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  • Giant anomalous Hall effect in a ferromagnetic kagome-lattice semimetal (2024)


    What is the ferromagnetic Kagome lattice? ›

    In solid-state physics, the kagome metal or kagome magnet is a type of ferromagnetic quantum material. The atomic lattice in a kagome magnet has layered overlapping triangles and large hexagonal voids, akin to the kagome pattern in traditional Japanese basket-weaving.

    What is the ferromagnetic quantum anomalous hall effect? ›

    The quantum anomalous Hall effect (QAHE), featured by a quantized Hall conductance at zero magnetic field and the topologically protected chiral edge states, has been widely studied in recent years [1–3].

    What is the anomalous hall effect in a collinear antiferromagnet? ›

    To date, an anomalous Hall current in collinear antiferromagnets has been experimentally identified only as a consequence of canting of the magnetic moments by an applied magnetic field, or due to a field-induced spin-flip transition into a ferromagnetic state6,25,26.

    What is the anomalous hall effect in magnetization? ›

    When magnetic field is applied to a metal in which current is flowing, a transverse electrical current appears. This is the so-called classical Hall effect. In some magnetic materials a transverse current appears even in absence of external magnetic field, an effect known as the anomalous Hall effect (AHE)1.

    What is a kagome lattice? ›

    The Kagome lattice consists of corner-sharing triangles and is characterised by a large degree of geometric frustration, which becomes visible for instance in an antiferromagnetic Heisenberg model: while two of the three spins can be antiparallel, the third one is frustrated—both possible configurations will always ...

    What are the materials in kagome lattice? ›

    Here, there are mainly two categories of kagome materials: magnetic kagome materials and nonmagnetic ones. On one hand, magnetic kagome materials mainly focus on the 3d transition-metal-based kagome systems, including Fe3Sn2, Co3Sn2S2, YMn6Sn6, FeSn, and CoSn.

    What is Hall effect in ferromagnetic materials? ›

    Synopsis. Apart from the normal Hall voltage a magnetized ferromagnetic material usually shows a relatively large extra voltage in the same direction, which can be found by linear extrapolation to B=O. It is shown that this spontaneous Hall effect cannot exist in a perfectly periodic lattice.

    What is the anomalous effect? ›

    The anomalous photovoltaic effect (APE) is a type of a photovoltaic effect which occurs in certain semiconductors and insulators. The "anomalous" refers to those cases where the photovoltage (i.e., the open-circuit voltage caused by the light) is larger than the band gap of the corresponding semiconductor.

    What is the quantum anomalous Hall effect? ›

    The integer quantum anomalous Hall (QAH) effect is a lattice analogue of the quantum Hall effect at zero magnetic field1,2,3. This phenomenon occurs in systems with topologically non-trivial bands and spontaneous time-reversal symmetry breaking.

    What is the difference between Hall effect and anomalous Hall effect? ›

    The Hall effect is a very powerful tool for characterizing materials. In addition to the ordinary Hall effect (OHE) that is present in semiconductors and metals, there is an additional voltage proportional to the magnetization1 called the anomalous Hall effect (AHE) in magnetic materials.

    What is the physics behind the Hall effect? ›

    The Hall effect is the deflection of electrons (holes) in an n-type (p-type) semiconductor with current flowing perpendicular to a magnetic field. The deflection of these charged carriers sets up a voltage, called the Hall voltage, whose polarity depends on the effective charge of the carrier.

    What does the Hall effect depend on? ›

    The sign of the Hall coefficient is determined by the polarity of the charge carriers: a negative sign implies carriers with a negative charge ("normal Hall effect"), and a positive sign indicates carriers with a positive charge ("anomalous Hall effect").

    What is the equation for the anomalous Hall effect? ›

    As discussed in the introduction, the Hall resistivity of a ferromagnet is described by ρxy = RoB + Rs4πM, where the second term is the anomalous contribution to the Hall resistivity.

    What is the quantum anomalous hall effect in topological insulators? ›

    The quantum Hall (QH) effect, quantized Hall resistance combined with zero longitudinal resistance, is the characteristic experimental fingerprint of Chern insulators - topologically non-trivial states of two-dimensional matter with broken time-reversal symmetry.

    What is the Hall effect of magnetization? ›

    When a magnetic field is applied to a flowing current, it creates a weak but measurable voltage. This is the Hall effect. This movement of electrons results in a weak but measurable potential difference, or voltage, perpendicular both to the current flow and the applied magnetic field.

    What is the Bravais lattice of Kagome? ›

    The kagome lattice is a triangular Bravais lattice with a 3-point basis labelled l = 1, 2, 3; a1 = ˆ x and a2 = (ˆ x + √ 3ˆy3ˆy)/2 are the basis vectors. In the metallic kagome lattice F e3Sn2, spin-orbit coupling arises from the electric field due to the Sn ion at the center of the hexagon.

    What is superconductivity in kagome lattice? ›

    It has been argued that the kagome lattice can host a variety of unconventional pairing superconducting states, including the d + id chiral superconductor (SC) [26–28] and f-wave spin-triplet SC [29], among others. However, superconducting kagome materials are rare in nature.

    What is ferromagnetic crystal? ›

    Ferromagnet crystals have the magnetic moments from all their constituent ions aligned in the same direction; the magnetic moment of the crystal is the summation of the individual moments of the ions. There must be a magnetic force between the different ions that causes them to cooperatively align their moments.

    What is the magnetic lattice structure? ›

    The magnetic structure is an incommensurate modulated 2D structure with q = 0.4 along the c-axis (Selte et al., 1972). Rodriguez et al. (2011) reported results from neutron powder diffraction (NPD) studies of FeAs, yielding an incommensurate modulated spin structure with q = 0.395 along the c-axis at 4 K.

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