∈ [1, ∞]

where α1 , α2 ∈ C and α1 = α2 . Then according to Theorem 13.3.1, M∞ (a) coincides with the straight line segment [α1 , α2 ] joining the points α1 and α2 , whence M∞ (a) = conv(ess Range a) (= conv(Range a)). Example 13.3.4. Let

⎧ ⎨ α1 , t ∈ [0, 1) α2 , t ∈ [1, 2) . a(t/2) = ⎩ α3 , t ∈ [2, ∞]

where α1 , α2 , α3 are different points from C. Then by Theorem 13.3.1 we have M∞ (a) = [α1 , α2 ] ∪ [α2 , α3 ] and in this case the set M∞ (a) is a part of the boundary of the convex hull ess Range a = Range a, that is M∞ (a) ⊂ ∂ conv(Range a).

13.4. Oscillating symbols


Example 13.3.5. Let α1 , α2 , α3 be as above, and ⎧ ⎪ α1 , t ∈ [0, 1) ⎪ ⎨ α2 , t ∈ [1, 2) . a(t/2) = ⎪ α3 , t ∈ [2, 3) ⎪ ⎩ α1 , t ∈ [3, ∞] By Theorem 13.3.1 the set M∞ (a) coincides with a triangle having the vertices α1 , α2 , and α3 , M∞ (a) = [α1 , α2 ] ∪ [α2 , α3 ] ∪ [α3 , α4 ]. Thus in this case M∞ (a) = ∂ conv(Range a). Example 13.3.6. Let {tj }j∈Z+ be a sequence of increasing positive numbers with limj→∞ tj = ∞ and t0 = 0. Define the symbol a(t) as follows, eiξj , t ∈ [t2j , t2j+1 ) a(t/2) = . −eiξj , t ∈ [t2j+1 , t2j+2 ) where {ξξj }j∈Z+ ⊂ [0, π] with the closure {ξξj }j∈Z+ = [0, π]. As in Theorem 13.3.1 one can show that each diameter [eiξj , −eiξi ] of the unit disk D having eiξj and −eiξj as endpoints, belongs to M∞ (a), which implies D ⊂ M∞ (a). We have that Range a = ∂D = T. Finally, M∞ (a) = D = conv(Range a).

13.4 Oscillating symbols We consider here a case of a discontinuity of the second kind, the oscillating symbols. To be more precise, the following two model situations will be considered: a strong oscillation and a slow oscillation. In spite of their qualitative sameness, an oscillation type discontinuity, the results differ drastically. Theorem 13.4.1 (Strong oscillation). Let a(t) = e2it , then Range a = T and M∞ (a) = D. Proof. For a(t/2) = eit we have ∞ xλ+1 tλ e−(x−i)t dt γa,λ (x) = Γ(λ + 1) 0 ∞ 1 xλ+1 · sλ e−s ds = (x − i)λ+1 Γ(λ + 1) 0 λ+1 x = x−i 1 2 1 λ+1 ln 1 − 2 · exp (λ + 1)i arctan(x−1 ) . = exp 2 x +1



Chapter 13. Dynamics of Properties, Parabolic case

Given a point z0 ∈ D, we represent it in the form z0 = exp(−α0 + iβ0 ), where α0 > 0 and β0 ∈ [0, 2π). Introduce the sequences xk =

β0 + 2πk 2α0


λk =

(β0 + 2πk)2 − 1 = 2α0 x2k − 1, 2α0

k ∈ N.

Then for large values of k we have 1 2 1 λk + 1 γa,λk (xk ) = exp ln 1 − 2 · exp (λk + 1)i arctan(x−1 k ) 2 xk + 1 λk + 1 −4 + (λ + 1)O(x ) = exp − k k 2x2k λk + 1 + (λk + 1)O(x−3 ) · exp i k xk 2 1 = exp −α0 + O(k −2 ) + i(β0 + 2πk) + O(k −1 ) . It is easy to see now that lim γa,λk (xk ) = z0 ;


that is, z0 ∈ M∞ (a), and D ⊂ M∞ (a). The inverse inclusion follows from (13.3.1). We note that formula (13.4.1) permits us to understand the form of the image of γa,λ for each fixed (and sufficiently large) value of λ. First of all, it is easy to see that lim γa,λ (x) = 1 and lim γa,λ (x) = 0. x→∞


If 0 < m < x < M < +∞, then the absolute value of γa,λ (x) changes much more slowly than its argument. That is for each fixed λ, the image of γa,λ looks like a spiral starting at the point z = 1 and tending to z = 0 as x tends to 0. Moreover, when λ is growing the branches of a spiral became closer to each other. Theorem 13.4.2 (Slow oscillation). Let a(t) = (2t)i , then we have that Range a = T and M∞ (a) = T. Proof. For a(t/2) = ti we have γa,λ (x)

= =

∞ xλ+1 tλ+i e−xt dt Γ(λ + 1) 0 ∞ Γ(λ + 1 + i) 1 . sλ+i e−s ds = xi Γ(λ + 1) 0 Γ(λ + 1)

13.5. Unbounded symbols


with the circle centered at the That is for a fixed λ the image of$ γa,λ coincides $ $ Γ(λ+1+i) $ origin and having radius equal to $ Γ(λ+1) $. By [86], formula 8.328.2, we have $ $ $ Γ(λ + 1 + i) $ $ $ = 1. lim λ→∞ $ Γ(λ + 1) $ We note that Theorems 13.4.1 and 13.4.2 can be generalized for a wide class of strong and slowly oscillating symbols. For example, if a1 (t) = (2t + 1)i , then M∞ (a1 ) = T, as in Theorem 13.4.2. The function a1 (t) is continuous at the point t = 0, thus γa1 ,λ (∞) = a1 (0) = 1, for all λ. For a fixed λ the image of γa1 ,λ is a spiral outgoing starting at point z = 1 and tending to the limit circle with radius $ $ $ $ equal to $ Γ(λ+1+i) and centered at the origin (the same circle as in Theorem $ Γ(λ+1) 13.4.2). We illustrate the above on figures presenting images of functions γa,λ for the two oscillating symbols a1 (t) = (1 + 2t)i = ei ln(1+2t)


a2 (t) = ei2t ,

t ∈ [0, ∞),

and for the following values of λ: 0, 10, and 1000. We note that both symbols are continuous at the point t = 0 and have oscillation type discontinuity at infinity, and both of them are of the same form ak (t) = eiϕk (t) ,

k = 1, 2,

where the corresponding functions ϕk (t) are continuous and increasing on [0, +∞] with ϕk (0) = 0 and ϕk (+∞) = +∞. The only difference between them is the speed of growth at infinity. This difference leads to a drastic difference between the spectrum behaviour of the corresponding Toeplitz operators.

13.5 Unbounded symbols Theorem 13.5.1. Let a(t) ∈ L1 (R+ , 0) ∩ C(R+ ). Then Range a ⊂ M∞ (a). Proof. Analogous to that of Theorem 13.2.1.

We show now that the property (13.3.1), previously established for bounded symbols, still remains valid for our unbounded symbols. Theorem 13.5.2. Let a(t) ∈ L1 (R+ , 0). Then M∞ (a) ⊂ conv(ess Range a).


Chapter 13. Dynamics of Properties, Parabolic case



















−1 −1










−1 −1



















−1 −1










−1 −1



















−1 −1










−1 −1




























Figure 13.1: The functions γa1 ,λ (x) and γa2 ,λ (x) for λ = 0, λ = 10, and λ = 1000.

13.5. Unbounded symbols


Proof. For each M > 0 consider the function a(t), if |a(t)| ≤ M . aM (t) = 0, if |a(t)| > M The function aM (t) is bounded, whence Range γaM ,λ ⊂ conv(ess Range aM ) ⊂ conv(ess Range a). The equality lim γaM ,λ (x) = γa,λ (x),


verified by the Lebesgue dominated convergence theorem, implies Range γa,λ (x) ⊂ conv(Range a).

Corollary 13.5.3. For functions a(t) ∈ L1 (R+ , 0) ∩ C(R+ ), Range a ⊂ M∞ (a) ⊂ conv(Range a). Example 13.5.4. For each j ∈ N define Ij = [j − 1, j − 1 + 1/j 3 ] and let {ξξj }j∈N be a sequence such that {ξξj }j∈N = [0, 2π]. Define the symbol by iξ je j , t ∈ Ij , j ∈ N, a(t/2) = 0, otherwise. (1) (λ) Obviously, Ba (ξ) ≤ j∈N j12 , and the corresponding Toeplitz operator Ta is bounded for every λ > 0. Theorem 13.3.1 implies that the straight line segment [0, jeiξj ] belongs to M∞ (a). Thus M∞ (a) = C = conv(Range a). Example 13.5.5. For given α ∈ (0, 1) introduce a(t/2) = ti−α and calculate ∞ xλ+1 xα−i Γ(λ + 1 + α − i) . tλ+i−α e−xt dt = γa,λ (x) = Γ(λ + 1) 0 Γ(λ + 1) By the asymptotics of Γ-function (see, [86], formula 8.327) γa,λ (x) = xα−i (λ + 1)i−α (1 + o(1)), Given arbitrary η > 0, one can take x and λ such that γa,λ (x) = η i−α (1 + o(1)), and in this case, Range a = M∞ (a).

λ → ∞. λ+1 x

λ → ∞,

= η. Thus,

Appendix A

Coherent states and Berezin transform A.1 General approach to coherent states Let H be a Hilbert space, and let {ϕg }g∈G be a subset of elements of H parameterized by elements g of some set G with measure dμ. Then {ϕg }g∈G is called a system of coherent states if for all ϕ ∈ H, |(ϕ, ϕg )|2 dμ, ϕ2 = (ϕ, ϕ) = G

or, equivalently, if for all ϕ1 , ϕ2 ∈ H, (ϕ1 , ϕ2 ) = (ϕ1 , ϕg )(ϕ2 , ϕg )dμ.



We define the isomorphic inclusion V : H −→ L2 (G) by the rule V : ϕ ∈ H −→ f = f (g) = (ϕ, ϕg ) ∈ L2 (G). By (A.1.1) we have (ϕ1 , ϕ2 ) = f1 , f2 , where (·, ·) and ·, · are the scalar products on H and L2 (G), respectively. Further fh (g) = V ϕh = (ϕh , ϕg ) = (ϕg , ϕh ) = V ϕg = fg (h). Let H2 (G) = V (H) ⊂ L2 (G).


Appendix A. Coherent states and Berezin transform

Theorem A.1.1. A function f ∈ L2 (G) is an element of H2 (G) if and only if for all h ∈ G,

f, fh = f (h). Proof. Let f (h) = (ϕ, ϕh ) ∈ H2 (G), then

f, fh = f (h). Conversely, let f ∈ L2 (G) with

f, fh = f (h), for all h ∈ G. Consider

L2 (G) = H2 (G) ⊕ H2⊥ (G)

and correspondingly

f = f0 + f ⊥ .

For all h ∈ G fh = (ϕh , ϕg ) ∈ H2 (G), thus we have 0 = f ⊥ , fh = f, fh − ff0 , fh = f (h) − f0 (h) = f ⊥ (h), hence f ⊥ ≡ 0, or f = f0 + 0 ∈ H2 (G).

Theorem A.1.2. The operator (ϕt , ϕg )f (t)dμ(t)

(P f )(g) = G

is the orthogonal projection of L2 (G) onto H2 (G). Proof. We have

(P f )(g), fh (g) = = = =

f (t)(ϕg , ϕt )dμ(t) (ϕh , ϕg )dμ(g) G G f (t)dμ(t) (ϕg , ϕt ) (ϕh , ϕg )dμ(g) G G f (t)dμ(t) (ϕt , ϕg ) (ϕh , ϕg )dμ(g) G G f (t)(ϕt , ϕh )dμ(t) = (P f )(h). G

Thus Im P = H2 (G). Let f (g) = (ϕ, ϕg ) ∈ H2 (G), then (P f )(g) = (ϕ, ϕt ) (ϕg , ϕt )dμ(t) = (ϕ, ϕg ) = f (g). G

Thus P |H2 (G) = I, or P 2 = P . Finally, the operator P is obviously self-adjoint.

A.1. General approach to coherent states


Remark A.1.3. Let fg (t) = V ϕg = (ϕg , ϕt ), g ∈ G, be the image in H2 (G) of the system of coherent states {ϕg }g∈G , then (P f )(g) = f, fg . The function aA (g), g ∈ G, is called the anti-Wick (or contravariant) symbol of an operator A : H → H if V AV −1 |H2 (G) = P aA (g)P = P aA (g)I|H2 (G) : H2 (G) −→ H2 (G), or, in other terminology, the operator V AV −1 |H2 (G) is the Toeplitz operator TaA (g) = P aA (g)I|H2 (G) : H2 (G) −→ H2 (G), with the defining symbol aA (g). Given an operator A : H → H, introduce the (Wick) function

a(g, h) =

(Aϕh , ϕg ) , (ϕh , ϕg )

g, h ∈ G.


If an operator A has an anti-Wick symbol, that is V AV −1 = Ta(g) for some function a = a(g), then

T T a fh , fg = fh−1 (g) P affh , fg = fh−1 (g) affh , P fg = fh−1 (g) affh , fg ,

ffh , fg (A.1.3) where g, h ∈ G, and the operator Ta admits the following representation in the term of its Wick symbol: (T Ta f )(g) = a(t)f (t)fft (g)dμ(t) = a(t)fft (g)dμ(t) f (h)ffh (t)dμ(h) G G G = f (h)dμ(h) a(t)fft (g)ffh (t)dμ(t) G G fh (g) = f (h)dμ(h) a(t)ffh (t)ffg (t)dμ(t)

ffh , fg G G =

a(g, h)f (h)ffh (g)dμ(h). (A.1.4) a(g, h) =


Interchanging the integrals above, we understand them in a weak sense. Note that (T Ta fh )(g) = T Ta fh , fg = affh , fg = a(g, h)ffh (g), and (T Ta∗ fh )(g) = T Ta∗ fh , fg = ffh , Ta fg = T T a fg , fh = a(h, g)ffg (h) = a(h, g)ffh (g).


Appendix A. Coherent states and Berezin transform

a1 (g, h) Let now Ta1 and Ta2 be two Toeplitz operators with the Wick symbols and a2 (g, h), correspondingly, then the Wick symbol a(g, h) of the composition Ta1 Ta2 is calculated by the formula

a(g, h) = ( a1 a2 )(g, h) = fh−1 (g) T Ta1 Ta2 fh , fg = fh−1 (g) T Ta2 fh , Ta∗1 fg = fh−1 (g)

a2 (ζ, h)ffh (ζ), a1 (g, ζ)ffg (ζ).


The restriction of the function a(g, h) onto the diagonal

aA (g) = a(g) = a(g, g) =

(Aϕg , ϕg ) , (ϕg , ϕg )

g ∈ G,


is called the Wick (or covariant, or Berezin) symbol of the operator A : H → H, and the formula (A.1.4) gives the representation of the operator Ta in terms of the Wick symbol. Theorem A.1.4. The Wick and anti-Wick symbols of an operator A : H → H are connected by the Berezin transform (ϕg , ϕt )(ϕt , ϕg )

aA (g) = dμ(t). aA (t) (ϕg , ϕg ) G Proof. Indeed,

P aA fg , fg

aA fg , P fg (Aϕg , ϕg ) = = (ϕg , ϕg ) (ϕg , ϕg ) (ϕg , ϕg ) 1

aA fg , fg = aA (t)ffg (t)ffg (t)dμ(t) = (ϕg , ϕg ) (ϕg , ϕg ) G (ϕg , ϕt )(ϕt , ϕg ) = dμ(t). aA (t) (ϕg , ϕg ) G

aA (g) =

Introduce the normalized system fg , f g (t) = ffg

g ∈ G.

Remark A.1.5. In terms of {f g }g∈G the Wick and anti-Wick symbols of an operator A are connected by the formula

aA (g) = aA (t)|f g (t)|2 dμ(t). G

Let H2 be a closed subspace of a Hilbert space L2 = L2 (G, dμ), and let P be the orthogonal projection on L2 with image H2 . Given a ∈ L∞ (G, dμ), consider the Toeplitz operator Ta = P a|H2 : H2 −→ H2 .

A.2. Numerical range and spectra


To have the function a as the anti-Wick symbol of the operator Ta we need a system {ex }x∈G of elements of H2 with the property ∀ ϕ(y) ∈ H2

(ϕ(y), ex (y)) = ϕ(x).

Then 2

ϕ =


|(ϕ(y), ex (y))| dμ(x) = G

|ϕ(x)|2 dμ(x),


thus the system {ex }x∈G is a system of coherent states, and the mapping V : H2 → H2 is the identical operator I. Remark A.1.6. The above system of coherent states {ex }x∈G is unique. Indeed, let {ex }x∈G be another system of coherent states. Then for each x and t from G we have ex (t) = (ex , et ) = (et , ex ) = et (x) = ex (t). Now the orthogonal projection P on L2 with image H2 is given by (P ϕ)(x) = (et , ex )ϕ(t)dμ(t) = ϕ(t)et (x)dμ(t) = (ϕ(t), ex (t)). G


Finally, the Wick symbol of the Toeplitz operator Ta is given by (ex , et )(et , ex ) |ex (t)|2

aTa (x) = dμ(t) = dμ(t), a(t) a(t) (ex , ex ) ex (x) G G or normalizing the system {ex }x∈G: ex (t) , e x (t) =

ex (x)

we have

aTa (x) =

ex (t)L2 (G) = 1,

a(t)| ex (t)|2 dμ(t).


A.2 Numerical range and spectra Let A be a bounded operator acting on a Hilbert space H. Its numerical range W (A) is the set W (A) = {(Aϕ, ϕ) : ϕ = 1, ϕ ∈ H}. Theorem A.2.1. The following properties hold: 1. The numerical range W (A) is always convex. 2. The numerical range W (A) is not necessarily closed.


Appendix A. Coherent states and Berezin transform

3. The closure of the numerical range includes the spectrum of the operator sp A ⊂ W (A). 4. If the operator A is normal, then conv(sp A) = W (A). Proof. See, for example, [99].

Corollary A.2.2. The closure of the numerical range of a multiplication operator A = aI, a ∈ L∞ , coincides with the convex hull of the essential range of the multiplier a: conv(ess-Range a) = W (A). Consider now the following general situation. Let H2 be a closed subspace of a Hilbert space L2 = L2 (G, dμ), and let P be the orthogonal projection on L2 with image H2 . Given a ∈ L∞ (G, dμ), consider the Toeplitz operator Ta = P a|H2 : H2 −→ H2 . Lemma A.2.3. The following inclusion holds, sp Ta ⊂ conv(sp Ta ) ⊂ conv(ess-Range a). Proof. For ϕ ∈ H2 we have obviously (T Ta ϕ, ϕ) = (P aϕ, ϕ) = (aϕ, P ϕ) = (aϕ, ϕ). Thus, W (T Ta ) ⊂ W (aI), the operator aI is normal, thus Ta ) ⊂ W (aI) = conv(ess-Range a). sp Ta ⊂ conv(sp Ta ) ⊂ W (T

Corollary A.2.4. For an operator A with anti-Wick symbol aA we have sp A ⊂ conv(sp A) ⊂ conv(ess-Range aA ). Lemma A.2.5. Let A be a normal operator with anti-Wick symbol aA and Wick symbol aA . Then Range aA ⊂ conv(sp A) ⊂ conv(ess-Range aA ). Proof. Indeed, Range aA ⊂ W (A) = conv(sp A) ⊂ conv(ess-Range aA ).

A.3. Coherent states in the Bergman space


A.3 Coherent states in the Bergman space The reproducing property Bergman kernel function shows that the system of functions kh,ζ (z) = Kh (z, ζ), ζ ∈ D, forms a system of coherent states in the space A2h (D). That is, now we have G = D, dμ = dμh (ζ), H = H2 (G) = A2h (D), L2 (G) = L2 (D, dμh ), ϕg = fg = kh,g , where g = ζ ∈ D. Thus, given Toeplitz operator Ta with the defining symbol a = a(z) on the weighted Bergman space A2h (D), the corresponding Wick function is calculated by the formula, see (A.1.3), (following tradition we put the “bar” over the second argument)

ah (z, ζ)

= fζ−1 (z) a(w)ffζ (w), fz (w) 1 a(w) = (1 − zζ) h 1 1 dμh (w) D (1 − zw) h (1 − wζ) h 1 (1 − zζ)(1 − ww) h 1 dμ(w). = ( − 1) a(w) h (1 − zw)(1 − wζ) D

Thus the Wick (A.1.4) form of the Toeplitz operator Ta is (T Ta )(z) = =

ah (z, ζ)f (ζ)

dμh (ζ) 1 (1 − zζ) h 1 1 1 − |ζ|2 h ( − 1) ah (z, ζ)f (ζ) dμ(ζ), h 1 − zζ D D

the Berezin transform has the form 1

ah (z, z) = ( − 1) h

a(ζ) D

(1 − |z|2 )(1 − |ζ|2 ) (1 − zζ)(1 − ζz)

h1 dμ(ζ),

and the composition formula for Wick symbols by (A.1.5) is 1 ( ah bh )(z, z) = ( − 1) h


ah (z, ζ) bh (ζ, z)

(1 − |z|2 )(1 − |ζ|2 ) (1 − zζ)(1 − ζz)

h1 dμ(ζ).

Given a function a, we denote by Sh a, where (Sh a)(z, z) = =

1 (1 − |z|2 )(1 − |ζ|2 ) h a(ζ) dμ(ζ) (1 − zζ)(1 − ζz) D 1 dv(ζ) 1 1 (1 − |z|2 )(1 − |ζ|2 ) h ( − 1) a(ζ) , (A.3.7) h π D (1 − |ζ|2 )2 (1 − zζ)(1 − ζz) 1 ( − 1) h

its Berezin transform.


Appendix A. Coherent states and Berezin transform

A.4 Berezin transform The Berezin transform also appears naturally in the context of problems of function theory and operator theory. As customary in operator theory we will label here the weighted Bergman spaces by the parameter λ ∈ (−1, +∞), see Section 10.1. Recall that the parameter λ is connected with the parameter h, used in quantization, by the formula λ + 2 = h1 . To motivate the appearance of the Berezin transform we start with the weightless case and the Poisson formula. Let h be a harmonic function in the unit disk D and continuous on the closed disk D. By the mean value property we have 1 h(0) = 2π

h(eiθ )dθ. 0

¨ transformation which interchanges 0 and z, Denote by ϕz the Mobius ϕz (ζ) =

z−ζ . 1 − zζ


Now replacing h with h ◦ ϕz and changing of variables in the above integral we obtain the usual Poisson formula 2π 1 − |z|2 1 h(z) = h(eiθ )dθ. 2π 0 |1 − ze−iθ |2 We show now that the Berezin transform appears as an area version of the above Poisson formula. Given a bounded harmonic function h, consider the area version of the mean value property 1 h(0) = h(ζ)dv(ζ). π D Let us do the same as in the previous case replacing h with h ◦ ϕz and changing of variables in the above integral we obtain h(z) =

1 π


(1 − |z|2 )2 h(ζ)dv(ζ). |1 − zζ|4

Now the operator defined on L∞ (D) by the formula (S0 a)(z) =

1 π


(1 − |z|2 )2 a(ζ)dv(ζ) |1 − zζ|4

is nothing but the Berezin transform for the weightless case λ = 0.

A.4. Berezin transform


We pass now to the weighted case. Recall that the weight parameter λ ∈ (−1, +∞) and that the measure (10.1.1) given by dμλ (z) = =

λ+1 (1 − |z|2 )λ dv(z) π (λ + 1)(1 − |z|2 )λ+2 dμ(z)

is a probability measure. Consider again a bounded harmonic function h in D. Then the mean value property together with the rotation invariance of the measure dμλ yields λ+1 h(0) = h(ζ)dμλ (ζ) = h(ζ)(1 − |ζ|2 )λ dv(ζ). π D D For the third time we replace h by h ◦ ϕz and change variables. Then

λ+2 (1 − |z|2 )(1 − |ζ|2 ) dv(ζ) h(ζ) h(z) = (1 − |ζ|2 )2 (1 − zζ)(1 − ζz) D λ+2 (1 − |z|2 )(1 − |ζ|2 ) = (λ + 1) h(ζ) dμ(ζ). (1 − zζ)(1 − ζz) D λ+1 π


Now for any a ∈ L∞ (D) the operator

(Sλ a)(z) = (λ + 1)

a(ζ) D

(1 − |z|2 )(1 − |ζ|2 ) (1 − zζ)(1 − ζz)

λ+2 dμ(ζ)

is nothing but the Berezin transform (A.3.7), where h1 = λ + 2. We note that a change of variables provides us with another formula for the Berezin transform (Sλ a)(z) =


a ◦ ϕz (ζ) dμλ (ζ).


From the last formula, the fact that dμλ is a probability measure, and formula (A.4.9) it follows immediately that the Berezin transform Sλ is bounded on L∞ (D) for all λ ∈ (−1, +∞) and Sλ = 1. We mention as well the following result. Theorem A.4.1. ([102], Proposition 2.2) Let β, λ ∈ (−1, +∞) and p ∈ [1, +∞). Then the operator Sλ is bounded on Lp (D, dμβ ) if and only if −(λ + 2) < β + 1 < (λ + 1)p. Moreover [102], the Berezin transform Sλ is uniformly bounded on L1 (D, dμβ ) as λ → +∞.


Appendix A. Coherent states and Berezin transform

M M¨ Theorem A.4.2. For every λ ∈ (−1, +∞) the Berezin transform Sλ is Mobius invariant; i.e., let ϕ be a Mobius M M¨ transformation in D, then (Sλ a) ◦ ϕ = Sλ (a ◦ ϕ). for every a ∈ L1 (D, dμβ ), where β < λ. Proof. Given a M¨ o¨bius transformation ϕ, it is easy to see that the point 0 ∈ D is a fixed point of the M¨ o¨bius transformation ϕϕ(z) ◦ ϕ ◦ ϕz ; here ϕz is given by (A.4.8). Thus by Schwarz’ lemma, there is w, with |w| = 1, such that ϕϕ(z) ◦ ϕ ◦ ϕz (ζ) = wζ, or ϕ ◦ ϕz (ζ) = ϕϕ(z) (wζ), for all ζ ∈ D. Using (A.4.10) and the rotation invariance of the measure dμλ we have a ◦ ϕ ◦ ϕz (ζ) dμλ (ζ) Sλ (a ◦ ϕ)(z) = D = a ◦ ϕϕ(z) (wζ) dμλ (ζ) D

= (Sλ a)(ϕ(z)).

Theorem A.4.3. Let λ ∈ (−1, +∞) and a ∈ C(D). Then Sλ a ∈ C(D) and a−Sλ a ∈ C0 (D). Proof. Given any z0 ∈ ∂D, we have that ϕz (ζ) → z0 as z → z0 for all ζ ∈ D. Thus by the dominated convergence theorem (Sλ a)(z0 ) = lim a ◦ ϕz (ζ) dμλ (ζ) = a(z0 ). z→z0


We mention as well the following properties of the Berezin transform. Theorem A.4.4. ([102], Proposition 2.5) Let β ∈ (−1, +∞) and a ∈ L1 (D, dμβ ). Then Sλ a → a in L1 (D, dμβ ) as λ → +∞. Theorem A.4.5. ([102], Proposition 2.6) For each λ ∈ (−1, +∞) the operator Sλ is injective in L1 (D, dμλ ). Lemma A.4.6. ([102], Corollary of Proposition 2.7) For each λ ∈ (−1, +∞) we have 1 Sλ+1 = 1 − Δ Sλ , (λ + 1)(λ + 2) where the Laplace-Beltrami operator Δ is given by Δ = (1 − zz)2

∂2 . ∂z∂z


A.4. Berezin transform


Iterating the above formula and using Theorem A.4.4 we have Theorem A.4.7. For each λ ∈ (−1, +∞) and each n ∈ N, Sλ+n =

n k=1

1 Δ Sλ . 1− (λ + k)(λ + k + 1)

For each λ ∈ (−1, +∞) the Berezin transform admits the following representation in terms of the Laplace-Beltrami operator: Sλ =

∞ 1− k=1

−1 1 Δ . (λ + k)(λ + k + 1)

Appendix B

Berezin Quantization on the Unit Disk B.1 Definition of the quantization Given a symplectic manifold (M, ω) and a subalgebra A(M ) of C ∞ (M ) which is closed under the Poisson structure, by the (special) Berezin quantization we mean an associative algebra A with involution having the following description: 1. There exists a family of unital ∗ -algebras A such that (i) the parameter belongs to a set E ⊂ R+ having 0 as a limit point (0 ∈ / E), B (ii) A is a subalgebra of ∈E A , with component-wise operations. The elements A ∈ A are obviously of the form A = {A }∈E , where A ∈ A . 2. There exists a ∗ -homomorphism κ : A → A(M ), where the algebra A(M ) is considered with respect to the point-wise operations and the involution given by the complex conjugation, a∗ = a, such that (i) for each two points x1 , x2 ∈ M there is a function a ∈ κ(A) such that a(x1 ) = a(x2 ). 3. for each ∈ E there exists a ∗ -isomorphism σ : A → A of the algebra A onto an algebra A of smooth functions on M with point-wise linear operations, a special “ = ” multiplication operation, the so-called star product, and complex conjugation as involution, such that (i) the homomorphism κ and the isomorphisms σ are connected by σ (A ) = κ(A) + O(),

for all A = {A }∈E ∈ A,


Appendix B. Berezin Quantization on the Unit Disk (ii) for every A = {A }, B = {B } ∈ A σ ([A , B ]) = [σ (A ), σ (B )] = i {κ(A), κ(B)} + O(2 ), where {·, ·} is the Poisson bracket on M . The last two conditions can be formulated as well in the form

(i ) the homomorphism κ and the isomorphisms σ , ∈ E, are connected by κ(A) = lim σ (A ), →0

for all A = {A }∈E ∈ A,

(ii ) for every A = {A }, B = {B } ∈ A, lim


1 [σ (A ), σ (B )] = i {κ(A), κ(B)}.

In many cases, especially when the Toeplitz operators involved (see, for example, next section), more details can be added to the above description. In particular the algebras A often appear as certain ∗ -algebras of bounded linear operators on corresponding Hilbert spaces. In this case item 1 in the above description reads as follows: 1. There exists a family of Hilbert spaces H and a corresponding family of unital ∗ -algebras A of bounded linear operators acting on H such that (i) the parameter belongs to a set E ⊂ R+ having 0 as a limit point (0 ∈ / E), B (ii) A is a subalgebra of ∈E A , with component-wise operations. Then we add 4. There exists a linear map ι : A(M ) −→ A such that (i) the algebra A is generated by elements ι(a), with a ∈ A(M ), (ii) for every a ∈ A(M )

κ(ι(a)) = a,

(iii) let e(x) ≡ 1, then ι(e) = I = {II }∈E . (iv) for every a ∈ A(M )

ι(a) = ι(a)∗ .

From 4.(ii) it follows that the linear map ι is injective. Thus if the algebra A(M ) separates the points of M , then we obviously have property 2.(i).

B.2. Quantization on the unit disk


B.2 Quantization on the unit disk As classical mechanics we consider here the pair (D, ω), where D is the unit disk and the symplectic form ω is given by ω = dμ(z) =

1 dx ∧ dy 1 dz ∧ dz = . π (1 − (x2 + y 2 ))2 2πi (1 − |z|2 )2

Given two functions a, b ∈ C ∞ (D), their Poisson bracket is ∂a ∂b ∂a ∂b 2 2 2 − {a, b} = π(1 − (x + y )) ∂y ∂x ∂x ∂y ∂a ∂b ∂a ∂b 2 − . = 2πi(1 − zz) ∂z ∂z ∂z ∂z Recall that the Laplace-Beltrami operator has the form 2 ∂ ∂2 2 2 2 + 2 Δ = π(1 − (x + y )) ∂x2 ∂y 2 ∂ . = 4π(1 − zz)2 ∂z∂z




We describe the algebra A and the mapping ι : A(D) → A. 1 ), for each ∈ E, and consequently h ∈ (0, 1). Introduce H as Let E = (0, 2π the weighted Bergman space A2h (D). For each (smooth) function a = a(z) ∈ A(D) (h) consider the family of Toeplitz operators Ta with (anti-Wick) symbol a acting on A2h (D), for h ∈ (0, 1), and denote by Th (A(D)) the ∗ -algebra generated by Toeplitz (h) operators Ta with defining symbols a ∈ A(D). For each ∈ E define A as the algebra Th (A(D)). Then the algebra A is a subalgebra of A = Th (A(D)), ∈E


which is generated by all operator families of the form Ta(h)}h∈(0,1) , Ta = {T

a ∈ A(D).

Now the linear map ι : A(D) → A is given by Ta(h) }h∈(0,1) ∈ A, ι : a ∈ A(D) −→ Ta = {T and the homomorphism κ : A → A(D) is generated by the following mapping of generators of the algebra A, κ : Ta = {T Ta(h)}h∈(0,1) −→ a.


Appendix B. Berezin Quantization on the Unit Disk (h)

Recall that the Wick symbol of the Toeplitz operator Ta (A.3.7) has the form

ah (z, z) = (Sh a)(z, z) = (

1 − 1) h

a(ζ) D

(1 − |z|2 )(1 − |ζ|2 ) (1 − zζ)(1 − ζz)

by (10.1.7) and h1 dμ(ζ).

For each h ∈ (0, 1) define the function algebra A h = { ah (z, z) : a ∈ A(D)} with point-wise linear operations, and with the multiplication law defined by the product of Toeplitz operators and given by the formula (10.1.8) 1 ( ah bh )(z, z) = ( − 1) h


ah (z, ζ) bh (ζ, z)

(1 − |z|2 )(1 − |ζ|2 ) (1 − zζ)(1 − ζz)

h1 dμ(ζ).

For each h ∈ (0, 1) introduce the isomorphism σh : Ah −→ A h defining it on generators by the rule ah (z, z). σh : Ta(h) −→ The statements of the correspondence principle are given by the equalities established in the next two sections (see (B.3.7) and (B.4.14))

ah (z, z) =

( ah b h − b h ah )(z, z) =

a(z, z) + O(), i {a, b} + O(2 ).

B.3 Two first terms of asymptotic of the Wick symbol We consider the Berezin transform (A.3.7) (Sh a)(z, z) =

1 1 ( − 1) π h

a(ζ) D

(1 − |z|2 )(1 − |ζ|2 ) (1 − zζ)(1 − ζz)


dv(ζ) (1 − |ζ|2 )2


and calculate the first two asymptotic terms when h → 0. Assume that the function a(ζ) = a(x, y) has four continuous derivatives. First, set z = 0. Then 1 1 1 (Sh a)(0, 0) = ( − 1) a(ζ)(1 − |ζ|2 ) h −2 dv(ζ). π h D

B.3. Two first terms of asymptotic of the Wick symbol


Passing to polar coordinates we have (Sh a)(0, 0) = H where H =

1 h



A(r)re(H−1) ln(1−r ) dr,

− 1, and A(r) =

1 π


a(r cos ϕ, r sin ϕ)dϕ. −π

The point r0 = 0 is the point of maximum of the phase function S(r) = ln(1 − r2 ). Further, S (0) = 0 and S (0) = −2 = 0. Thus according to the Laplace integral method (see, for example, [76]) we have ⎛ ⎞ 1 4 (j) 2 A (0) (Sh a)(0, 0) = H ⎝ rj+1 e(H−1) ln(1−r ) dr + o(H −3 )⎠ . j! 0 j=0 Calculate now consecutive terms for j = 0: A(0) = 2a(0), and


2 H−1

r(1 − r )

1 dr = 2


(1 − r2 )H−1 dr2 =

1 ; 2H

for j = 1: 1 A (0) = π



(ax (0) cos ϕ + a (0) sin ϕ)dϕ = 0;

for j = 2: A (0) = = where D =

∂2 ∂x2

1 π



(ax,x (0) cos2 ϕ + 2ax,y (0) sin ϕ cos ϕ + ay,y (0) sin2 ϕ)dϕ

ax,x (0) + ay,y (0) = (Da)(0), +

∂2 ∂y 2 ,

and 0


r3 (1 − r2 )H−1 dr =

1 ; 2H(H + 1)

for j = 3: A (0) =

1 3! ∂ 3 a(0) π cosk ϕ sinl ϕ dϕ = 0; π k!l! ∂xk ∂y l −π k+l=3


Appendix B. Berezin Quantization on the Unit Disk for j = 4: A(4) (0) = =

1 4! ∂ 4 a(0) π cosk ϕ sinl ϕ dϕ π k!l! ∂xk ∂y l −π k+l=4 4 ∂ a(0) 1 π ∂ 4 a(0) 1 π 4 cos ϕ dϕ + 6 cos2 ϕ sin2 ϕ dϕ ∂x4 π −π ∂x2 ∂y 2 π −π ∂ 4 a(0) 1 π sin4 ϕ dϕ. + ∂y 4 π −π





cos ϕ dϕ = −π


sin4 ϕ dϕ =



cos2 ϕ sin2 ϕ dϕ =


Thus A(4) (0) =

3 4



π . 4

∂ 4 a(0) ∂ 4 a(0) ∂ 4 a(0) +2 2 2 + 4 ∂x ∂x ∂y ∂y 4

r5 (1 − r2 )H−1 dr =

3 π, 4


3 (D2 a)(0). 4

1 . H(H + 1)(H + 2)

Thus finally 1 1 (Da)(0) + (D2 a)(0) + o(H −2 ) 4H 32(H + 1)(H + 2) h h2 = a(0) + (Da)(0) + (D2 a)(0) + o(h2 ). (B.3.5) 4 32

(Sh a)(0, 0) = a(0) +

Consider now z = 0. Changing in (B.3.4) ζ=

z−w 1 − zw



z−w 1 − zw

we have 1 dv(w) z−w z−w , (1 − ww) h a . 1 − zw 1 − zw (1 − ww)2 D ' & z−w z−w Thus for the function cz,z (w, w) = a 1−zw we have by (B.3.5) , 1−zw 1 1 (Sh a)(z, z) = ( − 1) π h

(Sh a)(z, z) = cz,z (0, 0) +

h h2 (Dcz,z )(0, 0) + (D2 cz,z )(0, 0) + o(h2 ). 4 32


B.3. Two first terms of asymptotic of the Wick symbol Now 1 1 D= 4 4

∂2 ∂2 + 2 2 ∂x ∂y



∂2 . ∂z∂z

Calculate !

∂ 2 cz,z (w, w) $$ w=w=0 ∂w∂w


∂ 2 c(ζ(w), ζ(w)) −(1 − zz) −(1 − zz) · · (1 − zw)2 (1 − zw)2 ∂ζ∂ζ

" w=w=0

∂ 2 a(z, z) 1 = (Δa)(z, z), = (1 − zz)2 ∂z∂z 4π where the Laplace-Beltrami operator Δ is given by (B.2.3). Start calculating (D2 cz,z )(0, 0). We have ∂ 3 cz,z (w, w) ∂3a 1 − zz (1 − zz)2 ∂2a 1 − zz 2z(1 − zz) · =− · , 2 2 · (1 − zw)2 · (1 − zw)4 + 2 (1 − zw) (1 − zw)3 ∂w∂w ∂ζ∂ζ ∂ζ∂ζ and ∂ 4 cz,z (w, w) ∂w2 ∂w 2


∂4a 2


(1 − zz)2 (1 − zz)2 · (1 − zw)4 (1 − zw)4

∂ζ 2 ∂ζ ∂ 3a 2z(1 − zz) (1 − zz)2 − 2 · (1 − zw)3 · (1 − zw)4 ∂ζ∂ζ ∂ 3a (1 − zz)2 2z(1 − zz) − 2 · · ∂ζ ∂ζ (1 − zw)4 (1 − zw)3 ∂ 2 a 2z(1 − zz) 2z(1 − zz) · + · . ∂ζ∂ζ (1 − zw)3 (1 − zw)3

Thus 1 (D2 cz,z )(0, 0) = 16

∂3a ∂3a ∂4a 3 − 2(1 − zz) z + z ∂z 2 ∂z ∂z 2 ∂z 2 ∂z∂z2 ∂2a , +4zz(1 − zz)2 ∂z∂z (1 − zz)4

or, as is easy to see, 1 (D2 cz,z )(0, 0) = 16 =

(1 − zz)2

∂2 ∂z∂z


a(z, z) + 2(1 − zz)2

1 1 (Δa)(z, z). (Δ2 a)(z, z) + 2 16π 2π

∂2 a(z, z) ∂z∂z


Appendix B. Berezin Quantization on the Unit Disk

Finally, (Sh a)(z, z)

= a(z, z) +

h (Δa)(z, z) 4π

h2 [(Δ2 a)(z, z) + 8π(Δa)(z, z)] + o(h2 ) 32π 2 2 = a(z, z) + (Δa)(z, z) + [(Δ2 a)(z, z) + 8π(Δa)(z, z)] + o(2 ). 2 8 +

We summarize the above in the following proposition. Proposition B.3.1. For each h ∈ (0, 1] and any four-times continuously differentiable function a = a(z, z) we have

ah (z, z)

= (Sh a)(z, z) 2 = a(z, z) + (Δa)(z, z) + [(Δ2 a)(z, z) + 8π(Δa)(z, z)] + o(2 ) 2 8 (B.3.7) = a(z, z) + O(),

where the Laplace-Beltrami operator Δ is given by Δ = 4π(1 − zz)2

∂2 . ∂z∂z

B.4 Three first terms of asymptotic in a commutator Given two six-times continuously differentiable functions a = a(z, z) and b = b(z, z), by the composition formula (10.1.8) we have 1 ( ah bh )(z, z) = ( − 1) h


ah (z, ζ) bh (ζ, z)

(1 − |z|2 )(1 − |ζ|2 ) (1 − zζ)(1 − ζz)

h1 dμ(ζ).

Substituting the expressions for ah and bh by (10.1.7) and then changing the order of integration we have ( ah bh )(z, z) =


" 1 (1 − zζ)(1 − ww) h a(w, w) dμ(w) (1 − zw)(1 − wζ) D D " h1 zζ)(1 − w w ) (1 − b(w , w ) dμ(w ) × (1 − ζw )(1 − w z) D 1 (1 − |z|2 )(1 − |ζ|2 ) h × dμ(ζ) (1 − zζ)(1 − ζz) 1 ( − 1)3 h !

B.4. Three first terms of asymptotic in a commutator =


1 − 1)2 a(w, w) b(w , w ) h D D 1 (1 − |z|2 )(1 − |w|2 )(1 − |w |2 ) h dμ(w)dμ(w ) × (1 − w w )(1 − zw)(1 − w z) 1 1 (1 − w w )(1 − ζζ) h ×( − 1) dμ(ζ). h (1 − wζ)(1 − ζw ) D (

The last integral is equal to 1, as the Wick symbol of the identity operator (see, (A.1.6) and (10.1.7)). Now change variables w=

z−s 1 − zs

w =


z − s , 1 − zs

so 1

ah bh a = ( − 1)2 h



a1 (s, s) b1 (s

, s )

(1 − |s|2 )(1 − |s |2 ) (1 − ss )


dμ(s)dμ(s ),

where a1 (s, s) = a Set H =

1 h

z−s z−s , 1 − zs 1 − zs


b1 (s

, s )


z − s z − s , 1 − zs 1 − zs


− 1. Then using the formula (1 − ss )−(H+1) =


cj sj s ,


where c0 = 1,

cj =

(H + 1)(H + 2) . . . (H + j) , j!

j ∈ N,

we have (substituting s for s in the second integral) ∞ H 2 H−1 j

cj a1 (s, s) (1 − |s| ) s dv(s) (B.4.8) ( ah bh )(z, z) = π D j=0 H 2 H−1 j × b1 (s, s) (1 − |s| ) s dv(s) . π D Represent the function a1 (s, s) as a1 (s, s) =

a1 (0, 0) + s +

∂a1 ∂a1 (0, 0) + s (0, 0) ∂s ∂s

6 sk sl ∂ m a 1 (0, 0) + o(|s|6 + |s|6 ), k ∂sl k! l! ∂s m=2 k+l=m


Appendix B. Berezin Quantization on the Unit Disk

and do the same for the function b1 (s, s). Substitute the above expressions for a1 and b1 into (B.4.8) and calculate consequently for j = 0, j = 1, j = 2, and j = 3 integrals which give non-zero contribution to the first four terms of the asymptotic for ( ah bh )(z, z). Note first that H π


(1 − |s|2 )H−1 sl sk ds

= = = = =

H π


(1 − r2 )H−1 rl+k+1 dr


ei(l−k)θ dθ −π

A1 2H 0 (1 − r2 )H−1 r2k+1 dr, l = k 0, l = k A1 H 0 (1 − u)H−1 uk du, l = k 0, l = k # Γ(H)Γ(k+1) H Γ(H+k+1) , l = k 0, l = k k! (H+1)(H+2)...(H+k) , l = k . 0, l = k

For j = 0 we have

H π H π H π H π

H a1 (0, 0) (1 − |s|2 )H−1 ds π D H b1 (0, 0) (1 − |s|2 )H−1 ds π D 2 ∂ a1 H (0, 0) (1 − |s|2 )H−1 ss ds π D ∂s∂s H ∂ 2 b1 (0, 0) (1 − |s|2 )H−1 ss ds π D ∂s∂s ∂ 4 a1 2 H−1 2 2 s s ds 2 (0, 0) (1 − |s| ) 2 D ∂s ∂s ∂ 4 b1 2 H−1 2 2 s s ds 2 (0, 0) (1 − |s| ) 2 D ∂s ∂s ∂ 6 a1 2 H−1 3 3 s s ds 3 (0, 0) (1 − |s| ) 3 D ∂s ∂s ∂ 6 b1 2 H−1 3 3 s s ds 3 (0, 0) (1 − |s| ) 3 D ∂s ∂s

= a1 (0, 0), = b1 (0, 0), ∂ 2 a1 (0, 0), ∂s∂s ∂ 2 b1 (0, 0), ∂s∂s 2 ∂ 4 a1 (0, 0), + 1)(H + 2) ∂s2 ∂s2 ∂ 4 b1 2 (0, 0), + 1)(H + 2) ∂s2 ∂s2 ∂ 6 a1 3! (0, 0), + 1)(H + 2)(H + 3) ∂s3 ∂s3 3! ∂ 6 b1 (0, 0). + 1)(H + 2)(H + 3) ∂s3 ∂s3

1 H+1 1 = H+1 =

= = = =

(H (H (H (H

Thus for j = 0 we have the following contribution to the asymptotics,

B.4. Three first terms of asymptotic in a commutator


( ah bh )0 (z, z) = a1 (0, 0)b1 (0, 0) ∂ 2 b1 ∂ 2 a1 + h a1 (0, 0) (0, 0) + b1 (0, 0) (0, 0) ∂s∂s ∂s∂s ∂ 2 a1 ∂ 2 b1 (0, 0) (0, 0) + h2 ∂s∂s ∂s∂s h2 ∂ 4 b1 ∂ 4 a1 a1 (0, 0) 2 2 (0, 0) + b1 (0, 0) 2 2 (0, 0) + 2 ∂s ∂s ∂s ∂s 2 3 4 2 ∂ a1 ∂ b1 ∂ 4 a1 ∂ b1 h (0, 0) 2 2 (0, 0) + (0, 0) 2 2 (0, 0) + 2 ∂s∂s ∂s∂s ∂s ∂s ∂s ∂s 3 6 6 ∂ b1 ∂ a1 h a1 (0, 0) 3 3 (0, 0) + b1 (0, 0) 3 3 (0, 0) + o(h3 ). + 6 ∂s ∂s ∂s ∂s ah )0 (z, z) = 0, and thus for j = 0 we have no Observe that ( ah bh )0 (z, z) − ( bh contribution to the first three asymptotic terms of the commutator ( ah bh − bh

ah )(z, z). For j = 1 the non-zero integrals are as follows: ∂a1 H 1 ∂a1 (0, 0) (1 − |s|2 )H−1 ss ds = (0, 0), π D ∂s H + 1 ∂s H ∂b1 1 ∂b1 (0, 0) (1 − |s|2 )H−1 ss ds = (0, 0), π D ∂s H + 1 ∂s H ∂ 3 a1 ∂ 3 a1 2 (0, 0) (1 − |s|2 )H−1 s2 s2 ds = (0, 0), 2 π D ∂s∂s (H + 1)(H + 2) ∂s∂s2 H ∂ 3 b1 ∂ 3 b1 2 (0, 0) (1 − |s|2 )H−1 s2 s2 ds = (0, 0), 2 π D ∂s ∂s (H + 1)(H + 2) ∂s2 ∂s H ∂ 5 a1 ∂ 5 a1 3! (0, 0) (1 − |s|2 )H−1 s3 s3 ds = (0, 0), 3 2 π D ∂s ∂s (H + 1)(H + 2)(H + 3) ∂s2 ∂s3 H ∂ 5 b1 ∂ 5 b1 3! (0, 0) (1 − |s|2 )H−1 s3 s3 ds = (0, 0). 2 3 π D ∂s ∂s (H + 1)(H + 2)(H + 3) ∂s3 ∂s2 Taking into account that c1 = H + 1 we have ∂b1 ∂a1 ( ah bh )1 (z, z) = h (0, 0) (0, 0) (B.4.9) ∂s ∂s ∂ 3 b1 ∂ 3 a1 ∂a1 ∂b1 (0, 0) (0, 0) (0, 0) + h2 (0, 0) + ∂s ∂s∂s2 ∂s ∂s2 ∂s ∂ 3 b1 ∂ 3 a1 (0, 0) (0, 0) + h3 2 ∂s2 ∂s ∂s∂s ∂ 5 b1 ∂ 5 a1 h3 ∂a1 ∂b1 (0, 0) 3 2 (0, 0) + (0, 0) 2 3 (0, 0) + o(h3 ). + 2 ∂s ∂s ∂s ∂s ∂s ∂s


Appendix B. Berezin Quantization on the Unit Disk

Consider now the case j = 2: 2 ∂ a1 H (0, 0) (1 − |s|2 )H−1 s2 s2 ds π D ∂s2 2 H ∂ b1 (0, 0) (1 − |s|2 )H−1 s2 s2 ds π D ∂s2 H ∂ 4 a1 (0, 0) (1 − |s|2 )H−1 s3 s3 ds π D ∂s∂s3 H ∂ 4 b1 (0, 0) (1 − |s|2 )H−1 s3 s3 ds π D ∂s3 ∂s

∂ 2 a1 2 (0, 0), (H + 1)(H + 2) ∂s2 ∂ 2 b1 2 = (0, 0), (H + 1)(H + 2) ∂s2 ∂ 4 a1 3! = (0, 0), (H + 1)(H + 2)(H + 3) ∂s∂s3 ∂ 4 b1 3! (0, 0). = (H + 1)(H + 2)(H + 3) ∂s3 ∂s =

Recall that c2 = 12 (H + 1)(H + 2), thus ( ah bh )2 (z, z) =

h 2 ∂ 2 a1 ∂ 2 b1 h 3 ∂ 2 a1 ∂ 4 b1 (0, 0) (0, 0) + (0, 0) 3 (0, 0) 2 2 2 2 ∂s ∂s 2 ∂s ∂s ∂s 2 4 ∂ b1 ∂ a1 + (0, 0) (0, 0) + o(h3 ). (B.4.10) ∂s2 ∂s∂s3

Consider finally the case j = 3: 3 ∂ a1 H (0, 0) (1 − |s|2 )H−1 s3 s3 ds π D ∂s3 3 H ∂ b1 (0, 0) (1 − |s|2 )H−1 s3 s3 ds π D ∂s3 Taking into account that c3 =

= =

3! (H + 1)(H + 2)(H + 3) 3! (H + 1)(H + 2)(H + 3)

(H+1)(H+2)(H+3) 3!

∂ 3 a1 (0, 0), ∂s3 ∂ 3 b1 (0, 0). ∂s3

we have

h 3 ∂ 3 a1 ∂ 3 b1 (0, 0) (0, 0) + o(h3 ). ( ah bh )3 (z, z) = 3 6 ∂s ∂s3


Now from (B.4.9), (B.4.10), and (B.4.11) we have

ah bh − bh ah

∂b1 ∂a1 ∂b1 ∂a1 (0, 0) (0, 0) − (0, 0) (0, 0) (B.4.12) h ∂s ∂s ∂s ∂s ∂ 3 b1 ∂ 3 b1 ∂a1 ∂a1 2 (0, 0) (0, 0) 2 (0, 0) +h (0, 0) − ∂s ∂s∂s2 ∂s ∂s ∂s 3 3 ∂ a1 ∂ a1 ∂b1 ∂b1 (0, 0) 2 (0, 0) − (0, 0) (0, 0) + ∂s ∂s ∂s∂s2 ∂s ∂s 2 ∂ 2 b1 ∂ 2 a1 ∂ 2 b1 1 ∂ a1 (0, 0) (0, 0) − (0, 0) (0, 0) + 2 ∂s2 ∂s2 ∂s2 ∂s2


B.4. Three first terms of asymptotic in a commutator


3 ∂ 3 a1 ∂ 3 b1 ∂ a1 ∂ 3 b1 (0, 0) − (0, 0) +h3 (0, 0) (0, 0) ∂s2 ∂s ∂s2 ∂s ∂s∂s2 ∂s∂s2 3 ∂ 3 b1 ∂ 3 a1 ∂ 3 b1 1 ∂ a1 (0, 0) (0, 0) − (0, 0) (0, 0) + 6 ∂s3 ∂s3 ∂s3 ∂s3 ∂a1 ∂ 5 b1 ∂ 5 b1 ∂a1 1 (0, 0) 3 2 (0, 0) − (0, 0) 2 3 (0, 0) + 2 ∂s ∂s ∂s ∂s ∂s ∂s 5 5 ∂ a1 ∂ a1 ∂b1 ∂b1 (0, 0) 2 3 (0, 0) − (0, 0) 3 2 (0, 0) + ∂s ∂s ∂s ∂s ∂s ∂s 2 4 2 ∂ a1 ∂ a1 ∂ b1 ∂ 4 b1 1 (0, 0) 3 (0, 0) − (0, 0) (0, 0) + 2 ∂s ∂s ∂s2 ∂s2 ∂s∂s3 2 ∂ 4 a1 ∂ 2 b1 ∂ 4 a1 ∂ b1 (0, 0) (0, 0) − (0, 0) 3 (0, 0) + ∂s2 ∂s ∂s ∂s∂s3 ∂s2 3 ∂ b1 ∂ 3 b1 ∂a1 ∂a1 (0, 0) (0, 0) 2 (0, 0) (0, 0) − − ∂s ∂s∂s2 ∂s ∂s ∂s 3 ∂ a1 ∂ 3 a1 ∂b1 ∂b1 (0, 0) 2 (0, 0) − (0, 0) (0, 0) + ∂s ∂s ∂s∂s2 ∂s ∂s 2 ∂ 2 b1 ∂ 2 a1 ∂ 2 b1 1 ∂ a1 (0, 0) (0, 0) − (0, 0) (0, 0) + o(h3 ). + 2 ∂s2 ∂s2 ∂s2 ∂s2 We note that the last group of terms in h3 , starting with the sign ‘-’, originates from the group in h2 of (B.4.9) and (B.4.10) because of h2 1 = = h2 − h3 + o(h3 ). (H + 1)(H + 2) 1+h For the function c1 (s, s) = c

z−s z−s , 1 − zs 1 − zs

calculate ∂c1 ∂s ∂c1 ∂s 2 ∂ c1 ∂s2 ∂ 2 c1 ∂s2

∂c 1 − zz · (−1) , ∂w (1 − zs)2 ∂c 1 − zz = · (−1) , ∂w (1 − zs)2 ∂ 2 c (1 − zz)2 = · − 2z ∂w2 (1 − zs)4 ∂ 2 c (1 − zz)2 = · − 2z ∂w2 (1 − zs)4 =

1 − zz ∂c , · (1 − zs)3 ∂w 1 − zz ∂c , · 3 (1 − zs) ∂w

386 ∂ 3 c1 ∂s∂s2 ∂ 3 c1 ∂s2 ∂s ∂ 3 c1 ∂s3 ∂ 3 c1 ∂s3 ∂ 4 c1 ∂s∂s3

Appendix B. Berezin Quantization on the Unit Disk ∂3c (1 − zz)3 (1 − zz)2 ∂2c , · + 2z · 2 4 2 3 2 ∂w∂w (1 − zs) (1 − zs) (1 − zs) (1 − zs) ∂w∂w ∂3c (1 − zz)3 (1 − zz)2 ∂2c , − 2 · + 2z · 2 4 2 3 (1 − zs) (1 − zs) ∂w∂w ∂w ∂w (1 − zs) (1 − zs) 1 − zz ∂ 3 c (1 − zz)3 (1 − zz)2 ∂ 2 c ∂c , − 3· + 6z · − 6z 2 · 6 ∂w (1 − zs) (1 − zs)5 ∂w2 (1 − zs)4 ∂w 1 − zz ∂ 3 c (1 − zz)3 (1 − zz)2 ∂ 2 c ∂c , − 3· + 6z · − 6z 2 · 6 (1 − zs)5 ∂w 2 (1 − zs)4 ∂w ∂w (1 − zs) ∂4c (1 − zz)4 (1 − zz)3 ∂3c · − 6z · 3 6 2 5 2 ∂w∂w (1 − zs) (1 − zs) (1 − zs) (1 − zs) ∂w∂w2 ∂2c (1 − zz)2 , + 6z 2 · 4 2 (1 − zs) (1 − zs) ∂w∂w ∂4c (1 − zz)4 (1 − zz)3 ∂3c · − 6z · 3 2 6 2 5 (1 − zs) (1 − zs) ∂w 2 ∂w ∂w ∂w (1 − zs) (1 − zs) (1 − zz)2 ∂2c , · + 6z 2 (1 − zs)2 (1 − zs)4 ∂w∂w ∂5c (1 − zz)5 ∂4c 2z (1 − zz)4 − 2 3· + · ∂w∂w3 (1 − zs)6 (1 − zs)3 ∂w ∂w (1 − zs)6 (1 − zs)4 4 4 (1 − zz) ∂ c (1 − zz)3 ∂3c + 6z · − 12zz · 2 (1 − zs)5 (1 − zs)4 ∂w ∂w2 (1 − zs)5 (1 − zs)3 ∂w∂w2 3 3 (1 − zz) (1 − zz)2 ∂ c ∂2c 2 , + 12zz − 6z 2 · · 2 (1 − zs)4 (1 − zs)4 ∂w ∂w (1 − zs)4 (1 − zs)3 ∂w∂w 2z (1 − zz)4 ∂5c (1 − zz)5 ∂4c · − 3 2· + ∂w ∂w (1 − zs)4 (1 − zs)6 ∂w3 ∂w (1 − zs)3 (1 − zs)6 4 4 (1 − zz) ∂ c (1 − zz)3 ∂3c + 6z · − 12zz · (1 − zs)4 (1 − zs)5 ∂w2 ∂w2 (1 − zs)3 (1 − zs)5 ∂w2 ∂w 3 3 (1 − zz) ∂ c (1 − zz)2 ∂2c 2 , · + 12z z · − 6z 2 (1 − zs)4 (1 − zs)4 ∂w∂w2 (1 − zs)3 (1 − zs)4 ∂w∂w

= − = = = =

∂ 4 c1 = ∂s3 ∂s

∂ 5 c1 = ∂s2 ∂s3

∂ 5 c1 = ∂s3 ∂s2

and ∂c1 (0, 0) ∂s ∂c1 (0, 0) ∂s ∂ 2 c1 (0, 0) ∂s2 ∂ 2 c1 (0, 0) ∂s2

∂c (z, z), ∂z ∂c = −(1 − zz) (z, z), ∂z ∂2c ∂c (z, z), = (1 − zz)2 2 (z, z) − 2z(1 − zz) ∂z ∂z ∂2c ∂c (z, z), = (1 − zz)2 2 (z, z) − 2z(1 − zz) ∂z ∂z

= −(1 − zz)

B.4. Three first terms of asymptotic in a commutator ∂ 3 c1 (0, 0) ∂s∂s2 ∂ 3 c1 (0, 0) ∂s2 ∂s ∂ 3 c1 (0, 0) ∂s3 ∂ 3 c1 (0, 0) ∂s3 ∂ 4 c1 (0, 0) ∂s∂s3 ∂ 4 c1 (0, 0) ∂s3 ∂s 5 ∂ c1 (0, 0) ∂s2 ∂s3


∂3c ∂2c (z, z), (z, z) + 2z(1 − zz)2 2 ∂z∂z ∂z∂z ∂3c ∂2c (z, z), −(1 − zz)3 2 (z, z) + 2z(1 − zz)2 ∂z∂z ∂z ∂z ∂3c ∂2c ∂c , −(1 − zz)3 3 + 6z(1 − zz)2 2 − 6z 2 (1 − zz) ∂z ∂z ∂z ∂3c ∂2c ∂c , −(1 − zz)3 3 + 6z(1 − zz)2 2 − 6z 2 (1 − zz) ∂z ∂z ∂z ∂4c ∂3c ∂2c , (1 − zz)4 − 6z(1 − zz)3 + 6z2 (1 − zz)2 3 2 ∂z∂z ∂z∂z ∂z∂z ∂4c ∂3c ∂2c , (1 − zz)4 3 − 6z(1 − zz)3 2 + 6z 2 (1 − zz)2 ∂z∂z ∂z ∂z ∂z ∂z 5 4 ∂ c ∂ c −(1 − zz)5 2 3 + 2z(1 − zz)4 ∂z∂z 3 ∂z ∂z 4 ∂ c ∂3c +6z(1 − zz)4 2 2 − 12zz(1 − zz)3 ∂z∂z 2 ∂z ∂z 3 ∂ c ∂2c , −6z 2 (1 − zz)3 2 + 12zz2 (1 − zz)2 ∂z∂z ∂z ∂z ∂5c ∂ 4c −(1 − zz)5 3 2 + 2z(1 − zz)4 3 ∂z ∂z ∂z ∂z 4 ∂ c ∂3c +6z(1 − zz)4 2 2 − 12zz(1 − zz)3 2 ∂z ∂z ∂z ∂z 3 2 ∂ c 2 2 ∂ c . −6z 2 (1 − zz)3 + 12z z(1 − zz) ∂z∂z 2 ∂z∂z

= −(1 − zz)3 = = = = = =

∂ 5 c1 (0, 0) = ∂s3 ∂s2

We start with the two-term asymptotic expansion of the commutator. Substituting the first six expressions of the above derivatives into (B.4.12) we have ∂a ∂b ∂a ∂b 2

( ah b h − b h − ah )(z, z) = h (1 − zz) ∂z ∂z ∂z ∂z 3 3 ∂a ∂ b ∂a ∂ b 2 4 + h (1 − zz) − ∂z ∂z∂z 2 ∂z ∂z2 ∂z ∂b ∂ 3 a 1 ∂2a ∂2b ∂2a ∂2b ∂b ∂ 3 a − + − 2 + ∂z ∂z 2 ∂z ∂z ∂z∂z 2 2 ∂z2 ∂z 2 ∂z ∂z 2 2 2 ∂b ∂ a ∂a ∂ b − − 2(1 − zz)3 z ∂z ∂z∂z ∂z ∂z∂z ∂a ∂ 2 b ∂b ∂ 2 a − + z ∂z ∂z∂z ∂z ∂z∂z


Appendix B. Berezin Quantization on the Unit Disk + +

∂a ∂ 2 b ∂b ∂ 2 a ∂a ∂ 2 b ∂b ∂ 2 a + z z − − ∂z ∂z2 ∂z ∂z 2 ∂z ∂z 2 ∂z ∂z 2 ∂a ∂b ∂a ∂b − + o(h2 ). 2zz(1 − zz)2 ∂z ∂z ∂z ∂z 1 2

Recall (see (B.2.2)) that the Poisson bracket on the unit disk is given by {a, b} = =

∂a ∂b ∂a ∂b − π(1 − (x2 + y 2 ))2 ∂y ∂x ∂x ∂y ∂b ∂a ∂b ∂a − , 2πi(1 − zz)2 ∂z ∂z ∂z ∂z

and that the Laplace-Beltrami operator (B.2.3) has the form Δ = =




π(1 − (x + y )) 4π(1 − zz)2

∂2 ∂2 + ∂x2 ∂y 2

∂2 . ∂z∂z

Observe now that i ∂ ∂b ∂a ∂a ∂b 2 ∂ 2 Δ{a, b} = (1 − zz) (1 − zz) − 8π 2 ∂z ∂z ∂z ∂z ∂z ∂z ∂ ∂b ∂a ∂a ∂b −2z(1 − zz) − = (1 − zz)2 ∂z ∂z ∂z ∂z ∂z 2 ∂ 2 b ∂a ∂b ∂ 2 a ∂ a ∂b ∂a ∂ 2 b 2 + − 2 − + (1 − zz) ∂z ∂z∂z ∂z ∂z∂z ∂z 2 ∂z ∂z ∂z ∂b ∂a ∂a ∂b − = (1 − zz)2 −2(1 − zz) ∂z ∂z ∂z ∂z ∂b ∂a ∂a ∂b − +2zz ∂z ∂z ∂z ∂z 2 ∂ 2 b ∂a ∂b ∂ 2 a ∂ a ∂b ∂a ∂ 2 b + − −2z(1 − zz) − ∂z∂z ∂z ∂z ∂z 2 ∂z∂z ∂z ∂z ∂z 2 2 2 2 ∂ b ∂a ∂b ∂ 2 a ∂ a ∂b ∂a ∂ b + − − −2z(1 − zz) ∂z ∂z∂z ∂z 2 ∂z ∂z ∂z∂z ∂z 2 ∂z 3 2 2 2 2 ∂a ∂ 3 b ∂ a ∂b ∂ a ∂ b ∂ a ∂ b + + +(1 − zz)2 + ∂z∂z ∂z∂z ∂z ∂z∂z 2 ∂z 2 ∂z ∂z ∂z 2 ∂z 2 3 2 2 2 2 3 ∂b ∂ a ∂ b ∂a ∂ b ∂ a ∂ b ∂ a − 2 2− − − 2 ∂z∂z ∂z∂z ∂z ∂z∂z 2 ∂z ∂z ∂z ∂z ∂z

B.4. Three first terms of asymptotic in a commutator


2 2 ∂ a∂ b ∂2b ∂2a = (1 − zz)4 − ∂z2 ∂z 2 ∂z 2 ∂z 2 ∂b ∂ 3 a ∂b ∂ 3 a ∂a ∂ 3 b ∂a ∂ 3 b + − − + ∂z ∂z∂z 2 ∂z ∂z 2 ∂z ∂z ∂z 2 ∂z ∂z ∂z∂z 2 ∂a ∂ 2 b ∂b ∂ 2 a − −2(1 − zz)3 z 2 ∂z ∂z ∂z ∂z 2 ∂a ∂ 2 b ∂b ∂ 2 a − + ∂z ∂z∂z ∂z ∂z∂z 2 ∂ 2 b ∂a ∂a ∂ 2 b ∂b ∂ 2 a ∂ a ∂b − + − +z ∂z ∂z∂z ∂z ∂z∂z ∂z 2 ∂z ∂z 2 ∂z ∂b ∂a ∂a ∂b − +4zz(1 − zz)2 ∂z ∂z ∂z ∂z ∂b ∂a ∂a ∂b 2 − , −2(1 − zz) ∂z ∂z ∂z ∂z and i ({a, Δb} + {Δa, b}) 8π 2 ∂b ∂ 3 a ∂a ∂ 3 b ∂a ∂ 3 b ∂b ∂ 3 a + − − = (1 − zz)4 ∂z ∂z∂z 2 ∂z ∂z 2 ∂z ∂z ∂z 2 ∂z ∂z ∂z∂z 2 ∂a ∂ 2 b ∂b ∂ 2 a ∂b ∂ 2 a ∂a ∂ 2 b − +z − . − 2(1 − zz)3 z ∂z ∂z∂z ∂z ∂z∂z ∂z ∂z∂z ∂z ∂z∂z Thus we have finally

ah bh − bh ah



h2 i ih i i {a, b} + Δ{a, b} + 2 {a, Δb} + 2 {Δa, b} 2π 2 8π 2 8π 8π i + {a, b} + o(h2 ) π 2 i {a, b}i (Δ{a, b} + {a, Δb} + {Δa, b} + 8π{a, b}) 4 +o(2 ), (B.4.13)

where the Poisson bracket { , } and the Laplace-Beltrami operator Δ in coordinates (z, z) are given by (B.2.2) and by (B.2.3), respectively. Note that, in particular, one has ( ah bh − bh ah )(z, z) = i {a, b} + O(2 ).


The three-term asymptotic expansion of the commutator is obtained by substituting of the expressions for partial derivatives of the function c1 calculated at the origin to (B.4.12) and by doing the symbolic calculations in MatLab 6.5.


Appendix B. Berezin Quantization on the Unit Disk The final result is as follows: ah

ah bh − bh

h2 i ih i {a, b} + {a, b} (Δ{a, b} + {a, Δb} + {Δa, b}) + 2π 2 8π 2 π i {Δa, Δb} + {a, Δ2 b} + {Δ2 a, b} + h3 192π 3 + Δ2 {a, b} + Δ{a, Δb} + Δ{Δa, b} 7i i {a, b} + o(h3 ) + (Δ{a, b} + {a, Δb} + {Δa, b}) + 48π 2 2π 2 = i {a, b} + i (Δ{a, b} + {a, Δb} + {Δa, b} + 8π{a, b}) 4 3 1 {Δa, Δb} + {a, Δ2 b} + {Δ2 a, b} + Δ2 {a, b} +i 24 + Δ{a, Δb} + Δ{Δa, b} + 28π (Δ{a, b} + {a, Δb} + {Δa, b}) 2 + 96π2 {a, b} + o(3 ),


where the Poisson bracket { , } and the Laplace-Beltrami operator Δ in coordinates (z, z) are given by (B.2.2) and by (B.2.3), respectively.

Bibliographical Remarks Chapter 1. Preliminaries The notion of locally equivalent operators and localization theory were introduced and developed by I. Simonenko in [177, 178]. Without pretending to be complete we mention as well different approaches to the local principle by G. R. Allan [7, 8], R. Douglas [58, 59], I. Gohberg and N. Krupnik [85], V. Pilidi [159], S. Roch and B. Silbermann [169]. We mention as well the works by J. Dauns and K. H. Hofmann [54], M. J. Dupr´ ´e [60], J. M. G. Fell [77], K. H. Hofmann [103], M. Takesaki and J. Tomiyama [195], J. Varela [197], and N. B. Vasiliev [218] dedicated to the description of algebras and rings in terms of continuous sections. These two directions have been developing independently, and there have been no links between these two series of papers. Our approach is based on general constructions of [54, 103] and results of [197]. It has been presented in a short note [204], as a part of Section 2 in [205], and in [198]. The description of the C ∗ -algebra generated by two orthogonal projections (or by two self-adjoint idempotents) was understood in the last third of the previous century by many authors (see, for example, S. Borac [28], R. Douglas [57], T. Fink, S. Roch, and B. Silbermann [78], P. Halmos [98], G. K. Pedersen [153], I. Raeburn and A. M. Sinclair [165], I. Va˘ ˘ıs [196], N. Vasilevski [200], N. Vasilevski and I. Spitkovsky [216], Y. Weiss [220]). We follow here the papers [198, 200]. The C ∗ -algebra generated by more than two orthogonal projections is wild in general. At the same time under some special relations among the projections the algebra can be described (see, for example, A. B¨¨ottcher, I. Gohberg, Yu. Karlovich, N. Krupnik, S. Roch, B. Silbermann, and I. Spitkovsky [29], Yu. I. Karlovich and L. Pessoa [114], Yu. P. Moskaleva and Yu. S. Samo˘ ˘ılenko [147], V. S. Sunder [194], N. L. Vasilevski [206]). Studying the C ∗ -algebra generated by more than two orthogonal projections we follow [206].

Chapter 2. Prologue There are many excellent sources where the Bergman space and the Bergman projection are treated. We mention here the book [26] of S. Bergman himself and the books by R. Courant [45], A. Dzhuraev [64], H. Hedenmalm, B. Korenblum, and


Bibliographical Remarks

K. Zhu [102], W. Rudin [170], K. Zhu [240]. Describing the Bergman space, the Bergman kernel function, and the Bergman projection we follow mainly A. Dzhuraev [64]. The properties of two-dimensional integral operators mentioned in Section 2.4 are taken from N. Vekua [219]. The description of the algebra generated by the Bergman projection and piece-wise continuous coefficients is taken from the author’s papers [202, 203]. The irreducibility of the algebra genetated by Toeplitz operators with continuous defining symbols and the structure of this algebra were established by L. Coburn [42]. Toeplitz operators with piece-wise continuous defining symbols were treated by G. McDonald [141] and N. Vasilevski [200, 201]. The criterion of compactness of Toeplitz operators with bounded defining symbols was obtained, among other results, by S. Axler and D. Zheng [12].

Chapter 3. Bergman and Poly-Bergman Spaces Studying middle Hankel type operators Q. Jiang and L. Peng [108] obtained a direct sum decomposition of the weighted L2 space on the upper half-plane. Their study was based on the admissible wavelet technique. Our approach to a direct sum decomposition of the L2 space onto the poly-Bergman type spaces is based on the author’s papers [208, 212]. The definitions of the poly-Bergman type spaces are taken from M. B. Balk [17], M. B. Balk and M. F. Zuev [18], A. Dzhuraev [63, 64]. A connection between the two-dimensional singular integral operators and the poly-Bergman type projections were studied by A. Dzhuraev [63, 64], J. Ram´rez and I. Spitkovsky [167], Yu. I. Karlovich and L. Pessoa [115], N. Vasilevski [215]. Our presentation is based on [215].

Chapter 4. Bergman Type Spaces on the Unit Disk The decomposition of the space L2 (D) into a direct sum of Bergman type spaces was obtained by L. Peng, R. Rochberg, and Z. Wu in [154]. Our presentation is based on [211, 212]. See also the related papers by J. He and L. Peng [101], L. Peng and C. X. Xu [155], L. Peng and G. Zhang [156].

Chapter 5. Toeplitz Operators with Commutative Symbol Algebras We follow here the author’s papers [207, 212]. The maximal C ∗ -algebra of defining symbols for which the semi-commutator of two Toeplitz operators is compact was described by D. Sarason [172, 173] for the Hardy space setting and by K. Zhu [237, 240] for the Bergman space setting.

Chapter 6. Toeplitz Operators on the Unit Disk with Radial Symbols Toeplitz operators with bounded radial defining symbols were studied by B. Korenblum and K. Zhu in [120]. They found two important properties of such operators: the diagonal form of Toeplitz operators with respect to the standard monomial

Bibliographical Remarks


basis in A2 (D) and the criterion for their compactness. Different aspects of the theory of Toeplitz operators with radial defining symbols were studied in the papers by S. Grudsky, A. Karapetyants, and N. Vasilevski [87, 90] S. Grudsky and N. Vasilevski [92], A. Karapetyants and A. Golikov [112], Y. Lu [134], K. Stroethoff [181], N. Vasilevski [211, 212], Q. Xu [224], N. Zorboska [242] in the context of the Bergman space, in Y. Lee [125], J. Miao [144], K. Stroethoff [182] in the context of the harmonic Bergman space, and in S. Grudsky and N. Vasilevski [95], Sangadji and K. Stroethoff [171] in the context of the Fock space. In this chapter we follow the papers by S. Grudsky and N. Vasilevski [92] and N. Vasilevski [212].

Chapter 7. Toeplitz Operators with Homogeneous Symbols The commutativity property for Toeplitz operators with defining symbols homogeneous on the upper half-plane was established by N. Vasilevski [214]. The C ∗ algebra generated by the Bergman projection and the multiplication operators by piece-wise continuous functions having more than two limit values at the boundary points of discontinuity was studied by M. Loaiza [131]. Toeplitz operators with defining symbols having more than two limit values at the boundary points of discontinuity were studied by M. Loaiza [132]. Describing the above we use a distinct approach; some facts presented in this chapter have never been published previously. An analysis of Toeplitz operators with defining symbols homogeneous of zero order was done by N. Vasilevski [199].

Chapter 8. Anatomy of the Algebra Generated by Toeplitz Operators with Piece-wise Continuous Symbols In this chapter we follow the papers by S. Grudsky and N. Vasilevski [93, 94]. The necessary information on pseudodifferential operators with compound symbols and Theorem 8.6.4 are taken from Yu. Karlovich [113]. Theorem 8.7.2 is taken from V. Dybin and S. Grudsky [61].

Chapter 9. Commuting Toeplitz Operators and Hyperbolic Geometry This chapter is based on the paper [214]. The notion of the Bergman metric and its elementary properties are taken from the books by S. Bergman [26], B. V. Shabat [176], K. Zhu [240]. Describing M¨ o¨bius transformations, their properties and required facts from the hyperbolic geometry we follow the book by A. F. Beardon [21].

Chapter 10. Weighted Bergman Spaces The definition and basic properties of weighted Bergman spaces parameterized by λ ∈ (−1, ∞) and the corresponding Bergman projections are taken from the books


Bibliographical Remarks

by H. Hedenmalm, B. Korenblum, and K. Zhu [102], K.Zhu [240]. The description of weighted Bergman spaces parameterized by h ∈ (0, 1) is taken from the book by F. Berezin [25]. A majority of the results of Sections 10.3 and 10.4 are taken from the papers by S. Grudsky, A. Karapetyants, and N. Vasilevski [88, 89].

Chapter 11. Commutative Algebras of Toeplitz Operators We follow here the paper by S. Grudsky, R. Quiriga-Barranco, and N. Vasilevski (λ) (λ) [91]. The idea of considering Tz Tz in the proof of Lemma 11.2.1 was inspired by the L. Coburn paper [44]. The general concept of quantization and the quantization on the unit disk was introduced and studied by F. Berezin in [23]. The notion of jet and its elementary properties are taken from the books by I. Kol´ a´r, ˇ P. Michor, and J. Slovak ´ [119] and D. Saunders [174]. The definitions, properties and results from differential geometry used in the chapter are taken from the books by W. Klingenberg [118] and B. O’Nell [151].

Chapters 12, 13, and 14. Dynamics of Properties of Toeplitz Operators In these chapters we follow the papers by S. Grudsky, A. Karapetyants, and N. Vasilevski [90, 89, 88], respectively. See also [217]. The definition of the limit set of a family of sets is taken from the book by R. Hagen, S. Roch, and B. Silbermann [97].

Appendix A. Coherent states and Berezin transform The definition of coherent states and their properties are given, for example, in the books by S. T. Ali, J.-P. Antoine, and J.-P. Gazeau [6], F. Berezin [25], J. R. Klauder, B.-S. Skagerstam (editors) [117], A. M. Perelomov [158]. The notion of the numerical spectrum and its properties is taken from P. Halmos [99]. Berezin’s definition of the Berezin transform can be found in F. Berezin [25]. The properties of the Berezin transform are taken from the book by H. Hedenmalm, B. Korenblum, and K. Zhu [102].

Appendix B. Berezin Quantization on the Unit Disk The quantization procedure described in this chapter was introduced by F. Berezin in [22, 24, 23, 25]; see also M. Englis [70]. For quantization on the unit disk see F. Berezin’s works [23, 25]. For the reader’s benefit we have included in the Bibliography a substantial number of papers devoted to aspects of the theory of Toeplitz operators which are not necessarily connected with the main content of the book. We present our honest apologies to those whose papers were unintentionally omitted.

Bibliographical Remarks


We mention as well a number of papers devoted to multidimensional extensions of some results presented. The paper by S. Grudsky, A. Karapetyants, and N. Vasilevski [87] treats the Toeplitz operators with radial defining symbols on the unit ball, R. Quiroga-Barranco and N. Vasilevski [161] describes the commutative algebras of Toeplitz operators on the Reinhardt domains, R. Quiroga-Barranco and N. Vasilevski [162, 163] contain the classification of the commutative algebras of Toeplitz operators on the unit ball, and the author’s papers [209, 210] study the commutative algebras of Toeplitz operators on the tube domains.

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List of Figures 1 2 3

Three types of pencils of geodesics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xxiv (λ) The hypocycloid and sp Ta for λ = 0, λ = 5, λ = 12, and λ = 200. xxviii (λ) (λ) The spectra sp Ta1 and sp Ta2 for λ = 0, λ = 10, and λ = 1000. . xxix

2.1 2.2 2.3

An example of a domain D with a curve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . γ The sets D, , and X = ∪m p=1 Δp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The set M = X ∪μ Y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


From the upper half-plane to the unit disk. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109


The angles (θ1 , θ2 ) left to right: (0.48π, 0.52π), (0.4π, 0.6π), (0.3π, 0.7π), (0.2π, 0.8π), (0.1π, 0.9π). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 An example of a curve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152 The sets D, γ , and X = ∪m q=1 Δq . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156 The set M = X ∪μ Y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156 Left to right, curves: a.1, a.2, and b.1, b.2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159 Left to right, curves: c.1, c.2, and d.1, d.2, d.3. . . . . . . . . . . . 161 Spectra of TaA,Λ for three-limit-values defining symbols. . . . . . . 166 Spectra of TaA,Λ for five-limit-values defining symbols (pentagon and triangle). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167 Spectra of TaA,Λ for five-limit-values defining symbols (pentagon and quadrangle). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168

7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 7.8 7.9

9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6

Parabolic pencil and corresponding horocycles. . Elliptic pencil and corresponding cycles. . . . . . Hyperbolic pencil and corresponding hypercycles. Parabolic transformation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Elliptic transformation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hyperbolic transformation. . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . .

. . . . . .

. . . . . .

. . . . . .

. . . . . .

. . . . . .

. . . . . .

. . . . . .

. . . . . .

. . . . . .

54 55 56

222 223 223 224 225 226

12.1 The images of γa1 ,λ for λ = 0, λ = 5, λ = 12, and λ = 200. . . . . . 317 12.2 The images of γa1 ,λ for λ = 0, λ = 4, λ = 40, and λ = 200. . . . . . 321


List of Figures

12.3 Formation of the circles n = 0, 1, 3 for λ = 0, 1, . . . , 20000, and the limit set M∞ (a). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 324 12.4 The sequence γa,λ = {γa,λ (n)} for λ = 100000 and the limit set M∞ (a). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 327 13.1 The functions γa1 ,λ (x) and γa2 ,λ (x) for λ = 0, λ = 10, and λ = 1000.346 14.1 The function γa,λ for γa,λ for λ = 0, λ = 5, λ = 12, and λ = 200. . 355 14.2 The symbol a(θ), the function γa,λ for λ = 1, λ = 10, λ = 70, λ = 500, and the limit set M∞ (a). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 359

Index C ∗ -algebra defined by a C ∗ -bundle, 2 generated by all-but-one projections, 26, 32 generated by two idempotents, 17, 18 generated by two orthogonal projections, 20 irreducible representation of, 13 C ∗ -bundle, 1 defined by a C ∗ -algebra and its system of ideals, 7 ∗ -bundle topology, 7 n-analytic function, 73 true, 74 n-anti-analytic function, 73 true, 75 anti-Wick symbol, 363 Berezin quantization, 373 on the unit disk, 375 Berezin transform, 62, 237, 364, 367, 369, 376 Bergman (hyperbolic) distance, 104 Bergman (metric) disk, 104, 216 Bergman (metric) distance, 216 Bergman kernel function, 35 integral representation, 41 on the unit disk, 36 weighted, 236 on the upper half-plane, 37 representation via Green function, 39 weighted, 234

Bergman metric, 216 mean oscillation, 104 on the unit disk, 104, 216 Bergman projection, 37 in terms of singular integral operators, 43 on the unit disk, 89 weighted, 235, 236 on the upper half-plane, 66 weighted, 240 Bergman space, 34 of anti-analytic functions, 71, 94 of anti-poly-analytic functions, 73 of poly-analytic functions, 73 on the unit disk weighted, 233, 235 on the upper half-plane weighted, 238 bundle, 1 section of, 1 Calkin algebra, 8 Choi algebra, 21 coherent state, 361 in the Bergman space, 367 correspondence principle, 271, 376 Cuntz algebra, 28 cycle, 222 defining symbol, 34, 57 Fourier transform, 66, 82, 244 discrete, 90, 241 inverse, 90

416 inverse, 82 Fredholm symbol, 34 Fredholm symbol algebra, 8, 47, 54, 117, 152 Frenet frame, 277, 279 function γa for radial symbols, 122 for symbols depending on θ, 138 for symbols depending on y, 105 function γa,λ for radial symbols, 250, 294 for symbols depending on θ, 258, 349 for symbols depending on y, 254, 329 geodesic curvature of horocycle, 282 geodesic curvature, 277, 280 of elliptic cycle, 282 of hypercycle, 282 Hardy space, 113 on the exterior of the unit disk, 96, 100 on the lower half-plane, 72 on the unit disk, 94, 99 on the upper half-plane, 65, 69, 71, 207, 300 horocycle, 222 hyperbolic geodesic, 221 pencil of, 222 elliptic, 222 hyperbolic, 222 parabolic, 222 hyperbolic metric, 104, 278 hypercycle, 222 irrational rotation algebra, 28 jet, 273 space of, 273 k-rich, 273 Koszul formula, 277

Index Laguerre polynomial, 73 Laplace-Beltrami operator, 271, 276, 370, 375 Levi-Civita connection, 278 local algebra, 8 local principle general, 8 of Douglas-Varela, 10, 12 Mobius ¨ transformation, 217 commuting, 220 elliptic, 219 action of, 225 hyperbolic, 219 action of, 225 of the unit disk, 218 of the upper half-plane, 218 parabolic, 219 action of, 224 Mellin transform, 135, 248 inverse, 136, 248 numerical range, 365 operators R and R∗ for model elliptic pencil, 93 for model hyperbolic pencil, 137 for model parabolic pencil, 70, 71 operators Rλ and Rλ∗ for model elliptic pencil, 243, 244 for model hyperbolic pencil, 249, 250 for model parabolic pencil, 246, 247 orthogonal projections all-but-one, 23 in generic position, 24 two in generic position, 18 Poincar´ ´e metric, 216 Poisson bracket, 270, 375 Poisson formula, 368

Index quasi-compact, 3 quasi-completely regular, 3 Schatten class, 305 Schwarz-Christoffel symbol, 276, 279 singular integral operator one-dimensional, 88 two-dimensional, 43 for the upper half-plane, 82 symplectic form, 270, 375 Toeplitz operator, 57, 363 defining symbol of, 57 invariant subspaces, 261 spectrum, 261 tubular neighborhood, 2 Wick symbol, 62, 364 of Toeplitz operator, 237, 271 with radial symbol, 134, 253 with symbol depending on θ, 259 with symbol depending on y, 256 star product, 237, 271, 367 for radial symbols, 254 for symbols depending on θ, 260 for symbols depending on y, 258 three term asymptotic expansion, 272, 390 two term asymptotic expansion, 389 two term asymptotic expansion, 380


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