Current Student Quicklinks (2025)

Academic Calendars

  • Undergraduate
  • Graduate Studies
  • Accelerated Undergraduate

Academic Support

  • Undergraduate
  • Graduate Studies
  • Accelerated Undergraduate

Additional Resources

Current Student Quicklinks (1)

myPLNU App

myPLNU is Loma's one-stop resource for all the tools and info students need to succeed at PLNU — from clubs and activities to academics and much more.

Current Student Quicklinks (2)

Student Financial Services

An education is one ofmost meaningful purchases you can make. Whether you are an undergraduate student, a graduate student, or an adult degree completion student, we have resources and support to help you achieve your goals.

Learn More

Current Student Quicklinks (3)

Campus Dining

Your PLNU experience is more than great food. It's about a community experience centered on culinary expertise, fresh ingredients,healthy options, and a shared sense of environmental and social responsibility. Check out PLNU dining to learn more about all your food options on campus.

Current Student Quicklinks (4)


Visit the official PLNU bookstore — your source for textbooks, apparel, school supplies, and more!

Current Student Quicklinks (5)


Access your Canvas dashboard where you can view your grades and course content, submit assignments, and keep track of upcomingcoursework.

Log onto Canvas

Current Student Quicklinks (6)

Undergraduate Career Services

We are committed to working with students to identify their strengths and develop their talents. That's why we have our dedicated on-campus Career Services with personalized career coaches.Our coaches areequipped with tips on designing a purposeful career, developing your God-given strengths, creating a killer resume, and connecting with employers!

Check out Career Services

Current Student Quicklinks (7)


Ouronline catalog is the official document relative toacademic program offerings and charges. If you want to see descriptions of your courses or check out classes to take next semester, this is the place to go.

View the Catalog

Current Student Quicklinks (8)


Manage all your PLNU announcements, invitations, and communications here.

Current Student Quicklinks (9)

Institutional Review Board

The Institutional Review Board (IRB)serves our campus community by ensuring that all research involving human participants meet or exceed federal guidelines governing such research.

Learn More about the IRB

Current Student Quicklinks (10)

Public Safety

PLNU's Department of PublicSafetyis a private security organization dedicated to the safety and security of the campus community.

Learn More

Current Student Quicklinks (11)


Whether you needto check your transfer credits, obtain PLNU transcripts, or make sure you're on track to graduate, the Office of Records is your go-to for everything related to your academic record.

Visit Records

Current Student Quicklinks (12)

Residential Life & Housing

Living in a residence hall as an undergraduate is a challenging, yet rewarding way to live out our commitment to being a Christian community. By clicking on the link below, you'll find information onour residence halls and apartments, the housing process, how to become an RA, and what it means to fully immerse in the on-campus experience."

Check out ResLife

Current Student Quicklinks (13)

Ryan Library

Ryan Library offers a multitude of resources for students – from checking out books, to printing stations, online databases, citationhelp, and group or individual study areas.

Learn More

Current Student Quicklinks (14)

Shuttle Schedules

We operateboth an on-campus and off-campus shuttle – providing transportation for PLNU students needing to catch a ride back to their room, the grocery store, or anywhere in between!

Current Student Quicklinks (15)

Student Life and Formation

PLNU provides ministry opportunities both on and off campus, and a place where students can ask questions, share life, and live missionally. Whether you prefer small group settings, service projects, missions, or music — we've got you covered.

Students with our regional centers also have the convenience of dedicated on-site chaplains available.

Visit Student Life and FormationVisit Graduate Student Life and Formation

Current Student Quicklinks (16)

Student Handbook

In order to truly understand a university, you must understand its purpose. Our student handbook goes into detail about what PLNU is all about.

Read the Undergraduate Student HandbookRead the Graduate and Professional Studies Student Handbook

Current Student Quicklinks (17)

Loma Writing Center

The Loma Writing Center exists to help all members of the PLNU community cultivate transferable writing skills to engage their academic, professional, personal, and spiritual communities. We work toward this goal by conducting one-on-one consultation sessions, supporting writing education across the PLNU community, and participating in ongoing writing center research.

Learn More

Current Student Quicklinks (18)

Wellness Center

The Wellness Center focuses on emotional and physical health, as well as preventive health education, by providing an array of services to undergraduate students at PLNU.

Check out the Wellness Center

Current Student Quicklinks (19)


Workday is your personalized website at Point Loma Nazarene University.

Current Student Quicklinks (20)

Study Abroad

Every PLNU student has the opportunity to study abroad. It can be affordable, accessible and achievable. With early planning, anyone can do it. We encourage you to maximize your time at PLNU by engaging in faculty-led, semester, summer, or year-long program options provided by PLNU’s partnerships with reputable overseas institutions and affiliates in locations around the world.

Learn More

Current Student Quicklinks (2025)
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Article information

Author: Cheryll Lueilwitz

Last Updated:

Views: 5747

Rating: 4.3 / 5 (54 voted)

Reviews: 85% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-12-23

Address: 4653 O'Kon Hill, Lake Juanstad, AR 65469

Phone: +494124489301

Job: Marketing Representative

Hobby: Reading, Ice skating, Foraging, BASE jumping, Hiking, Skateboarding, Kayaking

Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.